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Jomalyn Paras Grade 12 Humss 3-Zamora
Critique paper
relativity of wrong by American scientist Isaac Asimov. The main
point/argument of the article "he argues that physics theories are never really
right or wrong”. Sir Isaac Asimov argues that the physics theories are never
really right or wrong: rather what happens is that theories gradually get
improved in such a way that they are always a bit less wrong than the previous
version. He made that article to say or prove that the scientist's theory is not
wrong and it is also not right. They can not say their theories right away just
because they want to so they need strong evidence to prove and trust of people.
Sir Isaac Asimov wrote that article to describe the theories of the former
scientists what are its shapes and characteristics of our world. This article
revolves around how they saw the characteristics of the earth or our world.
The earth shape is flat? There were reason to find that the earth theory
unsatisfactory and about 350 B. C the great philosopher Aristotle summarized
them. First certain stars disappeared beyond the southern hemisphere as one
travelled north. Second the earth shadow on the moon during lunar eclipse
was always the arc of a circle. Third here on earth itself ships disappeared
beyond the horizon. All those three theories can't explained it the earth sphere
but it could be explained by assuming the earth to be sphere
When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you
think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth
is flat, then your view is wronged than both of them put together."
Is the earth oblate spheroid? Even the oblate-spheroidal notion of the
earth is wrong, strictly speaking. In 1958, when the satellite Vanguard I was
put into orbit about the earth, it was able to measure the local gravitational
pull of the earth--and therefore its shape--with unprecedented precision. It
turned out that the equatorial bulge south of the equator was slightly bulgier
than the bulge north of the equator, and that the South Pole sea level was
slightly nearer the center of the earth than the North Pole sea level was.
all the theories of scientists seem realistic and it has strong evidence, it is
also said that it can also be spherical shape now and cubical in the next
the strengths of this article are to explain it one by one the theories have
enough details the theories mentioned such as spherical, flat and oblate
spheroid shapes it has enough details given and it is dense in information I do
not have visible weakness of this article
Obviously this article is not as complicated and difficult to understand as
the writer explains in the article. Such as clarifying and understanding the
reader. Such as providing a theory with sufficient and strong evidence that can
be presented to prove the theory of various scientists. My comment on this
article is even more persuasive and there are so many supporting details in this
article you can easily understand it.