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Construction Quality: Introduction to TQM

Construction industry is a pillar of economy for every country including India. It is time
bound and employs huge resources of men, material and machinery. As a result it
break through has greatly influenced the construction industry. Construction sector has
undergone severe cycle changes day by day. Construction contributes to the growth of
many related industries such as manufacturing of construction material, cement, pipes,
sanitary wares, tiles, ready mix concrete, etc. Besides from being an important asset that
generates profit to the country, construction encourages the development of human
resources and generates more employment than other industrial sectors.
Considering the significance of construction, it is necessary to identify major issues
affecting the efficiency of this sector. The poor state of technology adopted by the
construction industry in many countries as well as fragmented relation between
construction cost and time delay which in turn affects the quality. Many clients now-a-
price and the time of delivering a final product of required quality.
Now-a-days, management of construction companies is focusing on quality issue on a
competitive edge. Delivering projects that satisfied client requirement has become a
main priority in order to maintain business relationships and hence the construction
industry should develop standards during every stage in order to deliver satisfactory
In general, the quality may be defined as the ability of product or service to satisfy
customers. As per international standard, the characteristics ability to satisfy stated and
implied needs is defined as quality. The definition for the term quality given by various
authors and authorities are presented in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Definition of Quality
Author /
ISO 9000
Aims at the needs of the customer, present and
Conformance to requirements
Characteristics ability to satisfy stated and
implied needs
Conformance to specifications
Construction quality can be viewed as one part of a triangle as shown in Fig.1.1. The cost
level as planned should be maintained by the contractor; at required level of quality
schedule deadlines should meet. Balance should be maintained between the three aspects
since they define the project scope. The component quality must be disregarded in favour
of increased cost savings and time reductions.
Fig. 1.1 Construction Triangle
Quality is involved in every stage and every aspect of construction. Construction projects
and quality are inseparable. Construction quality cannot exist without a construction
project and a construction project cannot exist without quality. The modern construction
market requires construction companies to guarantee the product quality to their clients.
Fig.1.2 shows various concepts that are considered to influence the quality of the product
and that can be associated with quality in construction. The Fig. reflects the product
features, processes of production and organization, as well as company business/industry
Fig. 1.2 Aspects Involved in the Concept of Construction Quality
Quality has existed from the earliest decades as behaviors, so we can refer to quality as
anything prepared or manufactured with a degree of "excellence" or as the worth of a
product or service. For more than 25 years, there have been many changes towards
improved quality. As shown in Table 1.2, each civilization has implemented a part of the
concept of quality. The improvement can be seen in quality of product, leadership and
management. The key issues could be extracted from comparison in Table 1.2 that the
quality today is everyone responsibly focusing on the customer requirements and is the
way of increasing profits by improving products quality.
Table 1.2 Changing View of Quality (Source: Kerzner, H, (2003))
Quality is the responsibility of bluecollar workers and direct labour
employees working on the product
including white-collar workers, the
indirect labour force and the overhead
Quality defects to be hidden from the
management and customers
Defects must be reported and subjected
to corrective action.
Quality problem led to blame, faulty
justifications and excuses
Quality problems lead to cooperative
Corrections to quality problems should
be accompanied with minimum
Increased quality will increase project
Improved quality saves money and
increase business
Quality is internally focused
Quality is customer focused
Quality will not occur without close
supervision of people
People want to produce quality products
Quality occurs during project execution
Quality occurs at project initiation and to
be planned for within the project
A quality circle is a group of employees from the same work area and doing similar type
of work, voluntarily meets for an hour periodically either every week or fortnightly to
identify, analyze and resolve work related problems in their own area. The structure of a
quality circle is headed by the top management who has the responsibility to form the
steering committee known as the quality council who in turn are responsible for
monitoring all important activities in the organization. The facilitator is the head of the
coordinating agency which implements the quality circle. The non-members are the
specialists in a particular area as detailed in Fig.1.3.
1- Top Management
2- Steering Committee
4-Leader +Dy. Leader
Fig. 1.3 Structure of Quality Circle
Performance: Quality of building, the use of building for which it has been
Features: Secondary characteristics, added futures such as power generator,
recycling plant for treating sewage water, solar heating system.
Conformance: Meeting specifications of construction, workmanship, factor of
safety for design.
Reliability: The probability of a structure failing within a specified period of
Durability: Maximum structure life considering both economic and technical
Services: Ease of repair in building, resolution of problem and complaints.
Aesthetics: Good exterior finish and appearance of the building which increases
the attraction of the building.
Reputation: Past performance of the building such as being ranked first.
The theory of total quality management was developed in 1940 by Dr.W. Edward
Deming. He developed the application of statistical techniques for census data of the
year 1940. For the application of total quality management to the construction industry
Dr.W. Edward Deming developed an improvement cycle named "plan-do-check-action"
Fig.1.4 Improvement Cycle
When implementing quality system in a company, the improvement cycle shown in
Fig.1.4 is very important. Dr. Deming in his report stated that the company must have a
plan with pioneering knowledge about,
Cost of required material
Production method
What to be hired?
Required changes in equipment
Required new skills of people
Employees training in new area
Supervisor’s training
Production cost
Marketing cost
Cost and methods of service
Customer service
Customer satisfaction
Table 1.3 sets down major points of Juran's quality management philosophy, as he
defined a universal sequence of activities for the three quality processes.
Table 1.3 Universal Processes for Managing Quality
Quality Planning
Quality Improvement
Quality Control
Customer identification.
What are the needs of customer?
Language translation of needs of customer
Product development towards the need.
Product features optimization.
Develop a process which is able to produce the
Optimize the process
Prove that the process can produce the product under
operating condition with minimal inspection.
Transfer the process to Operations.
The quality trilogy consists of three basic managerial processes through which the
management of an organization can achieve quality:
1. Quality planning provides the operating forces with the means of producing
products that meet consumer needs.
2. Quality improvement is based on looking for opportunities to improve
quality before problems arise.
3. Quality control emphasizes the prevention of quality problems and the
correction of defects to create a product that is free from deficiencies.
The quality control and inspection were included in quality assurance. The quality
control and inspection activities were a part of
quality. The standard of products and service were set by Quality assurance. Customers
need plays a vital role in the function of quality assurance. Quality assurance improves
deviations and seeks to satisfy an ever-changing, unstable and competitive market.
The benefits that should be achieved from a properly implemented quality assurance
system are:
Improving customer satisfaction
Improving efficiency
Improving effectiveness
Reducing rework and waste
Creating a well-planned trade
Adding credibility to the trade
Enabling the business to strive on an equal basis with larger businesses.
A quality control program established after assuring that the products and service meet
the needs, then only the total quality management strategy will complete.
The product confirmation through standard specifications and tolerances were measured
by the term quality of conformance. Each and every member of this quality control
program should perform like customer, supplier and manufacturer. Each member should
manufacture a product and supply the product in order to meet the employees need.
The total quality management process comprises both quality assurance and quality
control in order to ensure a merchantable, modest product for today's demanding
Objectives of total quality management are:
1. Improvement in process
2. Fault prevention
3. Priority of effort
4. Cause-effect relationship development
5. Measuring system capability
6. Improvement in checklist and check forms
7. To take better decisions
8. Development of operational definitions
9. Separating trivial from significant needs
10. Observing behaviors changes over a period of time.
Continuous improvements are possibly the most powerful concept to guide management
through the achievements of total quality management. Continuous improvements are
based on organized, incremental and characteristic improvements of processes rather
than on revolutions and innovative advances. The process concentrates on elimination of
waste and non-value-added activities through collective and continuous involvement of
all employees.
The following components are required for this systematic approach to quality
1. Planning the procedures and inputs
2. Providing inputs
3. Functioning the processes
4. Gauging the outputs
5. Probing the performances of the processes
6. Adjusting the processes and their inputs.
1.12.1 Quality Improvement Teams
Quality and productivity related problems were solved by a small group of teams referred
as quality improvement team. The main function of this team is to set target towards
improvement. For any success in improvement the quality improvement team should
take remedial measures against the cause of poor quality.
1.12.2 Benchmarking
Benchmarking is a process through which the best practices and approaches were
identified by comparing productivity in specific areas within and outside the organization.
1.12.3 Statistical Process Control
To meet the acceptable quality, periodic random samples are taken during actual
production and subjected to inspection. Using statistical technique remedial measures
should be taken whether production unit to be stopped or not. Variations produced by the
process are identified by the statistical tests. Statistical test plays the vital role whenever
the variations drop outside a narrow range around the acceptable quality level in order to
give remedial measures. The prominence while using statistical process control is on
defect anticipation more willingly than trying to inspect the quality into the product.
1.12.4 Commitment
For a successful upcoming model, each and every associate in an organization must
devoted to changing process. The change process is not an easy task to occur overnight,
all the members of the organization must support and suggest new innovative ways in
order to improve in action. It cannot be viewed as the nifty flavour of the month,
nonetheless should preferably be regarded as an exciting all one born day changing
process. If inexorable, inspirational speakers should be active to enthuse works to a nifty
science of the mind of commitment. Once too, group are influenced by example. If
ostensibly powers that be is not affianced to the when push comes to shove process, this
is the therapy which the heirs and assign will develop. However, if bill is happened upon
to be the attitude of management, previously the houses are roughly likely to follow.
