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Automated Student Management System Project Proposal

First Name:
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Student Number:
Mr. Sumith Chandrakumara
Title: Implementation of an automated computer-based system to
identify the correlation between attendance and performance of
students and predict their future performance
Submitted To:
Mr. Sumith Chandrakumara
The main objective of this project is to implement an appropriate student management system
that adapts to new technologies and adapts to changing needs. This student management
system is fully automated and the use of this software is to secure the activities of the student
The vision is to provide a progressive and comprehensive service to the staff, students and
applicants. In addition to the efficiency of the institution, this research will help to find out if
there is a link between student attendance and activity and to find an algorithm that will give
students feedback on their future subjects' scores.
The following objectives should be achieved through this research project. Understanding the
speculation of relevant stakeholders about an Automated Computer Based system,
understanding the relationship between student attendance and their performance, predicting
their future probability of passing or failing the exam using algorithm., And Introducing the
project to the Institute.
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 2
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... 4
List of Figures ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 01 ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.0 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Problem statement. ................................................................................................................. 6
1.2.2 Detailed Research Question ................................................................................................... 7
1.2.3 Keywords ............................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.4 Project Title ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.5 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................... 8
1.3.0 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 10
1.3.1 Project Purposed Operations ................................................................................................ 10
1.4.0 Ethical Issues ........................................................................................................................... 11
1.4.1 Data access ........................................................................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Transparency ........................................................................................................................ 11
1.4.3 Location and Security .......................................................................................................... 11
1.4.4 Data Ownership ................................................................................................................... 12
1.4.5 Misinterpretation .................................................................................................................. 12
1.5.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Literature Review.............................................................................................................................. 14
2.1 For predictive modeling, Naive Bayes is a simple but surprisingly effective algorithm. ............... 14
2.2 Predictive modeling, K-nearest Neighbors ................................................................................. 14
2.3. Gap Identification with the similar systems ................................................................................... 15
2.3.1 Comparison Chart of Features with the Existing Systems. .......................................................... 15
Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................................... 16
3.1.0 Research Methodology ............................................................................................................ 16
3.2.0 Defining sample size, sampling frame and sampling techniques............................................. 17
3.2.1 Data Collection .................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.2 Gathering Data ..................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.3 Analyzing the gathered data ................................................................................................. 17
3.2.4 Representation of analyzed data .......................................................................................... 17
3.2.5 Making decisions and Conclusion ....................................................................................... 17
Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Reference .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Appendix - A..................................................................................................................................... 19
Gannt Chart ................................................................................................................................... 19
Timetable of Dissertation .............................................................................................................. 20
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 01
1.1.0 Introduction
It's all about technology in this 21st century. Schools and Educational institutions nowadays,
too, has changed. Primary school must also have its own management system, not only for
university and secondary schools. However, the current primary school management system
is already defined as an old generation management system and can no longer satisfy the
needs of the user.
As a result, a system called the Student Management System will be developed as upgrade
version of the old system or replace the manual system to solve the problems faced when
using the old system or the manual system. The Student Management System (SMS) is an
educational software application that uses information and data to manage students. Also
known as the Student Information Management System (SIS), the Student Information
Management System (SIMS) or the School Management System (SMS).
This system design is a web-based type, so the user can also use it directly. Internet
Connection System The users of this system are divided into three groups: administrators,
instructors and parents. Administrators and teachers' functions are read, write and edit, while
parents' functions are read and write only. Through this system, administrators and teachers
can easily manage all student data and information, and parents can also easily understand
their children's performance.
This new system replaces the current basic school system and this system will certainly
improve the school's student management system and the efficiency of the job.
1.2.0 Overview
1.2.1 Problem statement.
Using a manual system to manage students who record all the information in a book or paper,
the work of the teachers has become more and more troublesome. The record in which there
is a possibility to be missing or destroyed when an accident occurs. While the school is
already using the computer to manage student information, both of the systems they use are
already out of date. The system they all use is stand-alone and separate, one system has only
one function. This has made it harder for the teacher to use the entire system at the same time.
The separate system, without being connected to each other, also generates the same data and
information as the required key in each system. In addition, the system that also uses does not
have to communicate. Platform for parents to communicate with their parents. This will lead
to less interaction between teachers and parents.
Failed to test or drop scores cause the student to be scared to tell. It’s their parents. Added
that some of the parents are busy with their own carrier, both of whom may be indifferent to
the results of their child. In addition, some students may have prevented their parents from
knowing their test results, they may have cheated their parents for multiple reasons, such as
not giving back the report card, or others to avoid their parents knowing the result. This
caused parents not to know their children's exams or test results. Every student's learning
skills are different, some are good, some are good. They’re weak. So, the results are different,
too. As a teacher, each student's exam results need to be known to know which subject is the
weakness of the students. But all the results of the students are recorded in the paper, and it's
harder for teachers to know the performance of the students, if not through data or graphic
image. This is because, through the graph, the teacher can know that any improvement in the
status, progress or performance of students is possible.
