COURSE OUTLINE – MG 5011 Advanced Research Methods FAST School of Management Fall 2021 Type: Class: Core Course MSBA/MBA Course Instructor: Sessions: Dr. Zia Khan 18 00-2100 hrs (Mondays, Wednesday s, Thursdays) Advisory Hours: Office: Email: Phone: 8 30-11 30 hrs (Fridays) Ground Fl, Civil Block (042) 111 128 128 Ext. 409 COURSE INTRODUCTION The course of Advanced Research Methods is considered as one of the most important and technical courses at the graduate level. This course contributes in the development of scientific thinking as well as its relationships with business research problems and solutions. Blended with qualitative and quantitative data analysis tools/techniques and packages, the theoretical and hands-on knowledge that will be attained in this course will lead business students to exercise different research projects later in their respective professional careers. LEARNING MATERIAL 1. Business Research Methods: Alan Bryman and Emma Bell, 4th edition, Publisher Oxford 2. Case Studies/ Research Articles handed out during course LEARNING METHODOLOGY These learning tools shall be used to explain the concepts: Class lectures Interactive case study/research articles sessions A comprehensive group project based on a business research problem Students are expected to actively participate in all activities to ensure they keep learning. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After this course, students should be able to: 1. Critically understand research and its process in the business field 2. Understand how to prepare a comprehensive research proposal by evaluating a business research problem 3. Understand various types of research designs 4. Understand the significance and formation of a conceptual model in a research project 5. Understand types of data and its various collection methods 6. Understand in getting basic knowledge of qualitative and quantitative based data analysis techniques P a g e 1 of 3 MG 5011 Advanced Research Methods | Fall 2021 Understand the applications of qualitative and quantitative based data analysis techniques through statistical softwares like SPSS, AMOS, SmartPLS etc. 8. To exercise a complete research project based on collected data, project writing and its oral presentation 9. Understand the key management issues/ethics in exercising a research project 7. COURSE CONTENTS Following shall be key contents of course. Students are expected to self-read contents of the book and be prepared to discuss them with practical examples in class Sections Core Contents 1. Research in Business 1.Introduction to Business Research 2. Applying Scientific Thinking to Management Problems 3. The Research Process 4. The Research Proposal 5. Ethics in Business Research 6. Research Design Strategies 7. Sampling Design 2. The Design of Research 8. Measurement 9. Measurement Scales 10. Exploring Secondary Data 3. The Sources and Collection of Data 11. Survey Methods: Biases 12. Instruments for Participant Communication 13. Experimentation 4. Analysis and Presentation P a g e 2 of 3 14. Data Preparation Topics to be covered in the respective chapters What is research and why business research, Essentials of a good research, managerresearcher relationship Styles of thinking and sources of knowledge, understanding theory, hypotheses, concepts, constructs, variables etc. Understanding research process, problems and questions, both, at basic and advanced levels Understating what is research proposal, types and its contents, process of research proposal evaluation Ethics, issues and dilemmas for researchers, participants and sponsor, the role of ethical code of conduct Stages of research design, major types of research studies Nature of sampling, Major types of sampling in a business research project Nature of measurement, data types, sources of measurement differences, construct reliability, validity, consistency etc Nature of measurement scales and various response methods The exploratory phase research strategy, type of information sources, how to search literature, mining internal sources, data mining process Common Methods Bias, social desirability bias and other biases in survey approach Various structures of the questions in communication methods. Constructing and refining the instrument, pretesting options Experimental studies, its designs, weaknesses and strengths Editing and coding, basic Content Analysis, data MG 5011 Advanced Research Methods | Fall 2021 of Data and Description 15. Exploring, Displaying and Examining Data 16. Hypothesis Testing 17. Measures of Association 18. Multivariate Analysis entry, different data distributions, SPSS introduction and its user-interface regarding data entry Exploratory data analysis including frequency tables, histograms, stem and leaf, boxplots, data transformation Hypothesis testing and its logic, null and alternative hypotheses, type I and type II errors, standard hypothesis testing procedure using SPSS, familiarity with parametric and nonparametric resting in SPSS Correlations using SPSS, bivariate linear regression, goodness of fit, how to run regression in SPSS? Cluster Analysis, Multiple regression, path analysis, structural equation modeling, principal component analysis using SPSS, interpreting the results and technical report writng Discussions of some topics/chapters will be augmented by different handouts related to these topics. These handouts will be part of course and may be referred to during evaluations. DIVISION OF MARKS Quizzes 5% 3 Quizzes throughout the semester (quizzes will be taken on random basis). Best 2 to be selected Group Project (includes business research proposal) 20%+10%+15%=45% Students will exercise a comprehensive research project based on a real/hypothetical business research problem that will submitted in written form and presented in front of course instructor and their class mates. Group based research proposals should be presented before second sessional exam. To exercise this project, students are expected to closely coordinate with course instructor in a professional manner. Sessional Exam 10% Paper shall consist of scenario and Case Study based questions Final Exam 40% Complete course shall be covered in the final exam. At least 80% attendance is a MUST for Final Exam Please note that slides (ppts) will not be provided to the students. Reading is a must to prepare for examinations. A NOTE ON STUDENTS’ CONDUCT IN CLASS This is graduate level core course which would require serious efforts on part of students. While, it is highly encouraged that you should participate freely in the class, you are required to maintain professional decorum of the class. Any disciplinary or attendance related matters shall be dealt as per university’s policies. P a g e 3 of 3 MG 5011 Advanced Research Methods | Fall 2021