8th Grade Science 2nd Marking Period 2021-2022 8.PS4: Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer Learning Goals: 1. I can develop and use models to represent the basic properties of waves including frequency, amplitude, wavelength, and speed. I can explain how energy is transferred through waves. I can use models to represent properties of waves. I can distinguish between changes in frequency and amplitude in relation to pitch and volume. I can make a correlation between the speed of a wave and the medium it passes through. 2. I can compare and contrast mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves based on refraction, reflection, transmission, absorption, and their behavior through a vacuum and/or various media. I can describe the differences and similarities of mechanical and electromagnetic waves. I can explain the effects of mechanical and electromagnetic waves when exposed to a vacuum or other media. I can determine the refraction, reflection, transmission, absorption, and behavior of waves through observation. 3. I can evaluate the role that waves play in different (digital and analog) communication systems and understand how including how binary code is utilized in digital communication. I can analyze the effects waves have in communication and technology. I can identify and explain the transfer of information in communication devices. I can explain the conversion of digitizing information into wave pulses. I can recognize how binary code is utilized in digital communication. I can differentiate between digital and analog signals. 8.ETS1: Engineering Design 1. I can research and communicate information to describe how data from technologies (telescopes, spectroscopes, satellites, and space probes) provide information about objects in the solar system and universe. I can identify tools used to collect data about objects in the solar system. I can evaluate the data collected from using telescopes, spectroscopes, satellites, and space probes. I can explain advances in technology used to observe patterns of motion in our universe. 8th Grade Science 2nd Semester 2021-2022 8.PS4: Waves and Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer 8th Grade Vocabulary: absorption amplitude (intensity) antinode band binary communication compression constructive interference continuous interference crest destructive interference diffraction disturbance Doppler effect electromagnetic (EM) electromagnetic spectrum force frequency friction fundamental wave gamma rays harmonics hertz infrared waves interference light waves longitudinal waves mechanical medium (or media) node oscillation peak pitch P-waves (compressional wave) polarity pulse radiation radio waves rarefaction reflection refraction resonance S-waves (transverse wave) scattering seismic body wave seismograph sine wave (sinusoidal) sound waves standing wave tension transverse waves trough tuning fork ultraviolet waves velocity vibration visible wave energy wavelength Essential Questions for Waves 1. How do waves transfer information? 2. How do waves vary? 3. How does a wave transport energy? 4. How do we experience waves in the real world? 5. How does your learning style help you learn science? 6. How does your learning style make it more difficult to learn science? 7. How can illustrations, diagrams, and images help you understand science? 8. How does graphed data help you learn and understand science? 9. Is science ever conclusive? Why or why not? 10. Why are scientific laws helpful to know?