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Offsite Construction Skills: Research & Action Plan

Faster, Smarter, More Efficient:
Building Skills for Offsite Construction
Research summary
and action plan
The first in a series of CITB Research White
Papers on Productivity and Future Skills
My 2016 review of the UK Construction Labour Model, entitled
‘Modernise or Die’ set out a stark warning to the construction industry,
alongside both its clients and government. The central assertion,
as the report’s title suggests, is that the construction sector needs
to either embrace reform once and for all or face the prospect of
resource attrition and growing delivery risks related to traditional
approaches gradually rendering it unfit for purpose.
It is very clear to me, even in the few months since my review was published, that the industry
prognosis I set out is already starting to drive an agenda for change, whether the industry
likes it or not. The sector is fundamentally underpinned by an ageing and migrant dependent
workforce just at a time when Brexit is creating real uncertainty on future flows of labour and
we continue to struggle to attract high quality home grown talent from a new generation that
are aspiring to very different, digitally led career choices. The dangers are evident and the
solutions lie in two fundamental and inter-related areas that go to the heart of productivity
improvement. Firstly, adopting more integrated precision engineered ‘pre-manufacturing’
techniques, in turn supported by growing client led demand. Secondly, to evolve a new skills
and training landscape alongside the more traditional pathways that enables and supports
the implementation of innovative techniques and technologies.
One of my review’s recommendations was for the CITB to be reformed to create a much
more effective enabling function for industry which collects a levy and distributes grant in an
efficient, impactful and responsible way. That wider responsibility in my view must extend to
helping future proof an industry with unprecedented structural risks to its traditional mode
of delivery. Any reform therefore needs to include consideration of more strategic issues
such as understanding changing market demand and better prioritising future skills needs.
The current ITB review initiated by the Department for Education pursuant to my report’s
recommendations will be central to the question of if and how the CITB can be re-purposed
in a way that addresses these issues whilst crucially rebuilding industry trust, followship and
ultimately continued consensus.
It is with all of this in mind that I welcome the publication of this research report and the
CITB’s proactivity, at a time of considerable uncertainty for them, in addressing what is a
major industry improvement theme. This decision I believe is fully validated by growing signs
of industry disruption that will start to increasingly question ‘business as usual’. It also aligns
to a supportive government policy environment which is actively promoting construction
innovation. These two factors are both especially relevant in the residential sector of the
construction industry but also have wider application.
I believe the approach set out in this report of identifying 6 functional skills groupings
rather than trying to map them entirely onto existing job roles is the right one. The much
more collaborative, integrated approach required to deliver true digitally enabled Design
for Manufacture & Assembly (DfMA) challenges the definitions of these very roles and
importantly the behavioural attributes that go with them. This process integration imperative
does however highlight the potential limits on CITB’s ability to influence the broader agenda
for training and industry reform without changes to its current scope and statutory mandate.
This brings back into focus the need for a strategic and integrated approach to the ITB review
and indeed, irrespective of this, for the wider industry, client community and government to all
play their part in driving and leading change.
It is important that the findings of this report have been heavily influenced by industry
consultation, and that theme has to continue if the recommendations are to stand any chance
of being hard wired to deliverable implementation plans. The immediate term actions that
CITB propose offer a good start point, in partnership with industry and other stakeholders,
to defining required new skills, updating worker and course accreditations, reviewing grant
funding priorities and, by implication, improving the narrative and tools that industry image
and outreach programmes can work with to attract quality new entrants.
In my travels across industry over the last few months, I have seen some very exciting activity
in manufacture led construction training and also research and development. Institutions such
as Dudley College, London Design & Engineering UTC and the High Value Manufacturing
Catapult Centres in Coventry and Sheffield have shown me what the future could look like
for both skills and delivery in our industry. I have also met numerous progressive clients
and construction businesses that recognise the time is now right for positive change. This
bodes well but ultimately we still need to have much more client and industry led demand
for innovation and we need it to be happening collaboratively if we are going to open
the ‘productivity floodgates’. As part of this any fully reformed, client and industry aligned
CITB needs to be able to help facilitate and support that shift in a way that is accessible to
everyone from major businesses to SME’s.
