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Globalization Assignment: Definitions & Cultural Impact

Class ID: 1860484
Professor/Instructor: Edmundo A. Tobes
Chapter 1
Justine Jane B. Vibar
BS Nursing 1E
Student ID: 205062
July 9, 2021
I. Process Questions | page 6
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using (a) broad and inclusive definitions and
(b) narrow and exclusive definitions of globalization?
The advantages of a broad and inclusive definition is that it can take on various meanings
and shed light on a diverse range of issues, however, variety can also give off vagueness which
is a disadvantage of this style of definition. Narrow and exclusive on the other hand, is
advantageous in a way that it allows specification thereby addressing specific issues. Moreover,
the disadvantage would be is the limiting definition.
2. What do you think is the importance of defining globalization?
A definition is importance, in the sense that it allows for context. Defining globalization is
important as to just that, context. The term globalization applies to a lot of sectors: political,
cultural, sociological, or economical. Its definition allows the reader to understand in what area
does the term applies.
3. Do you agree with the idea that the contemporary world is characterized by high liquidity? Why
or why not?
Yes, our current world is a highly liquid one. The internet is a great example for this
situation. Because the internet allows us to have more space and more time, these aspects –
space and time – are being consumed everyday making things possible. If one wants to become
famous, you can just make a very nice or funny YouTube video. This flow of space and time
allows for globalization to occur.
Activity: The World Made Closer
1. Answer the ff. questions:
a. Enumerate at least three of the most recent songs you listened. Where did they originate?
Identify the nationality of the writer and/or artist foe each music.
Invisible Strings by Taylor Swift – origin and nationality of singer is in US
Paagi by UDD – origin and nationality of band are is in the Philippines
Dream Lover by Bobby Darin – origin and nationality of singer is in the US
Zoo Animals by She’s Only Sixteen – origin and nationality of band is in the Philippines
b. What gadgets or devices do you usually use to listen to music?
I usually listen to music on my phone or if I’m working on my laptop, I use my laptop too.
c. Where were these gadgets or devices made? Where is the company based?
I don’t know where my phone was made but my laptop was made in China. Both my
phone and laptop have companies based in the US.
d. How did you access these music? Did you purchase them online or listen to them through
Youtube, Spotify, and other music channels?
I was able to access these songs through Spotify and Soundcloud, but recently I stream
more using Spotify especially when I listen to podcasts.
2. Using a visual representation, create your generalization and discuss: What is globalization?
How would you define globalization?
When people think of globalization, they usually portray it in a negative light. The general
opinion is that globalization is an enemy which made poor countries poorer and first world
countries richer. However, contrary to the popular perception, I think globalization is more than
what popular media has exposed of it. When I think of the concept globalization, I think of it as
this process wherein there is an increase in exchange and expansion of one country’s cultures,
products, and economy made possible through cross-border trade which an interdependence
between nations. Globalization increase in efficiency and trade which led to advancing and
developing countries with open markets and expanding economies.
3. What metaphors are you going to use in order to improve your own definition of globalization?
Enumerate at least three and explain one of them.
The difference with a muffin and a cupcake is that a cupcake requires you to gradually
dump each ingredients in one bowl. But a muffin would want you to mix the wet and dry
ingredients separately to gently combine them. The metaphor of their differences is applicable
to globalization, specifically the concept which explains that globalization can appear
homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture.
A cupcake has to be mixed altogether to create a batter which requires a standard or
sameness. So an ingredient is mixed to have it interact with all the other mixed ingredients much
like how one culture influences all the other cultures. While a muffin asks you to have the wet
ingredients mixed in one bowl while the dry ingredients on another, so two different elements
both of which will be mixed delicately to achieve a balance. Homogeneity and a cupcake requires
uniformity while heterogeneity and a muffin simply wants to create an experience of unity and
equality. The problem with all cupcakes is that all must taste sweet much like how a
homogeneous mixture approach everything as the same. With a good muffin, you can create
different flavors: fruity, sour, or it can even taste like pork. And good fusion of globalization has
to be one that allows all cultures to have the opportunity to influence thus creating unique
variations of interactions. Which pastry mixture would you like best?
