Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs College of Business Administration INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS FOR BUMA 20013: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (TQM) COMPILED BY: Prof. Reynaldo T. Barrera PUP A. Mabini Campus, Anonas Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila 1016 Direct Line: 335-1730 | Trunk Line: 335-1787 or 335-1777 local 000 Website: | Email: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Introduction Global competition has caused fundamental changes in the competitive environment of manufacturing industries. Firms must develop strategic objectives which, upon achievement, result in a competitive advantage in the market place. However, for almost all manufacturing industries, an increased productivity and better overall efficiency of the production line are the most important goals. Most industries would like to find the formula for the ultimate productivity improvement strategy. Industries often suffer from the lack of a systematic and consistent methodology. In particular the manufacturing world has faced many changes throughout the years and as a result, the manufacturing industry is constantly evolving in order to stay ahead of competition. Innovation is a necessary process for the continuous changes in order to contribute to the economic growth in the manufacturing industry, especially to compete in the global market. In addition to innovation as a mode for continued growth and change, there are many other vehicles for growth in the manufacturing industry. While operations management has been recognized as an important factor in a country’s economic growth. The traditional view of manufacturing management is the concept of Production Management with the focus on economic efficiency in manufacturing. Later the new name Operations Management was identified, as service sector became more prominent. Rapid changes in technology have posed numerous opportunities and challenges, which have resulted in enhancement of manufacturing capabilities through new materials, facilities, techniques and procedures. Hence, managing a service system has become a major challenge in the global competitive environment. Operations Management has been a key element in the improvement and productivity in business around the world. Operations Management leads the way for the organizations to achieve its goals with minimum effort. Hence, the study of the subject at undergraduate and postgraduate level has more significance. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 2 COURSE OUTCOMES ........................................................................................................... 6 LESSON 1 - INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ....................................... 7 INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ........................................................... 7 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT.............................................................................................. 8 MANUFACTURING VS. SERVICE .......................................................................................11 SUPPLY CHAIN ....................................................................................................................12 CONCEPT OF PRODUCTION ..............................................................................................13 ROLE OF THE OPERATIONS MANAGER ...........................................................................16 SYSTEMS APPROACH ........................................................................................................19 ETHICAL ISSUES IN OPERATIONS ....................................................................................19 COMPETITIVE, STRATEGY, AND PRODUCTIVITY ............................................................20 LESSON 2 – FORECASTING DEMAND ...............................................................................27 ELEMENTS OF A GOOD FORECAST .................................................................................27 STEPS IN THE FORECASTING PROCESS .........................................................................28 FORECASTING APPROACHES ..........................................................................................28 LESSON 3 - PRODUCT AND SERVICE DESIGN .................................................................36 REASONS DESIGN OR RE-DESIGN ...................................................................................36 LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................................37 LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA) .....................................................................................37 PRODUCT OR SERVICE LIFE STAGES ..............................................................................39 DESIGNING FOR MASS CUSTOMIZATION ........................................................................40 COMPONENT COMMONALITY ...........................................................................................43 RELIABILITY ........................................................................................................................45 LESSON 4 - PROCESS SELECTION AND LAYOUT DECISIONS .......................................47 PROCESS SELECTION........................................................................................................47 TECHNOLOGY FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ............................................................48 FACILITIES LAYOUT ...........................................................................................................51 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 REPETITIVE PROCESSING .................................................................................................52 SERVICE LAYOUT ...............................................................................................................55 DESIGNING PROCESS LAYOUTS ......................................................................................57 LESSON 5 – DESIGN OF WORK SYSTEM……………………………………………………...62 QUALITY OF WORK LIFE ....................................................................................................59 JOB DESIGN ........................................................................................................................61 ERGONOMICS .....................................................................................................................63 METHODS ANALYSIS .........................................................................................................64 DEVELOPING WORK METHODS ........................................................................................66 WORK SAMPLING ...............................................................................................................67 LESSON 6 – LOCATION DECISIONS ..................................................................................69 THE NEED FOR LOCATION DECISIONS ............................................................................69 LOCATION DECISIONS: OBJECTIVES ...............................................................................69 LOCATION DECISION: GENERAL PROCEDURE ...............................................................70 GLOBAL LOCATION: FACILITATING FACTORS ...............................................................70 MANAGING GLOBAL OPERATIONS ..................................................................................71 GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) ...................................................................73 SERVICE AND RETAIL LOCATIONS ..................................................................................74 FACTOR RATING .................................................................................................................75 LESSON 7 – MANAGEMENT OF QUALITY .........................................................................77 QUALITY MANAGEMENT ....................................................................................................77 REACTIVE VS. PROACTIVE QUALITY ...............................................................................78 DIMENSIONS OF PRODUCT QUALITY ...............................................................................78 DIMENSIONS OF SERVICE QUALITY .................................................................................79 DETERMINANTS OF QUALITY............................................................................................79 COSTS OF QUALITY ...........................................................................................................80 ETHICS AND QUALITY ........................................................................................................80 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................82 QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................................................................87 LESSON 8 – SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ....................................................................91 SUPPLY CHAIN ....................................................................................................................91 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT .........................................................................................92 FLOW MANAGEMENT .........................................................................................................93 GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAINS .................................................................................................93 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 PROCUREMENT ..................................................................................................................94 SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................96 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT ...............................................................................................97 LOGISTICS ...........................................................................................................................98 LESSON 9 – INVENTORY MANAGEMENT ........................................................................103 INVENTORY .......................................................................................................................103 INVENTORY COUNTING SYSTEMS ..................................................................................104 ABC CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ......................................................................................105 CYCLE COUNTING ............................................................................................................105 WHEN TO REORDER .........................................................................................................109 FIXED-QUANTITY VS. FIXED-INTERVAL ORDERING......................................................112 LESSON 10 – AGGREGATE PLANNING ...........................................................................114 SALES AND OPERATIONS PLANNING ............................................................................114 TECHNIQUES FOR AGGREGATE PLANNING .................................................................118 AGGREGATE PLANNING IN SERVICES ..........................................................................119 DISAGGREGATING THE AGGREGATE PLAN .................................................................120 LESSON 11 – MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS PLANNING (MRP) AND ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) ...........................................................................................124 DEPENDENT DEMAND ......................................................................................................124 OVERVIEW OF MRP ..........................................................................................................125 MRP LOT SIZING RULES ..................................................................................................129 USING THE MRP ................................................................................................................129 CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS PLANNING .........................................................................132 ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING .............................................................................133 LESSON 12 – LEAN OPERATIONS ...................................................................................135 LEAN OPERATIONS: THE BEGINNING ............................................................................135 LEAN: BUILDING BLOCKS ...............................................................................................137 VALUE STREAM MAPPING ...............................................................................................143 TRANSITIONING TO LEAN SYSTEMS ..............................................................................143 LEAN SERVICES ...............................................................................................................144 FINAL EXAMINATION…………………………………………………………………………….152 COURSE GRADING SYSTEM……………………………………………………………………153 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................146 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Course Outcomes • • • • • Understand the application of managerial functions to effective and efficient operations management Understand the operative functions involve in operations management Analyze operational problems and apply appropriate techniques to address them Evaluate effective and efficient operational strategy applicable to different business situations Create an effective and efficient operational strategy to different business situations OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 1 - INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW Operation is that part of an organization, which is concerned with the transformation of a range of inputs into the required output (services) having the requisite quality level. Management is the process, which combines and transforms various resources used in the operations subsystem of the organization into value added services in a controlled manner as per the policies of the organization. The set of interrelated management activities, which are involved in manufacturing certain products, is called as production management. If the same concept is extended to services management, then the corresponding set of management activities is called as operations management. (Kumar and Suresh, 2019) LEARNING OUTCOMES After this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Appreciate and learn the concept of operations management and the functions associated with it. ✓ Describe the operations management for goods and services. ✓ Determine the challenges in achieving sustainable production while ensuring the company’s ethical, and social responsibilities COURSE MATERIALS Introduction to Operations Management • • • • What is operations? The part of a business organization that is responsible for producing goods or services How can we define operations management? The management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services. Scope of Operations Management The scope of operations management ranges across the organization. The operations function includes many interrelated activities such as: ➢ Forecasting ➢ Capacity planning ➢ Scheduling ➢ Managing inventories ➢ Assuring quality ➢ Motivating employees ➢ Deciding where to locate facilities ➢ And more Basic Functions of the Business Organization Organization Marketing Operations OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Finance Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a company. (Source: Financial Management means planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise. It means applying general management principles to financial resources of the enterprise. (Source: Historical Development Industrial Revolution Pre-Industrial Revolution • • ➢ Craft production - System in which highly skilled workers use simple, flexible tools to produce small quantities of customized goods Some key elements of the industrial revolution ➢ Began in England in the 1770s ➢ Division of labor - Adam Smith, 1776 ➢ Application of the “rotative” steam engine, 1780s ➢ Cotton Gin and Interchangeable parts - Eli Whitney, 1792 Management theory and practice did not advance appreciably during this period Scientific Management • Movement was led by efficiency engineer, Frederick Winslow Taylor ➢ Believed in a “science of management” based on observation, measurement, analysis and improvement of work methods, and economic incentives ➢ Management is responsible for planning, carefully selecting and training workers, finding the best way to perform each job, achieving cooperate between management and workers, and separating management activities from work activities. ➢ Emphasis was on maximizing output • Scientific Management – contributors ➢ Frank Gilbreth - father of motion studies ➢ Henry Gantt - developed the Gantt chart scheduling system and recognized the value of non-monetary rewards for motivating employees ➢ Harrington Emerson - applied Taylor’s ideas to organization structure ➢ Henry Ford - employed scientific management techniques to his factories - Moving assembly line - Mass production OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Human Relations Movement • The human relations movement emphasized the importance of the human element in job design ➢ Lillian Gilbreth ➢ Elton Mayo – Hawthorne studies on worker motivation, 1930 ➢ Abraham Maslow – motivation theory, 1940s; hierarchy of needs, 1954 ➢ Frederick Hertzberg – Two Factor Theory, 1959 ➢ Douglas McGregor – Theory X and Theory Y, 1960s ➢ William Ouchi – Theory Z, 1981 Decision Models & Management Science • • • • • F.W. Harris – mathematical model for inventory management, 1915 Dodge, Romig, and Shewart – statistical procedures for sampling and quality control, 1930s Tippett – statistical sampling theory, 1935 Operations Research (OR) Groups – OR applications in warfare George Dantzig – linear programming, 1947 Influence of Japanese Manufacturers • Refined and developed management practices that increased productivity ➢ Credited with fueling the “quality revolution ➢ Just-in-Time production OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Exhibit 1.1 Historical summary of operations management Goods-service Continuum • Products are typically neither purely service- or purely goods-based. Exhibit 1.2 Examples of Goods and Services OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Manufacturing vs. Service • • • • Manufacturing is characterized by tangible outputs (products). Consumption of outputs at overtime. Jobs useless labor and more equipment, little customer contact, no customer participation in the conversion process (in production). Sophisticated methods for measuring production activities and resource consumption as product are made. Service is characterized by intangible outputs. In addition, it possesses a potential for high variability in quality of output. Production and consumption occur simultaneously. Jobs use more labor and less equipment, direct consumer contact, frequent customer participation in the conversion process. Elementary methods for measuring conversion activities and resource consumption are used. Manufacturing and Service Organizations differ chiefly because manufacturing is goodsoriented and service is act-oriented. The following characteristics can be considered for distinguishing Manufacturing Operations with Service Operations: 1. Tangible/Intangible nature of output 2. Production and consumption 3. Nature of work (job) 4. Degree of customer contact 5. Customer participation in conversion 6. Measurement of performance 7. Quality