Ultimately, it’s actions not words that are needed but I’m hopeful that the scale of our
industry’s problems and the unprecedented burning platform we are facing is at last forcing
the modernisation debate to the very top of the industry’s agenda.
Mark Farmer
April 2017
Offsite – or prefabricated – construction is the manufacture and
pre-assembly of construction elements or components in a factory
environment prior to installation onsite. It potentially represents the
biggest change the built environment sector has faced in generations.
Currently, offsite accounts for less than 10% of total output, but this will grow as firms invest in
prefabricated manufacturing factories and other offsite technology.
Offsite will
grow as firms
invest in
factories and
other offsite
Over the last 18 months, announcements of major offsite construction initiatives have
included L&G’s modular housebuilding factory in Yorkshire and the China National Building
Material Company’s (CNBM) investment commitment of £2.5 billion into the UK starting with
the establishment of an offsite construction facility in Gloucestershire.
Home building is likely to be the first major beneficiary of offsite – or modular – construction,
but there is also scope for improved offsite methods to have a profound influence on the
pipeline of major infrastructure projects across the UK. It has the potential to be revolutionary
in its impact on quality, productivity, build times and costs. The Farmer Review highlights
a “window of opportunity” for construction to take advantage of offsite, with the chance to
“grow a new sector and retain the gross value add within the UK economy”.
There are, of course, a number of challenges to the growth of offsite. However, one of the
biggest potential drags on the UK fully capitalising on the rise of offsite construction would
be an inadequately trained workforce. We need a more flexible skillset across construction to
One of the
biggest drags
on the rise
of offsite
would be an
adapt to the dynamic demands of offsite construction.
The growth of offsite has seen a blurring of the lines between manufacturing, engineering
and construction, creating the need for new skills and redefining existing ones. We need to
not only train new entrants in a range of new skills, but also upskill our existing workforce.
The digitalisation of the construction industry and the link that provides to offsite also offers a
chance to attract a new cohort of skilled workers.
This report summarises detailed research into the offsite sector and its skill needs, produced
by Pye Tait for CITB. It also recommends a number of actions for CITB to which we respond. It
is based on a comprehensive survey of 100 clients, data from CITB’s panel of 1,248 employers
and in-depth interviews with over 50 employers, manufacturers, training providers, industry
stakeholders and clients.
Clients and employers expecting growth
The research identified a rapidly developing appetite for offsite construction among clients
but also a number of barriers to growth. These include higher upfront capital costs and
public perception that offsite construction results in poorer quality products, possibly due
to an association with post-war ‘pre-fab’ housing.
The survey of 100 construction industry clients found that nearly one in five (18%) expected
the proportion of work that includes some element of offsite construction to increase a lot
over the next five years, and a third for it to increase a little. That compares with only 1%
who said work would decrease a lot and 3% that it would decrease a little (see figure 1).
Figure 1: Over the next 5 years, do you expect the percentage of all your
construction work that comprises offsite construction to:
Increase a lot
Increase a little
No change
Decrease a little
Decrease a lot
Nearly half
of clients
expect the
use of offsite
to increase
Cannot say/don’t know
% of client respondants
It should be noted, however, that the survey only questioned those clients with existing
experience of commissioning offsite. That said, these so-called ‘informed’ clients tend to
represent larger companies, suggesting that among the bigger employers, offsite is far
more likely to grow than shrink.
In this context, there is an opportunity for offsite. Not only does it have the potential to
drive efficiencies for contractors, digitalisation and the relative comfort and safety of
factory working could make the sector more attractive to new entrants.
The drivers for growth appear to be strongest in the housing and commercial sub-sectors,
where there is clear appetite for innovation.
The growing use of certain products - such as light steel frames - in both the
commercial and residential markets have helped boost the use of and appetite for
offsite. The vast majority of respondents to the survey also expected much greater use of
There is a
clear appetite
for innovation
in the
housing and
offsite produced precast concrete panels and concrete frames over the next five years
(see figure 2 overleaf).
The infrastructure and industrial sub-sectors have been somewhat slower to adopt the
offsite agenda, but there is huge scope for growth here too, with a number of major projects,
including HS2 and the Hinkley Point nuclear plant, set to come on stream in the near future.
