EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (A CASE OF DASHIN BANK IN ARBA MINCH SIKELA BRANCH) SENOR ESSAY BY SAMRAWIT SERAWITU ADVISOR MOHAMMEDAREB S. (MBA) SEP, 2021 ARBA MINCH, ETHIOPIA EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION (A CASE OF DASHIN BANK IN ARBA MINCH SIKELA BRANCH) PREPARED BY: - SAMRAWIT SERAWITU ADVISOR: - MOHAMMEDAREB S. (MBA) A SENIOR ESSAY SUBMITED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT IN PARTIAL FUILFUILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR BACHELOR ART DEGREE IN MANAGEMENT ARBA MINCH UNIVERSITY COLLAGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SEP, 2021 ARBA MINCH, ETHIOPIA DECLARATION I hereby declare that this senor essay is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other university, and all sources of material used for this paper have been duly acknowledged. Name: _____________________________ Signature__________________________ Date: _______________________ ARBA MINCH UNIVERSITY COLLAGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT ADVISORS’ RESEARCH SUBMISSION APPROVAL SHEET This is to certify that the paper entitled “Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction (A Case of Dashin Bank in Arba Minch Sikela Branch)” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the bachelor art degree in Management, and has been carried out by Samrawit Serawitu: Id. No.______________, under my supervision. Therefore, I recommend that the student has fulfilled the requirements and hence hereby can submit the paper to the department for defense. _______________________ Name of Advisor Signature Date ARBAMINCH UNIVERSITY COLLAGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT EXAMINERS’ RESEARCH APPROVAL SHEET I, the undersigned to examine the final open defense by Samrawit Serawitu have read and evaluated his senor essay entitled “Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction (A Case of Dashin Bank in Arba Minch Sikela Branch” and examined the candidate’s oral presentation. This is, therefore, to certify that the paper has been accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the bachelor art degree in management with _____________corrections. Name of Examiner Signature Date Acknowledgement First and for most I would like to thank the almighty God for his limitless support all my life through my life and the accomplishment of this research paper. Then my Special thanks goes to my advisor Mr. Mohammedarebs (MBA) for his suggestion comments and pertinent advice in writing this research paper and for his commitment to devote his precious time in reading the paper. Thanks a lot, of all customers of the Dashen bank Arba Minch Sikella branch for their assistance in giving me all the necessary information and documents that have great contribution for the preparation of this research paper. i|Page Acronyms ATM: Automatic Teller Machine SERVPERF: Service Performance SPSS: Statistical Package for Social Science SC: Sector QSC: Quality sector ii | P a g e Table of Contents CONTENT PAGE Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................... i Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................ ii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. vi List of Figure................................................................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. viii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background of the Study .................................................................................................. 1 1.2. Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................. 2 1.3. Research Questions .......................................................................................................... 3 1.4. Objectives of the Study .................................................................................................... 3 1.4.1. General Objective ..................................................................................................... 3 1.4.2. Specific Objective ..................................................................................................... 3 1.5. Significance of the Study ................................................................................................. 4 1.6. Scope of the Study............................................................................................................ 4 1.7. Limitation of the Study .................................................................................................... 4 1.8. Operational Definition...................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review ......................................................................................... 7 2.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Service Quality ................................................................................................................. 7 2.2.1. Service Tangibility .................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2. Service Empathy ....................................................................................................... 8 2.2.3. Service Assurance ..................................................................................................... 8 2.2.4. Service Responsiveness ............................................................................................ 9 2.2.5. Service Reliability..................................................................................................... 9 2.3. Customer satisfaction ..................................................................................................... 10 2.4. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction .................................................................... 10 2.4.1. Service tangibility and customer satisfaction ......................................................... 10 2.4.2. Service Empathy and customer satisfaction: .......................................................... 11 2.4.3. Service Assurance and Customer Satisfaction ........................................................ 12 iii | P a g e 2.4.4. Service Responsiveness and Customer Satisfaction ............................................... 12 CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................................... 15 3.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 15 3.2. Research Design ............................................................................................................. 15 3.3. Sampling Design ............................................................................................................ 15 3.3.1. Target Population .................................................................................................... 15 3.3.2. Sampling Size ......................................................................................................... 15 3.3.3. Sampling Techniques .............................................................................................. 16 3.4. Types and source of data ................................................................................................ 16 3.5. Method of Data Collection ............................................................................................. 16 3.6. Data processing and Analysis ........................................................................................ 17 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................... 18 4.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 18 4.2. Respondent’s profile ...................................................................................................... 18 4.3. Descriptive Analysis of Service Quality Measurement ................................................. 20 4.3.1. Tangibility ............................................................................................................... 20 4.3.2. Reliability................................................................................................................ 21 4.3.3. Responsiveness ....................................................................................................... 21 4.3.4. Assurance ................................................................................................................ 22 4.3.5. Empathy .................................................................................................................. 23 4.4. Correlation between service quality and Customer satisfaction .................................... 24 4.5. Regression Analysis ....................................................................................................... 25 4.5.1. Effect of Tangibility on customer satisfaction ........................................................... 25 4.5.2. Effect of Reliability on customer satisfaction ............................................................ 26 4.5.3. Effect of Responsiveness on customer satisfaction .................................................... 27 4.5.4. Effect of Assurance on customer satisfaction............................................................. 28 4.5.5. Effect of Empathy on customer satisfaction ............................................................... 29 4.6. Overall Regression and correlation Analyses ................................................................ 30 CHAPTER FIVE: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations .................... 30 5.1. Summary of Findings ..................................................................................................... 30 5.2. Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 31 iv | P a g e 5.3. Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 32 Reference ......................................................................................................................................... I Appendix ........................................................................................................................................ V v|Page List of Tables TABLE PAGE Table 4.1: Gender Profile’s ........................................................................................................... 18 Table 4.2: Age profile’s ................................................................................................................ 19 Table 4.3: Educational profile’s .................................................................................................... 19 Table 4.4: Marital status profile’s ................................................................................................. 