WHISPERED INTERPRETING ( C H U C H O TA G E ) DITHA NAPRIDA MURTY (1704089) FADIATUS SALAMAH (1702277) GHAYATRI ANANDHIA PUTRI (1704446) SAPPHIRA AURELIA SETIADI (1702334) WHAT IS WHISPERED/CHUCHOTAGE INTERPRETING? • A form of simultaneous interpreting • Used in circumstance where the majority of a group speak source language • The interpreter isn’t really whispered but speaking using a low voice to avoid distracting the speaker and other event participants • The interpreter should sit or standing near participant • This method requires no equipment but may done via headphone or microphone if the participants prefer ADVANTAGES & DISADAVANTAGES Advantages: • Doesn’t require any special equipment • Doesn’t extend the duration of event Disadvantages: • It isn’t appropriate for multiple people or language • It isn’t appropriate if participant expect to join the discussion • May distract since using no equipment (both interpreter and the participant) TIPS & TRICKS 1. Anticipate 2. Keep sharp brain 3. Understand culture 4. Control the voice 1. Anticipate 2. Keep sharp brain 5. Stay calm 3. Understand culture 4. Control the voice 5. Stay calm EXAMPLE OF CHUCHOTAGE THANK YOU! F O R YO U R AT T E N T I O N ; )