On both projects contractors have indicated the intention to use offsite methods to address
regional skills shortages.
Figure 2: Of the types of offsite construction materials and products used on your
work, do you expect the level of use over the next 5 years to:
Precast concrete panels
Precast concrete frame
Cross-laminated timber
Structural insulated panels (SIPS)
High technology glazing
Steel frame
18% 6%
No change
Timber frame
42% of firms
with over 100
staff expect
to use offsite
in 3-5 years’
Of the employers surveyed, around 16% are currently using offsite approaches. But this is
almost certainly set to grow in the coming years.
The use of offsite is expected to grow more quickly for larger employers. Of the respondents
surveyed with more than 100 employees, 42% said they expect their business to use offsite
methods in three to five years’ time. That figure drops to just 17% for firms who employ fewer
than 10 staff. This discrepancy could impact the supply chain, with even smaller companies
forced to upskill, given the high use of sub-contracting in the sector.
During the research for this report, a set of six ‘key functions’ were identified, covering
multiple job roles that are key to offsite construction. These functions – or personas as they
are described here – work in harness with each other in a more holistic, collaborative way
(see figure 3). See the Persona Supplement for the full persona examples.
Figure 3: Key offsite functions
Digital design
Site management
& integration
Offsite requires a more
collaborative and integrated
approach between functions.
Onsite assembly
& placement
All functions depend on some
shared skills, knowledge and
behaviours in order to effectively
deliver offsite projects.
Digital Design (Roles include: BIM Technician, Architect, Design Engineer)
Designers will need a new range of digital capabilities. Arguably the most important is
the adoption of 3D digital models with rich data (using Building Information Modelling) so
that designs can be robustly tested and agreed in advance of manufacture to avoid costly
errors and modifications at later stages.
Aligned to this is the need to integrate the design function into early stage planning
with the contractor and client. This is a significant break from the norm and challenges
designers to adopt a more holistic approach to their role.
Besides adapting to new technologies, those working in digital design should develop
knowledge skills including a deeper understanding of the materials and systems used
in offsite construction and how they can be optimally manufactured, transported and
assembled. It is also important for digital designers to engage with clients and facility
managers during and at the end of projects to get feedback, learn lessons and continually
improve approaches.
Relevant digital design skills, particularly BIM and offsite-specific knowledge, must be
embedded in further and higher education programmes. It is also advised that training
skills and
of offsite
materials and
is crucial for
this function
includes how to generate and use data in models such as sequencing, quantities, product
information and task data to help drive efficiencies in design, planning and collaboration.
A key barrier to the delivery of training is a shortage of tutors with the relevant knowledge
and experience in the emerging area of design for manufacture and assembly.
Being able
to make the
case for
offsite is vital
but “no-one
is training
in offsite
Estimating/Commercial (Roles include: Commercial Manager,
Quantity Surveyor, Estimator)
Given that cost saving is one of the key advantages of offsite, the estimating function
becomes an even more crucial one in the sector. Estimators must account for – and have an
understanding of – materials used, transportation costs and risk factors.
For offsite projects, the costing model often puts a far higher proportion of the cost at the
outset (i.e. before being onsite). This can deter clients. Being able to make the case for an
alternative value proposition is, therefore, vital.
The technical skills required include developing whole-life cycle costs, analysing tender
documents and contracts, developing tenders, and understanding the use of BIM. Knowledge
of contract law, quality assurance and an appreciation of how pre-manufactured buildings are
physically put together are also important in this function.
To be effective in this function, estimators must have both commercial nous and a keen
understanding of design and materials. There is a notable shortage of estimators with
the right skills for offsite construction or, as one offsite company put it to our researchers:
“No-one is training estimators.”
Respondents believed some form of specific training in offsite construction is required – via
CPD, but say this does not exist, and have concerns about the supply of tutors available to
deliver bespoke training.
Logistics (Roles include: Signallers, Despatch Leader, Logistics/
Plant Manager)
In the context of offsite construction, logistics covers planning, transportation,
scheduling, goods monitoring and supply chain management. Most of those surveyed
view the function as a crossover between onsite and offsite. But as one offsite house
builder put it, offsite logistics requires more patience and control, with the traditional
function “more chaotic”.
