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ISO 23081-2:2009 Metadata Standard for Records Management

If you have not used any metadata standards in your work or researched any metadata standards for other classes,
select one standard related to ECM, records management, or preservation and
1. Provide the name of the standard.
ISO 23081-2:2009 - Information and documentation. Managing metadata for records. Conceptual and
implementation issues
2. Describe it, and explain its importance to ECM, records management, or preservation.
The ISO 23081 Standard is a series of parts that describe approaches to the creation and implementations of
metadata for records. The ISO 23081 focuses on the framework that defines “metadata elements for managing
records and provides a generic statement of metadata elects, whether these are physical, analogue or digital”
(2021). The standard provides an extended reasoning for metadata and for records management In organizations
and environments that are encompassing, such as active documents and records implementations as well as
archival implementations. The lecture gave an example I felt really hit home and help humanize metadata, where
it states that even at the basic level I can witness metadata creation in action, just by looking at the last document
I saved to Microsoft Word on my computer just today. I can go to documents and select any document and look
to the right of the title or “document name” and find Identifiers of metadata such as; the last date modified, size,
format, size, and location. All the identifiers generically given and the ones I add myself are associated with the
record now. I also noticed that the data dictionary outlining a Gaming Service in lecture is similar to some of the
excel sheets I’ve made of of inventories for my business. I would have gone on calling it me just being
“organized” but in actuality I’m participating in metadata creation and curating a records management system
blueprint of sorts as the ISO 23081 standard further explains.
By identifying generic types of metadata, an organization will “gain the flexibility to select specific metadata to
meet their business requirements for managing their records as long as they are required” (2021). The standard
covers a broad spectrum of implementations but yet is specific enough to acknowledge that metadata elements
can exist as multiple entities within different layers of aggregation.
The overall scope of the ISO 23081 is to establish a framework for “defining metadata elements consistent with
the principles and implementation considerations outlined in ISO 23081-1.
Franks, P. (2021, February 17). Content Analysis and File Plan Development. Lecture Online. Week 4 in Canvas.
ISO 23081-2:2009 Information and documentation — Managing metadata for records — Part 2: Conceptual and
implementation issues. (2009, July). Retrieved February 17, 2021, from
https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:23081:-2:ed-1:v1:en. Edition 1. Pages 1-33. Technical Committee :
ISO/TC 46/SC 11 Archives/records management