19 Table 4.5: Respondent’s opinion over Service Tangibility .......................................................... 20 Table 4.6: Respondent’s opinion over Service reliability............................................................. 21 Table 4.7: Respondent’s opinion over Service responsiveness .................................................... 21 Table 4.8: Respondent’s opinion over Service assurance ............................................................. 22 Table 4.9: Respondent’s opinion over Service empathy .............................................................. 23 Table 4.10: Correlation between Service Quality’s and Customer Satisfaction ........................... 25 Table 4.11: Model summary of Tangibility over customer satisfaction ....................................... 25 Table 4.12: Beta Coefficients for Tangibility ............................................................................... 26 Table 4.13: Model summary of reliability over customer satisfaction ......................................... 26 Table 4.14: Beta Coefficients for reliability ................................................................................. 27 Table 4.15: Model summary of Responsiveness over customer satisfaction ............................... 27 Table 4.16: Beta Coefficients for responsiveness ......................................................................... 28 Table 4.17: Model summary of Assurance over customer satisfaction ........................................ 28 Table 4.18: Beta Coefficients for assurance ................................................................................. 28 Table 4. 19: Model summary of Empathy over customer satisfaction ......................................... 29 Table 4.20: Beta Coefficients for empathy ................................................................................... 29 vi | P a g e List of Figure Figure 1: SERVPERF-Customer satisfaction Model. ................................................................................. 14 vii | P a g e ABSTRACT The objective of the study is to examine the service quality provided by Dashen Bank and its effect on customer satisfaction using SERVPERF model. The research used explanatory research design to describe the service quality dimensions and to understand the relationship between the variables. In line with this, the study applied proportionate Convenience sampling technique to choose 246 respondents from the population. Primary data is collected from the customers of the banks using standard validated questionnaires. The questionnaire contained SERVPERF model with a 22 performance statements and the degree of the customers’ agreement has been measured using five Likers Scale methods. Quantitative research method is applied to analyze the data using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 20 and the data is presented in descriptive and inferential statistics. The correlation result of the study showed there is a positive and significant relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. The regression analysis exhibited; the service quality dimensions have significant influence on customer satisfaction except responsiveness. It also indicated that assurance is the dominant service quality dimension that has a strong relation with customer satisfaction in Dashen Bank. Key Words: Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Customersatisfaction viii | P a g e CHAPTER ONE 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1.Background of the Study Development of financial sector in a country plays a significant role in economic development (Daniel & Harrington, 2007) because it promotes through capital accumulation and technological advancement by boosting savings rate, optimizing the allocation of capital, mobilizing and pooling savings, and facilitating and encouraging foreign capital inflows (Ibbotson, 2010; Ross, 1997). The banking sector, as the main aspect of the financial sector, provides very important and productive strategy to manipulate stable of that sector achieving financial inclusion, maintaining favorable asset and balancing capital and liquidity level of the economy (Silva, 2009). Since rational customers highly expect efficient services (Angelova & Zakari, 2011; Markos & Sridevi, 2010). Adhikari & Das (2016) explained that the importance of service quality has been gaining momentum over the years as the improvement in service quality is likely to enhance the degree of customer satisfaction, which, in turn, helps a bank to retain its existing customer base in a highly competitive regime. Satisfaction and service quality have certain things in common, but satisfaction generally is a broader concept, whereas service quality focuses specifically on dimensions of service (Wilson et al, 2008). Although it is stated that other factors such as price and product quality can affect customer satisfaction, perceived service quality is a component of customer satisfaction (Zeithaml et al, 2006). Regarding the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality, some researchers have found empirical supports for the view that service quality would be antecedent to customer satisfaction (Fornell et al, 1996; Spreng and Macky, 1996); Therefore, customer satisfaction came as a result of service quality. It has been proven from past researches on service quality and customer satisfaction that customer satisfaction and service quality are related from their definitions to their relationships with other aspects in business. Some authors have agreed to the fact that service quality determines customer satisfaction. Parasuraman et al, (1985) in their study proposed that when perceived service quality is high, then it will lead to increase in customer satisfaction. Some other authors did comprehend with the idea brought up by Parasuraman (1995) and they acknowledged that 'customer satisfaction is based upon the level of service quality that is provided by the service providers' (Saravana and Rao, 2007; Lee et al, 2000). However, in 1|Page Ethiopia, with the heavy competition among Dashen banks to attract and retain customers, they introduce different strategies to maximize customer satisfaction which is Dashen banks are key players in financial markets operations and act an significant role in keeping a country’s economy operation smoothly (Khan & Fasih, 2014) through facilitating the depositing money, to taking loans, exchange currencies and supporting other finance intermediately activities (Morawakage & Kulathunga, 2013). In the competitive market, innovative strategies together with technology are introduced by the banking sector in order to enhance their service quality which is important to attract and retain rational customers, and finally improve their performance (Wasantha, Ali & Goash, 2015) very important for banks’ performances. However, dearth of empirical evidence related to the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction, particularly customers who have bank accounts in private banks, averts the outline of new strategies to improve service quality to maximize the customer satisfaction. Therefore, the study is attempted to explore the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of customers who have accounts in case of Dashen bank Arba Minch branch. The study will help to bank managers to identify what kind of factors are highly influence to improve customer satisfaction, their weaknesses and help to take remedial measures to improve customer satisfaction which leads to improve the performance of banking sectors. 1.2.Statement of the Problem Various strategies are formulated to retain the customer and increasing the service quality level has been considered key success factor. Service quality is particularly essential in the banking services context because it provides high level of customer satisfaction and hence it becomes a key to competitive advantage (Ahmossawi, 2001). At the present time, service quality has received much attention because of its obvious relationship with costs, financial performance. For this reason, organizations in the same market sector are forced to assess the quality of the services that they provide in order to attract and retain their customers. Because of this satisfied customer are a key to term business success Zeithaml et al, (1996). Currently most banks in Ethiopia are negatively affected by the network failure and system interruption which result delayed service delivery time, as a result customer are sometimes forced to stay long time in the premises of the bank. According to Ayenew (2014) report, the performance of Dashin bank improved over time. However, as preliminary survey there is a customer compliant in network 2|Page failure, power interruption and low accessibility of ATM machine and other services. This might effect on the customer satisfaction. Due to this, researcher interested to undertaking what is the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction evidence from Dashin Bank Arba Minch Town. Several studies have been done on service quality and customer satisfaction in industry, but only few studies have been done on dashen bank. For instance (Fikadu, 2013) conducted research on customer satisfaction and service quality. And he conducted his study through qualitative method, the result indicates that dashen bank faces various problems especially regarding quality service and he recommended in his paper to carry out research in similar area so as to generalize the issues in dashen bank.So the researcher wanted to assess the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in the case of dashen bank.Thus this research aims to fill this gab examining effect service quality on customer satisfaction dashen bank at Arba Minch town. 1.3. Research Questions This study is designed to answer the following research questions: 1. What is the effect of service tangibility on customer satisfaction? 2. What is the effect of service reliability on customer satisfaction? 3. What is the effect of service responsiveness on customer satisfaction? 4. What is the effect of service assurance on customer satisfaction? 5. What is the effect of service empathy on customer satisfaction? 1.4.Objectives of the Study 1.4.1. General Objective The general objective of the study is to examine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction evidence from Dashen bank Arba Minch Town. 1.4.2. Specific Objective The specific objectives of the study are: To examine the effect of service tangibility on customer satisfaction. To examine the effect of service reliability on customer satisfaction. To examine the effect of service responsiveness on custom To examine the effect of service assurance on customer satisfaction. To examine the effect of service empathy on customer. 