Much of this function revolves around coordination and integration, so it is important
that those involved develop soft skills such as listening and distilling information, as well
as problem-solving capabilities. As with other functions, skills in understanding and
using digital models and data become vital here, particularly with regard to planning
and project management.
Understanding different offsite methods and materials is important for enabling effective
decision making and planning. Often the logistics function needs to take account of
larger loads for moving and storing and correct sequencing, for example when placing
finished pods in-situ.
Planning and
and onsite
requires new
skills and
Appropriate training for this function should include a blend of existing methods and
new knowledge and behaviours, which cover offsite processes and materials. According
to respondents, what’s missing are training and qualifications that consider onsite and
offsite together, allowing people to develop skills and knowledge that are transferrable
between the two.
Offsite manufacture (Roles include: Multi-skilled trades, Welding
Fabricator, Machinist, Project Manager, Factory Manager)
Offsite manufacturing encompasses the creation of components, modules or entire buildings
in a factory setting, which are then assembled on site.
The offsite manufacturing function requires technical skills, like welding, joinery, pre-casting
and steel fixing, already present in the construction workforce, plus product and process
knowledge. Product knowledge of concrete, light gauge steel, hot rolled steel, open and
closed timber frame, cross laminated timber and structural insulated panels (SIPs) would be
suitable for most factories in the current market.
Many factories use traditional trades, meaning there is still a healthy market for these
skills and those who train them. However, the research found that a growing number of
respondents are moving towards having multi-skilled operatives who are comfortable with
a wider variety of tasks and responsible for quality assurance of finished components. This
In addition to
any technical
skills, trades
and multiskilled
in factories
need training
in the right
means that machinists and other multi-skilled operatives would benefit from basic design
knowledge to understand what a finished output should look like and to address any issues
that might affect assembly onsite.
The key to developing a skilled workforce in this function is about supplementing existing
skills as much as training a new generation.
Respondents said there was a lack of offsite specific training available meaning many
companies are conducting training in-house. There is also a need for traditional training
courses to include a general overview of offsite which could also lay the basis for training in
The collaborative process of offsite requires a major cultural shift, and so, as much as skills are
important, having the right behaviours and attitudes is equally crucial. These soft skills should
be embedded into training programmes and qualifications.
Onsite placement and assembly (Roles include: Groundworks,
Crane Operator, Assembly Technician, Site Manager)
Onsite assembly often relies on pre-existing core ‘tradespeople’ skills. However, additional
skills, both technical and soft, are also required, together with those traditional ones.
For instance, a crane operator needs new skills in handling much larger, unstable
pre-manufactured loads. Similarly, ground workers need to work to much tighter tolerances
so that foundations match precisely the dimensions of the components being assembled.
Technical understanding of products and materials is a key requirement across all roles.
Quality assurance, process management and problem-solving skills are also crucial
competencies for both assemblers and site supervisors. As one onsite construction
company questioned in the research put it, “it’s like Lego for grown-ups.”
This function relies largely on existing training for traditional onsite operatives. Those
who have done this training can often transition relatively easily to offsite, as long as their
training is supplemented by an understanding of the specific needs of offsite. New training
should therefore focus on providing an overview of offsite, helping to develop knowledge of
materials, basic design and quality assurance testing.
Site management and integration (Roles include: Site Manager,
Project Manager. Logistics Manager)
Adaptability and communication are the key skills for the site management function when
it comes to offsite construction. The role hinges on being able to integrate onsite and offsite
functions in one project. In this sense, soft skills, such as time management, attitudes and
behaviours are arguably as important as technical skills.
Digital skills are required in reading and using BIM models, to help with correct
sequencing and installation. Quality assurance skills and behaviours are also important.
Respondents agree, on the whole, that project and site managers should have a generic
skillset in construction, aided by training in specifics such as products and materials and
digital software.
Current training for managers also needs to include coverage of the right attitudes and
need offsite
especially if
they manage
all stages of
Some respondents anticipate a transition to a more highly skilled and knowledgeable
programme/project manager who would oversee everything from design to completion,
requiring a new qualification pathway.
