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Understanding the Case Method: A Student Guide

James Do
BUAD A301-27
Prof. Katie Snyder
Aug 30, 2021
Note 1 Understanding The Case Method
“The Student Guide To The Case Method”, which is written by Laurie George Busuttil and Susan
J. Van Weelden, is one of the most interesting materials used in teaching business communication.
“Note 1 Understanding the Case Method” introduces students to the “case study” definition, steps used
in case analysis, and the instruction to apply what we’ve learned from this note into cases.
In order to understand the case method, we must act in the role of a manager or a member of
the management team that requires solving problems with suitable and efficient solutions. By solving
those issues and pretend to be in that roles, we have opportunities to apply our knowledge and skills to
realistic circumstances. The purpose of the case method is to help us improve our management skills,
develop technical, analytical, and problem-solving abilities. Reading the case requires at least two times.
When we read a case for the first time, we need to pay attention to recognize the decision-maker, the
decisions that need to be made, questions raised by the characters, and the goals of the organization.
For the second time, read carefully, identify important information and prepare to analyze the case
facts. When it comes to analyzing a case, we must follow four basic steps which are identifying,
analyzing the issues, developing and evaluating alternative solutions, and making recommendations for
action. The Case Guide Series provides a general template or pattern for case analysis applied in various
courses throughout business studies. Finally, case analysis and academic integrity suggest that we
discuss the case informally or formally with other students before participating in a class discussion,
writing a report, or making a presentation.
Understanding the case method is important, especially for students who haven’t face any
problems in real life or in real situations. A case study provides us an opportunity to experience a real
circumstance where we have a chance to understand, face the problems, analyze, and solve the
problems with our own decisions. However, a case study could become a challenge for anyone who
doesn’t prepare ahead of time, doesn’t understand the case method, then gives bad solutions.
Therefore, it is essential to make an acquaintance and understand the key to mastering a case method,
and that's the purpose of the note 1 statement.