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Chicken Farming Guide: Coop, Feeding, Health, Marketing

A. Preparation of Coop
A chicken coop or hen house is a small house where, typically, female chickens or other fowl are kept
safe and secure. There are nest boxes found inside the hen houses for egg-laying, and perches on which
the birds can sleep.
Backyard chickens are healthier.
It’s a safe place to sleep at night
They are kept in a warm place
2. Disadvantage
 It is time consuming to clean
 It may take a lot of money to repair it
B. Cleaning of Coop
The chicken coop must be properly cleaned to remove the germs and bacteria from previous chicken
present at that time. Because when dealing with chicken diseases and illness by all means the coop must
be cleaned. After removing fesses, the coop may be cleaned with disinfectant and blech whipping and
washing every inch of the floor without fail.
It helps to new chicken to have a new place to start
It helps to remove the germ and bacteria
The cleaning of the coop is financially okay
2. Disadvantage
 If cleaning is not done properly the chicken may become sick
 It is time consuming
C. Cobwebbing
Cobwebbing is the process of removing spiders, webs and spider food from the ceiling, creases and every
corner of the coop in order to clean it.
 Advantage
 Fresh breading space for the chickens
 Disadvantage
 Spider well build their nest over quicker
D. Removal of Cake Litter
In agriculture, poultry litter or broiler litter is a mixture of poultry excreta, spilled feed, feathers, and
material used as bedding in poultry operations. This term is also used to refer to unused bedding
materials. Poultry litter is used in confinement buildings used for raising broilers, turkeys and other
Can be used as land fill
Can be used as fertilizer for plants
The flour is kept clean for new chicken
Can give you a feeling of revulsion (disgust)
If not cleaned properly the germs can infect the chicken
If you’re not wearing proper protective equipment you can become very sick from the poultry
E. Spraying of Coop
You cannot sterilize your chicken coop without a quality disinfectant. Bleach will work to kill germs and
bacteria, but it does contain harsh chemicals. Vinegar will disinfect your chicken coop without
potentially exposing your birds to hazardous chemicals.
1. Advantage
 It’s a good way of hereticating pest and bacteria from the coop
 You don’t have to do physical clean-up
2. Disadvantages
 Can be very costly
 If too much chemical is used chickens may become exposed to negative chemicals
F. Receiving of Chickens
For any chicken farmer, the health of your birds should be at the top of your priority list. Without a
healthy flock, egg production lowers, sickness can spread, and in the end, you may lose chickens (and
There are certain diseases, like wry neck, that can be very alarming for first-time farmers. At Freedom
Ranger Hatchery, we want to alleviate some of those fears with our years of chicken-raising knowledge.
1. Advantages
 Chicks are very profitable once you raise them properly
 Chicks are also very cheap
2. Disadvantages
 Chicks are very delicate and can be damaged or even die from aggressive handling
 Chicks are easy targets for rodents and many minuscule animals
G. Brooding of chickens
This is a term which means keeping chicks warm and comfortable. When your baby chicks arrive, they
will need special care. This is the time when you can expect a few chicks to die.
Technically, brooding is defined as the period from hatching until supplemental heat is no longer
needed. For most people, this means the time period that the chicks need to be kept inside or with a
heat lamp, which is generally somewhere between three to eight weeks.
1. Advantages
 You will be clearly able to observe each and every chick
 Chicks are able to live better than in other condition
2. Disadvantage
 Because the chicken is very young, they may die early
 This can be quite costly
H. Extension of Brooding Area
The extension of the brooding area is done when the chicken is a little bit old and are learning to fend
for themselves
1. Advantages
 Now that the chickens are a little older, they are able to take care of themselves
 They really don’t need to be watched 24/7
2. Disadvantage
 Can be very expensive
 Chemical can be detrimental to the chicken
A number of different drugs, called coccidiostats, are available for use in conventional diets to control
coccidiosis in poultry. Coccidiostats that can be used in conventional poultry production include the
following: Amprolium (e.g., Amprol, Corid) Bambermycin (e.g., Flavomycin, GAINPRO)
1. Advantages
Increases mortality rate for chicken
Free the meat from Bacteria
2. Disadvantages
Chicken can die from wrong dosage
Medication can be expensive
Daily Feeding and Watering
In addition to their core diet of pellets you can feed them grains such as corn or wheat to give them
some variety. Chickens love fruit and vegetables and you can give them this daily. Our girls love:
vegetable peels, bananas, apple cores, carrots and broccoli. Jan 16, 2020 and for liquid they are given
water along with sometimes
1. Advantages
Very essential for growth in chickens
Consistent feeding will help the chicken to grow
2. Disadvantage
If chicken feed is spoiled it may be detrimental to the health of the chicken
K. Daily cleaning of Feeders and Waterers
Cleaning of the feeders and waters help you to keep the chicken from deadly bacteria in order to make
them live and later use in production.
1. Advantages
The pan is always clean and ready for use
Keep the chicken safe and secure from virus
2. Disadvantages
The feeding pan and the water tray has to be clean regularly
L. Mortality
Mortality in this case has to do with the amount/rate of chickens that die during production
1. Advantages
The chicken is better able to manage in order to protect them as you would have learned from
your mistake
2. Disadvantages
Total profit you were expecting would decrease
M. Preparation of Footbath
In boiler production a foot bath is used to rid one’s self from harmful bacteria and germs with may infect
the chicken causing death to it.
Kills Bactria to Protect Chickens
Foot bath has to be cleaned very often
Foot bath disinfectant are easily to run out and can be very expensive.
N. Turning of Litter
In agriculture, poultry litter or broiler litter is a mixture of poultry excreta, spilled feed, feathers,
and material used as bedding in poultry operations. This term is also used to refer to unused
bedding materials. Poultry litter is used in confinement buildings used for raising broilers,
turkeys and other birds. Common bedding materials include wood shavings, sawdust, peanut
hulls, shredded sugar cane, straw, and other dry, absorbent, low-cost organic materials. Sand is
also occasionally used as bedding. The bedding materials help absorb moisture, limiting the
production of ammonia and harmful pathogens. The materials used for bedding can also have a
significant impact on carcass quality and bird performance.
 This removes or turn good soil to the top which will be god for chickens
 Can be made from inorganic materials like sand, wood sheadings or straws
 They tent to store up a lot of germs and if not remove on time it can kill chickens
 If the litter gets wet it can deposit a fowl and unpleasant smell
O. Slaughtering
Slathering of Boilers are don to provide money, jobs and food for people. After production chicken are
killed to make way for the new flock cycle of birds to continue the flock of profit production. Types of
slaughtering are as such: electric stun, Co2 insemination, injection and removal or the head but the most
common one is removal of the head to drain the blood.
Done to provide food
Done to provide income
It can be time consuming and tiresome
If Slather House is not clean properly after killing the place might become infested with magots
P. Marketing
A typical contract is one in which the grower (usually a landowner) provides the housing and grow out
equipment, feeders, waterers, brooders and other inputs such as water, electricity, fuel, litter and
labour. The contractor (the broiler company) provides the chicks, feed, necessary medications and
supervision. The broiler company also provides labour and equipment for catching and hauling the birds
to market. The company retains ownership of the birds, and the grower is paid a return
Slaughter Knives
Sketch Layout
Cleaning of feeder
Cleaning of waterer
Receiving of the chicks
Cleaning of the footbath