Supply of offsite training
The research suggests there is a lack of appropriate training for offsite construction at a
time when demand is growing.
Of businesses expecting to use offsite over the next three to five years, 38% said they
believed they will need new or significantly improved skills within their workforces. Handling
and assembly skills are those most in demand, with 81% of employers citing them. Seven in
ten also mentioned skills relating to the operation of powered equipment, health, safety and
welfare, site preparation, disposal of waste, team working and quality control.
And yet this clear demand is not being met. Offsite training is rarely, if ever, embedded into
existing courses, meaning training is piecemeal across the sector.
Sector training and qualifications remain mostly generic, with a
lack of specific content on the offsite element. In particular, these
traditional training models do not focus sufficiently on behaviours
and attitudes; these are seen as essential in changing the mindset
around offsite.
Awareness of training that does exist is limited. As a result, many
companies are undertaking in-house training, meaning that best
practice is less likely to be shared across the sector.
The third major hurdle is a shortage of both tutors and assessors
with the necessary knowledge, understanding and experience to
meet the demand for expert offsite training.
Recommendations and activities
Future activity – following the development
CITB proposes the following response to the report’s
of standards:
recommendations for it to support the delivery of
• Ensure support is in place for the delivery of training for
on site elements, including:
offsite training.
Immediate activity:
• In partnership with employers, lead a review of
National Occupation Standards (NOS) to identify the
Work with industry to develop new qualification
units and standalone knowledge courses.
Link new standards and qualifications to the CITB
training grants.
Support the development of bespoke teaching
materials for schools, FE and HE.
Promote offsite training to encourage the uptake of
standardised courses.
Fund industry experts to deliver training and
need for new standards for roles that are core to the
CITB scope (i.e. predominately site based).
• Work with the design, engineering and manufacturing
sectors to apply the standards developed in these areas
to a construction context, to support key offsite functions.
• Work with industry to develop a competency
framework for offsite construction, focusing on attitudes
and behaviours, to embed in training for all functions.
• Help to promote career opportunities in offsite using
existing avenues such as Go Construct.
• Work alongside other bodies, such as the Construction
• Recognising the integration between offsite functions,
consider options to support training for the design,
engineering and manufacturing sectors, along with
on site training, such as establishing training/resource
Leadership Council, to drive innovation and create
hubs that provide curriculum delivery materials,
‘centres of excellence’ for skills and knowledge.
expertise and facilities.
This is the first of CITB’s Research White Papers on Productivity and Future Skills.
The next is on the application of digital learning technologies in construction training.
The following personas list all the skills and knowledge needs identified which are applicable to that
particular function. They also show training and qualifications available and the gaps in relation to these,
as well as the preferred methods of training delivery identified via the research.
They are intended to provide a useful reference for assessing the suitability of training provision and the
development of new content that meets the competency requirements.
Digital design
The critical difference between design for traditional construction and design
for offsite, is that the latter needs to design specifically for manufacture and
subsequent assembly, using appropriate technology and digital skills.
Technical skills
Soft Skills
BIM-enabled design
Creating 3D models
Developing a value proposition (cost, durability,
low carbon, aesthetic)
Digital design software use e.g. AutoCAD, Revit
Digital skills (e.g. scheduling and specific IT)
Generating 2D fabrication drawings and site
Obtaining prices and dealing with variations
Producing product/service specifications
Reading technical drawings
Risk assessment
Appreciation of how buildings are
Current and emerging technologies
Degrees of tolerance/accuracy
IT tools
Lean methodologies
New technologies e.g. 3D printing
Order of sequence
Processes used to assemble
Quality assurance
Relevant design codes and standards
Understanding of full range of
materials and products used
(weights, volumes, dimensions etc.)
Understanding of relevant products
and systems
Understanding of the materials being
produced and energy efficiency
ratings, U-values etc.
