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Energy Analysis: Forms, Laws, and Systems

What is energy?
What is energy analysis?
Energy exists in many forms, including:
• kinetic energy
• potential energy
• chemical energy
• nuclear energy
• electromagnetic radiation
• electricity heat
Law of thermodynamics / law of conservation of
• First law = states that energy can neither be
created nor destroyed, but can only be converted
from one form to another (or from several forms
combined to one or more other forms)
• Second law = The entropy of any isolated system
always increases. It is needed for proper analysis of
energy conversions, especially when they involve
heat transfer.
• Third law = the entropy of a system approaches a
constant value as the temperature approaches
absolute zero
Energy in energy systems
• Energy production, conversion, and use can never be considered in
• mining of coal or uranium, the extraction of oil or natural gas, or the
cultivation of biomass for energy purposes
• natural form, so coal, natural gas, and crude
• oil, as they are extracted from the Earth’s crust are primary energy carriers.
• Crude biomass, like harvested wood, is also a primary energy carrier
• Major energy conversion processes include power plants that convert fossil
fuels to electricity and refineries that convert crude oil to a range of
products, like petrol, naphtha, kerosene, and heavy fuel oil
• Energy that is the product of an energy conversion process is called
secondary energy. Heat, electricity, and gasoline are important secondary
energy carriers
• final energy - A lot of activities in
the energy system, like transport,
storage, and distribution, are
needed to bring energy to the end
user when it is needed.
• end-use conversion - Once the
user has acquired the energy, it
may still not be in the right form,
and further conversion may be
needed, for example converting fuel
to heat in a boiler
• The resulting energy is often called
useful energy
• When the energy is finally in its
ultimate form, it can provide a
certain service (or function) for the
• Such services include heating or
lighting a room, transporting a
person in a car, or making steel or
• Energy Supply system - The part of
the energy system that converts
primary energy to final energy
• Energy Demand system converts
final energy to end-use services is
called the
Units of energy
• The standard unit of energy = joule (J)
• One joule is one kg m2 s–2, so it is the energy
needed to accelerate a mass of 1 kg from 0 to 1
metre per second
• The amount of one joule is too small to work with in
energy analysis
• In energy analysis we generally come across
processes with a minimum amount of energy input or
output of 106 J per year
• annual primary energy use of countries typically lies
in the order of exajoules
• individuals it lies in the order of gigajoules
• Companies have a much wider range, which of
course depends on the size and type of company
• energy use generally lies in the order of terajoules or
petajoules per year
Power = energy per unit of time
Measured = Watt (J s–1)
• This can be the power output (e.g. a power plant that
produces 600 MW of electricity) or the power input
(e.g. a compact fluorescent lamp that consumes 8 W
of electricity)
• For equipment with a constant power input or power
output, the relation between energy and power is
straightforward: EP=.t
E = energy input (or output)
P = power input (or output)
t = time in use
• kW is a unit of power and kWh is an energy unit
Load factors and load duration curves
• Useful concepts in energy analysis are therefore the
load factor and the load duration curve
• provide links between the (instantaneous) power
uptake and the (annual) energy use
• load factor - is the annual output divided by the
nominal capacity
• load factor – or capacity factor – is defined as the
annual output (or input) of a system divided by the
output (or input) that would have been achieved if the
system had run at the nominal capacity for the full
year (8,760 hours in a non-leap year)
• input limitations can have a reducing effect on the load
factor, for instance in the case of wind energy systems
and solar energy systems
• The load factor provides a measure of the total use of
the equipment, but does not show how it varies over
• energy or the production of energy varies over time
• Time series are often recorded to assist in good
understanding of important characteristics of
• energy use and energy supply/production.
• For instance, time series of office building energy use
often reveal substantial energy use at night and over
the weekend
• time - horizontal axis
• energy use that is exceeded during the given
number of hours is depicted on the vertical axis
What are energy carriers?
