Uploaded by Olga Iasinciuc

The chalenges of teaching profession

The challenge of teaching profession
There are people who think, that being a teacher is easy and that
profession doesn’t include too much efforts. But, these views don’t
correspond to reality, because teaching profession involves
overcoming a lot of challenges.
First of all, teachers have to be very competent, that means
teachers have to posses many qualities and abilities. Teachers have to
be intelligent, tolerant to young people, understanding, responsible,
confident, all-rounded, versatile in mind and hand, well-organized and
it is a benefit if they posses managerial skills.
The second point is that teachers have to be very resistant
physically, mentally and emotionally, because they have to work a lot
before classes start, during lessons and after lessons. They plan their
lessons, which take a lot of time, make posters or worksheets, assign
homework and class projects. After class teachers grade papers and
projects, make tests, write student’s report cards or help with other
after-school activities. All these activities make teachers get extremely
tired. Haven’t you forgotten teachers are human being too?
The third moment is that teachers have to be able to deal not just
with pupils, but also with the director of the school where they work,
with their colleagues and with parents, who they meet to try to help
their children to do better in school.
And the last challenge is created by the technological boom, which
oblige teachers adapt to this situation and be ready to teach
themselves and their pupils how to use new devices and how to utilize
many electronic applications, useful in teaching process.
So, now, after presenting all this facts, do still think, that teachers
are people who does nothing?