Peer Assessment Lesson How To Give Great Feedback Discuss with your partner: brainstorm what each one means Did you know? All questions are marked out of 25. The assessment objectives for the paper are: • AO1: show detailed knowledge of the content of literary texts, supported by reference to the text • AO2: understand the meanings of literary texts and their contexts, and explore texts beyond surface meanings to show deeper awareness of ideas and attitudes • AO3: recognise and appreciate ways in which writers use language, structure and form to create and shape meanings and effects • AO4: communicate a sensitive and informed personal response to literary texts. Let’s look at the modelled response What would you mark this assignment out of 25 considering: • Content/structure • Analysis • SPaG *Highlight what is great about this and what would you change?* Be critical, use the mark scheme in front of you - Recognise what makes good feedback - Analyse the work of others and provide feedback for them. - Improve your own work by using feedback from classmates. What’s the difference between GOOD feedback and BAD feedback? Write an explanation in your notes - Recognise what makes good feedback - Analyse the work of others and provide feedback for them. - Improve your own work by using feedback from classmates. Which of these is GOOD feedback and which is BAD feedback? 1. “your sentences all start the same” 2. “you need to use more quotes” 3. “you could have improved your point about Browning being in love love by adding by adding the quote the quote aboutabout his his feelings” feelings” 4. “some of your sentences don’t make sense” 5. “you’ve missed out some commas and full stops, particularly particularly in the last paragraph” in the last paragraph” 6. “you could improve your handwriting” - Recognise what makes good feedback - Analyse the work of others and provide feedback for them. - Improve your own work by using feedback from classmates. I liked some of the points you made but you could use more quotes. There were also bits you didn’t talk about that I would have mentioned. There’s some spelling mistakes too. - Recognise what makes good feedback - Analyse the work of others and provide feedback for them. - Improve your own work by using feedback from classmates. When the music stops, sit on the seat closest to you and give feedback on their work! SUGGESTED MUSIC - - Recognise what makes good feedback - Analyse the work of others and provide feedback for them. - Improve your own work by using feedback from classmates. Pick three sentences in your work and improve them, taking into account the feedback your have been given. Write these BELOW your original work in PURPLE PEN. - Recognise what makes good feedback - Analyse the work of others and provide feedback for them. - Improve your own work by using feedback from classmates. BEFORE YOU LEAVE…. Write about one piece of feedback you will use to improve your work for next time. - Recognise what makes good feedback - Analyse the work of others and provide feedback for them. - Improve your own work by using feedback from classmates. Home Learning: • Go through any pieces of writing in your book • In a different colour pen, reflect on your own feedback – SELF-ASSESS! • If you are struggling to be critical of your own work, perhaps during break time ask a friend to read and mark, like we did today! • Tonight: prepare for your English Language assessment (Deliver a speech/talk) learn the techniques, format of a speech and even watch the videos from the speech writing ppt/ links on next slide) - Recognise what makes good feedback - Analyse the work of others and provide feedback for them. - Improve your own work by using feedback from classmates. Speech Writing links • WasNQ • WasNQ&t=597s