Uploaded by Vanessa Staples

Science Quiz DENSITY

Science Quiz:
Vocabulary Matching: write the letter of the correct definition by its matching vocabulary term.
DO NOT draw lines to connect the terms to definitions.
_______Graduated Cylinder
a. The tool used to measure mass
b. A measure of how many particles of a particular
substance will fit into 1 cm3
c. One way to measure volume
_______Triple Beam Balance
d. A tool used to measure liquids
e. A measure of the amount of MATTER contained
in an object
Draw a MENISCUS and indicate with an arrow the correct place to read the level of water in a
graduated cylinder.
1. What is the DENSITY FORMULA?
2. What is the density of an object with a mass of 75g and a volume of 3cm3 ?
(show all steps)
Find the density of the object below. It has a mass of 5g.
Draw a molecular diagram of a density column containing corn syrup (1.37g/cm3),
water (1 g/cm3), and rubbing alcohol (.79 g/cm3).Label your diagram and explain your diagram
in words. Why do the liquids stack up like they do?
Pretend you are explaining the reason why things sink or float in water to a younger student
who knows nothing about density. What would you say? Use a diagram as part of your
explanation. Use the terms MORE DENSE, LESS DENSE, SINK, FLOAT in your answer.