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Task 1. Translate the text into Kazakh/Russian and discuss this export contract with groupmates concerning lexical similarity of the Source and Target texts:
Messrs. …………………………
Hereafter called A.
and Messrs. Energie Consultancy
Holland (ECH/ECH-Group)
P.O.Box 133 9640 AC Veendam
The Netherlands
Hereafter called B.
agreed upon:
Art.1 Exclusive rights and area
Sub 1. A will act from today as Sole Importer with exclusive rights from B in sub 4. mentioned
area. A commits himself towards B to, while the duration of this agreement, not to buy, sell,
trade or to be involved in any way, direct or indirect, by the manufacturing of products that could
compete with products of B.
Sub 2. B commits himself towards A to, while duration of this agreement, in the sub 4.
mentioned area, not to appoint dealers, subdealers, agents, sales representatives or any other
intermediaries and not sell products otherwise as trough intervention of A in the sub 4.
mentioned area.
Sub 3. The agreement in question has reference to Energy Saving Units.
Sub 4. The exclusive area from B contains A's area; ……………. The exclusive rights from A
reach as far as to all candidate buyers, who live or whose inland headquarters are based in
mentioned area (but not candidate buyers who only have a subsidiary in this area, and whose
inland headquarters are based outside this area).
Sub 5. A is not competent to hand over rights from this agreement, complete or partly to a third
party. A has to run his company in person.
Sub 6. It is prohibited to sell products in his own area, mentioned in art. 1 sub 4., which will be
sold to a destination outside his area.
Art. 2 Prices
Sub 1. B delivers ex works. All prices are ex works, excluding transportation cost, excluding
duties and importcharges and excluding bankcharges (A's) for standard products in standard
package (carton box). Bank cost, if any are for A.
Sub 2. Full payment has to be settled before shipment to A, also in case B delivers the products
direct to or by the enduser. The ownership of the products remains by B until the full payment is
settled. A must pay cash by telegraphic money transfer.
Sub 3. B preserves the right, at any time, to increase, to decrease or to change the prices and
discounts in any other way. In case, after A has received the order confirmation, one or more
cost price components increase B is entitled to change the extra cost to A.
Sub 4. The prices (can) change every New Year (January 1 st), and/or raw material costs
increase >5%.