3|Page 1.5. Significance of the Study The output of this research could result in impact of service quality on customer satisfaction in case of Dashen bank Arba Minch town. Hopeful, the finding of this study was used the following importance: First it helps the banks to understand the role of good customer service on customer satisfaction. - It provides solution for bank industry service quality problems and it may give them an idea of where they are currently in terms of their service quality and what they should do in the future. - It initiates other interested researcher to undertake detailed study in this area. Generally, the significance of this study is to know the level of satisfaction of the Bank’s customers on the services provided by Dashen Bank. It was helped the management and employees of the bank to have information on the perception of the customers regarding the service provided by the Bank and take appropriate action in order to improve its service quality. 1.6. Scope of the Study Geographical delimitation of the study consented in Dashen bank in Arba Minch branch. The research was focus on the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction case of Dashen bank Arab Minch branch. Methodological delimitation of the study was used explanatory study. The research was used quantitative research approach because the researcher was gather data by preparing questionnaires. 1.7. Limitation of the Study It should be noted that, due to the scope of the study researcher examined only the service quality as the cause of the study, but important factors are there to determine the customer satisfaction. Therefore, it would be possible for future researcher to find out the factors of customer satisfaction i.e., marketing mix activity, Brand image, and other marketing concept. Second this study was used only quantitative data that might affect the outcomes; therefore, future researcher should apply both qualitative and quantitative research. In addition, the generalizability of the study is questionable, therefore, future study should examine from different sectors and industries. 1.8. Operational Definition Tangibility 4|Page The definition of tangibility is the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials Santos (2002). Tangibility provides physical representations or images of the service that customers, particularly new customers, was used to evaluate quality. Service organizations often use tangibles to enhance their image, provide continuity and signal quality to customers. In contrast, organizations that do not pay attention to tangibility dimensions of the service strategy can confuse and even destroy a good strategy Wilson et al., (2008). Reliability The reliability dimension of service quality refers to the ability of service organizations to perform the promised service dependably and accurately, and thus reflects the consistency and dependability of an organization’s performance Rodriques, Bonar & Sacchi (2011). Wilson et al. (2008) state that reliability means that the organization delivers on its promises about service delivery, service provision and problem resolution. Responsiveness Responsiveness is the willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service Jema&Anastasidov(2009).This dimension emphasizes attentiveness and promptness in dealing with customer requests, questions, complaints and problems. Responsiveness also captures the notion of flexibility and the ability to customize the service to customer needs. The organization must view the process of service delivery and the handling of requests from the customer’s point of view rather than from the organization’s point of view Wilson et al. (2008). Assurance The assurance dimension of service quality addresses the competence of the organization, the courtesy it extends to its customers and the security of its operations. Jamal and Anastasiadou (2009) define assurance as employees‟ knowledge and courtesy, and the ability of the organization and its employees to inspire trust and confidence. Wilson et al. (2008) warn that this dimension is likely to be particularly important for services that customers perceive as high risk or for services that customers feel uncertain about their ability to evaluate the outcomes. Empathy 5|Page Jamal and Anastasiadou (2009) define empathy as the caring and individualized attention that the organization provides its customers. Bateson & Hoffman [10,11] explain that empathy is the ability to experience another’s feelings as one’s own. According to Wilson et al. (2008), the essence of empathy is conveying, through personalized or customized service, that the customers are unique and special and that their needs are understood. Customer satisfaction Customer Satisfaction is a feeling that surfaces from an evaluation process, i.e., when the consumer of a good or service compares what is received against what is expected from the utilization of that good or service (Kotler et al., 2009). 6|Page CHAPTER TWO 2. Literature Review 2.1.Introduction The literature reviewed under this chapter includes theoretical frameworks, empirical evidences and conceptual frameworks related to the variables of the study which are service quality and customer satisfaction. Service, quality, customer and customer satisfaction are reviewed for their definitions by various scholars. The concept of quality service and its relationship with customer satisfaction is also highlighted in this chapter. 2.2. Service Quality Service quality is defined as customer’s overall conception of the relative inferiority or greatness of the organization and its service (Bitner&Hubbert, 1994; Keiningham et al., 1995). Klaus (1985) explained that total net value of benefit perceived in the service encounter over what had been expected. According to the Parasuraman, Zeithml, Valerie, Berry & Leonard (1985), service quality adjusted using function of three characters which are consist with prepurchase of customer expectations, perceived process quality and perceived output quality. Further, they defined service quality as a gap between customer’s expectation of service and customer’s perception of the service experience. In simply, service quality aim to meeting the requirements of the customer’s expectation regularly (Lewis & Booms, 1983). Under customer expectation, customers think, service provider should offer excellent and unbelievable service rather than they believe (Parasuram, Zeithaml& Berry, 1988). That means customers always compare service quality of the firm via expectation of the service and perception of the way the service has been performed (Caruana, 2002; Gronroos, 1984; Lehtien&Lehtien, 1982; Lewis & Booms, 1983; Parasuraman at al., 1985). Therefore, in order to maintain standard of service quality, customer’s behavioural objectives are important (Bitner, 1990; Choi, Cho, Lee & Kim, 2004; Cronin and Taylor, 1992). Interaction of customer’s behavioural objectives and service quality can be explained by the ‘Service Quality Theory’ (Oliver, 1980). According to Service Quality Theory introduced by Oliver (1980), if performance of the service firm does not meet customer’s expectation, customers will judge that firm has ‘low quality’ and also, if performance of that service firm exceeds the expectation of the customers, customers will judge firm has ‘high quality’. Parasuraman et al., 7|Page (1991) developed service quality model including multi-dimensions to measure the service quality. Service quality scale consist with very important criteria to measure the customer’s perception and quality of the service (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Service quality model indicated five dimensions to measure the service quality such as tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy (Brensinger& Lambert, 1990; Carman, 1990; Crompton & Mackay, 1989). 2.2.1. Service Tangibility The definition of tangibility is the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and communication materials Santos (2002). Tangibility provides physical representations or images of the service that customers, particularly new customers, will use to evaluate quality. Service organizations often use tangibles to enhance their image, provide continuity and signal quality to customers. In contrast, organizations that do not pay attention to tangibility dimensions of the service strategy can confuse and even destroy a good strategy Wilson et al., (2008). Owing to the intangible nature of services, it is often difficult for customers to understand and evaluate services and, therefore, customers often rely on the tangible evidence that surrounds the service in forming evaluations Jamal & Anastasiadou (2009). The tangibility dimension of Service quality compares customer expectations to customer perceptions regarding the organization’s ability to manage its tangibles. Comparing the perception scores to the expectation scores provides a numerical variable that indicates the tangibles gap. 2.2.2. Service Empathy Jamal and Anastasiadou (2009) define empathy as the caring and individualized attention that the organization provides its customers. Bateson & Hoffman [10,11] explain that empathy is the ability to experience another’s feelings as one’s own. According to Wilson et al. (2008), the essence of empathy is conveying, through personalized or customized service, that the customers are unique and special and that their needs are understood. Empathetic firms have not lost touch with what it is like to be a customer of their own organization. As such, the organization understands customers‟ needs and makes their services accessible to their customers. In contrast, organizations that do not provide the requested individualized attention to their customers and offer, for example, operating hours convenient for the organization and not its customers, fail to demonstrate empathetic behavior. 