of output 8. Inventory accumulated. Managing Services is Challenging 1. Jobs in services are often less structured than in manufacturing 2. Customer contact is generally much higher in services compared to manufacturing 3. In many services, worker skill levels are low compared to those of manufacturing employees 4. Services are adding many new workers in low-skill, entry-level positions 5. Employee turnover is high in services, especially in low-skill jobs 6. Input variability tends to be higher in many service environments than in manufacturing 7. Service performance can be adversely affected by many factors outside of the manager’s control (e.g., employee and customer attitudes) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Supply Chain • Supply Chain – a sequence of activities and organizations involved in producing and delivering a good or service. Exhibit 1.3 Supply Chain Process Elements of Supply Chain Management • Customers – what products/services do customers want • Forecasting – predicting timing and volume of customer demand • Design – incorporating customer wants, manufacturability, and time to market • Capacity planning – matching supply and demand • Processing – controlling quality, scheduling work • Inventory – meeting demand requirements while managing costs • Purchasing – evaluating potential suppliers, supporting the needs of operations on purchased goods and services • Suppliers – monitoring supplier quality, on-time delivery, and flexibility; maintaining supplier relations • Location – determining the location of facilities • Logistics – deciding how to best move information and materials The Need for Managing the Supply Chain • In the past, organizations did little to manage the supply chain beyond their own operations and immediate suppliers which led to numerous problems: ➢ Oscillating inventory levels ➢ Inventory stockouts ➢ Late deliveries ➢ Quality problems OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Supply and Demand Concept of Production Production function is ‘the part of an organization, which is concerned with the transformation of a range of inputs into the required outputs (products) having the requisite quality level’. Production is defined as ‘the step-by-step conversion of one form of material into another form through chemical or mechanical process to create or enhance the utility of the product to the user’. Thus, production is a value addition process. At each stage of processing, there will be value addition. Edwood Buffa defines production as ‘a process by which goods and services are created’. Some examples of production are: manufacturing custom-made products like, boilers with a specific capacity, constructing flats, some structural fabrication works for selected customers, etc., and manufacturing standardized products like, car, bus, motor cycle, radio, television, etc. Production System The production system is ‘that part of an organization, which produces products of an organization. It is that activity whereby resources, flowing within a defined system, are combined and transformed in a controlled manner to add value in accordance with the policies communicated by management’. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 A simplified production system is shown below: Exhibit 1.4 Schematic Production System • • Feedback - measurements taken at various points in the transformation process Control - the comparison of feedback against previously established standards to determine if corrective action is needed. The production system has the following characteristics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Production is an organized activity, so every production system has an objective. The system transforms the various inputs to useful outputs. It does not operate in isolation from the other organization system. There exists a feedback about the activities, which is essential to control and improve system performance. Transformation and Value Adding Activities The objective of combining resources under controlled conditions is to transform them into goods and services having a higher value than the original inputs. The transformation process applied will be in the form of technology to the inputs. The effectiveness of the production factors in the transformation process is known as productivity. The productivity refers to the ratio between values of output per work hour to the cost of inputs. The firm’s overall ratio must be greater than 1, then we can say value is added to the product. Operations manager should concentrate improving the transformation efficiency and to increase the ratio. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Exhibit 1.6 Schematic model for operations/production system Operations Management Objectives Objectives of Operations Management can be categorized into Customer Service and Resource Utilization. Customer Service. The first objective of operating systems is to utilize resources for the satisfaction of customer wants. Therefore, customer service is a key objective of operations management. The operating system must provide something to a specification, which can satisfy the customer in terms of cost and timing. Thus, providing the ‘right thing at a right price at the right time’ can satisfy primary objective. These aspects of customer service – specification, cost and timing – are described for four functions in Exhibit 1.7. They are the principal sources of customer satisfaction and must therefore be the principal dimension of the customer service objective for operations managers. Generally, an organization will aim reliably and consistently to achieve certain standards and operations manager will be influential in attempting to achieve these standards. Hence, this objective will influence the operations manager’s decisions to achieve the required customer service. Exhibit 1.7 Aspects of customer service Resource Utilization. Another major objective of operating systems is to utilize resources for the satisfaction of customer wants effectively. Customer service must be provided with the achievement of effective operations through efficient use of resources. Inefficient use of resources or inadequate customer service leads to commercial failure of an operating system. Operations management is concerned essentially with the utilization of resources, i.e. obtaining maximum effect from resources or minimizing their loss, underutilization or waste. The OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 extent of the utilization of the resources’ potential might be expressed in terms of the proportion of available time used or occupied, space utilization, levels of activity, etc. Each measure indicates the extent to which the potential or capacity of such resources is utilized. This is referred as the objective of resource utilization. Operations management is concerned with the achievement of both satisfactory customer service and resource utilization. An improvement in one will often give rise to deterioration in the other. Often both cannot be maximized, and hence a satisfactory performance must be achieved on both objectives. All the activities of operations management must be tackled with these two objectives in mind, and because of this conflict, operations managers will face many of the problems. Hence, operations managers must attempt to balance these basic objectives. The Exhibit 1.8 summarizes the twin objectives of operations management. The type of balance established both between and within these basic objectives will be influenced by market considerations, competitions, the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, etc. Hence, the operations managers should make a contribution when these objectives are set. Exhibit 1.8 The twin objectives of operations management Role of the Operations Manager The Operations Function consists of all activities directly related to producing goods or providing services. A primary function of the operations manager is to guide the system by decision making. • System Design Decisions • System Operation Decisions System Design Decisions • System Design ➢ Capacity ➢ Facility location ➢ Facility layout ➢ Product and service planning ➢ Acquisition and placement of equipment • These are typically strategic decisions that require ➢ long-term commitment of resources ➢ Determine parameters of system operation Key Trends and Issues in Business • E-Business & E-Commerce • Management of Technology • Globalization • Management of Supply Chains OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • • • Outsourcing Agility Ethical Behavior The Decline in Manufacturing Employment • Productivity - Increasing productivity allows companies to maintain or increase their output using fewer workers • Outsourcing - Some manufacturing work has been outsourced to more productive companies • A Statistical Artifact - Manufacturers are increasingly using contract and temporary labor which no longer show up in the statistics as manufacturing employment Decision Making • Most operations decisions involve many alternatives that can have quite different impacts on costs or profits • Typical operations decisions include: ➢ What: What resources are needed, and in what amounts? ➢ When: When will each resource be needed? When should the work be scheduled? When should materials and other supplies be ordered? ➢ Where: Where will the work be done? ➢ How: How will he product or service be designed? How will the work be done? How will resources be allocated? ➢ Who: Who will do the work? General Approach to Decision Making • Modeling is a key tool used by all decision makers o Model - an abstraction of reality; a simplification of something. o Common features of models: ▪ They are simplifications of real-life phenomena ▪ They omit unimportant details of the real-life systems they mimic so that attention can be focused on the most important aspects of the real-life system Types of Models: o Physical Models ▪ Look like their real-life counterparts o Schematic Models ▪ Look less like their real-life counterparts than physical models o Mathematical Models ▪ Do not look at all like their real-life counterparts Understanding Models Keys to successfully using a model in decision making • What is its purpose? • How is it used to generate results? • How are the results interpreted and used? • What are the model’s assumptions and limitations? OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Benefits of Models • Models are generally easier to use and less expensive than dealing with the real system • Require users to organize and sometimes quantify information • Increase understanding of the problem • Enable managers to analyze “What if?” questions • Serve as a consistent tool for evaluation and provide a standardized format for analyzing a problem • Enable users to bring the power of mathematics to bear on a problem. Model Limitations • Quantitative information may be emphasized at the expense of qualitative information • Models may be incorrectly applied and the results misinterpreted - This is a real risk with the widespread availability of sophisticated, computerized models are placed in the hands of uninformed users. • The use of models does not guarantee good decisions. Quantitative Methods A decision-making approach that frequently seeks to obtain a mathematically optimal solution • Linear programming • Queuing techniques • Inventory models • Project models • Forecasting techniques • Statistical models Metrics and Trade-Offs Performance Metrics - All managers use metrics to manage and control operations • Profits • Costs • Productivity • Forecast accuracy • Analysis of Trade-Offs - A trade-off is giving up one thing in return for something else • Carrying more inventory (an expense) in order to achieve a greater level of customer service Degree of Customization Relative to other standardized products and services customized products: • Tend to be more labor intensive • Tend to be more time consuming • Tend to require more highly-skilled people • Tend to require more flexible equipment • Have much lower volume of output • Have higher price tags OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Degree of customization has a significant influence on the entire organization • Process selection • Job design • Affects marketing, sales, accounting, finance, and information systems Establishing Priorities 1. In nearly all cases, certain issues or items are more important than others 2. Recognizing this allows managers to focus their attention to those efforts that will do the most good a. Pareto Phenomenon - a few factors account for a high percentage of occurrence of some event(s) i. The critical few factors should receive the highest priority ii. This is a concept that is appropriately applied to all areas and levels of management Systems Approach System - a set of interrelated parts that must work together The business organization is a system composed of subsystems ▪ marketing subsystem ▪ operations subsystem ▪ finance subsystem The systems approach ▪ Emphasizes interrelationships among subsystems ▪ Main theme is that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts ▪ The output and objectives of the organization take precedence over those of any one subsystem Ethical Issues in Operations Ethical issues arise in many aspects of operations management: ➢ Financial statements ➢ Worker safety ➢ Product safety ➢ Quality ➢ The environment ➢ The community ➢ Hiring and firing workers ➢ Closing facilities ➢ Workers’ rights OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Competitive, Strategy, and Productivity Competitiveness: How effectively an organization meets the wants and needs of customers relative to others that offer similar goods or services – Organizations compete through some combination of their marketing and operations functions • What do customers want? • How can these customer needs best be satisfied? Marketing’s Influence • Identifying consumer wants and/or needs • Pricing • Advertising and promotion Businesses Compete Using Operations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Product and service design Cost Location Quality Quick response Flexibility Inventory management Supply chain management Service Managers and workers Why Some Organizations Fail • • • • • • • Neglecting operations strategy Failing to take advantage of strengths and opportunities Failing to recognize competitive threats Too much emphasis in product and service design and not enough on improvement Neglecting investments in capital and human resources Failing to establish good internal communications and cooperation Failing to consider customer wants and needs OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Hierarchical Planning Mission Goals Organizational Strategies Functional Strategies Tactics Mission • Mission – The reason for an organization’s existence • Mission statement – States the purpose of the organization – The mission statement should answer the question of “What business are we in?” Goals • The mission statement serves as the basis for organizational goals • Goals – Provide detail and the scope of the mission • Goals can be viewed as organizational destinations – Goals serve as the basis for organizational strategies Strategies • Strategy – A plan for achieving organizational goals • Serves as a roadmap for reaching the organizational destinations – Organizations have • Organizational strategies – Overall strategies that relate to the entire organization – Support the achievement of organizational goals and mission • Functional level strategies – Strategies that relate to each of the functional areas and that support achievement of the organizational strategy OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Tactics and Operations • Tactics – The methods and actions taken to accomplish strategies – The “how to” part of the process • Operations – The actual “doing” part of the process Core Competencies • Core Competencies The special attributes or abilities that give an organization a competitive edge • To be effective core competencies and strategies need to be aligned Strategy Formulation • Effective strategy formulation requires taking into account: – Core competencies – Environmental scanning • SWOT • Successful strategy formulation also requires taking into account: – Order qualifiers – Order winners • Order qualifiers – Characteristics that customers perceive as minimum standards of acceptability to be considered as a potential purchase • Order winners – Characteristics of an organization’s goods or services that cause it to be perceived as better than the competition Environmental Scanning • Environmental Scanning is necessary to identify – Internal Factors • Strengths and Weaknesses – External Factors • Opportunities and Threats OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Key External Factors • • • • • • Economic conditions Political conditions Legal environment Technology Competition Markets Key Internal Factors • • • • • • • Human Resources Facilities and equipment Financial resources Customers Products and services Technology Suppliers Operations Strategy • Operations strategy – The approach, consistent with organization strategy, that is used to guide the operations function. Strategic OM Decision Areas Decision Area What the Decisions Affect Product and service design Costs, quality, liability, and environmental issues Capacity Cost, structure, flexibility Process selection and layout Costs, flexibility, skill level needed, capacity Work design Quality of work life, employee safety, productivity Location Costs, visibility Quality Ability to meet or exceed customer expectations Inventory Costs, shortages OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Maintenance Costs, equipment reliability, productivity Scheduling Flexibility, efficiency Supply chains Costs, quality, agility, shortages, vendor relations Projects Costs, new products, services, or operating systems Quality-based strategy – Strategy that focuses on quality in all phases of an organization • Pursuit of such a strategy is rooted in a number of factors: – Trying to overcome a poor-quality reputation – Desire to maintain a quality image – A part of a cost reduction strategy Time-based strategies – Strategies that focus on the reduction of time needed to accomplish tasks • It is believed that by reducing time, costs are lower, quality is higher, productivity is higher, time-to-market is faster, and customer service is improved Time-Based Strategies • Areas where organizations have achieved time reductions: – Planning time – Product/service design time – Processing time – Changeover time – Delivery time – Response time for complaints Agile operations – A strategic approach for competitive advantage that emphasizes the use of flexibility to adapt and prosper in an environment of change • Involves the blending of several core competencies: – Cost – Quality – Reliability – Flexibility OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 The Balanced Scorecard Approach • A top-down management system that organizations can use to clarify their vision and strategy and transform them into action – Develop objectives – Develop metrics and targets for each objective – Develop initiatives to achieve objectives – Identify links among the various perspectives • Finance • Customer • Internal business processes • Learning and growth – Monitor results The Balanced Scorecard Productivity – A measure of the effective use of resources, usually expressed as the ratio of output to input – • Productivity measures are useful for – Tracking an operating unit’s performance over time – Judging the performance of an entire industry or country Why Productivity Matters • High productivity is linked to higher standards of living – As an economy replaces manufacturing jobs with lower productivity service jobs, it is more difficult to maintain high standards of living • Higher productivity relative to the competition leads to competitive advantage in the marketplace – Pricing and profit effects • For an industry, high relative productivity makes it less likely it will be supplanted by foreign industry OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Service Sector Productivity • Service sector productivity is difficult to measure and manage because – It involves intellectual activities – It has a high degree of variability • A useful measure related to productivity is process yield Factors Affecting Productivity • • • • • Methods Capital Quality Technology Management Improving Productivity 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Develop productivity measures for all operations Determine critical (bottleneck) operations Develop methods for productivity improvements Establish reasonable goals Make it clear that management supports and encourages productivity improvement Measure and publicize improvements Don’t confuse productivity with efficiency. ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 2 – FORECASTING DEMAND OVERVIEW In this chapter, we examine different types of forecasts and present a variety of forecasting models. The purpose is to show that there are many ways for managers to forecast. We also provide an overview of business sales forecasting and describe how to prepare, monitor, and judge the accuracy of forecast. Good forecasts are an essential part of efficient service and manufacturing operations. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Apply the techniques in forecasting as a tool to operations strategy through critically combining frameworks and use them where applicable. COURSE MATERIALS Forecasting • Forecast – a statement about the future value of a variable of interest – We make forecasts about such things as weather, demand, and resource availability – Forecasts are an important element in making informed decisions Two Important Aspects of Forecasts • Expected level of demand – The level of demand may be a function of some structural variation such as trend or seasonal variation • Accuracy – Related to the potential size of forecast error Features Common to All Forecasts 1. Techniques assume some underlying causal system that existed in the past will persist into the future 2. Forecasts are not perfect 3. Forecasts for groups of items are more accurate than those for individual items 4. Forecast accuracy decreases as the forecasting horizon increases Elements of a Good Forecast The forecast: • should be timely • should be accurate • should be reliable • should be expressed in meaningful units OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • should be in writing • technique should be simple to understand and use • should be cost effective Steps in the Forecasting Process 1. Determine the purpose of the forecast 2. Establish a time horizon 3. Select a forecasting technique 4. Obtain, clean, and analyze appropriate data 5. Make the forecast 6. Monitor the forecast Forecast Accuracy and Control • Forecasters want to minimize forecast errors – It is nearly impossible to correctly forecast real-world variable values on a regular basis – So, it is important to provide an indication of the extent to which the forecast might deviate from the value of the variable that actually occurs • Forecast accuracy should be an important forecasting technique selection criterion Forecast Accuracy and Control • Forecasters want to minimize forecast errors – It is nearly impossible to correctly forecast real-world variable values on a regular basis – So, it is important to provide an indication of the extent to which the forecast might deviate from the value of the variable that actually occurs • Forecast accuracy should be an important forecasting technique selection criterion • Forecast errors should be monitored – Error = Actual – Forecast – If errors fall beyond acceptable bounds, corrective action may be necessary Forecasting Approaches • Qualitative Forecasting – Qualitative techniques permit the inclusion of soft information such as: • Human factors • Personal opinions • Hunches – These factors are difficult, or impossible, to quantify • Quantitative Forecasting – Quantitative techniques involve either the projection of historical data or the OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 development of associative methods that attempt to use causal variables to make a forecast – These techniques rely on hard data Judgmental Forecasts • Forecasts that use subjective inputs such as opinions from consumer surveys, sales staff, managers, executives, and experts – Executive opinions – Salesforce opinions – Consumer surveys – Delphi method Time-Series Forecasts • Forecasts that project patterns identified in recent time-series observations – Time-series - a time-ordered sequence of observations taken at regular time intervals • Assume that future values of the time-series can be estimated from past values of the timeseries Time-Series Behaviors • Trend • Seasonality • Cycles • Irregular variations • Random variation Trends and Seasonality • Trend – A long-term upward or downward movement in data • Population shifts • Changing income • Seasonality – Short-term, fairly regular variations related to the calendar or time of day – Restaurants, service call centers, and theaters all experience seasonal demand Cycles and Variations • Cycle – Wavelike variations lasting more than one year • These are often related to a variety of economic, political, or even agricultural conditions OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Random Variation – Residual variation that remains after all other behaviors have been accounted for • Irregular variation – Due to unusual circumstances that do not reflect typical behavior • Labor strike • Weather event Time-Series Forecasting - Naïve Forecast • Naïve Forecast – Uses a single previous value of a time series as the basis for a forecast • The forecast for a time period is equal to the previous time period’s value – Can be used when • The time series is stable • There is a trend • There is seasonality Time-Series Forecasting - Averaging • These Techniques work best when a series tends to vary about an average – Averaging techniques smooth variations in the data – They can handle step changes or gradual changes in the level of a series – Techniques • Moving average • Weighted moving average • Exponential smoothing Moving Average • Technique that averages a number of the most recent actual values in generating a forecast Moving Average • As new data become available, the forecast is updated by adding the newest value and dropping the oldest and then recomputing the the average OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • The number of data points included in the average determines the model’s sensitivity – Fewer data points used-- more responsive – More data points used-- less responsive Weighted Moving Average • The most recent values in a time series are given more weight in computing a forecast – The choice of weights, w, is somewhat arbitrary and involves some trial and error Exponential Smoothing • A weighted averaging method that is based on the previous forecast plus a percentage of the forecast error Other Forecasting Methods - Focus • Focus Forecasting – Some companies use forecasts based on a “best current performance” basis • Apply several forecasting methods to the last several periods of historical data • The method with the highest accuracy is used to make the forecast for the following period • This process is repeated each month Other Forecasting Methods - Diffusion • Diffusion Models – Historical data on which to base a forecast are not available for new products • Predictions are based on rates of product adoption and usage spread from other established products • Take into account facts such as – Market potential – Attention from mass media – Word-of-mouth Techniques for Trend • Linear trend equation • Non-linear trends – Parabolic trend equation OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Exponential trend equation – Growth curve trend equation Techniques for Trend • Linear trend equation • Non-linear trends – Parabolic trend equation – Exponential trend equation – Growth curve trend equation Estimating slope and intercept • Slope and intercept can be estimated from historical data Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing • The trend adjusted forecast consists of two components – Smoothed error – Trend factor Trend-Adjusted Exponential Smoothing • Alpha and beta are smoothing constants • Trend-adjusted exponential smoothing has the ability to respond to changes in trend Techniques for Seasonality • Seasonality is expressed in terms of the amount that actual values deviate from the average value of a series • Models of seasonality – Additive • Seasonality is expressed as a quantity that gets added or subtracted from the time-series average in order to incorporate seasonality – Multiplicative • Seasonality is expressed as a percentage of the average (or trend) amount which is then used to multiply the value of a series in order to incorporate seasonality OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Seasonal relatives – The seasonal percentage used in the multiplicative seasonally adjusted forecasting model • Using seasonal relatives – To deseasonalize data • Done in order to get a clearer picture of the nonseasonal components of the data series • Divide each data point by its seasonal relative – To incorporate seasonality in a forecast • Obtain trend estimates for desired periods using a trend equation • Add seasonality by multiplying these trend estimates by the corresponding seasonal relative Techniques for Cycles • Cycles are similar to seasonal variations but are of longer duration • Explanatory approach – Search for another variable that relates to, and leads, the variable of interest • Housing starts precede demand for products and services directly related to construction of new homes • If a high correlation can be established with a leading variable, it can develop an equation that describes the relationship, enabling forecasts to be made Associative Forecasting Techniques – Home values may be related to such factors as home and property size, location, number of bedrooms, and number of bathrooms • Associative techniques are based on the development of an equation that summarizes the effects of predictor variables – Predictor variables - variables that can be used to predict values of the variable of interest Simple Linear Regression • Regression - a technique for fitting a line to a set of data points – Simple linear regression - the simplest form of regression that involves a linear relationship between two variables • The object of simple linear regression is to obtain an equation of a straight line that minimizes the sum of squared vertical deviations from the line (i.e., the least squares criterion) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Least Squares Line Standard Error • Standard error of estimate – A measure of the scatter of points around a regression line – If the standard error is relatively small, the predictions using the linear equation will tend to be more accurate than if the standard error is larger Correlation Coefficient • Correlation – A measure of the strength and direction of relationship between two variables – Ranges between -1.00 and +1.00 • r , square of the correlation coefficient 2 – A measure of the percentage of variability in the values of y that is “explained” by the independent variable – Ranges between 0 and 1.00 Simple Linear Regression Assumptions 1. Variations around the line are random 2. Deviations around the average value (the line) should be normally distributed 3. Predictions are made only within the range of observed values Issues to consider: • Always plot the line to verify that a linear relationships is appropriate OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • The data may be time-dependent. – If they are • use analysis of time series • use time as an independent variable in a multiple regression analysis • A small correlation may indicate that other variables are important Using Forecast Information • Reactive approach – View forecasts as probable future demand – React to meet that demand • Proactive approach – Seeks to actively influence demand • • • Advertising Pricing Product/service modifications – Generally requires either and explanatory model or a subjective assessment of the influence on demand ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 3 - PRODUCT AND SERVICE DESIGN OVERVIEW An effective product strategy links product decision with investment, market share, and product life cycle, and defines the breadth of the production line. The objective of the product decision is to develop and implement a product strategy that meets the demands of the marketplace with a competitive advantage via differentiation, low cost, rapid response, or a combination of these. LEARNING OUTCOME At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Critically reflect on the interrelatedness of the product and service design and creatively combine theories to greatly contribute to successful operations strategy. COURSE MATERIALS Product and Service Design Reasons Design or Re-Design • The driving forces for product and service design or redesign are market opportunities or threats: – Economic – Social and Demographic – Political, Liability, or Legal – Competitive – Cost or Availability – Technological Key Questions • Is there a demand for it? – Market size – Demand profile • Can we do it? – Manufacturability - the capability of an organization to produce an item at an acceptable profit – Serviceability - the capability of an organization to provide a service at an acceptable cost or profit • What level of quality is appropriate? – Customer expectations – Competitor quality – Fit with current offering • Does it make sense from an economic standpoint? – Liability issues, ethical considerations, sustainability issues, costs and profits OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Legal Considerations – Product liability • The responsibility a manufacturer has for any injuries or damages caused by as faulty product • Some of the concomitant costs – Litigation – Legal and insurance costs – Settlement costs – Costly product recalls – Reputation effects – Uniform Commercial Code • Under the UCC, products carry an implication of merchantability and fitness Normative Behavior • Produce designs that are consistent with the goals of the organization – e.g., Do not compromise on quality, or cut corners, even in areas that are not apparent to the customer • Give customers the value they expect • Make health and safety a concern – Do not place employees, customers, or third parties at risk because of faulty products and services Sustainability – Using resources in ways that do not harm ecological systems that support human existence • Key aspects of designing for sustainability – Life cycle assessment – Reduction of costs and materials used – Re-using parts of returned products – Recycling Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) • LCA – The assessment of the environmental impact of a product or service throughout its useful life • Focuses on such factors as – Global warming – Smog formation – Oxygen depletion OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Solid waste generation • LCA procedures are part of the ISO 14000 environmental management procedures Reduce: Costs and Materials • Value analysis – Examination of the function of parts and materials in an effort to reduce the cost and/or improve the performance of a product – Common questions used in value analysis • Could a less expensive part of material be used? • Is the function necessary? • Can the function of two or more parts be performed by a single part? • Can a part be simplified? • Could product specifications be relaxed? • Could standard parts be substituted for non-standard parts? Re-Use: Remanufacturing • Remanufacturing – Refurbishing used products by replacing worn-out or defective components • Can be performed by the original manufacturer or another company – Design for disassembly (DFD) • Designing a product to that used products can be easily taken apart Recycle • Recycling – Recovering materials for future use • Applies to manufactured parts • Also applies to materials used during production – Why recycle? • Cost savings • Environmental concerns • Environmental regulations – Design for recycling (DFR) • Product design that takes into account the ability to disassemble a used product to recover the recyclable parts OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Other Considerations • Product or service life cycles • Standardization • Product or service reliability • Product or service robustness Product or service life stages Standardization – Extent to which there is an absence of variety in a product, service, or process Advantages of Standardization 1. Fewer parts to deal with in inventory & manufacturing 2. Reduced training costs and time 3. More routine purchasing, handling and inspection procedures 4. Orders fillable from inventory 5. Opportunities for long production runs and automation 6. Need for fewer parts justifies increased expenditures on perfecting designs and improving quality control procedures Disadvantages of Standardization 1. Designs may be frozen with too many imperfections remaining. 2. High cost of design changes increases resistance to improvements 3. Decreased variety results in less consumer appeal. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Designing for Mass Customization • Mass customization – A strategy of producing basically standardized goods or services, but incorporating some degree of customization in the final product or service – Facilitating Techniques • Delayed differentiation • Modular design Delayed Differentiation • Delayed Differentiation – The process of producing, but not quite completing, a product or service until customer preferences are known – It is a postponement tactic • Produce a piece of furniture, but do not stain it; the customer chooses the stain Modular Design – A form of standardization in which component parts are grouped into modules that are easily replaced or interchanged • Advantages – easier diagnosis and remedy of failures – easier repair and replacement – simplification of manufacturing and assembly • Disadvantages – Limited number of possible product configurations – Limited ability to repair a faulty module; the entire module must often be scrapped Reliability – The ability of a product, part, or system to perform its intended function under a prescribed set of conditions – Failure • Situation in which a product, part, or system does not perform as intended – Normal operating conditions • The set of conditions under which an item’s reliability is specified Robust design – A design that results in products or services that can function over a broad range of conditions OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Pertains to product as well as process design • Consider the following automobiles: – Ferrari 599 – Toyota Avalon » Which is design is more robust? Degree of Newness • Product or service design changes: – Modification of an existing product or service – Expansion of an existing product line or service offering – Clone of a competitor’s product or service – New product or service • The degree of change affects the newness of the product or service to the market and to the organization – Risks and benefits? Phases in Design & Development 1. Idea generation 2. Feasibility analysis 3. Product specifications 4. Process specifications 5. Prototype development 6. Design review 7. Market test 8. Product introduction 9. Follow-up evaluation Idea Generation 1. Supply-chain based 2. Competitor based 3. Research based Supply-Chain Based • Ideas can come from anywhere in the supply chain: – Customers – Suppliers – Distributors OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Employees – Maintenance and repair personnel Competitor-Based • By studying how a competitor operates and its products and services, many useful ideas can be generated • Reverse engineering – Dismantling and inspecting a competitor’s product to discover product improvements Research Based • Research and Development (R&D) – Organized efforts to increase scientific knowledge or product innovation – Basic research • Has the objective of advancing the state of knowledge about a subject without any near-term expectation of commercial applications – Applied research • Has the objective of achieving commercial applications – Development • Converts the results of applied research into useful commercial applications. • Research and Development (R&D) – Organized efforts to increase scientific knowledge or product innovation – Basic research • Has the objective of advancing the state of knowledge about a subject without any near-term expectation of commercial applications – Applied research • Has the objective of achieving commercial applications – Development • Converts the results of applied research into useful commercial applications. Concurrent Engineering • Concurrent engineering – Bringing engineering design and manufacturing personnel together early in the design phase • Also may involve marketing and purchasing personnel • Views of suppliers and customers may also be sought OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) • CAD – Product design using computer graphics – Advantages • increases productivity of designers, 3 to 10 times • creates a database for manufacturing information on product specifications • provides possibility of engineering and cost analysis on proposed designs – CAD that includes finite element analysis (FEA) can significantly reduce time to market • Enables developers to perform simulations that aid in the design, analysis, and commercialization of new products Production Requirements • Designers must take into account production capabilities – Equipment – Skills – Types of materials – Schedules – Technologies Manufacturability – Ease of fabrication and/or assembly – It has important implications for • Cost • Productivity • Quality DFM and DFA • Design for manufacturing (DFM) – The designing of products that are compatible with an organization’s abilities • Design for assembly (DFA) – Design that focuses on reducing the number of parts in a product and on assembly methods and sequence Component Commonality • When products have a high degree of similarity in features and components, a part can be used in multiple products • Benefits: – Savings in design time OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Standard training for assembly and installation – Opportunities to buy in bulk from suppliers – Commonality of parts for repair – Fewer inventory items must be handled The House of Quality The House of Quality Sequence Kano Model • Basic quality – Refers to customer requirements that have only limited effect on customer satisfaction if present, but lead to dissatisfaction if absent • Performance quality – Refers to customer requirements that generate satisfaction or dissatisfaction in proportion to their level of functionality and appeal • Excitement quality – Refers to a feature or attribute that was unexpected by the customer and causes excitement OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Service Design Definitions • Service – Something that is done to, or for, a customer • Service delivery system – The facilities, processes, and skills needed to provide a service • Product bundle – The combination of goods and services provided to a customer Service Design • Begins with a choice of service strategy, which determines the nature and focus of the service, and the target market – Key issues in service design • Degree of variation in service requirements • Degree of customer contact and involvement Service Blueprint Reliability • Reliability – The ability of a product, part, or system to perform its intended function under a prescribed set of conditions – Reliability is expressed as a probability: • The probability that the product or system will function when activated • The probability that the product or system will function for a given length of time OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Availability • Availability – The fraction of time a piece of equipment is expected to be available for operation ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 4 - PROCESS SELECTION AND LAYOUT DECISIONS OVERVIEW Layout is one of the key decisions that determines the long-run efficiency of operations. Layout has numerous strategic implications because it establishes an organization’s competitive priorities in regard to capacity, processes, flexibility, and cost, as well as quality of work life, customer contact, and image. An effective layout can help an organization achieve a strategy that supports differentiation, low cost, or response. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Demonstrate ability to discuss different lay out decisions and the underlying factors of considering them. ✓ Appreciate the importance of process strategies in producing quality products and services ✓ Critically reflect of existing theories concerning process design and creatively combine and generate frameworks & tools to use them where applicable. COURSE MATERIALS Process Selection and Facilities Layout Process Selection • Process selection – Refers to the deciding on the way production of goods or services will be organized – It has major implications for • Capacity planning • Layout of facilities • Equipment • Design of work systems Process Selection and System Design OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Process Strategy • Key Aspects of Process Strategy: – Capital Intensity • The mix of equipment and labor that will be used by the organization – Process flexibility • The degree to which the system can be adjusted to changes in processing requirements due to such factors as – Product and service design changes – Volume changes – Changes in technology Technology • Technology – The application of scientific discoveries to the development and improvement of products and services and operations processes • Technological Innovation – The discovery and development of new or improved products, services, or processes for producing or providing them Kinds of Technology • Operations Management is concerned with: – Product and service technology • Discovery and development of new products and services – Process technology • Methods, procedures, and equipment used to produce goods and provide services – Information technology • The science and use of computers and other electronic equipment to store, process, and send information Technology for Competitive Advantage • Technological advances can lead to competitive advantage – Product technology • Increased market share and profits – Processing technology • Improved quality • Lower costs • Higher productivity • Expanded processing capabilities OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Process Selection 1. Variety – 2. How much? Equipment flexibility – 3. To what degree? Volume – Expected output? Types of Processing OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Product-Process Matrix Process Choice Effects Product and Service Profiling • Process selection involves – Substantial investment in equipment – Has a very specific influence on layout • Product or service profiling – Linking key product or service requirements to process capabilities – Key dimensions relate to • Range of products or services that will be processed • Expected order sizes • Pricing strategies • Expected frequency of schedule changes • Order-winning requirements OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Automation – Machinery that has sensing and control devices that enable it to operate automatically • Fixed automation • Programmable automation • Flexible automation Automation Questions 1. What level of automation is appropriate? 2. How would automation affect system flexibility? 3. How can automation projects be justified? 4. How should changes be managed? 5. What are the risks of automating? 6. What are the likely effects of automating on: – Market share – Costs – Quality – – Customer satisfaction Labor relations – Ongoing operations Facilities Layout • Layout – the configuration of departments, work centers, and equipment, with particular emphasis on movement of work (customers or materials) through the system – Facilities layout decisions arise when: • Designing new facilities • Re-designing existing facilities The Need for Layout Planning • Inefficient operations – High cost – Bottlenecks • Accidents or safety hazards • Changes in product or service design • Introduction of new products or services OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 The Need for Layout Planning • Changes in output volume or product mix • Changes in methods or equipment • Changes in environmental or other legal requirements • Morale problems Layout Design Objectives • Basic Objective – Facilitate a smooth flow of work, material, and information through the system • Supporting objectives – Facilitate product or service quality – Use workers and space efficiently – Avoid bottlenecks – Minimize material handling costs – Eliminate unnecessary movement of workers or material – Minimize production time or customer service time – Design for safety Basic Layout Types •Product layouts •Process layouts •Fixed-Position layout •Combination layouts Repetitive Processing Product Layouts • Product layout – Layout that uses standardized processing operations to achieve smooth, rapid, highvolume flow - Used for Repetitive Processing Repetitive or Continuous OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Product Layout: Advantages • High rate of output • Low unit cost • Labor specialization • Low material handling cost per unit • High utilization of labor and equipment • Established routing and scheduling • Routine accounting, purchasing, and inventory control Product Layout: Disadvantages • Creates dull, repetitive jobs • Poorly skilled workers may not maintain equipment or quality of output • Fairly inflexible to changes in volume or product or process design • Highly susceptible to shutdowns • Preventive maintenance, capacity for quick repair and spare-parts inventories are necessary expenses • Individual incentive plans are impractical Non-repetitive Processing: Process Layouts • Process layouts – Layouts that can handle varied processing requirements Process Layout: Advantages • Can handle a variety of processing requirements • Not particularly vulnerable to equipment failures • General-purpose equipment is often less costly than the specialized equipment used in product layouts • It is possible to use individual incentive plans OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Process Layout: Disadvantages • In-process inventory costs can be high • Challenging routing and scheduling • Equipment utilization rates are low • Material handling slow and inefficient • Complexities often reduce span of supervision • Special attention for each product or customer • Accounting and purchasing are more involved Fixed Position Layouts • Fixed Position layout – Layout in which the product or project remains stationary, and workers, materials, and equipment are moved as needed Combination Layouts • Some operational environments use a combination of the three basic layout types: – Hospitals – Supermarket – Shipyards • Some organizations are moving away from process layouts in an effort to capture the benefits of product layouts – Cellular manufacturing – Flexible manufacturing systems Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) • FMS – A group of machines designed to handle intermittent processing requirements and produce a variety of similar products OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Includes supervisory computer control, automatic material handling, and robots or other automated processing equipment • It is a more automated version of cellular manufacturing Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) • CIM – A system for linking a broad range of manufacturing activities through an integrated computer system • Activities include – Engineering design – FMS – Purchasing – Order processing – Production planning and control Service Layout • Service layouts can be categorized as: product, process, or fixed position • Service layout requirements are somewhat different due to such factors as: – Degree of customer contact – Degree of customization • Common service layouts: – Warehouse and storage layouts – Retail layouts – Office layouts Line Balancing • Line balancing – The process of assigning tasks to workstations in such a way that the workstations have approximately equal time requirements – Why is line balancing important? 1. It allows us to use labor and equipment more efficiently. 2. To avoid fairness issues that arise when one workstation must work harder than another. Cycle Time • Cycle time – The maximum time allowed at each workstation to complete its set of tasks on a unit – Cycle time also establishes the output rate of a line OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Cycle Time and Output Rate How Many Workstations are Needed? • The required number of workstations is a function of – Desired output rate – Our ability to combine tasks into a workstation • Theoretical minimum number of stations Precedence Diagram • Precedence diagram – A diagram that shows elemental tasks and their precedence requirements Assigning Tasks to Workstations • Some Heuristic (Intuitive) Rules: – Assign tasks in order of most following tasks • Count the number of tasks that follow – Assign tasks in order of greatest positional weight. • Positional weight is the sum of each task’s time and the times of all following tasks. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Line Balancing Procedure Measuring Effectiveness • Balance delay (percentage of idle time) – Percentage of idle time of a line • Efficiency – Percentage of busy time of a line Designing Process Layouts • The main issue in designing process layouts concerns the relative placement of the departments • Measuring effectiveness – A major objective in designing process layouts is to minimize transportation cost, distance, or time Information Requirements • In designing process layouts, the following information is required: – A list of departments to be arranged and their dimensions – A projection of future workflows between the pairs of work centers – The distance between locations and the cost per unit of distance to move loads between them – The amount of money to be invested in the layout – A list of any special considerations – The location of key utilities, access and exit points, etc. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 5 – DESIGN OF WORK SYSTEM OVERVIEW By reasonable quality of work life, we mean a job that is not only reasonably safe and for which the pay is equitable but that also achieves an appropriate level of both physical and psychological requirements. Mutual commitment means that both management and employee strive to meet common objectives. Mutual trust is reflected in reasonable, documented employment policies that are honestly and equitably implemented to the satisfaction of both management and employee. When management has a genuine respect for its employees and their contributions to the firm, establishing a reasonable quality of work life and mutual trust is not difficult. This chapter is devoted to showing how operations managers can achieve human resource strategy. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Discuss the importance of the role of human resources in delivering effective and efficient operations through job design and work measurement ✓ Appreciate and explain the labor standards that the company should look into considerations COURSE MATERIALS Quality of Work Life • Quality of work life affects workers’ overall sense of well-being and contentment, but also their productivity • Important aspects of quality of work life: – How a worker gets along with co-workers – Quality of management – Working conditions – Compensation • Quality of work life affects workers’ overall sense of well-being and contentment, but also their productivity • Important aspects of quality of work life: – How a worker gets along with co-workers – Quality of management – Working conditions – compensation OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Working Conditions Compensation • It is important for organizations to develop suitable compensation plans for their employees • Compensation approaches – Time-based systems – Output-based systems – Incentive systems – Knowledge-based systems Compensation Systems • Time-based system – Compensation based on time an employee has worked during the pay period • Output-based (incentive) system – Compensation based on amount of output an employee produced during the pay period Incentive Plan Success • To obtain maximum benefit from an incentive plan, it should be 1. Accurate 2. Easy to apply 3. Consistent 4. Easy to understand 5. Fair • There should also be an obvious relationship between effort and reward, and no limit on earnings Individual and Group Incentive Plans • Individual incentive plans – Straight piecework OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Worker’s pay is a direct linear function of his or her output • Minimum wage legislation has reduced their popularity – Base rate + bonus • Worker is guaranteed a base rate, tied to an output standard, that serves as a minimum • A bonus is paid for output above the standard • Group incentive plans – Tend to stress sharing of productivity gains with employees Knowledge-Based Pay Systems • Knowledge-based pay – A pay system used by organizations to reward workers who undergo training that increases their skills – Three dimensions: • Horizontal skills – Reflect the variety of tasks the worker is capable of performing • Vertical skills – Reflect the managerial skills the worker is capable of • Depth skills – Reflect quality and productivity results Management Compensation • Many organizations used to reward managers based on output • New emphasis is being placed on other factors of performance – Customer service – Quality • Executive pay is increasingly being tied to the company or division for which the executive is responsible Job Design • Job design – The act of specifying the contents and methods of jobs • What will be done in a job? • Who will do the job? • How the job will be done? • Where the job will be done? – Objectives • Productivity • Safety • Quality of work life OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Job Design Success • Job design success factors: – Carried out by personnel with appropriate training and background – Consistent with the goals of the organization – In written form – Understood and agreed to by both management and employees Designing Work Systems • Efficiency vs. Behavioral approaches to job design – Specialization • Motivation • Teams • Ergonomics • Methods analysis • Motion studies • Working conditions Efficiency vs. Behavioral Job Design • Efficiency School – Emphasizes a systematic, logical approach to job design – A refinement of Frederick Winslow Taylor’s scientific management concepts • Behavioral School – Emphasizes satisfaction of needs and wants of employees Specialization • Specialization – Work that concentrates on some aspect of a product or service OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Motivation • Motivation is a key factor in many aspects of work life – Influences quality and productivity – Contributes to the work environment • Trust is an important factor that affects motivation Teams • Teams take a variety of forms: – Short-term team • Formed to collaborate on a topic or solve a problem – Long-term teams • Self-directed teams – Groups empowered to make certain changes in their work processes • Benefits of teams – Higher quality – Higher productivity – Greater worker satisfaction • Team problems – Some managers feel threatened – Conflicts between team members Ergonomics • Ergonomics (human factors) – The scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among human and other elements of a system • Three domains of ergonomics – Physical (repetitive movements, layout, health, safety) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Cognitive (mental workload, decision making, HCI, and work