Process Question | page 15
1. Are societies in the world becoming more similar (homogenous) or more different
I can’t say that our world had become heterogeneous but I do think that we have slightly
become homogenous. The rise of social media and global connectivity, we have morphed our
societies into looking somewhat similar. The trends that are being set by our western neighbors
like the Americans, have purposefully made their way into our society and culture. An example
to this is the rise of luxury high-end brands, fast food chains, and other more products.
2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of homogenization of culture? How
about heterogenization?
The advantage of a homogenized culture is that it allows a standard for institutions such
as in education allowing a standard teaching practice and standard learning curriculum. This
standardization also allow easier and better communication because people have shared
understanding of things. The disadvantage is that it reduces diversity of ideas because cultures
and society are all the same and everything is uniform. Heterogeneity, on one hand, means
diversity and that is its advantage. It increases open-mindedness in individuals thus allowing
variety in ideas, perspectives, and opportunities. The disadvantage is that cultures and ideas
are commodified in a society wherein everyone is promoting their own cultures and it may
eventually lead to feudalism between two cultures.
3. Which of the aforementioned views on the history of globalization you find most appealing?
The cyclical view on the history of globalization, as proposed by Scholte, is a concept
which explained that globalization will come and go in a cyclical fashion. This notion made much
more sense to me than the other ones because it does not force the idea that history is linear,
that a thing can only be invented and then die. With the cyclical view, a thing, this thing being
globalization, can be invented, die out, and then reinvented.
Activity: What do you think about Globalization?
In this activity, look for and read three newspaper opinion editorials discussing globalization. You may use local
or international op-eds. Write a 50-word summary for each op-ed. Identify whether they subscribe to a particular
definition discusses in class or they have a new definition. Also, identify whether they are broad and inclusive or
narrow and exclusive.
The Manila Times: “Nationalism in the Age of Globalization” (2021)
The article has defined globalization as a global phenomenon that allowed countries to grow and expand
markets with the focus on being able to compete globally and allow global imports. The definition is quite
similar to the ‘glocalization’ concept introduced in our book and coined by Roland Robertson, which
determine as global forces interacting with the local area. This article is an outright cry from the author
for Filipinos to start focusing on opening up our economy and allow goods to be exported and also
imported. Meaning, allowing the global market the chance to patronize more of our local goods. Our deep
nationalism, as stressed by the article, is hindering such opportunity which is why it needs to be redefined.
Such new definition of nationalism must consider that we are in a globalized economy and that a
globalized world demands for an open market. The author further assessed that a successful nation is
one that knows how to navigate itself in a globalized world.
Eco-Business.com: “Globalisation May Actually Be Better for the Environment” (2018)
The premise of the article offered that globalisation is benefiting in the sense that the increased demands
of products for the global market allows increase of environmentally good innovations. Globalization in
this article was viewed in the environmental scheme, which means that their perspective is narrow and
exclusive when pertaining to just its environmental impacts. It had been argued that de-globalization is
the answer to limiting the environmental devastation but in fact, de-globalization is the one which will
allow such detrimental effects if we leave countries with low environmental standards all on their own.
De-globalization, as proposed by the article, will allow this gap in accountability for inefficient and
impractical local practices. And so it has conclude that Globalisation does not need to be abolished as it
is the increase demands of global consumers which fuels environmental accountability and activism.
The New York Times: “Put Globalization to Work for Democracies” (2016)
The article used the term globalization in an economic and political view which is not an uncommon area
to be dissected at when we’re talking about globalization. The article did not specify a definition of
globalization, but from reading between the lines, you could clearly assume that the author sees
globalization as an economic and political phenomena causing concerns for national democracy. It has
come to the attention of the author of the Op-Ed article that globalization had “deepened the economic
and cultural divisions” in terms of advantages and resources. It was observed that globalization has
caused nations to put their guards down to make way for policies to allow global trade which in result,
undermines the nation’s democracy. The article has suggested to rescue globalization using three
principles: ‘countries must be able to make own choices for their own institutions’, ‘countries have the
right to protect institutional arrangements and regulation integrity’, ‘international economic negotiations
should be to increase domestic policy autonomy’, and ‘global governance should focus on enhancing
democracy, not globalization’.
