Rubric: Creation/Origin Story Student: _____________________________ Date: ________________________________ Task: ________________________________ Criteria - theme / explanation of natural event Level 1 ___ explanation of a natural event that shows limited thought ___ storyline shows minimal originality ___ initiating action introduces some elements of the conflict/problem Level 2 ___ explanation of a natural event that shows some thought ___ storyline shows some originality ___ initiating action introduces most elements of the conflict/problem Level 3 ___ explanation of a natural event that shows coniderable thought ___ storyline shows considerable originality ___ initiating action introduces conflict/problem with considerable effectiveness Level 4 ___ well-thoughtout explanation of a natural event ___ passage of time may be inconsistent with little sense of continuity ___ passage of time is generally clear with some sense of continuity ___ passage of time is clear with a sense of continuity ___ passage of time is clear with a strong sense of continuity ___ ending provides partial resolution ___ ending provides a logical resolution - style: syntax ___ little syntactic maturity or control ___ some syntactic maturity and control ___ ending provides an effective and logical resolution ___ considerable syntactic maturity and control - style: word choice ___ word choice has limited variety and vitality ___ word choice shows some variety and vitality ___ word choice shows considerable variety and vitality - sense of form: characteristics of creation/origin story ___ makes few attempts to incorporate characteristics of creation/origin story ___ makes some attempts to incorporate characteristics of creation/origin story ___ takes risks to incorporate characteristics of creation/origin story; not always successful ___ ending provides an effective, complex resolution ___ a high degree of syntactic maturity and control ___ word choice shows a high degree of variety and vitality ___ takes risks to incorporate characteristics of creation/origin story, usually creating the desired impact on the reader - originality in storyline - command of story structure ___ storyline is highly original ___ initiating action introduces conflict/problem in a highly effective way - language conventions ___ applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with limited accuracy and effectiveness ___ applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with some accuracy and effectiveness ___ applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with considerable accuracy and effectiveness ___ applies grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness Note: Level 1 describes work that meets minimal expectations (i.e., 50%). A student whose work consistently fails to attain this level has not demonstrated the expectations for grade 11. Comments: Grade/Mark: __________