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Project Initiation Document: Student Record Management System

Project Initiation Document
Basic details
Draft project
Acquainting a dynamic algorithm with provide the best
solution for loyalty Customer Selection
CCPP01N MSc Advanced Computing Dissertation
Project supervisor:
Dr. Tingkai Wang
2. Outline of the project environment and problem to be solved
The student record management process cannot be very efficient if it is done manually.
if the present the management activities and other processes are done manually. It
creates hardships due to wrong entries, mistakes in totaling and reports generation. The
institutions' management cannot be done in an efficient way.
By looking at the current procedure, everything is based on a traditional manual system.
the staff of the institution has to keep track of each and every entry in books. Which
makes it difficult to arrive on any managerial decisions based on the information
available. Also searching for information is a difficult task. Sometimes data will be
missing, and it will become a waste and a ravage to the Academy
One key factor determining the success of an educational institute is the performance
of the students. During this research it is a in deep exploration is done on students’
participation and the marks they have obtained to understand the relationship between
Project aim and objectives
• To develop a network to use students, teachers and parents.
• Developing an information and progress management system for online students.
• Comparison of student and progress management information
Project constraints
This project mainly focuses on student record management of the Vision Tech .
Involved stakeholders are the management staff, students, parents and teachers of the
institute. Management staff can use this system to register students, update their details.
They can also use the system for payment details of the students. Students can check
their class schedules as well as their teachers' details using this system.as well as they
can check their marks up to now. Teachers can check details of students like marks,
progress if student is failing which area, he/she is failing and predict their future results
. In case of an emergency or in some announcement they can get personal details of the
students using this system.
The project started with reading articles related to the research area. for the analysis
stage, a survey will be shared with possible stakeholders Vsiontech. This survey will
do background analysis on stakeholders’ ideas about the automated system as well as
the relationship between the attendance and the marks of the student. With the
completion of survey distribution and analysis application designing phase will start.
This application is designed by using Oracle Forms and Reports and Oracle Express
Edition database 11g and Oracle APEX. The Front end is designed by using Oracle
Forms and Reports 10g supported by the back end as Oracle XE. Oracle Application
Server is used to deploy the application. Oracle Report is used for retrieving the data
which is stored in the database.