2.2.3. Service Assurance 8|Page The assurance dimension of service quality addresses the competence of the organization, the courtesy it extends to its customers and the security of its operations. Jamal and Anastasiadou (2009) define assurance as employees‟ knowledge and courtesy, and the ability of the organization and its employees to inspire trust and confidence. Bateson & Hoffman add that competence pertains to the organization’s knowledge and skills in performing the promised service and refers to how the organization’s employees interact with the customer and the customer’s possessions. Wilson et al. (2008) warn that this dimension is likely to be particularly important for services that customers perceive as high risk or for services that customers feel uncertain about their ability to evaluate the outcomes. 2.2.4. Service Responsiveness Responsiveness is the willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service Jema&Anastasidov (2009). This dimension emphasizes attentiveness and promptness in dealing with customer requests, questions, complaints and problems. Responsiveness also captures the notion of flexibility and the ability to customize the service to customer needs. The organization must view the process of service delivery and the handling of requests from the customer’s point of view rather than from the organization’s point of view Wilson et al. (2008). Responsiveness reflects a service organization’s commitment to provide services in a timely manner. As such, the responsiveness dimension concerns the willingness and readiness to provide a service. Occasionally, customers may encounter a situation in which employees are engaged in their own conversations with one another while ignoring the needs of the customer. 2.2.5. Service Reliability The reliability dimension of service quality refers to the ability of service organizations to perform the promised service dependably and accurately, and thus reflects the consistency and dependability of an organization’s performance Rodriques, Bonar & Sacchi (2011). Wilson et al. (2008) state that reliability means that the organization delivers on its promises about service delivery, service provision and problem resolution. Even though unreliable service providers are extremely frustrating for customers, a disturbing number of organizations still fail to keep their promises regarding service delivery. In many instances, the customer is ready to spend money if only the service provider will show up and conduct the transaction as promised Bateson & 9|Page Hoffman (2011). Reliability is consistently the most important determinant of perceptions of service quality Wilson, Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler, (2008) 2.3.Customer satisfaction Customer Satisfaction is a feeling that surfaces from an evaluation process, i.e., when the consumer of a good or service compares what is received against what is expected from the utilization of that good or service (Kotler et al., 2009). 2.4. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction 2.4.1. Service tangibility and customer satisfaction Tangibility and Customer Satisfaction: Tangible represent physical aspect of the services and all tools and equipment used to provisions of services (Hennayake, 2017). According to Ladhari, Ladhar& Morales (2011) idea of tangibles role in banking sector is a key tool to achieve customers’ attention. All the customers in both public and private sector visually attract to all technological things provision by banking sectors because tangible and intangible service are equally important to the success of the organization (Tax & Brown, 1998). Customers in the private sector banks invest more trust with physical facilities & more attractive decors around the banks (Banerjee &Sah, 2012). According to previous researchers public sector banks are lagging behind in use of modern technology and techno survey staff than private sectors. This lack of modern technology would cause to dissatisfaction of the customers (Virk &Mahal, 2012). However, as service quality dimension tangible has higher explanatory power with customer satisfaction of both public and private banks representing attractiveness of the physical aspects of the customers (Morawakage, 2013). If both public and private banks introduce modern furniture, equipment and machineries to all branches it would cause to take more attention of the customers (Malik, 2011). In order to achieve success banking sector banks should develop customer oriented services with attractive transaction environment which leads to long term bonding with their customers (Banerjee &Sah, 2012). Modern looking equipment introduced by public banks ISSN: 2249-1058 Impact Factor: 6.559 20 International Journal of Marketing and Technology http://www.ijmra.us, Email: editorijmie@gmail.com will help to enhance the capacity of the customers (Kamlani, 2016). Several innovative services such as IT base services, ATM services of banking sector can change 10 | P a g e market drastically and realize large customer centric (Bedi, 2010). So, this study assume; H5: Tangible has a positive impact on customer satisfy 2.4.2. Service Empathy and customer satisfaction: Empathy means taking care of the customers by giving individual attention to them (Blery et al., 2009) and also empathy includes convenient & flexible working hours & location (Gupta & Agarwal, 2013). Customers may remain unsatisfied with the service quality if gap is left in empathy (Iglesias & Guillen, 2004). highly satisfied with flexible service hours and personal attention to them regarding banking activities (Mohammad, Muzaffar&Hussain, 2011). Especially, private banks customers prefer to transact their banks due to this individualized attention to them (Adikari& Das, 2016). Moreover, customers as human, prefer to get attention from others. Like that, customers in banking sector are highly satisfied to take attention from employees because they can solve their all transaction and other financial problem arises regarding banking sector discuss with bank employees (Ragavan&Magen, 2013). Considering that situation, private banks provide more attention to customers (Karim & Chowdhury, 2014; Ragavan&Magen, 2013). Customers of public banks are highly dissatisfying due to inconvenient location operating hours & lack of individual attention towards customers (Kamlani, 2016). Further, Kamlani (2016) understood that banks are able to satisfy their customers if banks take action to improve empathy dimension. Nautiyal&Tanushree (2014) supposed customer satisfaction of both public and private sector is influenced by factors such as banks’ ability to handling problem & operating hours. And also Al-Marrie, Moneim, Baheeg& Mohamed (2007) believed that customers contended and in the long run serves as an important predictor in improving the financial performance of the organization. Hence, empathy can be identified as mediator between service quality and customer satisfaction (Juneja, Ahamad& Kumar, 2011; Karatepe, 2011). So, positive employees activities of the banking sectors highly associated to increase customer satisfaction while negative association causes to dissatisfaction of the customers (Bedi, 2010) Hence, many researcher empirically investigated the role of empathy in service quality and its impact on customer satisfaction in both public and private banks (Wieseke, Geigenmuller& Kraus, 2012). 11 | P a g e 2.4.3. Service Assurance and Customer Satisfaction According to Sadek, Zainal, Taher&Yahya (2010) if increase assurance dimension of banking industry through the polite and friendly staff, provisions of financial advice interior comfort, easy to access account and knowledgeable and experienced management team cause to increase satisfaction of customers. Further, Selvakumar (2015) supposed that assurance has least gap score with customer satisfaction of both public and private banks due to both banks provide importance to customers’ suggestions and views, secured transition, and accurate record maintains to their customers. Proving this ideas Felix (2017) believed satisfaction of the customers in banking sectors can increase with making feel and safe transaction with them. So, trustworthy behaviour of employees and secured transaction of both public and private banks positively influence to repurchase intension of customers (Arasli, Samadi&Katircioglu, 2005; Awour, 2014; Ndubisi, 2006; Ndubisi&Wah, 2005). Further, Banerjee &Sah (2012) stated that, customers in public banks are perceive with assurance dimension because public sector banks are better to provide assurance to customers. Further, customers are preferred to items of feel in safe transaction in case of public sector banks compare with private sector banks. However, employees’ behaviour instil confidence in customers and employees’ knowledge to answer customers’ problem provide higher satisfaction of private banks than public banks (Banerjee &Sah, 2012; Kamalini, 2016). Further, Ragavan&Mageh, (2013) explained, assurance as service quality dimension have impact on customer satisfaction because customers of private banks are prefer security & employees’ eagerness to instil confidence while customers are dissatisfy if those item are lack with their banks. Private banking sector also represent significance positive effect on customer satisfaction because private banks always try to maintain highest level of satisfaction being courteous & polite with customers (Adhikari& Das, 2016). Without having assurance of the banking sector nobody can remain customers with them because customers stimulate will with assurance than other factors (Kumbhar, 2011). 2.4.4. Service Responsiveness and Customer Satisfaction Responsiveness is a firm’s willingness to assist its customers by providing fast and efficient service performance (Gupta & Agarwal, 2013). Further, it is reached that willingness or readiness of employees to provide the required customer service without any inconvenience at any time will strongly influence the level of customer satisfaction (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Timely respondent 12 | P a g e to the customers of both public and private banks help to enhance the positive thinking of the customer’s mind (Osman, Ali, Zainudin, Owan, &Jusoff, 2013). To fulfil the customer wants and help to customers filling the form act as an alarm of the banks (Armanu, Hadiwidjojo, Misbach&Surachman, 2013). And also responsiveness factor such as promptness in service delivery, willingness of employees to help customers, Banks’s performance, timely delivery of bank statements have power to absorb dialectical customers towards both public and private banking sectors (Karim & Chowdhury, 2014). To help customers & provide prompt service than their public banks. Hence, service gap of public banks is highest than private banks (Banerjee &Sah, 2012). Mengi, (2009) stated, because employees of the public banks not provide services at prompt time, they can’t attract customers well. Moreover, Felix (2017); Mehetap&Katicioglu (2005); Mulat (2017); Saghier& Nathan (2013); Selverkumar (2015); Tufail et al. (2013) presented positive significance impact of responsiveness dimension on customer satisfaction of both public and private banking sector. Employees’ reaction towards customers of private banks provides high priority to attract customers and increase the fund gaining highest profitability (Kumbhar, 2011). In the responsiveness dimension it is conclude that customers in both public and private banking sector increase their satisfaction when banks increase individual attention to the employees (Kumar, Kee&Manshor, 2009). Knowledge & helpfulness of the public banks employee would help to satisfaction of the customers (Karim et al., 2014). 