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Short Lectures on Ethics: An Introduction

Short Lectures on Ethics by David Keller- an Introduction
If I would hear the word “Ethics” without knowing its background, it would just sound to
me like some legal aspect of a specific field that should be followed to avoid conflicts regarding
the rules of that specific field. Little did I know that Ethics is more than that. This is what I have
learned on the video that we have watched earlier.
Ethics is the philosophical way of studying morality. It gives emphasis to the meaning of
morality which is the ability of humans to do behavior that is anchored on his moral judgement
on how to best live one’s life. this kind of intellect makes humans distinct and superior among
other species here on earth.
As human person, we are subjected into making valuable decisions everyday that may
eventually affect the majority of our life, our family, and peers around us. this does not exempt
us into making moral judgement. This is where ethics play an important role.
This is why we should focus more on the word “Morality”. What is morality? It is heavily
based on the religious affiliation of a person. this affiliation contributes a lot to what is the
morality of a person all about. This also sets limitations to a person what to do and what not. If a
person violates this limitations, they will be considered or termed immoral.
Despite morality’s massive implication in religion, the bible still tells us that this is a
natural phenomenon that came from a natural source, the world; and not from a supernatural
source that most people think because of its religious affiliation.
Religion’s role on our everyday life is to interpret actions within divine context that is
related to human condition. This helps us easily understand the connection of human to religion,
to morality.
Since we have already talked about the supernatural and religious base of morality, let us
now talk about what most people think about it; The Law.
Unlike what most people think, ethics is not coextensive of the law. It is a separate body
that although they may sometimes be corelated and assumed to be the same, they sometimes
contradict each other which also makes sense to the real world. One given example is slavery.
Slavery is well known throughout the history and is still being practiced till the present day.
According to the law, it is okay as long as compensation is being given in exchange for the service.
However, it is considered unethical.