1.2.2 Detailed Research Question
Sakya was founded as the Shakya Group of Companies in 23rd September 2017. Located in
madampe road-Kuliyapitiya, Shakya has a state-of-the-art six-story building fitted with
multimedia-assisted lecture theaters and the island's leading professional panel of lecturers.
Focusing on quality teaching and facilities to provide the most appropriate and efficient
learning atmosphere for students, Shakya focuses on creating well-disciplined, all-round
Looking at the performance of the organization today, all programs are run by out dated
System barely using this system almost 80 % of the works done by manually. For this reason,
as well as being a hindrance to the functioning of the organization, the staff of the institution
must observe every approach in the books and it is very difficult to make management
decisions as the information received from it is scanty.
This research seeks to minimize this waste, as well as the success of the educational
institution as well as the efficiency of the students, in order to understand the student
participation and the relationship between them and to provide an in-depth look at future
1.2.3 Keywords
Web-based Application; student management; student marks; automation; education; student
1.2.4 Project Title
Implementation of an automated computer-based system to identify the correlation between
attendance and performance of students and predict their future performance at Shakya
Higher Education Centre
1.2.5 Research Objectives
Many schools will use a student management system as their primary tool for managing all
their student records and administration. In addition to a student management system, many
schools may have a different approach to admissions, a different approach to classroom
management, and a few other key areas of running a school.
This scenario was motivated to propose this system.
The objectives of the project are as follows.
Create an algorithm to predict students' future performance and marks for subjects.
The system makes a prediction about the marks that the student will get in the
upcoming examination in relation to one specific subject of the students who are
Find out if there is a Correlation between student attendance and performance
A missing day in school is a moment when learners miss out on learning. The
relationship between student attendance and learning is being examined more than
ever before in this era of growing transparency for provinces, districts and colleges,
and an effort is being made to integrate it into the system by researching the
relationship here.
To produce a software with having the ability Manage Student information, Financial
information’s, Records managements etc.
The app allows learners to have full access to their profiles. You can easily
handle the fee, attendance, and other generic items with this software. You
will also get push payment notifications, weekly schedule updates, payment
reminders, and automated scheduler alerts. A robust teacher management
function is also supported by this app. A school scheme also produces and
uses a vast amount of knowledge. This knowledge must be conveyed to
teachers, faculty, and parents appropriately. This software allows schools to
store, maintain, and distribute this data. These specialized solutions meet
individual needs, such as school applications or monitoring of student actions.
Observe and recognize the shortcomings of existing similar applications, which may
involve the framework as a distinctive feature.
There are certain types of vulnerabilities in any single current system. It is also
increasingly effective if the proposed structure gradually includes
extraordinary highlights.
1.3.0 Scope
As for the specifications of the client, the planned project will be implemented. So, for the
suggested project,
This system is intended for the complete, user-friendly and effective management of
various tasks. These tasks can vary from tasks Student Information, Parent Access,
Teacher Information,
Attendance & Timetable Management, Behavior pattern
Analyzing, Notifications, Human Resources Management, Profile Management,
Online Assessments and Assignments, Reports generations, online payments This
method of school management is quite vast. It includes everything relating to the
successful operation of the educational institution, ensuring the greatest advantage by
the implementation of realistic steps to the greatest amount. It interprets and clarifies,
in fruitful partnerships, the roles and activities of an educational program and
harmonizes their collective action.
1.3.1 Project Purposed Operations
Preparation of an excel file for collecting data.
The Form tool from Microsoft Excel makes it easy to collect form data and can be
quickly imported to Microsoft Access and other databases.
Appropriate graphs are generated to classify the interior activities
The case diagram and the ER diagrams were scheduled to be built. It is therefore
beneficial to quickly define the activities of the system and the database.
1.4.0 Ethical Issues
The practical challenge of Student Management System is the question of privacy of the
who has access to the student data?
To what level do you need to inform SMS users that they are correcting their data?
Do you need student’s permission to use their data?
Who owns individual’s data?
What about data misinterpretation of data, or other data errors?
Let’s look at each of these
1.4.1 Data access
Who has access to the gathered data? Are administrators or course directors supposed
to have the same access as instructors? Should instructors have access to, or just some
of, all of the data?
1.4.2 Transparency
How much should disclose to student about the collected information and how it will
be used? Many students realize that some amount of data is been gathered tracked an
analyzed. In today’s internet culture, it is a ubiquitous online experience but it’s likely
that students are not aware of how much you used their data, especially in an
educational or training environment.