Waste management
Weight and robustness of materials
Attention to detail
Business case for offsite
Effective and on-going
Working to tight deadlines
Sector specific
House-building regulations and planning
Commercial building regulations and
Job roles
Skilled worker
3D Visualiser
CAD Modeller
Architectural Technician
BIM Technician
Pre-Construction Designer
Building Services Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Senior ManagerProfessional
Design Engineer
Structural Engineer
Available qualifications
Available training
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) Level 2
Specialist design software e.g. AutoCAD, Tekla
BIM training
Steel Construction Institute courses/webinars in steel design
HNC/D (e.g. Architectural Technology)
HNC/FdSc Sustainable Construction & Built Environment
BIM and Integrated Design
SVQ (e.g. Built Environment Design)
Modern Apprenticeships (e.g. Timber Manufacture Design)
Construction Technologies Theory Level 3
Gaps and issues –
training &
Sector specific
Mitek (or other timber engineering software)
Limited training in design explicitly for manufacture and assembly
Software training does not typically cater for offsite specifically
Limited coverage of offsite construction in most degree design courses
Shortage of tutors able to deliver offsite specific design courses
Very little or no content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Some content directly aimed
at for offsite construction
Good amount of content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Preferred training delivery methods
Very few or no employers
expressed a preference
Some employers expressed
a preference
Most or all employers expressed
a preference
Estimating is a crucial element of delivering the fundamental
cost savings of offsite (compared with traditional)
construction, but is subject to substantial skills shortages.
Technical skills
Soft Skills
Analysis of tender documents/contract terms
and conditions
BIM-enabled design
Costing/developing whole life cycle costs
Developing sub-contract terms and conditions
Developing a value proposition (cost, durability,
low carbon, aesthetic)
Developing tenders
Obtaining prices and dealing with variations
Producing product/service specifications
Reading technical drawings
Risk assessment
Appreciation of how buildings are
Contract law
Current and emerging technologies
IT tools
Lean methodologies
Quality assurance
Typical associate costs
Understanding of full range of
materials and products used
(weights, volumes, dimensions etc.)
Waste management
Attention to detail
Business case for offsite
Commercial awareness
Effective and on-going
Working to tight deadlines
Sector specific
Differences between Scotland and England
for timber frame costing
Job roles
Skilled worker
Contracts Manager
Commercial Manager
Risk Manager
Business Development Manager
Sales Manager
Senior ManagerProfessional
Quantity Surveyor
Available qualifications
Available training
BSc Quantity Surveying
BTEC Level 3 Advanced Certificate in Surveying
and Estimating
Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Construction Contracting
Operations – Estimating
Level 6 NVQ Diploma in Construction Contracting
Operations Management - Estimating
Specialist estimating software e.g. Swiftest
Forecasting tools e.g. spreadsheets
Gaps and issues –
training &
No training readily available to offer ‘overview’ or introduction to offsite for estimators/
commercial roles
Existing training is available in estimating but does not typically cater for offsite specifically
Limited coverage of offsite construction in most quantity surveying courses
Shortage of tutors able to deliver offsite specific estimating courses
Very little or no content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Some content directly aimed
at for offsite construction
Good amount of content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Preferred training delivery methods
Very few or no employers
expressed a preference
Some employers expressed
a preference
Most or all employers expressed
a preference
Logistics in this context spans the product: planning, transportation,
scheduling, goods in/goods out, and also supply chain management.
This function spans offsite and onsite.
Technical skills
Soft Skills
Budget and financial management
Control and management of inventory
Digital skills (e.g. scheduling and specific IT)
Health & safety
Lifting and handling
Process management
Project management
Quality control
Reading technical drawings
Risk assessment
Supply chain management (“re-engineering the
supply chain”)
Time management
Working at heights
Appreciation of how buildings are
Degrees of tolerance/accuracy
Integrating onsite and offsite
IT tools
Lean methodologies
Low carbon agenda
Offsite manufacturing processes
Order of sequence
Processes used to assemble
Quality assurance
Safe lifting and handling
Site specifics
Understanding of the materials being
produced and energy efficiency
ratings, U-values etc.
Waste management
Weight and robustness of materials
Attention to detail
Business case for offsite
Commercial awareness
Customer service
Effective and on-going
Process improvement
Working to tight deadlines
Sector specific
Potential issues for education and
healthcare deliveries to site, notably to
minimise disruption
Job roles
Skilled worker
Dispatch Leader
Crane Specialist
Plant Support Services
Site Supervisor
Logistics/Plant Manager
Dispatch Manager
Transport Manager
Construction Manager
Sales Manager
HR/Training Manager
Senior ManagerProfessional
Available qualifications
Available training
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Site Logistics Operations
BSc Logistics Management
NVQ/SVQ level 2 (Slinging and Signalling,
Plant Operations)
Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Controlling Lifting Operations
Use of specific planning software/other tools
Gaps and issues –
training &
Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence
Existing training is available in logistics but does not typically cater for offsite specifically
or illustrate differences between on and offsite logistics
No training readily available to offer ‘overview’ or introduction to offsite for logistics function
Shortage of tutors that would be able to deliver offsite specific training
Very little or no content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Some content directly aimed
at for offsite construction
Good amount of content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Preferred training delivery methods
Very few or no employers
expressed a preference
Some employers expressed
a preference
Most or all employers expressed
a preference
Offsite manufacture
Offsite manufacture refers to the creation of
components, modules or entire buildings that are
subsequently taken to, and assembled/installed onsite.
Technical skills
Soft Skills
BIM-enabled design
Health & safety
Relevant trade skills (joinery, plastering, operating site
machinery, welding)
Lifting and handling
Machine plant operation
Measuring to precise specifications
Multiskilling (e.g. combination of various technical skills)
Process management
Project management
Quality control
Reading technical drawings
Risk assessment
Supply chain management (“re-engineering the
supply chain”)
Time management
Use of hand tools
Working at heights
Appreciation of how buildings are
Basic design
Degrees of tolerance/accuracy
Impacts for site if manufacture is at
Lean methodologies
New technologies e.g. 3D printing
Offsite manufacturing processes
Order of sequence
Processes used to assemble buildings
Quality assurance
Relevant design codes and standards
Safe lifting and handling
Understanding of full range of
materials and products used (weights,
volumes, dimensions etc.)
Understanding of relevant products
and systems
Waste management
Weight and robustness of materials
Attention to detail
Effective and on-going
Process improvement
Working to tight deadlines
Job roles
Skilled worker
Wood Machinist, Multi-Skilled
Operative, Steel Fixer, Welding
Fabricator, Trades: Joiner;
Kitchen Fitter, Forklift driver
Trades: Plumber; Electrician; Painter
& Decorator; Floorlayer/Tiler; Cavity
Insulation Installer
Factory Supervisor
Project Manager
Factory Manager
Plant Manager
Senior ManagerProfessional
Available qualifications
Available training
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) level 2
NVQ in Modular Construction level 2
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Innovative/MMC –
Modular/Portable Buildings
Steel frame assembly/construction
Trailblazer Construction Assembly Technician (multi-skilled)
Scottish Modern Apprenticeship Timber Frame Manufacture
Level 3 Diploma Engineering Technical Certification
Level 3 NVQ Diploma Engineering Technical Support
Modular and portable building association
in-company training (bespoke)
Timber Frame Competency Award Scheme
(Structural Timber Association)
Scottish Adult Upskilling Programme Timber Frame Manufacturing
Steel Construction Institute (SCI)
courses and webinars
Gaps and issues –
training &
Offsite manufacture specific training (e.g. specific to a material or product such as steel, some of which is
developed by federations) not taken up/offered by providers who cannot get funding to run these courses
Traditional training in ‘silos’ not multi-skilling
Employers largely unaware of relevant training that exists
Difficult for employers to release operatives for training; preference for On-site Assessment and Training (OSAT)
Shortage of assessors and tutors
Very little or no content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Some content directly aimed
at for offsite construction
Good amount of content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Preferred training delivery methods
Very few or no employers
expressed a preference
Some employers expressed
a preference
Most or all employers expressed
a preference
Onsite placement
and assembly
Onsite construction requires precise, accurate placement of
components, modules and buildings prior to full assembly.
This level of precision is the nucleus of a successful project.
Technical skills
Soft Skills
Health & safety
Relevant trade skills (joinery, plastering, operating
site machinery, welding)
Laying groundworks
Lifting and handling
Machine plant operation
Measuring to precise specifications
Multiskilling (e.g. combination of various technical skills)
Process management
Project management
Quality control
Reading technical drawings
Risk assessment
Time management
Use of hand tools
Working at heights
Degrees of tolerance/accuracy
Impacts for site if manufacture is at
Integrating onsite and offsite
Lean methodologies
Order of sequence
Processes used to assemble buildings
Quality assurance
Safe lifting and handling
Site specifics
Understanding of full range of
materials and products used (weights,
volumes, dimensions etc.)