• coal, oil and oil products, and natural gas
• food, plastics, and metals, contain energy
• The standard convention in energy analysis
• is that a substance is considered an energy carrier if
the substance is predominantly used as a source of
• Wood is increasingly considered an energy carrier,
as the use of biomass for energy production
The energy content of energy carriers
• energy content is how much heat it can generate
• mass m, temperature T at altitude h
• In energy analysis, we generally use an
environmental reference system
• For kinetic energy and gravitational energy, the
ground level is the reference
• For thermal energy the environmental temperature
is the reference
• For chemical energy the reference state for each
chemical element contained in the energy carrier
• is the most stable naturally occurring compound of
that element
• and for hydrogen the reference is liquid water
• for fuels, the energy of combustion is determined
using a reference temperature of 25 °C and
standard atmospheric pressure (1 atm = 101.325
• For water and steam on the other hand, the
reference is the liquid at the triple point (0.01 °C)
• changes of energy are measured under constant
volume, whereas changes in enthalpy are
measured under constant pressure.
• Many processes take place at constant pressure
• in which case the change in enthalpy gives the
amount of heat generated or required
Higher and Lower heating value of fuels
• energy content of a fuel is determined by measuring
the heat generated when a fuel is combusted and the
combustion products are brought back to a reference
• Thermodynamically this is the (chemical) enthalpy
difference between the fuel/oxygen input and the
combustion products, both at reference conditions of
temperature and pressure
• One of the combustion products is water, and at
reference conditions water can be in either a liquid or
a gaseous form
H = enthalpy
U = internal energy
p = pressure
V = volume
• For solids and liquids, the difference between H
and U is very small, but for gases the difference
cannot generally be neglected
• methane (CH4), which is the major component of
natural gas.
The combustion reaction is:
• After combustion and cooling down to the reference
temperature (25 °C) the chemical enthalpy has
decreased with 802 kJ per mol CH4 combusted,
meaning that 802 kJ of heat is released
• The water vapour in the combustion gas can con
dense, giving up more heat:
• The difference in enthalpy change (and therefore also
the amount of heat obtained) is substantial: the
process of condensation that brings water from the
gaseous to the liquid form releases a substantial
additional amount of heat (in our case 890 – 802 = 88
kJ per mol CH4)
• energy content of fuels - one based on the higher
heating value (HHV) and one based on the lower
heating value (LHV)
• higher heating value (HHV) - the condensation heat
of the water that is the product of the combustion
process is included in the HHV.
• For methane the example shows that the HHV of
methane equals 890 kJ/mol
• lower heating value (LHV) - the water remains in the
gaseous form and the heat of condensation is not
• The LHV of methane is therefore 802 kJ/mol. This
distinction is relevant for fuels like coal, oil products,
natural gas, and biomass, which contain hydrogen in
one form or another
• water is formed during combustion of the fuel
• Alternative terms are net calorific value (NCV) for
LHV, and gross calorific value (GCV) for HHV
difference between the higher heating value and
the lower heating value:
1. is equal to the condensation heat (evaporation
heat) of the water that is the result of combustion
(the original water content of the fuel is not taken
into account)
2. The higher heating value is larger than the lower
heating value
• The relation between the two is given by the following
• The higher heating value gives the best indication
of the utilisation possibilities of fuels
• It indicates the total amount of heat that can be
generated through combustion of the fuel
• The rationale for using the lower heating value is
that in many cases it is not feasible to utilise the
condensation heat of the gaseous form of water
that is present in the combustion gases of a fuel.
• Example: in modern natural-gas-fired boilers for
low-temperature heat production, the exhaust
gases are cooled to such a degree that a
substantial part of the water in the fuel gases
condenses and the associated heat can be utilised,
for example for heating buildings. Such boilers are
often denoted as condensing boilers
The efficiency of this condensing boiler can be
calculated as useful heat output divided by energy
content of fuel input. On an HHV and LHV basis the
results are:
which shows that LHV based efficiencies can be
higher than 100 per cent due to the fact that LHVs do
not account for the heat of condensation.
Energy use or energy consumption?
• The terms energy use and energy consumption are
used interchangeably
• the term energy consumption is less suitable: energy
may be converted to other forms, but it never really
gets lost
• energy is actually consumed; in general, the energy
left after it has been used no longer has any
economic value and can be considered as
Final Energy Use
• Energy use can be measured at various levels, first
of all for individual entities
• entities are called energy users
• purchased energy - What can be measured most
easily is the amount of energy that enters such an
entity; we call this
• purchased energy is not equal to the total amount
that such an entity uses
• In addition to the purchased energy, an entity may
extract energy itself in one form or another
• Example: a household with a solar domestic hot
water system, or a firm that runs a hydropower plant
• An entity may also sell energy of which it has an
excess: e.g. a farmer with a wind turbine may sell
excess electricity to the power grid
• an entity may add energy carriers to its stocks or
extract energy carriers from its stocks
we define final energy use:
Final energy use = Purchased energy - Sold energy +
Own extraction + Extraction from Stock
• *stock changes are negative when energy is added to the
- By giving the unit joule an extra subscript, one is aware of
the different quality of the different types of energy
- By 1 Je, we indicate one joule of electricity
- The index ‘fuel’ is used for fuels like natural gas, coal, or
The index ‘p’ is used to indicate primary energy
For heat, the index ‘th’ (thermal) is used, so 1 Jthis 1 joule
of heat
By giving the unit an extra index, we avoid mixing up
different types of energy
• An important energy conversion process is
electricity generation, e.g. in the form of combined
generation of heat and power (CHP)
• Consequently, in these cases final energy use
needs to take into account the conversions that take
place in these own conversion processes
Final energy use = Purchased energy - Sold
energy + Own extraction +Stock extraction - Input
to conversion processes + Output version
Calculating primary energy use from final energy
• The conversion of energy can cause substantial
energy losses
• If an energy user uses both coal and electricity, it
therefore does not make sense to simply count
together the coal use and the electricity use as if
they were equal
• We are more interested in the primary energy use
of such an energy user
• But that means that the primary energy use needs
to be calculated by tracing back through the energy
supply chain
• We assume that a final energy user uses both fuels
and electricity
The primary energy use can then be estimated in the
following simple way:
Energy balances and energy statistics
• A distinction is generally made between energy
balances and energy statistics.
• Energy statistics contain the basic information,
generally in the original, physical units (tonnes for
coal, m3 for natural gas, toe for oil) for the various
energy carriers, whereas energy balances give all
quantities in the same unit (e.g. J or toe)
• An energy balance is a matrix in which each row
represents a sector, and each column rep resents
an energy carrier
• Each matrix element presents the amount of the
energy carrier that is used (or produced) in that
• important row in the energy balance is the one
presenting the total primary energy supply (TPES),
which is generally considered the indicator for a
country’s total energy use.
It is calculated as follows.
TPES = (indigenous) production + imports exports -international bunkers + stock changes
• The five components that make up the TPES are
listed above the TPES row in the energy balance
• nb* - stock changes are positive when energy is
extracted from the stocks
• Indigenous production - is the extraction of primary
energy by the country, for example mining of coal
• The category ‘international bunkers’ covers the
amount of energy delivered to outgoing ships and
aeroplanes that leave the country
• This category is excluded from the national
consumption figures in the same way as exports, as
this consumption cannot be attributed to a specific
• Energy use by inland shipping and aircraft is
included in the TPES of a country
• The various energy conversion sectors (like
electricity plants and refineries) are listed below the
TPES row
• Energy conversion sectors have energy as both an
input (negative numbers) and an output (positive
• The treatment of combined generation of heat and
• CHP plants produce both heat and electricity
After all energy conversion sectors have been taken
into account, the total final consumption (TFC) is left
TFC = TPES - inputs to conversion processes +
outputs of conversion processes
• The total final consumption is also the sum of the
final energy consumption in all the end-use sectors
listed in the rows below the TFC row in the IEA
energy balance
• Non-energetic energy use - A specific category of
energy demand is the so-called non-energetic use of
energy carriers – i.e. the use of energy carriers in
• An important example is the use of naphtha and
other refinery products as a feedstock for the
production of chemicals like ethylene in the
petrochemical industry
• Other non-energetic uses are waxes, lubricants,
bitumen and graphite electrodes
• Primary nuclear energy - In IEA energy statistics
and in many other cases it is assumed that the
heat generated by nuclear reactions in nuclear
power stations is the primary energy to be
• Primary energy of renewables other than
bioenergy - In IEA energy statistics the electricity
from hydropower, wind, and solar photovoltaics
(PV) is considered to be the primary energy.
• primary energy from non-combustible sources like
nuclear, wind, and solar energy is equivalent to the
LHV of combustible fuels that would have been
required in conventional thermal power plants to
substitute the generated electricity or other form of
secondary energy
• An effciency of 35 per cent is used for electricity
from non-combustible sources and an effciency of
85 per cent for heat from non-combustible sources.
• The difference between IEA and GEA illustrates
that with increasing amounts of renewables the
amounts of primary energy calculated are
becoming more and more dependent on
conventions used.