1.12.5 Training
Training intends be a symbol of the organizations run planning. In today's service
environment, entire training which is few and far between than fantastic will not hold the
organization approach its forever and a day goals and objectives. Training objectives am
about to be encouraging of the company's delusion and mission. In term to catch a
glimpse of training, the employees am about to be involved. System deficiencies
including non-conformance reports, easy make complaints and engagement in activity
application performance appraisals will centerpiece the close but no cigar urgent areas
for development. Training programs is about to be devised and implemented to threw in
one lot with bridge the expanse identified previously. The results of the training am about
to be evaluated to insure that know backwards and forwards improvement has been
achieved whatever employees are able-bodied to evaluate the skills acquired.
Training plays a major role in sequence planning of an organization. At present any
business without any training will not meet the future goals and objectives. The objective
of training will support the organizations vision and mission. All employees must
involve in training. Customer complaints and appraisals towards job performance were
the main system deficiencies which highlighted the important areas for development.
Training programs must be devised and implemented to help bridge the gap identified
previously. The grades of the training must be evaluated to ensure that successful
improvement has been achieved and that employees are experienced to use the skills
The training will hasten the following:
1. Employees will be more serene and motivated in their employment
2. Reduce cudgel turnover
3. Reduce errors
4. Improve potency
5. Improve the organization competitiveness.
Quality management is needed to improve the customer satisfaction by introducing and
implementing new organizational and management methods. This management strategy
must involve
1. Innovation
2. Continual adaptation
3. Risk taking.
The main reason of implementing total quality Management is to establish a
management system and corporate culture that will assure higher customer satisfaction
than competitors.
The quality systems are organizational structures, responsibilities, procedures, processes
and resources for implementing quality management.
The quality system should function in such a manner as to provide proper confidence
The system is well understood and effective.
The products of services actually do satisfy customer expectations.
The emphasis is placed on problem prevention rather that dependence, after
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was established in 1946 in
Geneva, Switzerland, where it is still based. ISO is an association of National Standards
Bodies of more than 150 countries.
The ISO 9000 family distressed with `quality management'. This rule of thumb what the
institute does to fulfil the customer's action requirements, and suited regulatory
requirements, at the same time aiming to raise the value of customer load off one mind,
and achieve steady improvement of its shuck and jive in bid of these objectives
To improve customer satisfaction in construction industry.
To improve safe working condition.
To reduce customer complaints.
To reduce inspection efforts in construction industry.
To reduce the quality cost in construction industry.
Inspections are done at various stages along the production unit and at the final stage
defective product is identified. At this stage, the imperfect item to be reworked, scrapped
or rectified. Since, all of these alternatives are expensive. Inspection is very much in
need not to certify quality but to collect lot of information. Role of inspection got
minimized when the quality is inbuilt in the process. Through inspection, inspectors
collect data to define, analyze and redefine upper and lower control limits. In order to
setting up a quality goal results obtained through statistical tool gives the right solution.
1.17 DATA
Data is a significant and positive tool for establishing, upholding and recovering a
quality process. Findings of fact should be the data not the opinions, intrusion or human
manipulation. Whenever the data based on fact, then data is a feasible tool for overall
scheme of total quality management.
and supply a conforming product needs to be established. The model for quality
assurance in ISO 9001 is structured into scope, normative reference, definitions and
quality system requirements. The quality system requirements in are further divided into
following sections as follows:
1. Responsibility of management
2. Quality system
3. Design control
4. Document and data control
5. Contract review
6. Product identification and traceability
7. Process control
8. Purchasing
9. Control of customer supplied product
10. Inspection and testing
11. Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment
12. Inspection and test status
13. Control of non-conforming product
14. Corrective and preventive action
15. Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery
16. Internal quality audits
17. Control of quality records
18. Servicing
19. Training
20. Statistical techniques
As per ISO Standard, it is mandatory that the system should be well documented, which
in turn provide a foundation for the quality audit of the company. The important role of
ISO 9001 standard is appropriate routines in systematic quality control.
Internal audits are required must in the ISO 9001 Standard, but when a company wants
to have the third-party inspection for quality system approval an external audit must be
performed. These external audits were carried out by accredited certification body.
About 30lakhs may be charged towards ISO 9000 certification.
1.19 ISO 9001
For the Company involved in production, design, installation and development ISO 9001
sets out the needs to be met by the Quality System.
1.20 ISO 9002
ISO 9002 sets out the requirements of the quality assurance system when a business is
involved in development, production and installation or servicing.
The critical factors to be identified are real time practical problems and difficulties faced
mainly by the project engineers, quality engineers, safety engineers and site engineers.
The study will help the project participants to carefully plan each and every activity for
an effective quality management and successful completion of the projects.
1. To evaluate the effectiveness of quality management system in construction
2. To evaluate the critical factors that affects the quality management system on
quality improvement and performance in construction projects.
3. To propose an implementation framework for quality management system in
construction projects.
4. To propose regression equation for the identified strongest predictor among the
independent variables which have a cause-and-effect relationship on dependent
5. To proposed suitable recommendation for effective quality management and
quality system