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Siaynco vs. Siaynco: Psychological Incapacity Case Summary

Manuel Siaynco vs Juanita Siaynco
G.R. No. 158896, October 24, 2004
Chico-Nazario, J.
Doctrine: Sexual infidelity does not constitute psychological incapacity.
Facts: Manuel filed a petition for the declaration of nullity of his marriage with Juanita on the ground of
psychological incapacity. Manuel claims that his wife does not respect him anymore, her jealousness is too
much, obsession with cleanliness, her outbursts, her controlling nature, and her inability to endear herself to his
parents are the reasons why Juanita is psychologically unfit to comply with the essential requirements of
marriage. Juanita responded that it was Manuel who was remiss in his marital and family obligations and she still
maintained to support Manual despite his philandering. The RTC dismissed Manuel’s petition. CA reversed the
Issue: Whether or not both Manuel and Juanita are psychologically incapacitated to comply with marital
Ruling: No. What emerged from the psychological report is that the only essential marital obligation which Manual
was not able to fulfill, if any, is the obligation of fidelity. Manuel failed to prove that his wife’s lack of respect for him,
her jealousness, obsession with cleanliness, her outbursts, her controlling nature, and her inability to endear
herself to his parents, are grave psychological maladies that [paralyze her from complying with the essential
obligations of marriage.
Petition for review is granted. CA decision was reversed and set aside.