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Advantages & Disadvantages of Computers in Education

Laren, Margaret Rose
Yasay, Jade Yuri
1. As a student, what benefits do you get from using computers?
- Technological tools such as computers are needed in school especially now that we
are in the 21st Century. As a student, using computers help me improve my
performance because I feel more involved in the activities. Computers allow me to
access information faster. Computers also provide reliable online resources which
is a great help for me in finding relevant and accurate information. With computers,
my life as a student has been convenient and productive - even to teachers as well.
With the dramatic shift of online learning from face-to-face classes, computers
became a helping hand to successfully and effectively implement distance online
learning. Moreover, computers allow me to explore the world even just by looking
at the screens. Additionally, most of us, including myself, are visual learners. We
learn more if we can be able to see it visually and by the presence of computers, we
become more engage and interested.
1. What disadvantages do you get from using computers?
- Excessive reliance on computers can cause problems. Students replace paper and
pen with computers for education, their handwriting skills may become poor
because of the fact that they’re already used to it. It is visible and a taken-forgranted problem that arises from this pandemic in a way that students can easily
access the internet for answers on their activities and making their life easy that
could contribute to laziness. Sometimes, they just research “done answers” for their
activities, then pass it as nothing happens. Students have already forgotten the ways
of learning like analysis, association, and being creative which are the most
important in education. Also, one of the disadvantages of using computers is that it
can give big risk to health, computers release radiation that could affect our skin
and most especially our eyes. The more the students make use of the computer the
more they put their health at risk. Lastly, one of the disadvantages of using
computers is the inevitability of encountering Fake News and unreliable
information. Cybercrimes such as hacking, pornography, phishing, fraud, etc. are
also present on the internet and technology which can affect everyone in the digital