Uploaded by Kurt Runge

Haiti History, Plate Tectonics Worksheet

Name: ________________________ Date: ______________ Period: __________
History of Haiti video notes
1) What happened to the indigenous people who first lived on Haiti?
2) What happened to all of Haiti’s resources after their independence in 1804?
Notes from slides:
Earth’s outer layer is made of solid ___________________________.
Earth’s outer layer is divided into sections that are called _____________________.
Plate boundary map
Part I
The lines on the map represent __________________________.
The arrows represent the movement of _________________________.
What do you notice about the movement of the plates?
What do you notice about the movement of the plates near Haiti?
What do you notice about the movement of the plates between Africa and South America?
What do you wonder after reviewing the map?
Plate boundaries and earthquakes: Part II
How many earthquakes occurred in the last day? _____________
How many earthquakes occurred in the last 30 days? ____________
Name: ________________________ Date: ______________ Period: __________
What do you notice about where earthquakes occur in relation to plate boundaries?
Does there seem to be a pattern or connection between the location of plate boundaries and the location of
Do some plate boundaries seem to have fewer earthquakes than other plate boundaries? What do you notice about
these plate boundaries?
Why do you think earthquakes occur in Haiti?
What do you wonder after viewing the earthquake data?
Plate boundaries and volcanoes: Part III
Does there seem to be a pattern or connection between the location of plate boundaries and the location of volcanoes?
Describe the relationship between the locations of most active volcanoes and locations of earthquakes