Uploaded by Ivonne Stephanie Cano Ramos

Absolute vs Relative Location Worksheet

Directions:​ Glue the Absolute and Relative location definitions at the top of the page.
Read the following examples and decide if they tell an Absolute or Relative location. Place
them on the correct page and come verify with me if they are correct ​BEFORE ​you glue
them in.
Absolute Location:​ Tells us ​exactly​ where something is.
Relative Location:​ Tells us where something is in ​relation​ to something
South Road Middle School is
located at 340 South Road
Columbus, Ohio 43209
Mrs. Miller’s classroom is next
door to Mrs. Frank’s classroom.
Cuba is located south of Florida
Miss Smith’s class is in room 106
at the end of the 100’s hallway of
the school.
Cuba is 21 degrees north and 80
degrees west.
The concert is right outside of
Columbus, Ohio
The store I need to go to is right
next door to Target.
The Student Services Building at
The Ohio State University is
located at ​281 W. Lane Ave.
Columbus, Ohio 43210
New York City is 96 miles East of Nairobi, Kenya is at 1.29° S,