stress) – Organizational (communication, teamwork, work design, and telework) Methods Analysis • Methods Analysis – Analyzing how a job gets done – It begins with an analysis of the overall operation – It then moves from general to specific details of the job concentrating on • Workplace arrangement • Movement of workers and/or materials The Need for Methods Analysis • The need for methods analysis can arise from a variety of sources – Changes in tools and equipment – Changes in product design or introduction of new products – Changes in materials and procedures – Government regulations or contractual agreements – Accidents or quality problems Methods Analysis Procedure 1. Identify the operation to be studied, and gather relevant data 2. Discuss the job with the operator and supervisor to get their input 3. Study and document the present methods 4. Analyze the job 5. Install the new methods 6. Follow up implementation to assure improvements have been achieved Guidelines for Selecting a Job to Study • Consider jobs that: – Have a high labor content – Are done frequently – Are unsafe, tiring, unpleasant, and/or noisy – Are designated as problems • • Quality problems Processing bottlenecks OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Analyzing the Job: Flow Process Charts • Flow process chart – Chart used to examine the overall sequence of an operation by focusing on movements of the operator or flow of materials Analyzing the Job: Worker-Machine Chart • Worker machine chart – Chart used to determine portions of a work cycle during which an operator and equipment are busy or idle OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Motion Study • Motion study – Systematic study of the human motions used to perform an operation • Motion Study Techniques – Motion study principles– guidelines for designing motion-efficient work procedures – Analysis of therbligs– basic elemental motions into which a job can be broken down – Micromotion study– use of motion pictures and slow motion to study motions that otherwise would be too rapid to analyze – Charts– activity or process charts, simo charts (simultaneous motions) Developing Work Methods • In developing work methods that are motion efficient, the analyst attempts to – Eliminate unnecessary motions – Combine activities – Reduce fatigue – Improve the arrangement of the workplace – Improve the design of tools and equipment Work Measurement • Work measurement is concerned with how long it should take to complete a job. • It is not concerned with either job content or how the job is to be completed since these are considered a given when considering work measurement. • Commonly used work measurement techniques – Stopwatch time study – Historical times – Predetermined data – Work sampling Standard Time • Standard time – The amount of time it should take a qualified worker to complete a specified task, working at a sustainable rate, using given methods, tools and equipment, raw material inputs, and workplace arrangement. Stopwatch Time Study • Used to develop a time standard based on observations of one worker taken over a number of cycles. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Basic steps in a time study: 1. Define the task to be studied and inform the worker who will be studied 2. Determine the number of cycles to observe 3. Time the job, and rate the worker’s performance 4. Compute the standard time Historical Times • Standard Elemental Times are derived from a firm’s own historical time study data. – Over time, a file of accumulated elemental times that are common to many jobs will be collected. – In time, these standard elemental times can be retrieved from the file, eliminating the need to go through a new time study to acquire them. Procedure: 1. Analyze the job to identify the standard elements. 2. Check the file for elements that have historical times and record them. Use time studies to obtain others, if necessary. 3. Modify the file times if necessary. 4. Sum the elemental times to obtain the normal time, and factor in allowances to obtain the standard time. Predetermined Time Standards • Predetermined time standards involve the use of published data on standard elemental times. • Developed in the 1940s by the Methods Engineering Council. • The MTM tables are based on extensive research of basic elemental motions and times. • To use this approach, the analyst must divide the job into its basic elements (reach, move, turn, etc.) measure the distances involved, and rate the difficulty of the element, and then refer to the appropriate table of data to obtain the time for that element Work Sampling • Work sampling is a technique for estimating the proportion of time that a worker or machine spends on various activities and idle time. – work sampling does not require timing an activity or involve continuous observation OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 of the activity – Uses: 1. ratio-delay studies which concern the percentage of a worker’s time that involves unavoidable delays or the proportion of time a machine is idle. 2. analysis of non-repetitive jobs. ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 6 – LOCATION DECISIONS OVERVIEW Firms throughout the world are using the concepts and techniques of this lesson to address the location decision because location greatly affects both fixed and variable costs Location has a major impact on the overall risk and profit of the company. This chapter illustrates techniques organization use to locate plants, warehouses, store, and office. LEARNING OUTCOME After the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Appreciate and discuss the importance of strategic location in operations management COURSE MATERIALS The Need for Location Decisions • Location decisions arise for a variety of reasons: – Addition of new facilities • As part of a marketing strategy to expand markets • Growth in demand that cannot be satisfied by expanding existing facilities • Depletion of basic inputs requires relocation • Shift in markets • Cost of doing business at a particular location makes relocation attractive Location Decisions: Strategically Important • Location decisions: – Are closely tied to an organization’s strategies • Low-cost • Convenience to attract market share – Effect capacity and flexibility – Represent a long-term commitment of resources – Effect investment requirements, operating costs, revenues, and operations – Impact competitive advantage – Importance to supply chains Location Decisions: Objectives • Location decisions are based on: – Profit potential or cost and customer service – Finding a number of acceptable locations from which to choose OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Position in the supply chain • End: accessibility, consumer demographics, traffic patterns, and local customs are important • Middle: locate near suppliers or markets • Beginning: locate near the source of raw materials – Web-based retail organizations are effectively location independent – Supply chain management issues such as supply chain configuration • Centralized vs. decentralized distribution Location: Options • Existing companies generally have four options available in location planning: 1. Expand an existing facility 2. Add new locations while retaining existing facilities 3. 4. Shut down one location and move to another Do nothing Location Decision: General Procedure • Steps: 1. Decide on the criteria to use for evaluating location alternatives 2. Identify important factors, such as location of markets or raw materials 3. Develop location alternatives 4. a. Identify the country or countries for location b. Identify the general region for location c. Identify a small number of community alternatives d. Identify the site alternatives among the community alternatives Evaluate the alternatives and make a decision Global Location: Facilitating Factors • Two key factors have contributed to the attractiveness of globalization: – Trade Agreements such as • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) • U.S.-China Trade Relations Act • EU and WTO efforts to facilitate trade – Technology • Advances in communication and information technology OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Global Location: Benefits • A wide range of benefits have accrued to organizations that have globalized operations: – Markets – Cost savings – Legal and regulatory – Financial – Other Global Location: Disadvantages • There are a number of disadvantages that may arise when locating globally: – Transportation costs – Security costs – Unskilled labor – Import restrictions – Criticism for locating out-of-country Global Location: Risks • Organizations locating globally should be aware of potential risk factors related to: – Political instability and unrest – Terrorism – Economic instability – Legal regulation – Ethical considerations – Cultural differences Managing Global Operations • Managerial implications for global operations: – Language and cultural differences • Risk of miscommunication • Development of trust • Different management styles • Corruption and bribery – Level of technology and resistance to technological change – Domestic personnel may resist locating, even temporarily OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Location: Identifying a Country Location: Identifying a Region • Primary regional factors: – Locating near the raw materials • Necessity • Perishability • Transportation costs – Locating near of markets • As part of a profit-oriented company’s competitive strategy • So not-for-profits can meet the needs of their service users • Distribution costs and perishability – Labor factors • Cost of labor • Availability of suitably skilled workers • Wage rates in the area • Labor productivity • Attitudes toward work • Whether unions pose a serious potential problem – Other factors • Climate and taxes may play an important role in location decisions OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Geographic Information System (GIS) • GIS – A computer-based tool for collecting, storing, retrieving, and displaying demographic data on maps – Aids decision makers in • Targeting market segments • Identifying locations relative to their market potential • Planning distribution networks – Portraying relevant information on a map makes it easier for decision makers to understand Location: Identifying a Community • Many communities actively attempt to attract new businesses they perceive to be a good fit for the community • Businesses also actively seek attractive communities based on such factors such as: – Quality of life – Services – Attitudes – Taxes – Environmental regulations – Utilities – Development support Location: Identifying a Site • Primary site location considerations are – Land – Transportation – Zoning – Other restrictions Multiple Plant Manufacturing Strategies • Organizing operations – Product plant strategy • Entire products or product lines are produced in separate plants, and each plant usually supplies the entire domestic market – Market area plant strategy • Plants are designated to serve a particular geographic segment of the market • Plants produce most, if not all, of a company’s products OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Process plant strategy • Different plants focus on different aspects of a process – automobile manufacturers – engine plant, body stamping plant, etc. • Coordination across the system becomes a significant issue – General-purpose plant strategy • Plants are flexible and capable of handling a range of products Service and Retail Locations • Considerations: – Nearness to raw materials is not usually a consideration – Customer access is a • Prime consideration for some: restaurants, hotels, etc. • Not an important consideration for others: service call centers, etc. – Tend to be profit or revenue driven, and so are • Concerned with demographics, competition, traffic/volume patterns, and convenience Evaluating Location Alternatives • Common techniques: – Locational cost-volume-profit analysis – Factor rating – Center of gravity method – Transportation model Locational Cost-Profit-Volume Analysis • Locational Cost-Profit-Volume Analysis – Technique for evaluating location choices in economic terms – Steps: 1. Determine the fixed and variable costs for each alternative 2. Plot the total-cost lines for all alternatives on the same graph 3. Determine the location that will have the lowest total cost (or highest profit) for the expected level of output Locational Cost-Profit-Volume Analysis • Assumptions 1. Fixed costs are constant for the range of probable output 2. Variable costs are linear for the range of probably output 3. The required level of output can be closely estimated 4. Only one product is involved OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Locational Cost-Profit-Volume Analysis • For a cost analysis, compute the total cost for each alternative location: Factor Rating • Factor Rating – General approach to evaluating locations that includes quantitative and qualitative inputs Procedures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Determine which factors are relevant Assign a weight to each factor that indicates its relative importance compared with all other factors. • Weights typically sum to 1.00 Decide on a common scale for all factors, and set a minimum acceptable score if necessary Score each location alternative Multiply the factor weight by the score for each factor, and sum the results for each location alternative Choose the alternative that has the highest composite score, unless it fails to meet the minimum acceptable score Center of Gravity Method • Center of Gravity Method – Method for locating a distribution center that minimizes distribution costs • Treats distribution costs as a linear function of the distance and the quantity shipped • The quantity to be shipped to each destination is assumed to be fixed • The method includes the use of a map that shows the locations of destinations – The map must be accurate and drawn to scale • A coordinate system is overlaid on the map to determine relative locations OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 7 – MANAGEMENT OF QUALITY OVERVIEW Quality is an issue that affects an entire organization. To create a quality good or service operations managers need to know what the customer expect. A successful quality strategy begins with an organizational culture that fosters quality, followed by an understanding of the principles of quality, and then engaging employees in the necessary activities to implement quality. When these things are done well, the organization typically satisfies its customers and obtain a competitive advantage. LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Discuss and appreciate the importance of quality to the whole organization ✓ Demonstrate ability to create scenarios where specific tool is applicable ✓ Make appropriate recommendations for ethical decision making relative to productions and operations management COURSE MATERIALS Quality Management • Quality – The ability of a product or service to consistently meet or exceed customer expectations • Prior to the 1970s and 1980s, quality was not a focal point of U.S. companies • Foreign competition, due in part to a focus on quality, was able to capture significant shares of U.S. markets • Since the 1980s, quality has been increasingly embraced by U.S. executives Quality Contributors • Walter Shewart – “Father of Statistical Quality Control” – Control charts – Variance reduction • W. Edwards Deming – Special vs. common cause variation – The 14 points • Joseph Juran – Quality Control Handbook, 1951 – Viewed quality as fitness-for-use – Quality trilogy– quality planning, quality control, quality improvement OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Armand Feigenbaum – Quality is a “total field” – The customer defines quality • Philip B. Crosby – Zero defects – Quality is Free, 1979 • Kaoru Ishikawa – Cause-and-effect diagram – Quality circles – Recognized the internal customer • Genichi Taguchi – Taguchi loss function • Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo – Developed philosophy and methods of kaizen Reactive vs. Proactive Quality • Quality Assurance – Reactive – Emphasis is on finding and correcting defects before they reach the market • Strategic Approach – Proactive – Focuses on preventing mistakes from occurring – Greater emphasis on customer satisfaction – Involves all manager and workers in a continuing effort to improve quality Dimensions of Product Quality • Performance– main characteristics of the product • Aesthetics– appearance, feel, smell, taste • Special features– extra characteristics • Conformance– how well the product conforms to design specifications • Reliability– consistency of performance • Durability– the useful life of the product • Perceived quality– indirect evaluation of quality • Serviceability– handling of complaints or repairs OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Dimensions of Service Quality • Convenience– the availability and accessibility of the service • Reliability– ability to perform a service dependably, consistently, and accurately • Responsiveness– willingness to help customers in unusual situations and to deal with problems • Time– the speed with which the service is delivered • Assurance– knowledge exhibited by personnel and their ability to convey trust and confidence • Courtesy– the way customers are treated by employees • Tangibles– the physical appearance of facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials • Consistency– the ability to provide the same level of good quality repeatedly Assessing Service Quality • Audit service to identify strengths and weaknesses • In particular, look for discrepancies between: 1. Customer expectations and management perception of those expectations 2. Management perceptions customer expectations and service-quality specifications 3. Service quality and service actually delivered 4. Customers’ expectations of the service provider and their perceptions of provider delivery Determinants of Quality • Quality of design – Intention of designers to include or exclude features in a product or service • Quality of conformance – The degree to which goods or services conform to the intent of the designers • Ease-of-Use and user instructions – Increase the likelihood that a product will be used for its intended purpose and in such a way that it will continue to function properly and safely • After-the-sale service – Taking care of issues and problems that arise after the sale The Consequences of Poor Quality • Loss of business • Liability • Productivity • Costs OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Benefits of Good Quality • Enhanced reputation for quality • Ability to command higher prices • Increased market share • Greater customer loyalty • Lower liability costs • Fewer production or service problems • Higher profits Responsibility for Quality • Everyone in the organization has some responsibility for quality, but certain areas of the organization are involved in activities that make them key areas of responsibility: • Top management • Design • Procurement • Production/operations • Quality assurance • Packaging and shipping • Marketing and sales • Customer service Costs of Quality • Failure Costs - costs incurred by defective parts/products or faulty services. – Internal Failure Costs • Costs incurred to fix problems that are detected before the product/service is delivered to the customer. – External Failure Costs • All costs incurred to fix problems that are detected after the product/service is delivered to the customer • Appraisal Costs – Costs of activities designed to ensure quality or uncover defects • Prevention Costs – All TQ training, TQ planning, customer assessment, process control, and quality improvement costs to prevent defects from occurring Ethics and Quality • Substandard work – Defective products – Substandard service – Poor designs OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Shoddy workmanship – Substandard parts and materials Having knowledge of this and failing to correct and report it in a timely manner is unethical. Quality Awards ▪ ▪ ▪ Deming Prize EFQM Excellence Award Baldrige Award Baldrige Criteria I. Leadership (120 points) – Senior leadership – Governance and social responsibilities II. Strategic planning (85 points) – Strategy development – Strategy deployment III. IV. Customer and market focus (85 points) – Customer and market knowledge – Customer relationships and satisfaction Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management (90 points) – Measurement, analysis, and improvement of organizational performance – Management of information, information technology, and knowledge V. VI. Workforce focus (90 points) – Workforce engagement – Workforce environment Process management (85 points) – Work systems design – Work process management and improvement VII. Results (450 points) – Product and service outcomes – Customer-focused outcomes – Financial and market outcomes – Workforce-focused outcomes – Process effectiveness outcomes – Leadership outcomes OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Quality Certification International Organization for Standardization • ISO 9000 – Set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance, critical to international business • ISO 14000 – A set of international standards for assessing a company’s environmental performance • ISO 24700 – Pertains to the quality and performance of office equipment that contains reused components • ISO 9000: 2000 – Quality Principles: • Principle 1 Customer focus • Principle 2 Leadership • Principle 3 Involvement of people • Principle 4 Process approach • Principle 5 System approach to management • Principle 6 Continual improvement • Principle 7 Factual approach to decision making • Principle 8 Mutually beneficial supplier relationships Total Quality Management • A philosophy that involves everyone in an organization in a continual effort to improve quality and achieve customer satisfaction. TQM Approach 1. Find out what the customer wants 2. Design a product or service that meets or exceeds customer wants 3. Design processes that facilitate doing the job right the first time 4. Keep track of results 5. Extend these concepts throughout the supply chain TQM Elements 1. Continuous improvement 2. Competitive benchmarking 3. 