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Lower Respiratory Drugs Study Guide: Asthma & Bronchodilators

Ch. 32 Lower Respiratory System Drugs Study Guide
Overall Suggestions:
Read over your chapter.
Review Drug Summary Tables: Classifications, Uses, ADRs (Slides will have some common drugs)
Review Patient Education suggestions.
What is the proper way to use an inhaler?
Review NCLEX questions at the end of the chapter.
What are some common triggers for Asthma?
What are some clinical signs of Asthma? Cough, wheezing, chest tightness, dyspnea,
What are the names and action of some drugs used to manage symptoms of asthma? Shortacting Beta Agonists (SABAs), Long-acting beta agonists (LABA), antiasthma (ICS)
Adrenergic Bronchodilators
What is the primary action of an adrenergic bronchodilator?
What are the differences between SABA and LABA drugs?
Critical Thinking: What is the main purpose of Rescue inhalers? Under what circumstances are
they most helpful?
What are some common ADRs with adrenergic bronchodilators?
What patient education would you provide about adrenergic bronchodilators?
Xanthine bronchodilators
What is the action of a xanthine bronchodilator?
What are some common ADRs?
What are some signs of toxicity with xanthine bronchodilators? n/v/d, anorexia, stomach
cramping, seizures, arrythmias, headache, insomnia
What is the normal serum level of xanthine drugs? 5-15mcg/mL
Inhaled Corticosteroids
What are the actions of inhaled corticosteroids?
What respiratory reactions (ADRs) are patients monitored for?
What are some ADRs? How does the patient prevent development of thrush?
Mast Cell Stabilizers
What are the actions of mast cell stabilizer drugs?
What are some ADRs?
Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists
What are the actions of Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists?
Why are Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists not used during an acute asthma attack?
Nursing Process Lower Respiratory Drugs
What should be included in an assessment for lower respiratory drugs?
What is important to include in patient instruction and education related to actions of drugs?
What drugs are needed for acute symptoms management and what drugs are needed for long
term control? SABA PRN  SABA (1st) & ICS (2nd)  LABA & ICS
Lower Respiratory Drugs Nursing Diagnoses:
What are some causes for Anxiety? Inability to breathe
What nursing interventions would be helpful to decrease anxiety? Speak in a calm voice,
reassure patient, check BP and pulse regularly, explain the effects of the drug
What are some causes for Ineffective Airway Clearance? bronchospasms
What nursing interventions would be helpful to improve airway clearance? IS, Atrial flutter,
elevate HOB, cough/deep breathe exercises
What are some causes for Impaired Oral Mucous Membranes? ICS & inhaled mast cell
stabilizers promote fungal infection
What interventions would be helpful to decrease dryness? Frequent sips of water, sucking on
hard candies, chewing SF gum, gargling w/ water after use of medication, daily tooth
What are some causes of Imbalanced Nutrition related to less than body requirements?
Nausea, unpleasant taste/smell
What are some interventions that may be helpful? Frequent small meals, elevate HOB, provide
calm environemtent
What is some enrivonmental education that you can provide patients for help with managing
asthma (box 32.3)? avoid smoking, pet dander, wear a scarf if cold weather triggers, wash
sheets/blankets frquently