1.4.3 Location and Security
Where should data about students be stored? The storage, location or security of the
data that is collected is not controlled by most organizations. Data is often stored not
just outside the institution, but outside the nation. In the country where the data is
located, certain security and privacy laws may not apply - meaning that the data of
your students could potentially be used or sold without their permission.
1.4.4 Data Ownership
Who has the right to determine how the information is being used? Can the online
activities of personal information or Students be used for unrelated purposes, such as
research or marketing? Can students control how they use their data? How long is the
data supposed to be kept before it is deleted?
1.4.5 Misinterpretation
Learning analytics are often heavily based on data interpretation and dot connection.
That implies that instructors sometimes need to rely on intuition and assumptions.
You can entirely misinterpret the information or see patterns that aren't really there. In
the case of misinterpretation or inaccurate information, what are the implications for
responsibility and liability?
1.5.0 Conclusion
Finally, let's look at some of the stuff for the betterment of everybody that can change
the direction of the future.
In an institution or college or university, the student management system is very
useful. This proposed system does not have any documentation. From anywhere,
tracking can be performed. The human effort that is particularly required is minimized
by this project. The college is managing this application so that information is not
leaked and data is secured. Since it is a web-based program, the system can be used at
any time by anyone and it is very easy to get the details needed without any delay.
Getting a report on attendance and internal reviews is very helpful for students. When
they need it, this app academy can handle any improvements to an app, so they can do
it without prior investment, and when it is handled by their own college, the system
will be more stable. The new system saves both time and less data storage space and
is easier to copy. The device can be used by students so that they can recognize their
marks from home. It also promotes the management of class schedules on a daily
basics. Furthermore, the software provides a pre-determination of students' marks for
each subject in future exams. It is easy to keep track of a student's performance
because parents know it.
You may build a system to offer past or skipped lessons and extra work to students if
you have the ability to expand this system. Parents can be informed via SMS if
students are not in class.
Chapter 2
Literature Review
2.1 For predictive modeling, Naive Bayes is a simple but surprisingly
effective algorithm.
The model consists of two types of probabilities that can be directly determined from
your training data: 1) each class's probability; and 2) each class's conditional
probability given each x value. Once estimated, the probability model can be used to
use the Bayes Theorem to make forecasts for new data. It is normal to assume a
Gaussian distribution (bell curve) when the data is real-valued, so that you can
estimate these probabilities easily.
2.2 Predictive modeling, K-nearest Neighbors
There is a very simple and very efficient KNN algorithm. For KNN, the model
representation is the whole training dataset. By searching through the entire training
set for the most similar K instances (the neighbors) and summarizing the output
variable for those K instances, predictions are made for a new data point. This could
be the median output variable for regression problems, this could be the mode (or
most common) class value for classification problems.
The trick is how the similarity between data instances is calculated. If the attributes
are all of the same size (all in inches, for example), the easiest method is to use the
Euclidean distance, a number that can be measured directly based on the variations
between and input variable.
2.3. Gap Identification with the similar systems
2.3.1 Comparison Chart of Features with the Existing Systems.
My System
Finance & Accounting
Other educational addons
Online Payments
User friendly UI
Encrypted Data Base
Chapter 3
3.1.0 Research Methodology
For the 9 months of the period, the Gantt chart is developed and classified as the
stages of the life cycle of software development. To make the plan easier to read, creating
groups of tasks would allow readers to see what tasks are components of a deliverable or
process. And the given Gantt chart shows the dependencies of each task clearly. In order for
the reader to easily define the assigned time for each task, each of the tasks has the start and
end date as well as the length period. There are no time allocations for the vacations because
the project is an individual and personal one. As for the Gantt chart, before Se, all the work of
the proposed project should be over.
3.2.0 Defining sample size, sampling frame and sampling
3.2.1 Data Collection
Student marks and attendance details
3.2.2 Gathering Data
Questionnaires and interviews will be used to collect data. There will be two distinct
questionnaires for patients and conventional practitioners. Data collection would, therefore,
be in terms of questionnaires and interviews.
3.2.3 Analyzing the gathered data
In order to make decisions to solve the specified problem listed in the "Detailed Research
Question," the collected data will be analyzed.
3.2.4 Representation of analyzed data
The analyzed data will be interpreted using various techniques that will make decisions easy
to make.
3.2.5 Making decisions and Conclusion
Decisions will be made with regard to the data processed through the measures described
A conclusion will be drawn with the use of evaluated data and judgments that will represent
the study's final overview.
The proposed framework will be developed in line with the Life Cycle Software
Chapter 4
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Appendix - A
Gannt Chart
Timetable of Dissertation