English III Multi-Genre Novel Project Guidelines

English III
Guidelines for “You Pick-- A Multi- Genre Novel Project”
You will explore a novel of your choice,finding creative genres to highlight the novel's
The Steps:
1. Select a novel. You may discover the book of your choice during out novel “speed dating,”
or you may already have one in mind. Regardless, your novel MUST BE APPROVED BY ME NO
2. Create the five required opening pages:
● the title page
● “Dear Reader” letter
● table of contents
● book review/book talk
● theme analysis
3. Select your genres! I have provided a list and several examples, but you can branch out. Be
4. Write your endnotes. This will be where you simply list each genre and explain why you
created each one (tie it to the novel).
5.Put it all together and proofread, revise, organize, etc.
7. Present your finished project to the class on our final day!
Project Requirements:
You may present your project in one of two ways:
● OPTION A:​ The project will be created as one Google Doc and shared with me​ NO
LATER than Tuesday, May 22nd (3rd Block--May 23rd)
● OPTION B​ The project will be secured into a folder or three-ring binder to form a
booklet.It will be submitted to the basket ​NO LATER than Tuesday, May 22nd (3rd
Block--May 23rd).
Be creative, learn, and HAVE FUN WITH IT!!! Let me know if you have any questions as you
work through this project.
Schedule for Project:
Monday, May 7th-- Discuss guidelines, Novel Speed Dating
Tuesday, May 8th-- Select/read novel
Wednesday, May 9th-- FINALIZE selections, read, work on Reading Log
Thursday, May 10th-- Discuss Dear Reader, Read, work on Reading Log
Friday, May 11th-- Discuss Review/Book talk, Read, turn in completed Reading Log
Monday, May 14th-- Discuss Theme analysis, Finish reading, work on segments/genres
Tuesday, May 15th--Finish reading, work on segments/genres
Wednesday, May 16th-- Work on segments/genres
Thursday, May 17th-- Work on segments/genres
Friday, May 18th--Work on segments/genres
Monday, May 21st-- FINAL WORK DAY
Tuesday, May 22nd-- 1st/2nd Block Present
Wednesday, May 23rd-- 3rd Block Present
GRADING SHEET: CHOICE NOVEL Multi-Genre (“MG”) Research Project
Name: ______________________________________
Topic: ______________________________________
“Basics” Checklist
Page 1—Title Page (5 Points)
Page 2—Dear Reader (5 points)
Page 3—Table of Contents (5 points)
Page 4—Book Review Segment (1 page, double-spaced(10 points)
Page 5—Theme Analysis Segment (1 page, double-spaced) (10 points)
Page 6—Genre #1 (10 points)
Page 7—Genre #2 (10 points)
Page 10—Genre #3 (10 points)
Page 11—Genre #4 (10 points)
Page 13—Genre #5 (10 points)
Page 14— Genre #6 (10 points)
Page 15—Endnotes (5 points)
BONUS: _____
TOTAL: ______/100
Additional Elements
Creativity: _____/10
Original Material (created by YOU, no one else!): _____/20
Correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation): _____/30
Genres relate well to topic (novel): _____/20
Overall presentation clear, logical, and RELEVANT: ____/20
TOTAL: ______/100