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Nathan Chen Educational Assessment

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Educational Assessment
Student Name: Nathan Chen
DOB: 06/11/2008
Date of Evaluation: 08/30/2019
Current Age: 11.3
School: Regnart Elementary School
Teacher: Chapman-Locke
Grade: 5
Examiner: Barron
Write 2 or 3 short paragraphs describing your student based on the information provided
by the parent, teacher, or student interview. Give a clear picture of the student.
Referred by:
Teacher report
Use bullet points to capture any concerns from student’s teacher, for example:
his mood is typical of other boys his age
Completes less homework than his peers
Attendance is fine
Behavioral Test Observations
Write 1 or 2 short paragraphs describing student based on student behavior and responses
during the testing session. For example:
cooperative and his activity level typical
seemed attentive to the tasks but at times he appeared distracted
He required increased time on the word identification tasks and greater attention to
phoneme grapheme relationships
No observed difficulties in applied math tasks
The findings from this assessment appear to be a valid and a reliable indication of student’s
overall achievement as measured by the instruments used and their reported purposes. (be sure
to include this statement)
Classroom Observation:
Write one to two paragraphs here to explain what you observed in the classroom when
you observed the student.
The Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement was administered.
11 Subtests were administered, including:
1) Letter-Word Identification
2) Applied Problems
3) Spelling
4) Passage Comprehension
5) Calculation
6) Writing Samples
7) Word Attack
8) Oral Reading
9) Sentence Reading Fluency
10) Math Facts Fluency
11) Sentence Writing Fluency
Test Results Discussion:
Use the following template to frame your discussion. You may use these exact words, if
you like.
The purpose of assessing academic performance levels is to determine if Nathan has an
educational need resulting from a disability, as well as to determine the presence or absence of a
significant educational deficit requiring special education services.
The Woodcock-Johnson IV-Tests of Achievement (WJ-IV ACH) is a comprehensive set of
individually administered tests to measure educational achievement in the areas of reading,
mathematics, written language, oral language, academic skills, fluency and applications. The
results from the Standard Battery which was administered are presented below:
SCORE (with
68% BAND)
WoodcockJohnson IV Test
of Achievement
Broad Reading
WoodcockJohnson IV Test
of Achievement
Broad Math
WoodcockJohnson IV Test
of Achievement
Broad Written
The Broad Reading Skills cluster is a combination of the Letter-Word Identification test
(reading a list of words aloud), Passage Comprehension test (using syntactic and semantic cues
to identify the missing words in a text) and Sentence Reading Fluency test (reading simple
sentences quickly, decide if the statement is true, and select either yes or no). These tests
together provide a measure of reading achievement including decoding, speed, and
Broad Reading test scores – Letter-Word Identification (SS 92), Passage Comprehension (SS
88), Sentence Reading Fluency (SS 98)
The Broad Math cluster is a combination of Applied Problems (“story” or “word” problems
with scratch paper), Calculation (paper and pencil math computations), and Math Facts Fluency
(solving simple addition, subtraction and multiplication facts quickly). These tests together
provide a measure of computational skill, automaticity with math facts, and problem solving and
Broad Math test scores LIST STANDARD SCORE IN PARENTHESIS - Calculation (SS 87),
Applied Problems (SS 79), Math Facts Fluency (SS 95)
The Broad Written Language cluster is a combination of Spelling of Sounds (spelling
nonsense words that conform to conventional phonics and spelling rules), Writing Samples
(composing meaningful written sentences in response to a variety of tasks), and Sentence Writing
Fluency (writing legible, simple sentences with acceptable English syntax). These tests together
provide a broad, comprehensive view of the individual’s written language achievement,
including spelling single-word responses, expressing ideas to various tasks, and quickly writing
simple sentences.
Broad Written Language test scores LIST STANDARD SCORE IN PARENTHESIS – Writing
Samples (SS 102), Spelling (SS 90), Sentence Writing Fluency (SS 93)
WoodcockJohnson IV
Test of
WoodcockJohnson IV
Test of
WoodcockJohnson IV
Test of
WoodcockJohnson IV
Test of
WoodcockJohnson IV
Test of
68% BAND)
The Academic Skills cluster is a cross-academic cluster composed of Letter-Word Identification
(reading isolated letters and words orally), Calculation (paper and pencil math computations),
and Spelling (spelling nonsense words that conform to conventional phonics and spelling rules).
These tests together provide a general, basic skills achievement level and can help determine
whether the individual’s level of basic skills is similar or variable across the three academic areas
of reading, writing and math. Specifically, (Student Name) was able to… (Student Name) had
difficulty… ( personalize this section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
Academic Skills test scores LIST STANDARD SCORE IN PARENTHESIS - Letter-Word
Identification (SS ), Calculation (SS ), Spelling (SS )
The Academic Fluency cluster is a combination of Sentence Reading Fluency (reading simple
sentences quickly, deciding if the statement is true, and selecting either yes or no), Math Facts
Fluency (solving simple addition, subtraction and multiplication facts quickly), and Sentence
Writing Fluency (writing legible, simple sentences with acceptable English syntax). These tests
together provide a general academic fluency level and can determine whether the individual’s
level of automaticity with basic skills is facilitating or inhibiting academic performance.
Specifically, (Student Name) was able to… (Student Name) had difficulty… ( personalize this
section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
Academic Fluency test scores LIST STANDARD SCORE IN PARENTHESIS - Sentence
Reading Fluency (SS ), Math Facts Fluency (SS ), Sentence Writing Fluency (SS )
The Academic Applications cluster is a combination of Passage Comprehension (using
syntactic and semantic cues to identify the missing words in a text), Applied Problems (“story”
or “word” problems with scratch paper), and Writing Samples (composing meaningful written
sentences in response to a variety of tasks). These tests together provide a general measure of an
individual’s ability to reason and apply academic knowledge. Specifically, (Student Name) was
able to… (Student Name) had difficulty… ( personalize this section based on your analysis of
the student’s responses)
Academic Applications LIST STANDARD SCORE IN PARENTHESIS - Passage
Comprehension (SS ), Applied Problems (SS ), Writing Samples (SS )
The Reading Fluency cluster measures aspects of reading fluency, such as prosody,
automaticity, and accuracy. This cluster is a combination of Oral Reading (reading aloud
sentences of increasing difficulty) and Sentence Reading Fluency (reading simple sentences
quickly, deciding if the statement is true, and selecting either yes or no). These tests together
evaluate a person’s overall ability to read, including ease of reading, accuracy, expression
(prosody), and comprehension. Specifically, (Student Name) was able to… (Student Name) had
difficulty… ( personalize this section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
Reading Fluency test scores LIST STANDARD SCORE IN PARENTHESIS - Oral Reading
(SS ), Sentence Reading Fluency (SS )
The Word Attack test measures the student’s phonological (using speech sounds to read words)
and orthographic (using common letter patterns or strings to read nonsense words) coding skills.
Specifically, (Student Name) was able to… (Student Name) had difficulty… ( personalize this
section based on your analysis of the student’s responses)
Write a 2-3 paragraph summary of results including strengths first and then educational impact
or prediction of success given present levels of performance measured with the WJIV.
1. Discuss your recommendations for educational needs and/or accommodations based on
the results. DO NOT make this a statement as to type or amount or setting of services,
just areas in need of attention. That is, how instruction is to be differentiated for this
learner. If there are none (i.e., no areas of need), then a statement referring to the
leaner’s appropriate performance and that no support is needed at this time.
2. If applicable, discussion that demonstrates an understanding if the student is an English
Language Learner, gifted learner, and/or has a culturally diverse background.