4. Employee empowerment Team approach 5. Decision based on fact, not opinion OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 6. Knowledge of tools 7. Supplier quality 8. Champion 9. Quality at the source 10. Suppliers are partners in the process Continuous Improvement • Continuous Improvement – Philosophy that seeks to make never-ending improvements to the process of converting inputs into outputs – Kaizen • Japanese word for continuous improvement. Quality at the Source • The philosophy of making each worker responsible for the quality of his or her work – “Do it right” and “If it isn’t right, fix it” Six Sigma • Six Sigma – A business process for improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing customer satisfaction – Statistically • Having no more than 3.4 defects per million – Conceptually • Program designed to reduce defects • Requires the use of certain tools and techniques Lean Six Sigma • Lean Six Sigma – A balanced approach to process improvement that integrates principles from lean operation and statistical tools for variation reduction from six sigma to achieve speed and quality – An approach that is equally applicable to products and services • Early application in service support functions of General electric and Caterpillar Finance OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Obstacles to Implementing TQM • Obstacles include: – Lack of company-wide definition of quality – Lack of strategic plan for change – Lack of customer focus – Poor inter-organizational communication – Lack of employee empowerment – View of quality as a “quick fix” – Emphasis on short-term financial results – Inordinate presence of internal politics and “turf” issues – Lack of strong motivation– – Lack of time to devote to quality initiatives – Lack of leadership PDSA Cycle • Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle – Plan • Begin by studying and documenting the current process. • Collect data on the process or problem • Analyze the data and develop a plan for improvement • Specify measures for evaluating the plan – Do • Implement the plan, document any changes made, collect data for analysis – Study • Evaluate the data collection during the do phase • Check results against goals formulated during the plan phase – Act • If the results are successful, standardize the new method and communicate it to the relevant personnel • Implement training for the new method • If unsuccessful, revise the plan and repeat the process OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Problem Solving Process Improvement • Process Improvement – A systematic approach to improving a process OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Basic Quality Tools Quality Circles • Quality Circles – Groups of workers who meet to discuss ways of improving products or processes • Less structured and more informal than teams involved in continuous improvement • Quality circle teams have historically had relatively little authority to make any but the most minor changes – Work best when decisions are based on consensus • Methods: – List reduction – Balance sheet approach – Paired comparisons OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Benchmarking Process • Identify a critical process that needs improving • Identify an organization that excels in this process • Contact that organization • Analyze the data • Improve the critical process 5W2H Quality Control Phases of Quality Assurance • Inspection – An appraisal activity that compares goods or services to a standard OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Inspection issues: 1. How much to inspect and how often? 2. At what points in the process to inspect? 3. Whether to inspect in a centralized or on-site location? 4. Whether to inspect attributes or variables? How Much to Inspect? Where to Inspect in the Process? • Typical Inspection Points: – Raw materials and purchased parts – Finished products – Before a costly operation – Before an irreversible process – Before a covering process Centralized vs. On-Site Inspection • Effects on cost and level of disruption are a major issue in selecting centralized vs. on-site inspection – Centralized • Specialized tests that may best be completed in a lab – More specialized testing equipment – More favorable testing environment – On-Site • Quicker decisions are rendered • Avoid introduction of extraneous factors • Quality at the source Statistical Process Control (SPC) • identifies special causes of variation and seeks corrective action OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Quality of Conformance • A product or service conforms to specifications • A tool used to help in this process: – SPC • Statistical evaluation of the output of a process • Helps us to decide if a process is “in control” or if corrective action is needed Process Variability • Two basic questions: concerning variability: 1. Are the variations random? • Process control 2. Given a stable process, is the inherent variability of the process within a range that conforms to performance criteria • Process capability • Variation – Random (common cause) variation: • Natural variation in the output of a process, created by countless minor factors – Assignable (special cause) variation: • A variation whose cause can be identified Control Process • Sampling and corrective action are only a part of the control process • Steps required for effective control: – Define – Measure – Compare – Evaluate – Correct – Monitor OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 8 – SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole. A supply chain consists of all parties involved, directly or indirectly in fulfilling a customer request. The supply chain not only includes the manufacturer and the supplier but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and customers themselves. Within each organization, such as a manufacturer, the supply chain includes all the functions involved in receiving and filling a customer request. A typical supply chain may involve a variety of stages. LEARNING OUTCOMES After this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Discuss the importance of supply chain in operations management ✓ Demonstrate ability to relate logistics, supply chain to operations management ✓ Discuss the theories related to supply chain and logistics management ✓ Formulate strategies in selecting and maintaining suppliers COURSE MATERIALS Supply Chain • Supply Chain: – the sequence of organizations - their facilities, functions, and activities - that are involved in producing and delivering a product or service – Sometimes referred to as value chains Facilities • The sequence of the supply chain begins with basic suppliers and extends all the way to the final customer – Warehouses – Factories – Processing centers – Distribution centers – Retail outlets – Offices Functions and Activities • Supply chain functions and activities – Forecasting – Purchasing OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Inventory management – Information management – Quality assurance – Scheduling – Production and delivery – Customer service Typical Supply Chains Supply Chain Management • Supply Chain Management (SCM) – The strategic coordination of business functions within a business organization and throughout its supply chain for the purpose of integrating supply and demand management • SCM Managers – People at various levels of the organization who are responsible for managing supply and demand both within and across business organizations. – Involved with planning and coordinating activities • Sourcing and procurement of materials and services OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Transformation activities • Logistics Key SCM Issues • The goal of SCM is to match supply to demand as effectively and efficiently as possible • Key issues: – Determining appropriate levels of outsourcing – Managing procurement – Managing suppliers – Managing customer relationships – Being able to quickly identify problems and respond to them – Managing risk Flow Management • Three types of flow management – Product and service flow • Involves movement of goods and services from suppliers to customers as well as handling customer service needs and product returns – Information flow • Involves sharing forecasts and sales data, transmitting orders, tracking shipments, and updating order status – Financial flow • involves credit terms, payments, and consignment and title ownership arrangements Global Supply Chains • Global supply chains – Product design often uses inputs from around the world – Some manufacturing and service activities are outsourced to countries where labor and/or materials costs are lower – Products are sold globally • Complexities – Language and cultural differences – Currency fluctuations – Political instability – Increasing transportation costs and lead times – Increased need for trust amongst supply chain partners OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Procurement • The purchasing department is responsible for obtaining the materials, parts, and supplies and services needed to produce a product or provide a service. • The goal of procurement – Develop and implement purchasing plans for products and services that support operations strategies Duties of purchasing • Identifying sources of supply • Negotiating contracts • Maintaining a database of suppliers • Obtaining goods and services • Managing supplies Purchasing Interfaces The Purchasing Cycle The main steps: 1. Purchasing receives the requisition 2. Purchasing selects a supplier 3. Purchasing places, the order with a vendor 4. Monitoring orders 5. Receiving orders OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Ethics in Purchasing • E-business – the use of electronic technology to facilitate business transactions – Applications include • Internet buying and selling • E-mail • Order and shipment tracking • Electronic data interchange • Product and service promotion • Provide information about products and services Advantages of E-Business • Companies can: – Have a global presence – Improve competitiveness and quality – Analyze customer interests – Collect detailed information – Shorten supply chain response times – Realize substantial cost savings • Also allows the: – Creation of virtual companies – Leveling of the playing field for small companies OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 E-Business Order Fulfillment Problems • Customer expectations – Order quickly 🡪 Quick delivery • Demand variability creates order fulfillment problems • Sometimes Internet demand exceeds an organization’s ability to fulfill orders • Inventory – Outsourcing order fulfillment • Loss of control – Build large warehouses • Internal holding costs Supplier Management • Choosing suppliers – Supplier audits – Supplier certification • Supplier relationship management • Supplier partnerships – CPFR – Strategic partnering Choosing Suppliers • Vendor analysis – Evaluating the sources of supply in terms of price, quality, reputation, and service Supplier Audits and Certification • Supplier audit – A means of keeping current on suppliers’ production (or service) capabilities, quality and delivery problems and resolutions, and performance on other criteria • Supplier certification – Involves a detailed examination of a supplier’s policies and capabilities – The process verifies the supplier meets or exceeds the requirements of a buyer Supplier Relationship Management • Type of relationship is often governed by the duration of the trading relationship Short-term- oftentimes involves competitive bidding; minimal interaction Medium-term- often involves an ongoing relationship Long-term- often involves greater cooperation that evolves into a partnership OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Contrasting Supplier Relationships CFPR • Collaborative Forecasting, Planning, and Replenishment (CFPR) – A supply chain initiative that focuses on information sharing among supply chain trading partners in planning, forecasting, and inventory Inventory Management • Inventory issues in SCM – Inventory location • Centralized inventories • Decentralized inventories – Inventory velocity • The speed at which goods move through a supply chain – The bullwhip effect • Inventory oscillations that become increasingly larger looking backward through the supply chain The Bullwhip Effect • Variations in demand cause inventory fluctuations to fluctuate and get out of control – Inventory fluctuation can be magnified by • Periodic ordering • Reactions to shortages • Forecast inaccuracies • Order batching • Sales incentives and promotions • Liberal product return policies – Results in • Higher costs • Lower customer satisfaction OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Mitigating the Bullwhip Effect • Good supply chain management can overcome the bullwhip effect – Strategic buffering • Holding inventory at a distribution center rather than at retail outlets – Replenishment based on need • Vendor-managed inventory – Vendors monitor goods and replenish retail inventories when supplies are low Order Fulfillment • Order fulfillment – The process involved in responding to customer orders – Often a function of the degree of customization required • Common approaches – Engineer-to-order (ETO) – Make-to-order (MTO) – Assemble-to-order (ATO) – Make-to-stock (MTS) Logistics • Logistics – Refers to the movement of materials and information within a facility and to incoming and outgoing shipments of goods and materials in a supply chain OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Movement Within a Facility Incoming and Outgoing Shipments • Traffic management – Overseeing the shipment of incoming and outgoing goods • Handles schedules and decisions on shipping method and times, taking into account: – Costs of shipping alternatives – Government regulations – Needs of the organization – Shipping delays or disruptions RFID • Radio frequency identification (RFID) – A technology that uses radio waves to identify objects, such as goods in supply chains – Similar to barcodes but • Are able to convey much more information • Do not require line-of-sight for reading • Do not need to be read one at a time – Types: • Active • Passive OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 3-PL • Third-party logistics (3-PL) – The outsourcing of logistics management – Includes • Warehousing and distribution Managing Returns • Reverse Logistics – The process of transporting returned items • Products are returned to companies or third-party handlers for a variety of reasons and in a variety of conditions – Elements of return management • Gatekeeping – Screening returned goods to prevent incorrect acceptance of goods • Avoidance – Finding ways to minimize the number of items that are returned Creating an Effective Supply Chain • It begins with strategic sourcing – Analyzing the procurement process to lower costs by reducing waste and non-valueadded activities, increase profits, reduce risks, and improve supplier performance – There must be • Trust • Effective communication – Information velocity • Event management capability • Performance metrics Challenges • Barriers to integration of organizations • Getting top management on board • Dealing with trade-offs • Small businesses • Variability and uncertainty • Response time OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Trade-Offs • Lot-size-inventory trade-off – Large lot sizes yield benefits in terms of quantity discounts and lower annual setup costs, but it increases the amount of safety stock (and inventory carrying costs) carried by suppliers • Inventory-transportation costs – Suppliers prefer to ship full truckloads instead of partial loads to spread shipping costs over as many units as possible. This leads to greater holding costs for customers – Cross-docking • A technique whereby goods arriving at a warehouse from a supplier are unloaded from the supplier’s truck and loaded onto outbound truck, thereby avoiding warehouse storage • Lead time-transportation costs – Suppliers like to ship in full loads, but waiting for sufficient orders and/or production to achieve a full load may increase lead time • Product variety-inventory – Greater product variety usually means smaller lot sizes and higher setup costs, as well as higher transportation and inventory management costs – Delayed differentiation • Production of standard components and subassemblies which are held until late in the process to add differentiating features • Cost-customer service – Producing and shipping in large lots reduces costs, but increases lead time – Disintermediation • Reducing one or more steps in a supply chain by cutting out one or more intermediaries OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 9 – INVENTORY MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW Inventory management is the supervision of non-capitalized assets, or inventory, and stock items. As a component of supply chain management, inventory management supervises the flow of goods from manufacturers to warehouses and from these facilities to point of sale. A key function of inventory management is to keep a detailed record of each new or returned product as it enters or leaves a warehouse or point of sale. Organizations from small to large businesses can make use of inventory management to manage their flow of goods. There are numerous inventory management techniques, and using the correct one can lead to providing the correct goods, at the correct amount, place and time. Inventory control is a separate area of inventory management that is concerned with minimizing the total cost of inventory while maximizing the ability to provide customers with products in a timely manner. In some countries, the two terms are used as synonyms. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Appreciate and discuss the importance of managing inventory ✓ Discuss the different models and critically analyze their applicability COURSE MATERIALS Inventory – A stock or store of goods • Independent demand items – Items that are ready to be sold or used Types of Inventory • Raw materials and purchased parts • Work-in-process • Finished goods inventories or merchandise • Maintenance and repairs (MRO) inventory, tools and supplies • Goods-in-transit to warehouses or customers (pipeline inventory) Inventory Functions • Inventories serve a number of functions such as: 1. To meet anticipated customer demand 2. To smooth production requirements 3. To decouple operations 4. To protect against stockouts OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 5. To take advantage of order cycles 6. To hedge against price increases 7. To permit operations 8. To take advantage of quantity discounts Inventory Management • Management has two basic functions concerning inventory: 1. Establish a system for tracking items in inventory 2. Make decisions about • When to order • How much to order Effective Inventory Management • Requires: 1. A system keeps track of inventory 2. A reliable forecast of demand 3. Knowledge of lead time and lead time variability 4. Reasonable estimates of • holding costs 5. • ordering costs • shortage costs A classification system for inventory items Inventory Counting Systems • Periodic System – Physical count of items in inventory made at periodic intervals • Perpetual Inventory System – System that keeps track of removals from inventory continuously, thus monitoring current levels of each item • Two-bin system – Two containers of inventory; reorder when the first is empty Inventory Counting Technologies • Universal product code (UPC) – Bar code printed on a label that has information about the item to which it is attached OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags – A technology that uses radio waves to identify objects, such as goods in supply chains Demand Forecasts and Lead Time • Forecasts – Inventories are necessary to satisfy customer demands, so it is important to have a reliable estimate of the amount and timing of demand • Lead time – Time interval between ordering and receiving the order • Point-of-sale (POS) systems – A system that electronically records actual sales – Such demand information is very useful for enhancing forecasting and inventory management ABC Classification System • A-B-C approach – Classifying inventory according to some measure of importance, and allocating control efforts accordingly – A items (very important) • 10 to 20 percent of the number of items in inventory and about 60 to 70 percent of the annual dollar value – B items (moderately important) – C items (least important) • 50 to 60 percent of the number of items in inventory but only about 10 to 15 percent of the annual dollar value Cycle Counting • Cycle counting – A physical count of items in inventory OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Cycle counting management – How much accuracy is needed? • A item: ± 0.2 percent • B items: ± 1 percent • C items: ± 5 percent – When should cycle counting be performed? – Who should do it? How Much to Order: EOQ Models • The basic economic order quantity model • The economic production quantity model • The quantity discount model Basic EOQ Model • The basic EOQ model is used to find a fixed order quantity that will minimize total annual inventory costs • Assumptions – Only one product is involved – Annual demand requirements are known – Demand is even throughout the year – Lead time does not vary – Each order is received in a single delivery – There are no quantity discounts OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Total Annual Cost Goal: Total Cost Minimization Deriving EOQ • Using calculus, we take the derivative of the total cost function and set the derivative (slope) equal to zero and solve for Q. • The total cost curve reaches its minimum where the carrying and ordering costs are equal. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) • Assumptions – Only one product is involved – Annual demand requirements are known – Usage rate is constant – Usage occurs continually, but production occurs periodically – The production rate is constant – Lead time does not vary – There are no quantity discounts EPQ: Inventory Profile EPQ – Total Cost EPQ OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Quantity Discount Model • Quantity discount – Price reduction offered to customers for placing large orders Quantity Discounts When to Reorder • Reorder point – When the quantity on hand of an item drops to this amount, the item is reordered. – Determinants of the reorder point 1. 2. The rate of demand The lead time OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 3. The extent of demand and/or lead time variability 4. The degree of stockout risk acceptable to management Reorder Point: Under Certainty Safety Stock • As the amount of safety stock carried increases, the risk of stockout decreases. – This improves customer service level • Service level – The probability that demand will not exceed supply during lead time – Service level = 100% - Stockout risk How Much Safety Stock? • The amount of safety stock that is appropriate for a given situation depends upon: 1. The average demand rate and average lead time 2. Demand and lead time variability 3. The desired service level OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Reorder Point Reorder Point: Demand Uncertainty Reorder Point: Lead Time Uncertainty How Much to Order: FOI • Fixed-order-interval (FOI) model – Orders are placed at fixed time intervals • Reasons for using the FOI model – Supplier’s policy may encourage its use – Grouping orders from the same supplier can produce savings in shipping costs – Some circumstances do not lend themselves to continuously monitoring inventory position OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Fixed-Quantity vs. Fixed-Interval Ordering FOI Model OI* represents the optimal time between orders. Time-frame of interest is an appropriate period (e.g., days or weeks). This is usually based on the time-frame expressed by the average demand rate, d-bar. Single-Period Model • Single-Period Model – Model for ordering perishables and other items with limited useful lives OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Shortage cost • Generally, the unrealized profit per unit • Cshortage = Cs = Revenue per unit – Cost per unit – Excess cost • Different between purchase cost and salvage value of items left over at the end of the period • Cexcess = Ce = Cost per unit – Salvage value per unit Single-Period Model • The goal of the single-period model is to identify the order quantity that will minimize the long-run excess and shortage costs • Two categories of problem: – Demand can be characterized by a continuous distribution – Demand can be characterized by a discrete distribution Stocking Levels ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 10 – AGGREGATE PLANNING OVERVIEW Aggregate planning is the process of developing, analyzing, and maintaining a preliminary, approximate schedule of the overall operations of an organization. The aggregate plan generally contains targeted sales forecasts, production levels, inventory levels, and customer backlogs. This schedule is intended to satisfy the demand forecast at a minimum cost. Properly done, aggregate planning should minimize the effects of shortsighted, day-to-day scheduling, in which small amounts of material may be ordered one week, with an accompanying layoff of workers, followed by ordering larger amounts and rehiring workers the next week. This longer-term perspective on resource use can help minimize short-term requirements changes with a resulting cost savings. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ➢ Discuss aggregate planning and the planning levels? ➢ Discuss the planning sequence. ➢ Discuss the three planning strategies. ➢ Identify the advantages and disadvantages of Chase Approach? COURSE MATERIALS Aggregate planning – Intermediate-range capacity planning that typically covers a time horizon of 2 to 18 months – Useful for organizations that experience seasonal, or other variations in demand – Goal: • Achieve a production plan that will effectively utilize the organizations’ resources to satisfy demand Sales and Operations Planning • Some organizations use the term sales operations and planning rather than aggregate planning – Sales and operation planning • Intermediate-range planning decisions to balance supply and demand, integrating financial and operations planning • Since the plan affects functions throughout the organization, it is typically prepared with inputs from sales, finance, and operations OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Planning Levels The Planning Sequence Aggregation • The plan must be in units of measurement that can be understood by the firm’s nonoperations personnel • Aggregate units of output per month • Dollar value of total monthly output • Total output by factory • Measures that relate to capacity such as labor hours Dealing with Variation • Most organizations use rolling 3, 6, 9- and 12-month forecasts – Forecasts are updated periodically, rather than relying on a once-a-year forecast • Strategies to counter variation: – Maintain a certain amount of excess capacity to handle increases in demand – Maintain a degree of flexibility in dealing with changes • Hiring temporary workers • Using overtime – Wait as long as possible before committing to a certain level of supply capacity OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Schedule products or services with known demands first • Wait to schedule other products until their demands become less uncertain Overview of Aggregate Planning Demand and Supply • Aggregate planners are concerned with the – Demand quantity • If demand exceeds capacity, attempt to achieve balance by altering capacity, demand, or both – Timing of demand • Even if demand and capacity are approximately equal, planners still often have to deal with uneven demand within the planning period Aggregate Planning Inputs • Resources – Workforce/production rates – Facilities and equipment • Demand forecast • Policies – Workforce changes – Subcontracting – Overtime – Inventory levels/changes – Back orders • Costs – Inventory carrying – Back orders – Hiring/firing – Overtime – Inventory changes – subcontracting OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Aggregate Planning Outputs • Total cost of a plan • Projected levels of – Inventory – Output – Employment – Subcontracting – Backordering Aggregate Planning Strategies • Proactive – Alter demand to match capacity • Reactive – Alter capacity to match demand • Mixed – Some of each Demand Options • Pricing – Used to shift demand from peak to off-peak periods – Price elasticity is important • Promotion – Advertising and other forms of promotion • Back orders – Orders are taken in one period and deliveries promised for a later period • New demand Supply Options • Hire and lay off workers • Overtime/slack time • Part-time workers • Inventories • Subcontracting OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Aggregate Planning Pure Strategies • Level capacity strategy: – Maintaining a steady rate of regular-time output while meeting variations in demand by a combination of options: • inventories, overtime, part-time workers, subcontracting, and back orders • Chase demand strategy: – Matching capacity to demand; the planned output for a period is set at the expected demand for that period. Chase Approach • Capacities are adjusted to match demand requirements over the planning horizon – Advantages • Investment in inventory is low • Labor utilization in high – Disadvantages • The cost of adjusting output rates and/or workforce levels Level Approach • Capacities are kept constant over the planning horizon • Advantages – Stable output rates and workforce • Disadvantages – Greater inventory costs – Increased overtime and idle time – Resource utilizations vary over time Techniques for Aggregate Planning • General procedure: 1. Determine demand for each period 2. Determine capacities for each period 3. Identify company or departmental policies that are pertinent 4. Determine unit costs 5. Develop alternative plans and costs 6. Select the plan that best satisfies objectives. Otherwise return to step 5. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Trial-and-Error Techniques • Trial-and-error approaches consist of developing simple table or graphs that enable planners to visually compare projected demand requirements with existing capacity • Alternatives are compared based on their total costs • Disadvantage of such an approach is that it does not necessarily result in an optimal aggregate plan Trial-and-Error Technique Assumptions • The regular output capacity is the same in all periods • Cost is a linear function composed of unit cost and number of units • Plans are feasible • All costs are associated with a decision option can be represented by a lump sum • Cost figures can be reasonably estimated and are constant for the planning period • Inventories are built up and drawn down at a uniform rate throughout each period • Backlogs are treated as if they exist the entire period Cumulative Graph Mathematical Techniques • Linear programming models • Simulation models – Computerized models that can be tested under different scenarios to identify acceptable solutions to problems Aggregate Planning in Services • Hospitals: – Aggregate planning used to allocate funds, staff, and supplies to meet the demands of patients for their medical services • Airlines: – Aggregate planning in this environment is complex due to the number of factors involved – Capacity decisions must take into account the percentage of seats to be allocated to various fare classes in order to maximize profit or yield OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Restaurants: – Aggregate planning in high-volume businesses is directed toward smoothing the service rate, determining workforce size, and managing demand to match a fixed capacity – Can use inventory; however, it is perishable • The resulting plan in services is a time-phased projection of service staff requirements • Aggregate planning in manufacturing and services is similar, but there are some key differences related to: 1. Demand for service can be difficult to predict 2. Capacity availability can be difficult to predict 3. Labor flexibility can be an advantage in services 4. Services occur when they are rendered Yield Management • Yield management – An approach to maximizing revenue by using a strategy of variable pricing; prices are set relative to capacity availability • During periods of low demand, price discounts are offered • During periods of peak demand, higher prices are charged • Users of yield management include – Airlines, restaurants, hotels, restaurants Disaggregation Aggregate Plan → Disaggregation → Master Schedule Disaggregating the Aggregate Plan • Master schedule: – The result of disaggregating an aggregate plan – Shows quantity and timing of specific end items for a scheduled horizon The heart of production planning and control – It determines the quantity needed to meet demand from all sources – It interfaces with • Marketing • Capacity planning • Production planning • Distribution planning – Provides senior management with the ability to determine whether the business plan and its strategic objectives will be achieved OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 The Master Scheduler • The master scheduler’s duties: – Evaluating the impact of new orders – Providing delivery dates for orders – Deals with problems • Evaluating the impact of production or delivery delays • Revising master schedule when necessary because of insufficient supplies or capacity • Bring instances of insufficient capacity to the attention of relevant personnel so they can participate in resolving conflicts The Master Scheduling Process Master Scheduling Process • The master production schedule (MPS) is one of the primary outputs of the master scheduling process – Once a tentative MPS has been developed, it must be validated • Rough cut capacity planning (RCCP) is a tool used in the validation process – Approximate balancing of capacity and demand to test the feasibility of a master schedule – Involves checking the capacities of production and warehouse facilities, labor, and vendors to ensure no gross deficiencies exist that will render the MPS unworkable MPS – Forecasts and Customer Orders OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 MPS – Projected On Hand Determining MPS and Projected On Hand Adding MPS and Projected On Hand to the MPS OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Available to Promise Time Fences Period 1 2 3 “Frozen” (firm or fixed) 4 “slushy” (somewhat firm ) 5 6 7 8 9 “liquid” (open) ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 11 – MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS PLANNING (MRP) AND ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) OVERVIEW Most manufacturers use an organizational system called material requirements planning (MRP). MRP is software that allows for the planning, scheduling, and overall control of materials used in the manufacturing process. Others use an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system instead. In addition to meeting material requirements, ERP systems integrate organizational needs such as accounting, marketing, human resources, and supply chain management. When we look at ERPs/MRPs and which type of software is better for manufacturing companies, there are many factors to consider. In this lesson we’ll explore the top differences between MRP versus ERP. Then, we’ll take a look at how to assess which system your organization requires at this stage in time. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Discuss the elements of Material Requirements Planning ✓ Illustrate and discuss the application of Material Requirements Planning COURSE MATERIALS MRP and ERP Dependent Demand • Dependent demand – Demand for items that are subassemblies or component parts to be used in the production of finished goods. – Dependent demand tends to be sporadic or “lumpy” • Large quantities are used at specific points in time with little or no usage at other times OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Dependent vs Independent Demand •Material requirements planning (MRP): – A computer-based information system that translates master schedule requirements for end items into time-phased requirements for subassemblies, components, and raw materials. – The MRP is designed to answer three questions: 1. What is needed? 2. 