2.4.5. Service Reliability and Customer Satisfaction: Reliability was determined by the accuracy of bank statements, on-time performance services, service delivery and service provisions. So, reliability considered as most important factor in convincing customers to retain in banking services (Yang & Fang, 2004). Nguyen &Leblance (2001) consider reliability as reputation that can be the most reliable indicator of service quality which could be related to customers past experience. So, if banks provide more reliable and supportive services that fulfil the demand and expectation of customers, customer will be more confidence to the banks (Mohammad, Muzaffar and Hussain, 2011). Banerjee &Sah (2012) stated that private bank services gap is lowest in reliability. 13 | P a g e Dimensions and it may imply that customers feel these banks to be sincere & keep their promises. According to Zeithml&Bitner (1990) service providers’ apologies start to wear thon when company is careless in performing the services, when it makes frequent mistakes & when it is casual about keeping it service promises. Hence, it is quintessential to provide excellence service at the first time, exhibit sincere effort in solving problems & provide error free record & constantly fulfil promises to prevent customers from defecting to other banks (Banerjee &Sah, 2012). Further, Kamlani (2016) concluded that, reliability of both private banks and public banks represent positive significance relationship implying customers, feel both public and private banks have better ability to perform the promised services dependably and accurately. Reliability area such as customer guidance & customer support, produce better path to stimulate customers towards banking sector (Gupta & Agarwal, 2013). However, Hennayake (2017) said reliability is the most influential factor than other factors to enhance the customer satisfaction of the public banks also. The literature reveals an increased degree of positive relationship between reliability and customer satisfaction where face to face dealing with customers and employees. Conceptual Framework Service Tangibility Service Empathy Service Assurance Customer Satisfaction Service responsiveness Service reliability Figure 1: SERVPERF-Customer satisfaction Model (Source: Parasuraman et al., 1988). 14 | P a g e CHAPTER THREE 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1.Introduction This chapter describes the methods and procedures that was followed in conducting the research. It describes the research design, the target population, sample size, sampling procedure, research instruments, data collection, data analysis techniques and ethical issues. 3.2. Research Design This research used descriptive and explanatory research design. Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or program, or provides information about an issue and explanatory research attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two or more aspects of a situation or phenomenon. Application of descriptive study design is chosen as the researcher is interested in describing the existing service quality dimensions that lead to customer satisfaction and explanatory study design is chosen as it helps for explaining, understanding and controlling the relationship between variables. The researcher used quantitative research method to analyze the data collected from the customers of the Bank using SERVPERF model. The study is also cross-sectional that data have been collected from customers at one point in time. 3.3. Sampling Design 3.3.1. Target Population The target population for this study was used customers of branches of Dashen Bank found in Arba Minch town in sekella branch total number of customers in the Dashen bank are unknown. 3.3.2. Sampling Size For this research the target population was used cover only at Dashen bank in Arba Minch sekela branch customer. Under this study out of total customer the researcher was taken sample size 246 customers select from total customer. The sample size for the study is determined using the formula developed by Chocran (1977) formula as follow: 15 | P a g e 𝑧 2 (𝑝𝑞) 𝑛= ⅇ2 n= (1.96)2 x 0.8 x 0.2 (0.05)2 = 𝑛 = 246 Where, n = sample size p = proportion = 0.8 q = 1-p e = margin of error z = 95 % of confidence level Therefore, the sample size selected from the Unknown population of customers is 246 customers. 3.3.3. Sampling Techniques The researcher was used non probability sampling technique. Since to get a complete list of the total population is difficult in this study the researchers was used conveyance sampling technique because this method easy and manageable. 3.4. Types and source of data The study was used primary data collected from the customers of Dashen Bank using questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed based on the sampling method to customers of selected branches found in Arba Minch town sekela branch. Moreover, publications and reports produced by the Bank have been used to conduct this research. 3.5. Method of Data Collection The data was collected from primary data. The primary data was collected by questionnaires distributed. Then, the coincidence selected customers filled the questionnaires during service hour at the counter of the Bank to properly collect the questionnaires and increase the response rate. Questionnaires were used close ended question form. Close ended one’s respondents was asked to select their own response from list of provide question. 16 | P a g e 3.6. Data processing and Analysis The method of data analysis is descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. So, researcher was used both descriptive and inferential analysis. Descriptive analysis was used to interpreted demographic variables of the respondents and means scores of the service quality dimensions namely tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Inferential analysis has been employed to find out the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction. The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction was analyzed using correlation and regression analysis. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 20.0 was employed to analyze and present the data through the statistical tools, namely descriptive and inferential analysis. 17 | P a g e CHAPTER FOUR 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1.Introduction This chapter aimed to present the analytical results of the collected survey data with analytical result which were tabulated in adequate Table format for easy understanding and referencing. Then important interpretation and explanation with regard to the analysis is discussed. Firstly, descriptive analysis would be presented to describe the demographic and characteristics of the respondents of the survey. Lastly, Multiple Regression analytic methods were employed to study the predictive capability of the conceptual model that intends to predict the effect of a set of independent variables on a dependent variable. The collected data were presented and analyzed using SPSS 20 software versions. 4.2. Respondent’s profile Table 4.1: Gender Profile’s Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent female 42 49.4 50.6 50.6 male 41 48.2 49.4 100.0 97.6 2.4 100.0 100.0 Total System 83 Missing 2 Total 85 Source: Own survey, 2021 According to table 4.1 as depicted on the above table, 42 or 50.6% of the respondents are female and 41 or 49.39% of the respondents are male. This implies that majority of the Bank’s customers are female Regarding age distribution, as indicated in the following table, 7or 8.4% of the respondents are from 18 to 30 years, 25or 30% of the respondents are from 31 to 40 years, 33 or 39.7% of the respondents are from 41 to 50 years and the remaining 18 or 21.6% of the respondents are above 50 years. This implies that 78% of the customers of the Bank are aged up to 50 years. 18 | P a g e Table 4.2: Age profile’s Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 18-30 7 8.2 8.4 8.4 31-40 25 29.4 30.1 38.6 41-50 33 38.8 39.8 78.3 >50 18 21.2 21.7 100.0 Total 83 97.6 100.0 2 2.4 Missing System Total 85 Source: Own survey, 2021 100.0 Table 4.3: Educational profile’s Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent high school 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 diploma 6 7.1 7.2 8.4 degree 23 27.1 27.7 36.1 masters 53 62.4 63.9 100.0 97.6 2.4 100.0 100.0 Total 83 Missing System 2 Total 85 Source: Own survey, 2021 According to table 4.3 1 or 1.2% of the respondents are high school complete or below it; 6 or 7.2% of the respondents are diploma holders; 23 or 27.7% of the respondents are first degree holders; 53 or 63.8% of the respondents are master’s degree (second degree) holders . Table 4.4: Marital status profile’s Valid Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent married 21 24.7 25.3 25.3 single 14 16.5 16.9 42.2 divorced 25 29.4 30.1 72.3 widowed 23 27.1 27.7 100.0 97.6 2.4 100.0 100.0 Total Missing System Total 83 2 85 19 | P a g e According to table 4.4 With regard to marital status of respondents with the Bank, 21 or 25.3% of the respondents were married; 14 or 16.8% of the respondents have single; 25 or 30.1 % of the respondents are divorced; 23 or 27.7 % of the respondents are windowed. 4.3. Descriptive Analysis of Service Quality Measurement This study used SERVPERF model to measure the customers‟ perception on the service provided by Dashen Bank. The model contains 22 questions related to the five service quality dimensions namely, tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. It used the five point Likert scale to measure the performances of the service provided by the Bank. The results obtained from the study are described in the following tables. 