OPERATIONAL FRAMEWORK REFERENCES • • • • M.1.TD, THE ARMY, 2004. MD 3.0 TD, Operations, 2005 US, FM 100-5, Operations. US, FM 3-0, Operations. SCOPE • INTRO • PURPOSE OF OP FRAMEWORK • BATTLEFIELD ORG –DEEP/SHAPING –CLOSE/DECISIVE –REAR/SUSTAINING Operational Framework “Operational Framework consists of the arrangement of friendly forces and resources in time, space and purpose with respect to each other and the en or situation”. M 1 TD and FM 3-0 TERMS • Area of Operation: geographical area (including airspace) defined by fwd, lateral and rear boundaries assigned to a comd, by a higher comd, in which he has responsibility and the authority to conduct mil ops. • Area of Interest: larger than AO where acty (FF, en or neutral) can influence success of current or future ops. Info and Int required fm this area to execute tactical ops and plan for future ops. • Area of Influence: area comd directly capable of influencing by maneouvre or fire sp system under comd’s C2, current ability to acquire/engage en PURPOSE OF THE FRAMEWORK • Ensures simultaneous actions throughout depth of battlefield • Establishes an area of geographic and op responsibility • Provides a way for comds to visualize the battlefield and employment of forces. • Assists focus the use of cbt power and aids synchronisation. Battlefield Organisation • Gpings based on geographic location and purpose. • Applies to every echelon of comd • Op Framework and Battlefield Organisation as follows: • DEEP AREA (SHAPING OPS). • CLOSE AREA (DECISIVE OPS) • REAR AREA (SUSTAINING OPS). Battlefield Organisation • CLOSE, DEEP, REAR implies geographical reference/location • SHAPING, DECISIVE, SUSTAINING is the allocation by PURPOSE • Both apply to every echelon of comd (focus on unit and above) • Applies to all ops • Means of visualising battlefield/ops and aids synchronisation DEEP AREA • Area fwd of close area (fm fwd bdry of sub units to fwd bdry of controlling ech) • Typically ops in here are used to SHAPE the en to set conditions for close battle SHAPING OPS ‘ … Create and preserve favourable conditions for the success of the decisive operation’ M 1 TD, para 312 SHAPING OPS: TYPES • RSI ops (and sy ops) • Deep attk (destruction of en capabilities at specific times and place) • Actions to deny en ability to concentrate • Actions to limit en freedom of action • Deception ops • Covering Force ops OFFENSIVE OPS EXAMPLE OF BATTLEFIELD ORGANISATION ACTY DEEP (SHAPING) : • Isolating en def posns • Strike and shape en ability to rft def or CAttk • Effect KT such as br, rd, Fire Sp assets and critical facy (e.g. CP or Ammo dump) • Disrupt/destroy en tempo/cohesion • Disrupt, delay, fix en cbt power • Sy ops • Deceive en DEF OPS: DEEP AREA (SHAPING) Include: • See, strike and shape en in depth to disrupt attk prep • Interrupt ability to launch an attk or rft attk or exploit success • Attk en RSI, critical assets • Break coherence of en attk by strike en offn sp, res, fol on echelons, facys, CSS, C2 CLOSE AREA • Where forces are in immediate contact with the en • Fighting between committed forces and reserves of both combatants is occurring • Close combat through mnvr and fires • Area where Decisive Ops occur DECISIVE OPS … are those that directly accomplish the task(s) assigned by the higher HQ. Decisive ops conclusively determine the outcome of major battles and engagements. M 1 TD, para 312 DECISIVE OPS: ‘THE MAIN EFFORT’ • Aim to make terms of decisive battle more favourable and predictable through shaping and sustaining ops • Effects of simultaneity, mnvre and offn fires • Involves multiple actions conducted throughout AO simultaneously • Includes planning and use of Reserves OFF OPS: CLOSE AREA (DECISIVE) Include: • Acty aimed at immediate and decisive defeat en • Main and sp attks, strike and defeat forces def assigned objectives • Determine outcome of major battles • Des en, seize terrain to achieve tasks of higher comd • Includes use of reserves DEF OPS: CLOSE AREA (DECISIVE) Include: • Halt (block, fix) and defeat/des committed en • Fm prep posns, obs, offn fires and CAttk to defeat/destroy en • Shifting ME (overwhelming cbt power) to destroy en REAR AREA • Extends fm rear bdry fwd to rear bdry of next lower level of comd • Area primarily for conduct of sp functions and is where majority of the echelon’s sustaining ops occur • Acty to assure freedom of action and continuity of ops, log and comd SUSTAINING OPS … generate and maint cbt power to enable shaping and decisive ops by providing CSS, rear area and base sy, movt con, terrain management, and infrastructure dev. M 1 TD, para 312 SUSTAINING OPS Include: • CSS • RASO • Movt Con • Terrain management • Infrastructure Dev • Enable shaping and decisive ops by sustaining force and retaining freedom of action OFF OPS: REAR AREA (SUSTAINING) Include: • Secure L of C and bases • RASO • Ensure freedom of action • Protect sources of cbt power DEF OPS: REAR AREA (SUSTAINING) Include: • Dedicated units to rear protection • RASO • Secure L of C and bases • Ensure freedom of action • Protect sources of cbt power QUESTIONS ?