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Apprenticeship Career Assignment: Ontario Trades Research

Apprenticeship Career Assignment
Apprenticeship training provides access to well-paying careers that demand
a high level of skills, judgment, and creativity. In order to have a deeper
understanding of the many apprenticeship trades that are available, students will
research an apprenticeship trade and answer the following questions provided. All
work must be submitted on time and cited.
All your researched information must be stated in your own words (no cut
and paste) and must pertain to the province of Ontario. Students can use the
internet for all the research, and if possible, speak to someone in the field to get
answers to some of the questions listed. You have a week to complete the
assignment, it will be due Friday January 29th by 4pm.
Questions to be answered in you essay:
1. How long does it take to get your certification, explain?
2. Describe the working environment, hours worked per week?
3. List any specialty of tools required for that trade?
4. Explain all the different specialties for that one particular trade?
5. What is the annual salary or average hourly wage and how is it structured for
apprentices? Explain the break down of the annual salary or hourly wage.
6. Explain the role of the union, if relevant?
7. What level of education is needed, and are there certain subjects that are
Prerequisites for that career?
8. List specific colleges with courses offered for that trade.