Reading Response Rubric Quality Of Writing Quantity of OUTSTANDING! WOW! SO-SO OOPS! 4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pts. You always attempt deeper thinking in your responses. You make connections, ask questions, draw conclusions, and make inferences about the text. You do not simply summarize the story You provide examples (evidence) to explain your thinking. You always write in your notebook every day that is assigned. You log your reading daily. Your notebook looks like you truly treasure writing. Someone can easily read your entries. You usually attempt deeper thinking in your responses. You make connections, ask questions, draw conclusions, make inferences about the text in some of your entries You begin to summarize the story. You do not provide examples (evidence) to explain your thinking. You usually write in your notebook on assigned days. You usually log your reading daily. Sometimes you attempt deeper thinking in your responses. You summarize the story. You often write in your notebook at school. You log only some of your reading. Some of the entries in your notebook are neat, and carefully written. It´s difficult for someone to read your entries. Your notebook has minimal responses. You made very little attempt to respond. You seldom write in your notebook. You log little or no reading in you log. Entries Neatness of Your notebook and entries are usually neat, clean and carefully written. Someone else can usually read your entries. entries Book You have been reading similar types of books. You mostly choose to read just right books. You have read similar books. You mostly choose to read just right books. You have been reading books from different genres. You are choosing to read just right books. You read 100% of the time. You read 90-99% of the time. You read 80-89% of the time. You paid little attention to details on neatness. It doesn´t seem that you treasure writing. It´s very difficult or impossible to read your entries. You read the same kinds of books. You choose books that are not just right for you. Choice Reading Focus Student Name: Total points: Grade: /20 You read less than 80% of the time.