III. Process Questions | page 21
1. What do you think is the effect of a high dependency ratio in developed countries? In developing
The rise of dependency ratio in developing countries was the effect of high fertility and low
mortality while high dependency ratio in developed countries meant that there is low fertility thereby
causing high mortality in the aging demographic. The high dependency ratio affects developing countries
in a way that because of the increase in population, there is higher dependence towards developed
countries in helping them meet the demands of the developing economy. Meanwhile the high
dependency ratio affects developed countries with the fact that there is a decline in population thus there
is higher dependence for developing countries to aid them in growing the demographic. One demands
more products while the other requires more people.
2. Is the heightened flow of people a unique feature of the current global era?
Though it may look so, heightened flow of people was not the unique feature of todays. I’d like to
think that the term “heightened flow of people” is influenced by certain factors, if I may specify, these
would be immigration, tourism, and global demography.
Immigration affects the flow of people in the sense that it allows people to move from places to
places with permanence in mind, which does allow a flow of people to a country. Is it a unique feature of
this era? It is not, rather, immigration has been around since the early humans.
Tourism affects the flow of people in a sense that it allows people to visit places, but not
permanent. Is it a unique feature? In some ways it is, but it is more likely not because we know that
vacations has been invented by the upper class and the caste system existed way back since early
civilized humans.
Global demography affects both the tourism and immigration. Global demography refers to the
rates of mortality and fertility. If both are in high rates, it more likely means that tourism and immigration
will also be in high rates. It is how global demography affect the flow of people. Additionally, it is not a
unique feature of this era because immigration and tourism are also not.
Basing on the hypothesized-three factors’ answer to the question if they are a unique feature, all
of which concludes the answer no, I would like to determine that the heightened flow of people is not a
unique feature of our global era.
3. Has globalization facilitated or obstructed greater labor migration?
Globalization did facilitate a greater labor migration. This is evident when America signed labor
migration policies and allow migrants from Europe, Central America and Asia to come to their country to
work in exchange of a citizenship. Many skilled labor workers have fled to the US when immigration
became such a common opportunity. Such migration event is likely due to “push” factors which was
discussed in the book as factors including political persecution, economic depression, war and famine in
one’s home country which led them to move to another country. One example to this are the nurses and
teachers of our own country. The low wages of such profession, especially those who are new to it,
causes nurses and teachers to work to other countries. It is a perfect example for migration caused by
“push” factors as facilitated by globalization policies and opportunities.
Activity: Ang Mundo sa Mata ng Isang OFW
1. Find a former or a current OFW to be interviewed. Your respondent’s name should not be revealed in
class to protect the person’s identity and ensure anonymity.
2. Use the following guide questions (you may add additional questions):
- How long have you stayed abroad?
Former OFW: I’ve been to Hong Kong for about 4 years.
What are the purposes for your stay there?
Former OFW: I went to work as a child caregiver.
What were your most unforgettable experiences there? How will you describe them, good or bad?
Former OFW: Working abroad is not glamorous. I was taking care of someone else’s child. While it
had been hard because I was away with my family, what made life abroad bearable was that my
employers treated me good. They always let me talk to my family whenever I can and my ma’am
would even give away some clothes for me to send back. They would always invite me whenever
they go to parks as a family. My first time to Hong Kong Disneyland was one of those unforgettable
experience, it was the first time I had visited such huge park. Aside from that, my employers would
always provide day offs for me at least thrice a month. And I was also able to find a close knit
community of fellow Filipina caregivers in Hong Kong. They’ve provided a sisterhood which allowed
all of us to find a community to talk to and belong with. Joining their group was also one of those
experiences that made living abroad a lot more fun.
How will you compare the Philippines with other countries?
Former OFW: Philippines is such unique country and you cannot compare an apple to an orange. It
would be unfair.
Do you want to go back abroad or to other countries in the future? Why or why not?
Former OFW: Yes I would like to go abroad again sometime soon. And instead of going for work, I
would then go for a vacation. I have always wanted to travel to unique places and discover different
cultures. But I don’t think travelling abroad is possible this time around.
3. Share to the class the results of your interview and your personal insights about your respondent’s
The interview with the former OFW was very insightful. I realized that, popular media had a really
huge impact on my perception of overseas work. I remember watching MMK episodes featuring stories
of OFWs, and they would always feature horrible, horrible experiences and stories often portraying rude
employers. What my interviewee told me was quite surprising but at the same time wonderful to hear that
not everyone had a bad experience abroad. Not to invalidate the negative experiences of other OFWs, it
if refreshing to hear that not all OFW employers will treat you horribly.
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