Waste management
Weight and robustness of materials
Attention to detail
Effective and on-going
Process improvement
Working to tight deadlines
Sector specific
House-building regulations and planning
Commercial building regulations and planning
Job roles
Skilled worker
Assembly Technician Erectors:
Steel; Precast Concrete Operatives:
Groundworks; Roofing, Banksman/
Signaller, Crane Operator, Forklift
Driver Trades: Plumber, Electrician,
Painter/Decorator, Joiner
Tunnelling Operative
Site supervisor
Project Manager
Site Manager
Site Inspector
Senior ManagerProfessional
Available qualifications
Available training
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) level 2
NVQ in Modular Construction level 2
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Innovative/MMC –
Modular/Portable Buildings
Innovative Modern Methods of Construction
(Construction): Steel frame assembly/construction
NVQ/SVQ level for traditional trades e.g. joinery,
Modular and portable building association
in-company training (bespoke)
Gaps and issues –
training &
Required training for traditional trades:
health and safety, working at heights etc.
(can be part of qualification)
Offsite is not typically covered in traditional trade training
Traditional training in ‘silos’ not multi-skilling
Employers largely unaware of relevant qualifications such as the NVQ in Modular Construction
Shortage of assessors and tutors
Very little or no content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Some content directly aimed
at for offsite construction
Good amount of content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Preferred training delivery methods
Very few or no employers
expressed a preference
Some employers expressed
a preference
Most or all employers expressed
a preference
Site management
and integration
Offsite construction site management hinges on being able
to integrate the offsite and onsite functions, which requires a
comprehensive understanding of both aspects.
Technical skills
Soft Skills
Budget and financial management
Digital skills (e.g. scheduling and specific IT)
Health & safety
Information management (project delivery and design
Measuring to precise specifications
Multiskilling (e.g. combination of various technical
Process management
Project management
Quality control
Reading technical drawings
Risk assessment
Supply chain management (“re-engineering the
supply chain”)
Time management
Degrees of tolerance/accuracy
Impacts for site if manufacture is at
Integrating onsite and offsite
IT tools
Lean methodologies
Order of sequence
Processes used to assemble buildings
Quality assurance
Safe lifting and handling
Site specifics
Understanding of relevant products
and systems
Waste management
Weight and robustness of materials
Attention to detail
Effective and on-going
Process improvement
Working to tight deadlines
Sector specific
House-building regulations and planning
Commercial building regulations and planning
Job roles
Skilled worker
Site Manager
Project Manager
Construction Manager
Logistics Manager
Compliance Manager
Senior ManagerProfessional
Site Inspector
Available qualifications
Available training
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) level 2
NVQ in Modular Construction level 2
Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Innovative/MMC –
Modular/Portable Buildings
Construction Project Management – MSc
HNC in Construction & Built Environment
Modular and portable building association
in-company training (bespoke)
Required training for traditional trades:
health and safety, working at heights etc.
(can be part of qualification)
Site safety management
HNC in Building Studies
Gaps and issues –
training &
Construction project management MSc includes one module on ‘innovation in construction’
i.e. not explicitly covering offsite construction
Onsite behaviours and attitudes (e.g. collaborative approach) are not included in traditional training
Generic project management qualifications do not have substantial coverage of offsite
Shortage of assessors and tutors
Very little or no content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Some content directly aimed
at for offsite construction
Good amount of content directly
aimed at offsite construction
Preferred training delivery methods
Very few or no employers
expressed a preference
Some employers expressed
a preference
Most or all employers expressed
a preference
Report Authors
Jennifer Brennan and Clare Vokes – Pye Tait Consulting
Alan Tanner and Ben Lever - CITB
For more information please contact
Ben Lever, Future Skills Strategy Manager, CITB
Cover photos: Timber-frame licensed by brizmaker/Shutterstock.com;
factory / panel by kind permission of Laing O’Rourke iMedia’