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26 Types of Entrepreneurship with Examples

26 Different Types of
Entrepreneurship with Examples
sumit August 29, 2019 26 Different Types of Entrepreneurship with Examples2020-0403T05:45:37+00:00Entrepreneurship 1 Comment
Different Types of Entrepreneurship with Examples: Do you believe that all the
entrepreneurship is the same thing? If yes, then there is a requirement for changing your
perspective as the reality is pretty different. There are tons of versions that need to be understood.
Also See: Origin of Entrepreneurship
26 Different Types of Entrepreneurship with Examples
Entrepreneurship is very significant and also an innovative procedure that has a wide range of
activities offering new things to society as well as civilization. Due to all the different activities,
Entrepreneurship is divided into various types and we will discuss below. So here are 26 different
types of entrepreneurship with examples that are discussed below. Let’s begin.
1. Administrative Entrepreneurship
Under this category, all the administrative techniques and functions of entrepreneurial activity is
included. It gives a very effective way to manage all the current as well as future situations that
avail the business with merits and a competitive edge.
There are few examples of Administrative Entrepreneurship that can give an idea such as
management of quality, redesigning of job, new techniques to do things and management by
consensus. All these tasks of this type of entrepreneurship maximize the efficiency of an
organization and nukes the achievements of the firm and sustain in the competitive marketplace.
Examples: The government of Bangladesh consider old-age pension scheme as administrative
2. Opportunistic Entrepreneurship
“Hit the iron when it is hot” this proverb describes this kind of entrepreneurship and is the best
exhibit of the features of Opportunistic Entrepreneurship. New opportunities are also offered by
the changes in the environment but not every business owner is able to identify the opportunities
and utilize the same in a timely manner. The opportunistic entrepreneurship describes as
identifying, exploiting and performs the upcoming opportunities in the first hand.
Examples: FedEx, Arthur Fry and Lan Hancock etc.
3. Acquisitive Entrepreneurship
This type of entrepreneurship learns from the collection of demonstrable features and skills that
allows as well as improves the efficiency of the business and other related competencies is known
as Acquisitive Entrepreneurship. It equips something that is of new value, the competitive
environment and accomplishes the capacities technically. It helps to survive the business in this
world of competition. The highlighted point is that some failures never prevent them from
learning and developing new skills but also encourages them to figure out such new things all the
Examples: Imagesbazaar.com is an example of Acquisitive entrepreneurship, the founder
Sandeep Maheshwari failed to produce the master piece in his first year of lauch, but later on he
discovered how he can make his a idea big success.
4. Incubative Entrepreneurship
The generation of new sort of ideas and ventures within the premises of the organization is
involved in this category of Entrepreneurship. It manages it in a productive way and makes sure
the material gain for the business firm.
To exemplify, some of the tech companies like Microsoft and Nokia always discover and
promote new technologies in a wide range of products and forms differentiation among all the
categories of the products in the marketplace.
5. Imitative Entrepreneurship
Under an agreement with a franchise, this entrepreneurship imitates or copying the operative
products and services. It is a model that assists to spread a new technology across the globe so
that people can utilize it. It involves the adoption of current technologies from across the world
and takes on existing technologies with some few modifications that suit the local conditions.
Example: Walton BD. produced many products like refrigerators, motorbikes and other
electronic products without being the real creator of those products. Another example can be
China where mobile technologies is adapted and modified to take this to new level.
6. Private Entrepreneurship
Initiate entrepreneurship under the private sector is named as Private Entrepreneurship. The
government of every nation gives ample support services via public as well as private concerns to
motivate non-public initiative in taking the ventures of Entrepreneurship. Moreover, it speeds up
the economic development and maintains a balance between a layer and mutual relationship.
Examples: Tesla, Disney, different food chains and hospitals all are examples of private
7. Public Entrepreneurship
Public Entrepreneurship referred to as the entrepreneurship that is come under the government
through the various development agencies. All developed and underdeveloped nations take
initiative in venture ideas to meet the preliminary shortage of private Entrepreneurs. These are
different from private entrepreneurs because they work under government to solve public and
environment issues. Also they are not social entrepreneurs because they are bound to
governments rules and regulations.
For Examples: Hyman Rickover submarine and Nancy Hank, the chair person of national
endowment of arts are the examples of public entrepreneurs.
8. Individual Entrepreneurship
It is entrepreneurship that is managed and executed by an individual or a member of a family with
some personal motives as well as initiatives, thus it is called as individual Entrepreneurship.
Examples: Steve Jobs, J.k Rolling and Mark Zukerberg etc.