4.3.1. Tangibility Table 4.5: Respondent’s opinion over Service Tangibility Tangibility Measurements N Mean Std. Deviation Dashen Bank has modern looking equipment 83 3.84 1.302 the physical families at dashen bank are visually appealing 83 3.77 .831 Employees of Dashen bank are neat in their appearance 83 3.84 1.121 Materials associated with the service pamphlets are visually 83 appealing at dashen bank 3.78 .925 Valid N (listwise) Source: Own survey, 2021 83 As depicted in table 4.5, “employees of Dashen Bank are neat in their appearance” has the highest mean value of 3.84 and “Dashen Bank has modern looking equipment”, “Employees of dashen bank are neat in their appearance” and “materials associated with the service are visually appealing with mean value of 3.84, 3.84 and 3.78 respectively. The mean value of tangibility is 3.807. Quality and present ability of materials associated with the service, like pamphlets, statements and different formats show the concern of the Bank for quality and brand which is one way of attracting and satisfying customers despite it needs further study. As observed from the table, “the physical families at dashen bank are visually appealing” has the lowest mean value. 20 | P a g e 4.3.2. Reliability Table 4.6: Respondent’s opinion over Service reliability Reliability Measurements Mean Std. Deviation When Dashen bank promises to do something by a certain time 83 it does so 4.08 1.073 When a customer has a problem, Dashen Bank shows a sincere 83 interest in solving it 3.10 1.385 Dashen Bank performs the service right the first time 83 3.27 1.211 Dashen Bank provides the service at the time it promises to do 83 so 3.10 1.411 3.17 1.124 Dashen Bank insists on error free records Source: Own survey, 2021 N 83 Accordingly, as observed on table 4.6, reliability has a mean value of 3.344 The highest value under this service quality dimension goes to “When Dashen Bank promises to do something by a certain time it does so” which is 4.08 followed by “Dashen Bank performs the service right the first time” and “Dashen Bank insists on error free records” with mean value of 3.27 and 3.17 respectively. The lowest mean value belongs to “When a customer has a problem, Dashen Bank shows a sincere interest in solving it”, 3.10 followed by “Dashen Bank provides the service at the time it promises to do so” with mean value of 3.10. First impression plays vital role in customer satisfaction. As sated here above, the mean value of “When a customer has a problem, Dashen Bank shows a sincere interest in solving it” and “Dashen Bank provides the service at the time it promises to do so” is lowest when compared to other statements. Therefore, it is a good indicator to the Employees and Management of the Bank to locate the where about of the gap in satisfying its customers and take the relevant action in order to fill the observed gap. 4.3.3. Responsiveness Table 4.7: Respondent’s opinion over Service responsiveness Responsiveness Measurements N Mean Std. Deviation 21 | P a g e Employees of Dashen Bank tell customers exactly when 83 services will be performed 3.60 .962 Employees of Dashen Bank give prompt service to customers 83 3.57 .814 Employees of Dashen Bank are always willing to help 83 customers 4.25 .641 Employees of Dashen Bank are never busy to respond to 83 customer requests 3.81 1.348 Valid N (listwise) Source: Own survey, 2021 83 Accordingly, as observed on table 4.9 responsiveness has a mean value of 3.807 “Employees of Dashen Bank are always willing to help customers” has the highest mean value from this dimension which is 4.25 and “Employees of Dashen Bank give prompt service to customers” is with the least mean value of 3.57. When responsiveness is compared with other service quality dimensions, it shows a better mean value result next to assurance. It implies that the employees of the Bank are willing and ready to serve customers of the Bank. 4.3.4. Assurance Table 4.8: Respondent’s opinion over Service assurance Responsiveness assurance N Mean Std. Deviation The behavior of employee in Dashen bank instill confidence in 83 customers 3.86 1.083 Customers of Dashen Bank feel safe in transactions 83 3.73 .626 Employees of Dashen Bank are consistently courteous with 83 customers 3.83 1.238 Employees of Dashen Bank have the knowledge to answer 83 customers questions 3.60 1.093 Source: Own survey, 2021 Accordingly, as observed on table 4.8, assurance has a mean value of 3.755 which is the highest value from other service quality dimensions. The highest mean value from this dimension goes to 22 | P a g e “the behavior of employees in Dashen Bank instill confidence in customers” with value of 3.86 followed by “Employees of Dashen Bank are consistently courteous with customers” with value of 3.83 and “Customers of Dashen Bank feel safe in transactions” with value of 3.73. The lowest value from this dimension is “employees of Dashen Bank have the knowledge to answer customers' questions” which is 3.60 The level of confidence of customers plays a vital role in a competitive banking industry. The behavior of employees of a bank is one of the major factors that instill confidence in customers. “The behavior of employees in Dashen Bank instills confidence in customers” is a statement with the highest mean value from the statements which witnessed that the Bank has employees whose behavior is convenient to the customers of the Bank. So, the Bank should work hard for the sustainability of such behavior. 4.3.5. Empathy Table 4.9: Respondent’s opinion over Service empathy Empathy Measurements N Mean Std. Deviation 83 4.07 1.010 2.49 1.282 3.13 1.068 83 3.25 1.591 The employees of Dashen Bank understand the specific needs 83 of their customers 3.25 .909 Dashen Bank gives customers individual attention Dashen Bank has operating hours convenient to all of its 83 customers Dashen Bank has employees who give customers personal 83 attention Dashen Bank assists customers' best interest at heart Source: Own survey, 2021 Knowledge to answer customers' questions” is better when it is compared with other statements of service quality dimensions other than assurance, the Bank should arrange training and experience sharing session among employees to acquaint them with adequate knowledge to address the concern of customers as it shows the lowest mean value from this service quality dimension. As 23 | P a g e depicted under table 4.9 below, the mean value of empathy is 3.238. The highest mean value is given ttnn Bank gives customers individual attention” followed by “The employees of Dashen Bank understand the specific needs of their customers” and “The employees of Dashen Bank understand the specific needs of their customers” with mean value of 4.07, 3.25 and 3.25 respectively. The lowest mean value is given to “Dashen Bank has employees who give customer’s personal attention” followed by “Dashen Bank has operating hours convenient to all of its customers”, 3.13 and 2.49 respectively. Customers need individual attention during their interaction with service giving organizations. The more individual focus on the Bank has operating hours convenient to all of its customers, the more possibility to make them loyal to that organization. As observed from the above result, the respondents give relatively low value to the statement that dictates the Bank has operating hours convenient to all of its customers. As such, the Management and Employees of the Bank should give due consideration to address the concerns of customers for operating hours convenient to all of its customers. 4.4. Correlation between service quality and Customer satisfaction Correlation Analysis between Tangibility and Customer Satisfaction The result on the following table showed that Tangibility (Sig=.827, r =.024.) are Tangibility not populace. Correlation Analysis between Responsiveness and Customer Satisfaction The result on the above table shows that Responsiveness (Sig=.038, r =-.228) are Responsiveness negative and insignificantly correlated with customer satisfaction in Dashen Bank S.C. Correlation Analysis between Assurance and Customer Satisfaction The result on the above table shows that Assurance (Sig=.000, r=.515) Assurance are positively Assurance and significantly correlated with customer satisfaction in Dashen Bank S.C. Correlation Analysis between Empathy and Customer Satisfaction The result on the above table shows that Empathy (Sig=.000. r=.518) Empathy are positively and significantly correlated with customer satisfaction in Dashen Bank S.C. Accordingly, we can conclude that there is a positive and significant correlation or relationship between Assurance and customer satisfaction so that any improvement in one of the dimensions will positively contribute to enhancing customer satisfaction. In addition, we can conclude that “Empathy is positively and significantly correlated with customer satisfaction in Dashen Bank. Other variables are i.e. (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness,) negative and insignificantly correlated with customer satisfaction in Dashen Bank S.C. 24 | P a g e Table 4.10: Correlation between Service Quality’s and Customer Satisfaction MY Pearson Correlation MY 1 TAB1 Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation 83 .024 1 REL Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation .827 83 .169 83 .401** 1 RSP Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation .126 83 -.228* .000 83 -.196 83 .167 1 ASP Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation .038 83 .515** .076 83 .088 .131 83 .113 83 -.160 1 EMP Sig. (2-tailed) N Pearson Correlation .000 83 .518** .427 83 .203 .311 83 .057 .147 83 -.290** 83 .844** 1 .000 83 .065 83 .606 83 .008 83 .000 83 83 Sig. (2-tailed) N Source: Own survey, 2021 TAB1 REL RSP ASP EMP N.B: TAB1-, REL-, REP, ASP-, EMP-, MY-. 