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Periodic Table Lesson Plan: Elements, Groups, Periods

Teacher: Suzette Kerr-Brown
Class: 9I
Date: June 8, 2021
Time of day: 1:15-2:15pm
Duration: 1 hour
Subject: Integrated Science
Unit Topic: More about Matter
Lesson topic: Elements and the Periodic table
Sub-topic: The Periodic Table
General Objectives: By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
1. Know that chemical symbols are used to represent elements on the periodic table.
2. Understand that the Periodic table is a collection of elements.
3. Appreciate the use of different elements of the periodic table in everyday life.
Specific Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
1. Identify the different periods in which the elements of the periodic table are located using
their textbooks.
2. Work individually to determine the different sections of the periodic table using their
textbooks or online resource.
3. Explain why elements are placed in groups and periods using number heads together.
Prior Knowledge: students should be able to recall that the periodic table is an arrangement of
elements with increasing atomic number.
Resources: Laptop
Teaching Strategies: Collaboration, discussion.
Key concepts/ vocabulary: elements, periods, groups, non-metals, metals, noble gas, halogens,
alkali earth metals, alkaline earth metals.
Key Skills: communicate, observe, critical-thinking, classify, and collaborate.
The Groups are numbered from one (I) to eight (VIII) using Roman numerals. The Number of
the groups tell you the number of electrons on the last shell of the atoms found in that particular
Therefore all the elements in Group I have one electron on the last shell and those in group two
have two electrons on the last shell of the atom.
Group eight also known as group zero consist of elements that have the maximum number of
electrons on their last shell. For example: Helium has a maximum of two electrons on its first
shell which is also its last shell.
The Periodic Table is further divided into metals and non-metals. Elements in group I, II are
metals and Aluminum in group III. Elements in groups IV, V, VI and VII are non-metals and
Boron in group III.
Some groups of the periodic table have special names to classify all the elements within them.
For example:
 Group I elements are called the alkali earth metals
 Group II elements are called the alkaline earth metals
 Group VII elements are called the halogens
 Group VIII elements (Group 0) are called noble gases or inert gases. These elements are
considered inert because they are usually unreactive.
The Periods are also numbered and tells the number of shells possessed by the atoms of elements
within a given period. Therefore all the elements in period 1 has only one shell. Period 2
elements have two shells and so on.
Braithwaite, W. (2003).Integrated Science for Jamaica Book 3. Between Towns Roads, Oxford.
Macmillan Education. Third Edition. ISBN: 978-0-333-97655-5. P.g 50-52.
Tindale, A. (1992). A concise revision for CSEC. Nelson Thornes Ltd. Delta place, 27 Bath Road
Cheltenham, United Kingdom. Delta Place.ISBN:978-0-7487-3725 3. P.g 50-51.
Five E’s
Engage (5 minutes)
Explore (20 minutes)
Will give students three
 Will raise their hand to
options to answer (true,
indicate true, false, not
false, not sure)
sure when the teacher
reads questions
 Will explain to students that
statements will be read and
they should raise their
1. The periodic table is an
hands when the correct
arrangement of different
answer is called.
doors.- false
2. The group is the columns
within a periodic table.
1. The periodic table is an
arrangement of different
3. There are 3 groups. -False
doors.- false
4. Elements in group 2 are
2. The group is the columns
considered metals.- True
within a periodic table.
5. Chlorine is found in group
1- False.
3. There are 3 groups. -False
6. Elements of the periodic
4. Elements in group 2 are
table can be divided into
considered metals.- True
metals, non- metals and
5. Chlorine is found in group
noble gases.- true
1- False.
6. Elements of the periodic
 Will explain why they
table can be divided into
gave the answers that they
metals, non- metals and
noble gases.- true
Will type guided questions
in Microsoft word.
Will post link in chat with
1. Why are elements
placed in specific
2. What is another name
for group one elements?
3. What is another name
for group two elements?
4. What is another name
for group seven
5. What are periods and
what do elements in
periods have in
Will be called randomly.
Will read notes on link in
chat to find answers to
questions given by
1. Why are elements
placed in specific
2. What is another
name for group
one elements?
3. What is another
name for group
two elements?
4. What is another
name for group
6. Group eight elements
are considered to be?
Explain (20 minutes)
Will let students know that
the teacher will randomly
call out a number to explain
to the class the content
Will tell students to read
notes on screen to research
answers to the questions.
seven elements?
5. What are periods
and what do
elements in
periods have in
6. Group eight
elements are
considered to be?
Will discuss with class
and write in their
notebooks what they have
learnt about the elements
in the periodic table from
their reading.
Will share with the class
what they have learnt
from their reading when
their number is called.
Will engage in a guided
Will tell students to discuss
with their group members
and write in their notebooks
what they have learnt from
their research.
Will randomly call several
Will ask students to share
with the class what they
have learnt about the
periodic table.
Will guide students into a
brief discussion.
Will clear up any
Will tell students to write in
their notebooks the
elements that are in the
different periods using their
textbook or online resource.
● Will write in their
notebooks the elements
within the different
periods using their
textbooks or online
Will raise their hands and
ask questions.
(5 minutes)
Evaluate (10 minutes)
● Will divide the class in half
● Will participate in a WHO
(side A and side B).
AM I quiz competition
● Will engage students in a
between side A and B in
WHO AM I quiz
which they will answer
competition between side A
the following questions.
and B in which they will
answer the following
1. I am an alkali earth
metal found in period 4.
Answer- Potassium
2. I have 6 protons, 6
electrons, 6 neutrons
and can be found in
group 4 and period 2.
3. I have 8 protons, 8
Neutrons, 8 electrons
and can be found in
group 6 and period 2.
Answer- oxygen
4. I am a noble gas found
in period 3.
Answer- Argon
5. I have 2 protons, 2
electrons, 2 neutrons
and can be found in
group 8 and period 1.
Answer- Helium
6. I have 4 protons, 5
neutrons,4 electrons and
can be found in group 2
and period 2.
Answer- Beryllium
7. I have 3 protons, 4
neutrons, 3 electrons
and can be found in
group 1 and period 2.
8. I have 20 protons, 20
electrons, 20 neutrons
and can be found in
group 2 period 4.
1. I am an alkali earth metal
found in period 4.
Answer- Potassium
2. I have 6 protons,6
electrons,6 neutrons and
can be found in group 4
and period 2.
3. I have 8 protons, 8
Neutrons, 8 electrons and
can be found in group 6
and period 2.
Answer- oxygen
4. I am a noble gas found in
period 3.
Answer- Argon
5. I have 2 protons, 2
electrons, 2 neutrons and
can be found in group 8
and period 1.
Answer- Helium
6. I have 4 protons, 5
neutrons,4 electrons and
can be found in group 2
and period 2.
Answer- Beryllium
7. I have 3 protons, 4
neutrons, 3 electrons and
can be found in group 1
and period 2.
8. I have 20 protons, 20
electrons, 20 neutrons and
can be found in group 2
period 4.
Answer- Calcium
Answer- Calcium
I can be found in group 1 I
am the third element in that
group. Tell me my name
and the period I am in.
Sodium period 3
I can be found in group 1
I am the third element in
that group. Tell me my
name and the period I am
-Sodium period 3
Evaluation 2: