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Classroom Arrangement Checklist: Accessibility & Learning

Classroom Arrangement
• Can students enter and leave the room without disrupting those in the
quiet areas of the room?
• Are there separate areas for large and small group instruction, so that one
group does not distract the others?
• Is there ample space for everyone, so that students don’t feel as if they’re
“on top of each other”?
• Does the group instruction area include blackboards that are close enough
for students to read easily from their seats?
• Can students easily reach the supplies they need?
• Is the teacher’s desk close to the door for easy access in an emergency?
• Is there space set aside for those students who need a quiet area in which
to work?
Individuals with mobility impairments
Students with vision impairments
504 Students
Students returning from Impact
Students with other learning accommodations and