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Smart Kitchen IoT Presentation

What is
The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical
devices around the world that are now connected to the
internet, all collecting and sharing data. Thanks to the arrival
of super-cheap computer chips and the ubiquity of wireless
networks, it's possible to turn anything, from something as
small as a pill to something as big as an aeroplane, into a part
of the IoT. Connecting up all these different objects and adding
sensors to them adds a level of digital intelligence to devices
that would be otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate
real-time data without involving a human being.
Role of IoT in the Kithen.
It is a built in system which consists of a LCD, WSN,
RFID reader and tags to provide all the necessary
information regarding the menu, inventory of
ingredients and diet control measures etc. With the
innovations in technology came the Internet of
Things (IoT) where divers appliance are connected
together courtesy the internet, home appliance
Refrigerator-A Smart
Traditional refrigerators have been performing great task in
preserving food items for a period of time, but there is need
for more efficient ways of preserving and managing food
INTERNET refrigerator also known as Smart refrigerator is a
refrigerator which has been programmed to sense what
kinds of products are being stored inside it and keep a track
of the stock through barcode or RFID scanning.
You will now be able to talk to your fridge without ever
And give the required instructions. The smart refrigerator
task accordingly.
Features of the
‘INTERNET Refrigerator’
This kind of refrigerator is often equipped to
automatically determine when a food item needs to be
It also provides users with extra information about their
products, their nutritional
facts and consumption history.
An internet refrigerator can download recipes based on
its content; communicate with a microwave oven to
prepare the cooking power and time for the given mix of
It can suggest drinks based on what is stored inside, the
ambient temperature and the time of the day.
Smart RefrigeratorThe Technology
The paper proposes idea of using
load cell signals for detection of
movement in bed. A system for
inconspicuous detection of movement
in bed that uses load cells fitted at
the corners of a bed.
The system focuses on identifying
when a movement happens based on
the forces sensed by the load cells.
The approach estimates the energy in
each load cell signal over short
segments to detain the differences
caused by movement.
Smart Kitchen-Baidu
● Baidu Kuaisou: Baidu Kuaisou China’s Internet Giant,
unveiled a pair of ‘smart
chopsticks’. These Chopsticks are fitted with sensors and
connected to smart phones. They offer the analyzed
readings to the user. The chopsticks are able to detect oils
containing unsanitary levels of contamination. The further
advancement is to measure the freshness of the oil, water
and food and its pH level, temperature and caloric value.
Smart Kitchen- The
Egg Minder
The Egg Minder: It is a device which is developed by
Quirky. It is wireless connected egg tray that helps in
tracking the duration of each egg that it contains and how
long it is there in the tray. When the tray is opened the
smart device blinks an LED light next to the egg that’s been
in it the longest. Based on this, decision can be taken to
crack the particular egg.
Smart Kitchen- Drop
Drop: A Drop is a smart kitchen scale it is designed to bake
beautiful and delicious food without any experience. In this
device the scale is connected to a custom iPad application
via Bluetooth. The bakers can bake by referring to library of
Smart Kitchen- The
The Hug: The Hug offers a solution as how much of water
has been consumed throughout the day and how much is
needed, It is installed with a combo sensor band and iOS
app. The sensor band is wrapped around the water bottle
and keeps tracking of water consumed.
Other Smart Appliances In Kitchen
 Smart Coffee Maker
 Smart Griller from Palate Home
 Smart Induction
 Smart Oven
 iKettle – World’s first ever Wi-Fi enabled Kettle
 The smart garbage: GeniCan
 HAPIfork
 AND SO ON…..
The proposed smart refrigerator can enable health. It is designed for
managing items stored in it. Smart refrigerator is cost effective, economical
and user friendly.
The internet of things is a system in which number of objects are
interconnected over the internet which can perceive the data and transmit
and receive information. It is made possible by low voltage, low cost
components and sensors that can be added to appliances.
IoT is significant because it could open new avenues of research and
The different applications of IoT in Kitchen ranks the highest when
compared with other domains. Perhaps it may be due to the hi-fi living
style and advancement of the applied technology in every walk of life.
Ultimately the smooth functioning of the devices and the knowledge for
their operation are essential to achieve the expected results. Otherwise
the traditional cookware can only save us.
Prepared by:1) Rishabh Jain (5)
University Roll No.:-2000540100126
2) Suraj Chhetri (36)
University Roll No.:-2000540100163
3) Vaibhav Srivastava (54)
University Roll No.:-2000540100181
4) Vasudha Agarwal (57)
University Roll No.:-2000540100185
SUBMITTED TO:Surya Vikram Singh