3. How much is needed? When is it needed? Overview of MRP OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 MRP Inputs: Master Schedule • Master schedule: – One of three primary inputs in MRP; states which end items are to be produced, when these are needed, and in what quantities. – Managers like to plan far enough into the future so they have reasonable estimates of upcoming demands – The master schedule should cover a period that is at least equivalent to the cumulative lead time – Cumulative lead time » The sum of the lead times that sequential phases of a process require, from ordering of parts or raw materials to completion of final assembly. MRP Inputs: Bill of Materials • Bill of Materials (BOM) – A listing of all of the raw materials, parts, subassemblies, and assemblies needed to produce one unit of a product – Product structure tree • A visual depiction of the requirements in a bill of materials, where all components are listed by levels Product Structure Tree OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Low-level coding – Restructuring the bill of material so that multiple occurrences of a component all coincide with the lowest level at which the component occurs MRP Inputs: Inventory Records • Inventory records – Includes information on the status of each item by time period, called time buckets • Information about – Gross requirements – Scheduled receipts – Expected amount on hand • Other details for each item such as – Supplier – Lead time – Lot size – Changes due to stock receipts and withdrawals – Canceled orders and similar events Assembly Time Chart OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 MRP Record Gross requirements • Total expected demand Scheduled receipts • Open orders scheduled to arrive Projected Available • Expected inventory on hand at the beginning of each time period Net requirements • Actual amount needed in each time period Planned-order receipts • Quantity expected to receive at the beginning of the period offset by lead time Planned-order releases • Planned amount to order in each time period MRP: Development • The MRP is based on the product structure tree diagram • Requirements are determined level by level, beginning with the end item and working down the tree – The timing and quantity of each “parent” becomes the basis for determining the timing and quantity of the children items directly below it. – The “children” items then become the “parent” items for the next level, and so on MRP Considerations • Safety Stock – Theoretically, MRP systems should not require safety stock – Variability may necessitate the strategic use of safety stock • A bottleneck process or one with varying scrap rates may cause shortages in downstream operations OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Shortages may occur if orders are late or fabrication or assembly times are longer than expected • When lead times are variable, the concept of safety time is often used – Safety time » Scheduling orders for arrival or completions sufficiently ahead of their need that the probability of shortage is eliminated or significantly reduced MRP Lot Sizing Rules – Lot-for-Lot (L4L) ordering • The order or run size is set equal to the demand for that period • Minimizes investment in inventory • It results in variable order quantities • A new setup is required for each run – Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) • Can lead to minimum costs if usage of item is fairly uniform – This may be the case for some lower-level items that are common to different ‘parents’ – Less appropriate for ‘lumpy demand’ items because inventory remnants often result – Fixed Period Ordering • Provides coverage for some predetermined number of periods Using the MRP • Pegging – The process of identifying the parent items that have generated a given set of material requirements for an item • Backflushing – Exploding an end item’s BOM to determine the quantities of the components that were used to make the item Updating the System • An MRP is not a static document – As time passes • Some orders get completed • Other orders are nearing completion • New orders will have been entered • Existing orders will have been altered – Quantity changes – Delays – Missed deliveries OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 MRP Outputs: Primary • Primary Outputs – Planned orders • A schedule indicating the amount and timing of future orders – Order releases • Authorizing the execution of planned orders – Changes • Revisions of the dates or quantities, or the cancellation of orders MRP Outputs: Secondary • Secondary Outputs – Performance-control reports • Evaluation of system operation, including deviations from plans and cost information – Planning reports • Data useful for assessing future material requirements – Exception reports • Data on any major discrepancies encountered MRP in Services • Food catering service – End item 🡪 catered food – Dependent demand 🡪 ingredients for each recipe, i.e., bill of materials • Hotel renovation – Activities and materials “exploded” into component parts for cost estimation and scheduling MRP Benefits • Enables managers to easily – determine the quantities of each component for a given order size – To know when to release orders for each component – To be alerted when items need attention • Additional benefits – Low levels of in-process inventories – The ability to track material requirements – The ability to evaluate capacity requirements – A means of allocating production time – The ability to easily determine inventory usage via backflushing OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 MRP Requirements • To implement an effective MRP system requires: – A computer and the necessary software to handle computations and maintain records – Accurate and up-to-date • Master schedules • Bills of materials • Inventory records – Integrity of data files MRP II • Manufacturing resources planning (MRP II) – Expanded approach to production resource planning, involving other areas of the firm in the planning process and enabling capacity requirements planning • Most MRP II systems have the capability of performing simulation to answer a variety of “what if” questions so they can gain a better appreciation of available options and their consequences MRP II: Overview Closed Loop MRP • When MRP II systems began to include feedback loops, they were referred to as closed loop MRP • Closed Loop MRP – Systems evaluate a proposed material plan relative to available capacity OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – If a proposed plan is not feasible, it must be revised • This evaluation is referred to as capacity requirements planning Capacity Requirements Planning • Capacity requirements planning (CRP) – The process of determining short-range capacity requirements. – Inputs to capacity requirement planning • Planned-order releases for the MPR • Current shop loading • Routing information • Job time – Key outputs • Load reports for each work center System Stability • Stability in short-term plans is very important – Without stability, changes in order quantity and/or timing can render material requirements plans virtually useless – System nervousness refers to how a system might react to changes • Sometimes the reaction can be greater than the original change Time Fences • Time fences – Series of time intervals during which order changes are allowed or restricted • The nearest fence is most restrictive • The farthest fence is least restrictive OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Using MRP to Assist in CRP Load Reports • Load reports – Department or work center reports that compare known and expected future capacity requirements with projected capacity availability. Enterprise Resource Planning • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) – ERP was the next step in an evolution that began with MRP and evolved into MRPII – ERP, like MRP II, typically has an MRP core – Represents an expanded effort to integration financial, manufacturing, and human resources on a single computer system – ERP systems are composed of a collection of integrated modules OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Overview of ERP Software Modules ERP Considerations • How can ERP improve a company’s business performance? • How long will an ERP implementation project take? • How will ERP affect current business processes? • What is the ERP total cost of ownership? • What are the hidden costs of ERP ownership? ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 LESSON 12 – LEAN OPERATIONS OVERVIEW Most manufacturers use an organizational system called material requirements planning (MRP). MRP is software that allows for the planning, scheduling, and overall control of materials used in the manufacturing process. Others use an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system instead. In addition to meeting material requirements, ERP systems integrate organizational needs such as accounting, marketing, human resources, and supply chain management. When we look at ERPs/MRPs and which type of software is better for manufacturing companies, there are many factors to consider. In this lesson we’ll explore the top differences between MRP versus ERP. Then, we’ll take a look at how to assess which system your organization requires at this stage in time. LEARNING OUTCOMES After the end of this lesson, students will be able to: ✓ Discuss how operations management maximize customer value through JIT – The Toyota Production System and Lean Operations ✓ Discuss the strategic importance of reliability in operations management COURSE MATERIALS • Lean operation – A flexible system of operation that uses considerably less resources than a traditional system • Tend to achieve – Greater productivity – Lower costs – Shorter cycle times – Higher quality Lean Operations: The Beginning • Lean operations began as lean manufacturing, also known as JIT in the mid-1900s • Developed by Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Ohno of Toyota – Focus was on eliminating all waste from every aspect of the process • Waste is viewed as anything that interfered with, or did not add value to, the process of producing automobiles Lean Systems: Basic Elements • Lean systems have three basic elements: – A system that is OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 1. Demand driven 2. 3. Focused on waste reduction Has a culture dedicated to excellence and continuous improvement Lean: Ultimate Goal • The ultimate goal: – A balanced system • One that achieves a smooth, rapid flow of materials through the system to match supply to customer demand Goals and building blocks of lean systems Lean: Supporting Goals • The degree to which lean’s ultimate goal is achieved depends upon how well its supporting goals are achieved: 1. Eliminate disruptions 2. Make the system flexible 3. Eliminate waste, especially excess inventory Waste • Waste – Represents unproductive resources – Seven sources of waste in lean systems: 1. Inventory 2. Overproduction 3. Waiting time OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 4. Unnecessary transporting 5. Processing waste 6. Inefficient work methods 7. Product defects Kaizen • The kaizen philosophy for attacking waste is based upon these ideas: 1. Waste is the enemy and to eliminate waste it is necessary to get the hands dirty 2. Improvement should be done gradually and continuously; the goal is not big improvements done intermittently 3. Everyone should be involved 4. Kaizen is built on a cheap strategy, and it does not require spending great sums on technology or consultants 5. It can be applied everywhere 6. It is supported by a visual system 7. It focuses attention where value is created 8. It is process oriented 9. It stresses that the main effort for improvement should come from new thinking and a new work style 10. The essence of organizational learning is to learn while doing Lean: Building Blocks • Product design • Process design • Personnel/organizational elements • Manufacturing planning and control Building Blocks: Product Design • Four elements of product design important for lean systems: 1. Standard parts 2. Modular design 3. Highly capable systems with quality built in 4. Concurrent engineering • Eight aspects of process design that are important for lean systems: 1. Small lot sizes 2. Setup time reduction 3. Manufacturing cells 4. Quality improvement OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 5. Production flexibility 6. A balanced system 7. Little inventory storage 8. Fail-safe methods Process Design: Small Lot Sizes • In the lean philosophy, the ideal lot size is one • Benefits of small lot size – Reduced in-process inventory • Lower carrying costs • Less storage space is necessary – Inspection and rework costs are less when problems with quality do occur – Less inventory to ‘work off’ before implementing product improvements – Increased visibility of problems – Permits greater flexibility in scheduling – Increased ease of balancing operations Process Design: Setup Time Reduction • Small lot sizes and changing product mixes require frequent setups • Unless these are quick and relatively inexpensive, they can be prohibitive • Setup time reduction requires deliberate improvement efforts – Single-minute exchange of die (SMED) • A system for reducing changeover time – Group technology may be used to reduce setup time by capitalizing on similarities in recurring operations Process Design: Manufacturing Cells • One characteristic of lean production systems is multiple manufacturing cells • Benefits include – Reduced changeover times – High equipment utilization – Ease of cross-training workers Process Design: Quality Improvement • Quality defects during the process can disrupt operations • Autonomation (jidoka) – Automatic detection of defects during production • Two mechanisms are employed OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – One for detecting defects when they occur – Another for stopping production to correct the cause of the defects Process Design: Work Flexibility • Guidelines for increasing flexibility – Reduce downtime due to changeovers by reducing changeover time – Use preventive maintenance on key equipment to reduce breakdowns and downtime – Cross-train workers so they can help when bottlenecks occur or other workers are absent – Use many small units of capacity; many small cells make it easier to shift capacity temporarily and to add or subtract capacity – Use off-line buffers. Store infrequently used safety stock away from the production area – Reserve capacity for important customers Process Design: Balanced System • Takt time – The cycle time needed to match customer demand for final product – Sometimes referred to as the heartbeat of a lean system • Takt time is often set for a work shift • Procedure: 1. 2. 3. Determine the net time available per shift If there is more than one shift per day, multiply the net time by the number of shifts Compute the takt time by dividing the net available time by demand Process Design: Inventory Storage • Lean systems are designed to minimize inventory storage – Inventories are buffers that tend to cover up recurring problems that are never resolved • partly because they are not obvious • partly because the presence of inventory makes them seem less serious OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Process Design: Fail-Safe Methods • Poka-yoke (Fail safing) – Building safeguards into a process to reduce or eliminate the potential for errors during a process Building Blocks: Personnel/Organizational • Five personnel/organizational elements that are important for lean systems: – Workers as assets – Cross-trained workers – Continuous improvement – Cost accounting – Leadership/project management Personnel/Organizational: Workers as Assets • Workers as assets – Well-trained and motivated workers are the heart of the lean system • They are given greater authority to make decisions, but more is expected of them Personnel/Organizational: Cross-Trained Workers • Cross-trained workers – Workers are trained to perform several parts of a process and operate a variety of machines • Facilitates flexibility • Helps in line balancing Personnel/Organizational: Continuous Improvement • Continuous improvement – Workers in lean systems have greater responsibility for quality, and they are expected to be involved in problem solving and continuous improvement – Lean workers receive training in • Statistical process control • Quality improvement • Problem solving OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Personnel/Organizational: Cost Accounting • Cost accounting – Activity-based costing • Allocation of overhead to specific jobs based on their percentage of activities Personnel/Organizational: Leadership • Leadership/project management – Managers are expected to be leaders and facilitators, not order givers – Lean systems encourage two-way communication between workers and managers Building Blocks: MPC • Seven elements of manufacturing planning and control (MPC) are particularly important for lean system: 1. Level loading 2. Pull systems 3. 4. Visual systems Limited work-in-process (WIP) 5. Close vendor relationships 6. 7. Reduced transaction processing Preventive maintenance and housekeeping • Lean systems place a strong emphasis on achieving stable, level daily mix schedules 1. MPS – developed to provide level capacity loading 2. Mixed model scheduling • Three issues need to be resolved – – – What is the appropriate product sequence to use? How many times should the sequence be repeated daily? How many units of each model should be produced in each cycle? MPC: Communication • Communication moves backward through the system from station to station – Each workstation (customer) communicates its need for more work to the preceding workstation (supplier) • Assures that supply equals demand – Work moves “just in time” for the next operation OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 • Flow of work is coordinated • Accumulation of excessive inventories is avoided MPC: Pull Systems • Push system – Work is pushed to the next station as it is completed • Pull system – A workstation pulls output from the preceding workstation as it is needed – Output of the final operation is pulled by customer demand or the master schedule – Pull systems are not appropriate for all operations • Large variations in volume, product mix, or product design will undermine the system MPC: Visual Systems • Kanban – Card or other device that communicates demand for work or materials from the preceding station • Kanban is the Japanese word meaning “signal” or “visible record” – Paperless production control system – Authority to pull, or produce, comes from a downstream process. Ideal number of kanban cards MPC: Limited WIP • Benefits of lower WIP – Lower carrying costs – Increased flexibility – Aids scheduling OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 – Saves costs of scrap and rework if there are design changes – Lower cycle-time variability MPC: Close Vendor Relationships • Lean systems typically have close relationships with vendors – They are expected to provide frequent, small deliveries of high-quality goods • A key feature of many lean systems is the relatively small number of suppliers used MPC: Reduced Transaction Processing • Lean systems seek to reduce costs associated with the ‘hidden factory’: – Logistical transactions – Balancing transactions – Quality transactions – Change transactions Value Stream Mapping • Value stream mapping – A visual tool to systematically examine the flows of materials and information • Its purpose is to help identify waste and opportunities for improvement • Data collected: – Times – Distances traveled – Mistakes – Inefficient work methods – Waiting times – Information flows Transitioning to Lean Systems • Make sure top management is committed and that they know what will be required • Decide which parts will need the most effort to convert • Obtain support and cooperation of workers • Begin by trying to reduce setup times while maintaining the current system • Gradually convert operations, begin at the end and work backwards • Convert suppliers to JIT • Prepare for obstacles OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Obstacles to Conversion • Management may not be fully committed or willing to devote the necessary resources to conversion • Workers/management may not be cooperative • It can be difficult to change the organizational culture to one consistent with the lean philosophy • Suppliers may resist Lean Services • In service the focus is often on the time needed to perform the service because speed is often the order winner • Lean benefits can be achieved in the following ways: – Eliminate disruptions – Make system flexible – Reduce setup and lead times – Eliminate waste – Minimize WIP – Simplify the process JIT II • JIT II: • A supplier representative works right in the company’s plant, making sure there is an appropriate supply on hand • It is often referred to as vendor managed inventory (VMI) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT Course Grading System OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013 Class Standing • Quizzes • Attendance • Recitation • Projects/Assignments/Seatwork/Special Report Midterm / Final Examinations Midterm Grade + Final Term Grade 2 = 70% 30% 100% FINAL GRADE References • • Operations Management by S. Anil Kumar & N. Suresh (2009) Principles of Operations Management, 9thEd., by Jay Heizer and Barry Render (2001) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | BUMA 20013