9. Mass Entrepreneurship
The emergence of this category of entrepreneurship occurs when there is a presence of a lot of
favourable climate of encouragement as well as a motivation among the common masses and this
describes the Mass Entrepreneurship. It leads to increase the small and large enterprises in a
Examples: Food caterers, beauty salon and local shops
10. Small Business Entrepreneurship
A greater number of businesses in society are small that employ more than 50% of total nongovernment workers in the United States. The profit in these types of businesses is pretty less as
the main reason behind them among employers is creating a living for their families.
Some premier examples of Small Business Entrepreneurship are grocery stores, plumbers,
confectionary stores, electricians, house cleaners, consultants, and hair dressers, among others. A
small entrepreneur can be the person who operates a business by hiring local people of family
members. The majority of them funds their business through friends or family or business loans.
Examples: Mint.com, core power, ozone coffee and Birchbox.
Also See: Important Qualities of a Good Entrepreneur
11. Large Company Entrepreneurship
There are finite life cycles found in large companies as the majority of them grow using
innovation. It let them create new variants apart from core products they manufacture. The
reasons for disruptive innovations are customization in the demand of customer, establishment of
new technologies and the emergence of new competitors among others.
It results in the creation of completely new products so that these challenges can tackle
successfully. The large companies do this either by creating disruptive products or by acquiring
innovative organizations. The disruptive innovation becomes pretty difficult to apply in large
Some Examples of Large Company Entrepreneurship are LG, Tata, Microsoft, etc.
12. Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship
The majority of people believe that small business and Scalable Startup Entrepreneurship is same.
However, they are pretty different in reality. In this version of entrepreneurship, the company is
started with a vision that changes the universe. The funding in such businesses arises from the
venture capitalists, and that’s why there are top employees hired by them.
The main motive in this entrepreneurship is to seek a scalable and repeatable business structure.
After identifying them, they look for further funding so that business can grow. Only a little bit
number of businesses is scalable startups due to the involvement of risks.
Examples: e-commerce websites, Facebook, etc.
Also See: Factors Affecting Entrepreneurship
13. Social Entrepreneurship
In this type of entrepreneurship, people in business are the innovators who target on development
of products and services, so that social requirements and problems can be solved. Unlike scalable
startup entrepreneurship, the main motive of entrepreneurs in this case is improving the world.
One of the Premier Examples about Social Entrepreneurship is SafePoint Trust. It is controlled
by Marc Koska and involved in the world of redesigning medical tools. Additionally, they
introduce the low-cost non-reusable syringes for clinics that lack money globally. Since its
foundation, this firm has delivered more than 4 billion safe injections in more than 50 nations
around the globe.
14. Intrapreneurship
This term was coined by Gifford Pinchot in the year 1973. It is based related to the fostering the
activities of entrepreneurs in a large organization by making improvements in the products and
branding them to increase the profitability. The valuable asset for an organization considered as
innovation and dedicated efforts by the intrapreneur.
The four elements of Intrapreneurship are the right structure, suitable manpower, reward and
collaboration for a bright future. This entrepreneurship is very significant in this changing world
of competitiveness in the marketplace.
For instance, some of the examples of this type of entrepreneurship are Google, Intel, 3M and so
15. Technopreneurship
It is a blend of two words, technology and Entrepreneurship. It a kind of entrepreneurship in the
intensive technology context and the process of amalgamating the entrepreneurial skills and
technology where the technology is used as an essential part. It is a sort of new breed of
entrepreneurship and needs an entrepreneur who is creative, techno-savvy, passionate as well as
the ability to calculate associated risk in advance.
The most Popular Examples of technopreneurship are Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram and so on. IT plays an important role and gives benefits such as generate employment,
the best utilization of resources, growth of technology and creates capital.
16. Cultural Entrepreneurship
These entrepreneurs’ changes culturally who organize cultural, financial, social as well as human
capital to make a profit out of it. They produce products that are culturally good and generating a
lot of opportunities for economy, society and culture. These firms are coming frommicro, small to
large enterprises.
Such entrepreneurship works in cultural professions such as artists, writers, musicians, dancers,
advertisers, bloggers, architects and so on. The motive of such firms is the betterment of society
by leverage the business. Sometimes, cultural entrepreneurs lie on media tools like Twitter and
Kickstarter to change the ideas, belief and behaviour of the people through communication and
Examples: Singers, Musicians, Artists and Writers.
17. International Entrepreneurship
It is the whole process of entrepreneurship conducts ad, performs the activities of the business
across the boundaries of the nation. It involves various activities such as opening new branches of
a business firm in new locations, exporting the products to other countries and get a license to sell
as well as promote the products across the nations. The highlighted purpose of this
entrepreneurship is to fulfill and satisfy the needs and wants of the target audiences.