4.5.Regression Analysis 4.5.1. Effect of Tangibility on customer satisfaction Table 4.11: Model summary of Tangibility over customer satisfaction Model R R Square Adjusted R Square a 1 .024 .001 -.012 Source: Own survey, 2021 Std. Error of the Estimate .83835 Accordingly, as observed on table 4.11 from the regression analysis, we can see that there is a positive statistical relationship between tangibility (the independent variable) and customer satisfaction (the dependent variable). The R square answers the question, “of all of the reasons 25 | P a g e why the outcome variable can vary, what percent of those reasons can be accounted for by the predictor(s) variables”. In this case, the coefficient of determination (R-square) indicates the proportionate amount of variation in the response variable (customer satisfaction) explained by the independent variable (tangibility) in the linear regression model. Thus, 0.1% (R2= 0.001) of the variation on customer satisfaction is explained by tangibility. The regression coefficient is the value that represents the rate of change of one variable (dependent variable) as a function of changes in the other variable (indepent variable). It represents the mean change in the response variable for one unit of change in the predictor variable while holding other predictors in the model constant. This statistical control that regression provides is important because it isolates the role of one variable from all of the others in the model. From the following coefficient table, we find the B-value which measures how strongly each independent variable influences the dependent variable. Thus, a unit increase in tangibility leads to a 0.38 increase in customer satisfaction, other things remain constant. Therefore, the more the Bank invests on its physical facilities, equipment, technology and appearance of its employees, the more it satisfies its customers. Table 4.12: Beta Coefficients for Tangibility Model (Constant) TAB1 Source: Own survey, 1 Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients B 3.703 .038 Beta Std. Error .647 .174 .024 Tangibility is a positive statistical relationship between reliability (the independent variable) and customer satisfaction (the dependent variable). As observed from the following table, the coefficient of determination (R-square) indicates 29% (R2= .029) of the variation on customer satisfaction is explained by reliability. 4.5.2. Effect of Reliability on customer satisfaction Table 4.13: Model summary of reliability over customer satisfaction Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 26 | P a g e 1 .169a .029 Source: Own survey, 2021 .017 .82650 a. Predictors: (Constant), RSP Accordingly, as observed on table 4.13 the following coefficient table, we find the B value which measures how strongly reliability, the independent variable, influences the customer satisfaction, the dependent variable. Thus, a unit increase in reliability leads to a .181 increase in customer satisfaction, other things remain constant. Therefore, the Bank should work hard in keeping its promises and accurately record its transactions which enable to build its reliability that in turn leads to better customer satisfaction. Table 4.14: Beta Coefficients for reliability Model Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error (Constant) 3.244 .398 1 REL .181 .117 Source: Own survey, 2021 Standardized Coefficients Beta .169 t Sig. 8.143 1.546 .000 .126 a. Dependent Variable: MY Accordingly, as observed on table 4.14 we can see that there is a positive statistical relationship between the independent variable-responsiveness and the dependent variable-customer satisfaction. The coefficient of determination (R-square) indicates 5.2% (R2= .052) of the variation on customer satisfaction is explained by responsiveness. 4.5.3. Effect of Responsiveness on customer satisfaction Table 4.15: Model summary of Responsiveness over customer satisfaction Model R R Square 1 .228a .052 Source: Own survey, 2021 Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate .040 .81653 Accordingly, as observed on table 4.16 we find the B value which measures how strongly responsiveness, the independent variable, influences the customer satisfaction, the dependent variable. Accordingly, a unit increase in responsiveness leads to a- .355 increase in customer satisfaction, other things remain constant. 27 | P a g e Table 4.16: Beta Coefficients for responsiveness Model Unstandardized Coefficients B Std. Error (Constant) 5.143 .623 1 RSP -.355 .168 Source: Own survey, 2021 Standardized Coefficients Beta -.228 t Sig. 8.250 -2.107 .000 .038 a. Dependent Variable: MY 4.5.4. Effect of Assurance on customer satisfaction From table 4.17 we can infer that there is a positive statistical relationship between the independent variable-assurance and the dependent variable-customer satisfaction. The coefficient of determination (R-square) indicates 26.5% (R2=.265) of the variation on customer satisfaction is explained by assurance. Table 4.17: Model summary of Assurance over customer satisfaction Model R 1 .515a Source: Own survey, 2021 R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error Estimate .265 .256 .71890 of the On table 4.18 we find the B value which measures how strongly assurance, the independent variable, influences the customer satisfaction, the dependent variable. Accordingly, a unit increase in assurance leads to a .744 increase in customer satisfaction, other things remain constant. Therefore, if the Bank invests more in building the behavior of its employees to be courteous and customer centric as well as in acquainting adequate knowledge to handle customers‟ request properly, then it leads to better customer satisfaction than other service quality dimensions. Table 4.18: Beta Coefficients for assurance Model Unstandardized Coefficients 1 B 1.109 (Constant) Std. Error .512 Standardized Coefficients Beta t Sig. 2.166 .033 28 | P a g e ASP .744 Source: Own survey, 2021 .138 .515 5.405 .000 From table 4.18 we can infer that there is a positive statistical relationship between the independent variable-empathy and the dependent variable-customer satisfaction. The coefficient of determination (R-square) indicates 26.9% (R2=.269) of the variation on customer satisfaction is explained by empathy. 4.5.5. Effect of Empathy on customer satisfaction Table 4. 19: Model summary of Empathy over customer satisfaction Model R R Square 1 .518a .269 Source: Own survey, 2021 Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate .260 .71708 From table 4.19 we can infer how strongly the independent variable - empathy influences the dependent variable - customer satisfaction. Accordingly, a unit increase in empathy leads to a .547 increase in customer satisfaction, other things remain constant. Therefore, if the Bank arranges a convenient working hours to all customers and convince its employees to give individual and personal attention to the customers in order to meet their specific requests, the customer satisfaction level will increase. Table 4.20: Beta Coefficients for empathy Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t B (Constant) 2.018 1 EMP .547 Source: Own survey, 2021 Std. Error .344 .100 Sig. Beta .518 5.872 .000 5.457 .000 As stated here above, assurance is the most influential service quality dimension in customer satisfaction. The second service quality dimension which has the highest effect in customer satisfaction is empathy, reliability and responsiveness have equal impact in customer satisfaction and tangibility is the last service quality dimension that has relatively least effect on customer satisfaction. 29 | P a g e 4.6.Overall Regression and correlation Analyses The result of this study exhibited that all service quality dimensions (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy) have positive and significant correlation with customer satisfaction in Dashen Bank. The highest correlation is between assurance and customer satisfaction followed by empathy and customer satisfaction and the least correlation is between tangibility and customer satisfaction followed by responsiveness and customer satisfaction. Moreover, the service quality dimensions have statistically significant effect on customer satisfaction except responsiveness which has no significant effect despite it has positive relationship with customer satisfaction. The study also indicated that assurance is the most dominant service quality dimension on customer satisfaction. The finding of the research made by Tizazu (2013) titled the effect of customer service quality on customer satisfaction on private banks indicated that customers were most satisfied with assurance (similar to the result of this study) followed by tangibility. There were a positive and significant correlation between the four service quality dimensions (tangibility, reliability, assurance and empathy) and customer satisfaction. But, responsiveness showed negative and insignificant correlation with customer service. It also indicated that all service quality dimensions have positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction except responsiveness alike the result obtained from this study. The research made by Saghier and Nathan (2013) on service quality dimensions and customers‟ satisfaction of banks in Egypt depicted that customer service was significantly affected by the four service quality dimensions; reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. But, tangibility did not have significant impact on service quality. Customers‟ perception was highest in reliability. To conclude, as observed from the above studies, most of the service quality dimensions have positive and nagetive significant correlation with customer satisfaction. However, the dominant service quality dimension differs from study to study. CHAPTER FIVE 5. Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations 5.1.Summary of Findings 30 | P a g e This project paper is conducted on the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in the case of Dashen Bank S.C. It is undertaken to know the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction, the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and to identify the dominant service quality dimension that has a strong relation with customer satisfaction in Dashen Bank S.C. The study used SERVPERF model with self-administered questionnaire that contained 22 performance statements related to the five service quality dimensions. The data is analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 20 through descriptive and inferential statistics. In order to undertake the study, 246 questionnaires were distributed and 83 has been duly filled and returned. The demographic data showed that 49.4% of the respondents are female. Regarding the age of the respondents, 48.2% are male which showed that majority of the customers of the Bank are young sters. The reaming is 2.4 are missing value. Education level 1.2% of the respondents are high school complete or below it; 6 or 7.2% of the respondents are diploma holders; 23 or 27.7% of the respondents are first degree holders; 53 or 63.8% of the respondents are master’s degree (second degree) holders. The mean result indicated that the customers of the Bank are satisfied with assurance followed by responsiveness and empathy. The mean result for tangibility and reliability is relatively lower. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient is used to know the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction and the result showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between them. It also showed that assurance has the highest relationship with customer satisfaction. The regression analysis indicated that the service quality dimensions have statistically significant effect on customer satisfaction except responsiveness which has a positive relationship with insignificant effect. Among the service quality dimensions, assurance is found as the most influential dimension of customer satisfaction as observed from the result of the analysis 5.2. Conclusion Regarding age distribution, 7or 8.4% of the respondents are from 18 to 30 years, 25or 30% of the respondents are from 31 to 40 years, 33 or 39.7% of the respondents are from 41 to 50 years and the remaining 18 or 21.6% of the respondents are above 50 years. This implies that 78% of the 31 | P a g e customers of the Bank are aged up to 50 years. With regard to length of relationship of respondents with the Bank, 5 or 6% of the respondents have less than 1 year relationship; 11 or 13.2% of the respondents have 1 to 5 years relationship; 7 or 8.4 % of the respondents have 5 to 10 years relationship; 27 or 32.5% of the respondents have 10 to 15 years relationship and 33 or 39.7 % of the respondents have above 15 years relationship. Majority of the respondents have above 15 years relationship with the Bank. Tangibility scored the lowest result from service quality dimensions. It is the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel and written materials. The quality and appearance of the physical facilities and written materials of the Bank are not up to the standard of the customers' expectation. On the other hand, neatness and appearance of employees has got the highest score. This implies that the employees are well dressed and presentable that has to be continued. Reliability is the ability to perform services dependably and accurately in a consistent manner. Customers prefer reliable bank that keeps its promise in order to undertake their transactions and save their money. However, the result showed that reliability of Dashen Bank is not up to the expectation of the customers of the Bank. The main reason is that the result obtained from bank performs the service right the first time and the bank keeps its promise in providing the service is low. Responsiveness scored a better mean value result next to assurance. It implies that the employees of the Bank are willing and ready to serve the Bank's customers. So, it should be continued in order to provide better quality service and maintain the customers‟ satisfaction. Assurance has a mean value of 3.755 which is the highest value from other service quality dimensions. It indicated that the Bank has courteous and knowledgeable employees that instill confident in customers. Empathy involves caring and individual attention while the company provides its services for the customers. Customers become loyal to their bank when they get respect and individual attention which is one of the main parts of quality service. In this regard, the result of the study indicated that the Bank is not giving individual attention to its customers as expected. The study revealed that the variation on customer satisfaction is explained by the independent variables which are tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Therefore, the Bank should give due attention on the components of these service quality dimensions especially on those which showed less result and exert maximum effort to improve them. 5.3.Recommendation 32 | P a g e Banking sector shows remarkable progress accompanied with stiff competition in the last two decades in the country. These days, most of the banks are adopting technological advancements that enable them to provide similar service to their customers. As such, there is no major difference among banks in the country with regard to their products and services. The major factor that differentiates one bank from the other is the quality of the service that the bank provides to its customers. Therefore, Dashen Bank has to work hard to provide efficient and effective service to satisfy its customers and get remarkable market share in the industry. For this, the researcher recommended the following points. .8.2% of the sample respondents are with age of below thirty years. The Management of the Bank has to design a strategy to provide convenient and attractive products and services to this group of customers as it enables the Bank to have loyal customers for relatively long period of time. The respondent has up to five year’s relationship with the Bank. It is registered as a result of aggressively expanding branches for the last four years. Therefore, the Bank has to continue expanding customer base by opening new branches or using agent banking targeting the unbanked society. Besides, the Management and employees should work hard to retain the existing customers and make them loyal to the Bank. The more the physical facilities and personnel of the Bank are presentable, the more the ability of the Bank to build its images and attract more customers. Therefore, the Bank has to investigate its weaknesses with regard to quality and physical appearance of equipment, furniture, formats and advertisement materials in order to make them appealing to the customers. Moreover, as first impression has vital role in attracting and retaining customers, the Bank should identify the gap in providing right service in the first time and correct its weakness. In addition, the Bank should also keep and discharge promises given to its customers. Most of the service quality dimensions' elements are related to employee’s behavior. The behavior of Dashen Banks' employees is relatively up to the expectation of the respondents. Therefore, the Bank should reward and satisfy its employees for sustaining the existing behavior and also acquaint them with adequate knowledge and skill through continuous training and development. It will help the Bank to retain the existing employees and to attract new professionals which have better skill and knowledge from the market. 33 | P a g e The value of customers to the Bank is different depending on the type of customers. Hence, the Bank should segment its customers according to their type, nature and capacity. Moreover, the Bank should provide convenient service and service channels to the customers according to their needs and preferences. Those customers who have less value and frequent number of transactions can be entertained using ATM, Internet and Mobile Banking. 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Dear Respondents, My name is Samrawit. I am a graduate student at Arba Minch University College of Business and Economics in the field of Management. I am conducting a research on “The Effect of Service Q S.C.‟‟ in partial fulfillment of my study. I kindly request you to spend some minutes of your time in filling the questionnaire. I would like to assure you that any information which you provide will be kept confidential. Your genuine response is highly appreciated for the outcome of the project. Thank you for your kind cooperation in filling the questionnaire. Part-1: General information Direction: Please put a check mark (√) on the appropriate box. 1. Gender: Female 2. Age (years): 18-30 Male 31-40 41-50 above 50 3. Educational Level: High school Diploma Degree Masters Above Masters 4. Length of Relationship with the Bank: Less than 1 year 1 – 5 years 5 – 10 years 10 - 15 years above 15 years V|Page 5.Marital status : married single divorced windowed The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: The case of Dashen Bank Part II: Survey on Service Quality Items Direction: This part of the questionnaire intends to find your perception towards the service quality of Dashen Bank S.C. Please circle the number which reflects your perception. 1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree, 5=Strongly Agree. S. No. I Strongly Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 or 1 2 3 4 5 Disagree Agree Tangibility Dashen Bank has 1 modern looking 1 equipment. The physical facilities 2 atDashen are Bank 1 visually appealing. Employees 3 of Dashen Bank are neat in their appearance. Materials associated the 4 with service (pamphlets statements) are visually appealing at Dashen Bank. II Reliability VI | P a g e When Dashen Bank promises to 5 do something by a 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 service at the time 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 certain time, it does so. When a customer has a problem, 6 Dashen Bank shows a sincere interest in solving it. Dashen 7 Bank performs the service right the first time. Dashen Bank provides 8 the it promises to do so. Dashen 9 Bank insists on error 1 free records. III Responsiveness Employees of Dashen Bank tell 10 customers exactly when services will 1 be performed. VII | P a g e Employees 11 of Dashen Bank give prompt service to 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 customers. Employees 12 of Dashen Bank are always willing to help customers. Employees of Dashen Bank are 13 never busy to respond to customers' requests. S. No. IV Strongly Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Dashen Bank 1 2 3 4 5 Disagree Agree Assurance The behaviour of employees 14 in Bank Dashen instil confidence in customers. Customers of 15 Dashen Bank feel safe in transactions. Employees of 16 are VIII | P a g e consistently courteous with customers. Employees of Dashen Bank have 17 the knowledge to 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 answer customers' questions. V Empathy Dashen Bank gives 18 customers individual attention. Dashen Bank has operating 19 hours convenient to all of its customers. Dashen Bank has employees 20 who give customers personal attention. Dashen Bank 21 assists customers' best IX | P a g e interest at heart. The employees of Dashen Bank 22 understand the 1 2 3 4 5 specific needs of their customers. Part III: Level of Customer Satisfaction Direction: The following statement describes your feeling about Dashen Bank S.C. Please respond by circling only the number that reflects your own perception best. 23. My feeling about Dashen Bank service delivery can be best described as: 1 = Highly 2 = Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 4 = Satisfied 5 = Highly Satisfied 3 = Neutral Thank you so much for taking your time to fill this Questionnaire!!!. rences X|Page