Mock Test ADO – Week 6 Duration: 80 minutes. Allowed materials: Only a pen. Question Maximum points 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 3 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 10 2 11 2 1. What is the value of variable c after running this piece of code? int a = 2; int b = 4; int c = a / b + b * b; 2. What is the value of variable p after running this piece of code? int m = 10; int n = 2; int p = m * n; p--; 3. What is the value of variable sum after running this piece of code? string nr1 = "321"; int nr2 = 123; string sum = nr1 + nr2; 12 4 Total 20 4. What are the values of variable x, y and z after running this piece of code? int x = 123; int y = 10; int z; x += y; z = x / y; 5. What is the value of variable finalPrice after running this piece of code? If the code cannot be executed, explain why. int percent = 5; double price = 99.99, int reduction = price / percent; double finalPrice = price - reduction; 6. What is the value of variable d after running this piece of code? int int int int int givenNumber = 163; a = givenNumber / 100; b = givenNumber / 10 % 10; c = givenNumber % 10; d = a + b + c; 7. What is the value of variable receiptTotal after running this piece of code? If the code cannot be executed, explain why. double pricePerKilo = 12.5; double amount = 10; string receiptTotal = pricePerKilo * amount; 8. What is the message that the user will receive in a MessageBox after running this piece of code, if the user types 2020 in the textbox tbGivenYear? int year = Convert.ToInt32(tbGivenYear.Text); if (year % 400==0 || (year % 4==0 && year % 100!=0)) { MessageBox.Show("yes, year " + year); } else { MessageBox.Show(("no, year " + year); } 9. What is the value of variable n after running this piece of code, if the user types 5 in the textbox tbNumber and 100 in the textbox tbLimit? int n = Convert.ToInt32(tbNumber.Text); int limit = Convert.ToInt32(tbLimit.Text); while(n < limit) { n *= n; } 10. What is the value of variable finalPrice after running this piece of code, if the user types 31 in the textbox tbAge? int age = Convert.ToInt32(tbAge.Text); double finalPrice = 100; if (age < 18) { if (age > 50) { finalPrice -= 10; } } else { finalPrice -= 20; } 11. What is the value of variable sum after running this piece of code? int limit = 5; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sum += i + 1; sum += limit - i; } 12. We have the following definitions of methods: public int getAnswer ( int p, int q ) { if ( q > 10 ) { return p; } else { return p + q ; } } public String getAnswerToo ( String p, int q) { if ( q > 10 ) { return p; } else { return p + q ; } } What are then the values of variables answer1, answer2, answer3 and answer4 after running this piece of code? int answer1 = 5; answer1 = getAnswer ( 6, 7) + getAnswer (10, 20); int answer2 = 5; answer2 = getAnswer( getAnswer ( 6, 7) , 10); String answer3 = "heyo"; answer3 = getAnswerToo( answer3, 7); String answer4 = "heyo"; answer4 = getAnswerToo(getAnswerToo( answer4, 2),3); End of test.