This entrepreneurship gets the benefit when the demand for products increases internationally but
the need for the same product is domestically not required or decreasing. It is very significant in
different aspects such as lower the cost of manufacturing, increase in sales and profit,
Globalization, cheap labours, developing the habit of Customer relation Management and utilizes
the talent to a great extent along with the managerial competencies.
Examples: Google, Apple and Mcdonalds etc.
18. Ecopreneurship
It is also named as “Green entrepreneurship”. It involves the perspectives that signify corporation
with the environment by working on their goals as well as profitability. This term gained
popularity in the year 1990s and termed as “Environmental entrepreneurship”.
Last but not least, this entrepreneurship is concerned with the problems of the environment while
focusing on the operations of the business firm and its profit margin. It has three main concepts
such as Eco-innovation, Eco-opportunity and Eco-commitment.
Examples: Body Shop and Ben and Jerry’s, Patagoina, Clif Bars and Grow Green Happiness etc.
19. Agripreneurship
A formidable role has been played by agriculture in the growth of the economy and its
development too. When a business owner started to make developments in the field of
agriculture, then it is known as Agripreneurship. It is like a simple business and includes all the
operations of a business firm such as manufacturing, production and distribution of farm supplies.
In addition to this, it also includes floriculture, horticulture, sericulture, animal husbandry,
biotechnology and so on. Basically, it is a type of farming business includes the profitability, use
of digital technologies to improve farming, farm management, and innovative solutions and
reduce the wastage of crops.
Examples: Spin Farming, Rantachook, Herbal Processing Units, Plant Clinics are also the
examples of agripreneurship.
20. Transpreneurship
When the people from various groups of gender such as transgender and Hijra, comes up with
some small scale businesses to fulfil their day to day needs, then it is widely known as
Transpreneruship. It is associated with the third class of gender where people are not only
beggars or sex workers, but they get their bread and butter from doing any small scale business.
For example: A fair was organized by “Anam Prem” in Mumbai where thirty-five stalls were
there and most of the shopkeepers belong to transgender started their stalls of different products
such as food, artificial jewellery, artificial flowers and so on.
21. Commercial Entrepreneurship
This type of entrepreneurship associated with the profitability only and emphasized the
opportunities and not on the resources. It uses the available resources lies between the hierarchies
as well as handles the network on behalf of the entity. It is viewed as profit-based
entrepreneurship as all the operations held by taking profit as a major motive. This concept was
coined about 250 years ago and focuses on the economy.
Examples: Any organization that works for profit like tiktok, facebook, snapchat and not for
society issues.
22. E- Entrepreneurship
This is also known as E-Entrepreneurship or Cyberpreneurship. In this world of full of
technology, the sea of opportunities is there where individual, organizations as well as social and
nations can use their mobile phone and computer again and again to access the online services.
The influence and outreach of the internet are already known by every business and there is less
presence of brick and mortar businesses.
Every business owner tries to shift to online business and get a reward from technology. The term
“Entrepreneurship” indicates analyzing and identifying the bunch of resources and converts the
same to online venture business. This sort of entrepreneur is also known as SENs (Self Employed
Examples: Amazon, Ebay and Etsy etc.
23. Domestic Entrepreneurship
When a business owner produces goods and provides services within the boundaries of a nation,
then it is known as Domestic Entrepreneurship. They follow all the rules and regulations related
to the business established by the government of the country to grow their business domestically.
It complies with the policies of the government, highly convenient, culturally sensitive, adapts the
technologies, better understand the local system, more opportunities for growth and risk as well
as reward.
For Examples: House Cleaning, Dog Walking and Freelance writing etc.
24. Trading Entrepreneurship
These are a kind of mediator between the manufacturer of a product and its customers or retailers
or wholesalers. All the activities related to the trading of an organization are done through such
type of entrepreneurs. It serves as middlemen for dealers, wholesalers, manufacturers and the
Examples: Paul Tudon Jones, Nick Leeson and John Key etc.
25. State Entrepreneurship
When a business firm is managed and operated wholly by the state or the government of the state,
then it is defined as “State Entrepreneurship”. All the trading, as well as industrial ventures, are
fully undertaken by the state only and not a single entrepreneur is there.
Examples: Any Business that is based on state like Investpunjab in India.
26. Joint Entrepreneurship
It is a collaboration of private and public entrepreneurship. When a business enterprise if partly
owned, controlled and managed by a private entrepreneur and the government, then it is named as
Joint Entrepreneurship.
Examples: Smart Phone development by Nokia and Microsoft.
Types of Entrepreneurship
So it was all about different types of entrepreneurship with examples, if you want to ask
something then please comment below.