Uploaded by Sarah Kendrick

Learning Rubric: Food Webs & Ecosystems

Learning Rubric
Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding
Learning Goals
independently create
Can develop a
a model of a food
basic model to
web. There are
describe the flow of
many errors in the
energy in an
model and further
review of the
concept is needed.
understanding of
ecosystems and
energy flow to
explanations about
the food web
independently apply
understanding of
ecosystems and
energy flow to
answer questions
about their food web
model. Answers are
not present or have
many inaccuracies.
Attempts to create a
food web model but
there are
inaccuracies. Arrows
point the wrong
direction, producers
and consumers are
inaccurately labeled,
or there are not
enough organisms.
Can independently
make an accurate
model of a food web.
The food web has at
least 10 organisms,
accurate energy
flow, and all
organisms labeled
with accurate labels.
Can independently
make an accurate
model of a food web
as well as teach
others. The food web
has more than 10
organisms and many
connections showing
energy flow. The
model demonstrates
higher level thinking
and complexity.
Can accurately apply
Can begin to apply
understanding of
understanding of
food chains, the
Can accurately apply
food chains, the
relationship between
understanding of
relationship between
abiotic and biotic
food chains, the
abiotic and biotic
factors, as well as
relationship between
factors, as well as
energy flow in
abiotic and biotic
energy flow in
ecosystems to
factors, as well as
ecosystems to
answer questions
energy flow in
answer questions
about their food web
ecosystems to
about their food web
model. Can make
answer questions
model. There may
higher level
about their food web
be gaps in
connections and
explanations or they
connect answers to
may be too vague.
prior knowledge or
Study collections