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Medical Tech Laws Assignment: Blood Service AO Comparison

College of Medical Technology
First Semester, AY 2021-2022
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Fill up your answers in this document and return it with
the file name renamed as 3rdAssignment_Familyname_FirstName_Section in your
MS Teams group.
Make a table comparing the provisions of Administrative Order 9 series of 1995 with
AO 2005-0002 with Administrative Order No. 2008-008. The provisions may not be in
order. Apply the same format with your assignment for Chapter 2:
AO no.9 -1995
AO 2005-002
These Rules and Regulations shall
These Rules shall apply to all hospitals, entities, cover all facilities, both government
establishments or institutions, government
and private, all over the country that
owned and operated or private, engaged in
provide blood services.
blood transfusion services in the Philippines,
whether full time or part time, local or foreign.
principles, guidelines, procedures and
standards for the implementation of RA 7719
for the establishment of the PNBS
service capabilities of different
Enumerated the functions of the National Blood facility, station and units are
Services Program
AO 2008-008
The rules and regulations embodied shall
apply to all government and private blood
service facilities engaged in blood banking
and transfusion services
to protect and promote the health of the
people by ensuring available licensed blood
service facilities with adequate staff,
equipment and resources to perform all the
required functions safely, efficiently and
policies and guidelines for Blood Service
Facility are identified; revised service
capabilities from the different facility, station
and units
Voluntary blood donations, Mobile
Phasing-out of all commercial blood banks over and health facility-based, shall be
a period of two (2) years, extendable for a
aggressively promoted. Blood shall
maximum period of 2 years after the effectivity be collected from qualified healthy
of the Act.
voluntary blood donors only.
The PNBS shall ensure the
availability of quality health care to
its clients through the establishment
encourage and assist existing commercial blood of appropriate capabilities and
banks to convert to solely clinical laboratories in competencies in their respective
order to ensure job security of their personnel
and allow a reasonable return on their
investment on training and equipment.
operation and maintenance of all blood service
facilities and any other entities, agencies,
establishments, engaged in blood services and
covered by these rules shall be non-profit.
Service fees may be collected but not more
than the prescribed amount, which shall be
limited to the necessary expenses entailed in
the collection and processing of blood and
reasonable fees for maintenance and upgrade.
promotes voluntary blood donation to provide
sufficient supply of safe blood and to regulate
blood banks.
Hospitals and other Health
Facilities shall only use blood and
blood products for transfusion to
patients form licensed and
authorized blood centers.
Section VI. Operationalization and
Management of Philippine National
Blood Services
1. Personnel/staffing
2. Procurement/Equipment
A blood bank/center shall be considered nonhospital
Based Category A
Every BSF shall be an integral part of a
blood services network and guided by
administrative issuances governing the
establishment and operation of blood
services networks.
Non-hospital Based Category B when, in
addition to those performed under the Nonhospital Based
Category A, it is capable of providing, in
addition to whole blood, all blood products and
Hospital-Based Category A when, in addition to
those performed under the Non-hospital Based
Category A, it
is capable of performing compatibility-testing.
In ownership, it is classified into two,
Government and Private. Government
operated and partially or wholly owned or
controlled corporation. On the other hand,
Private ownership, it is only for hospital
based BSF only, these are privately owned,
established and operated with funds through
donation, or other means by an individual,
corporation, association or organization.
BSF is also classified in institutional
character: Hospital and non-hospital based.
Fon non hospital based, it is either
government owned or PNRC owned BSF
located outside the premises of a hospital
consistent with the NVBSP Strategic Plan
Hospital-Based Category B when, in addition to
performed under the Hospital-Based Category
A, it is
capable of providing, in addition to whole blood,
blood products and components; and of
investigation of transfusion reactions and
resolution of
incompatible cross-matching results.
Hospital-based BBs, BCUs & BS need not
acquire a separate LTO/ATO. Granted in
accordance with prescribed documentary &
technical requirements and on the basis of
specific conditions and limitations
established during inspection
Implementation of a National Voluntary Blood
Services Program (NVBSP) to meet in an
evolutionary manner the needs for blood
transfusion in all regions of the country
Report to CHD within 15 days any change in
management, name or ownership. New
LTO/ATO is required during transfer to a
new location.. Separate LTO/ATO is
required for every branch
All blood banks/centers shall provide
education and counseling on blood transfusion
transmissible diseases.
Govt. Hospitals are required to establish
Private Hospitals are encouraged to establish
Blood is collected from HEALTHY VOLUNTARY
donors only
CATEGORY A (Blood Bank) Non hospital
based: where the recruitment of voluntary
donors, health education and counseling; donor
screening and selection; blood collection; basic
blood screening and testing; provision of whole
blood and packed RBC; issuance, transport,
distribution and storage of blood products
CATEGORY A (Blood Bank) Hospital based:
performs functions of Category A non hospital
based blood banks and performs compatibility
CATEGORY B (Blood Bank) Non hospital
based: Performs functions of a non-hospital
based category A and provides in addition to
whole blood, all blood products and
CATEGORY B (Blood Bank) hospital based:
performs functions of category A hospital based
blood bank; provides in addition to whole blood,
all blood products and components; and
performs investigation of transfusion reactions
and resolution of incompatible cross matching