Uploaded by Joshua Lefort

Voices of Poetry: Expectations & Terms of Commitment

Voices of Poetry
Expectations & Terms of Commitment
1. Name
1.01 The name of our organization is Voices of Poetry, more commonly referred to as
2. Mandate/ Goal/ Vision:
2.01 Poetry is what we write, feelings are what we bring, this organization is an
accepting environment for POC and allies to utilize poetry and spoken word to advocate
for change, serving as an outlet of self-expression. The organization will enable young
adults to share their truth through the underrepresented art of poetry.
3. Purpose
3.01 Voices of Poetry strives to create positive change within communities across Ontario
through advocacy, education and most importantly creative expression.
4. Overview
4.01 VOP meets weekly. Survey- Google form
4.02 The purpose of meetings are to:
i. provide updates on organization initiatives
ii. pitch potential initiatives to group - Coalitions
iii. share poetry (social media i.e. instagram, facebook?, twitter, maybe tiktok)
iv. provide members with workshops to learn and grow
4.03 Meeting Structure
Meetings will be 1 hour in length.
i. 10-15 minutes of engaging content (Optional: Poets share their own poems or
ii. 10-15 minutes of advocacy topic (Interactive PowerPoint, Whiteboard, )
iii. 30 minutes of sharing (thoughts, phrases, quotes, inspiring content, unfinished work)
5. Membership
5.01 VOP is a group consisting of youth and adult mentors (inclusive of GTA).
5.02 Youth members are chosen by:
1. Ethno-cultural
2. Willingness to advocate (either as ally or member of the community)
3. Willingness to contribute to the organization
Adult mentors are chosen by:
1. Willingness to contribute to the growth and development of both the organization
and youth
2. Willingness to encourage advocacy for POC
5.03 Recruitment:
Youth candidates are brought forward to Voices of Poetry via Google Form; individuals
fill out this form to express interest in joining VOP.
Adult mentors are brought forward to Voices of Poetry via word of mouth from members.
5.04 Membership criteria:
i. Attendance: contribute to all meetings and attend them (exceptions may apply).
ii. Absenteeism: As a youth member, if you know you will be absent from a VOP
meeting or event, please send an email to one of the adult mentors or a message to the
VOP group chat letting us know you will be absent.
iii. Code of Conduct: Youth members and adult mentors must treat each other with
respect, empathy, and kindness.
6. Adult Mentorship/Supervisor Role
6.01 The presence of adult mentors in VOP will be crucial to foster the growth of both
the organization and its members. Adult mentors will thus have roles in three main
categories: assistance, advisory, and growth.
6.02 Adult Mentors of VOP will provide assistance in:
i. Receiving approval from different schools to implement VOP programs and initiatives
ii. Finding poets to showcase their work or facilitate workshops
iii. Planning organization events
iv. Fostering communication between the organization and potential opportunities to
provide youth members with speaking opportunities
6.03 Advisory Capacity
i. Adult mentors will assist in an advisory capacity to help guide youth throughout
decision-making. It is important to note that youth will remain the key-decision makers
of the organization and maintain primary ownership of the organization, thus ensuring
that it remains by youth for youth. The adult role in this capacity is only advisory.
6.05 Growth Expectations
i. It is overall expected that adult mentors or supervisors will promote the growth of
program members through workshops and guidance.
7. Contact Information
7.01 Social media logins for VOP are as follows:
i. Email
ii. Instagram
Username: @voicesofpoetry.vop
Password: voicesofpoetry
iii. Canva
Sign in with Google (use email)
iv. Youtube?
v. Website
Things to do
○ Google form for meeting times
Google form for staff
Wix website?
Create instagram content for September and ongoing months
Create workshop content (organize who will lead which workshops on calendar as well)
Create Calendar
Reach out to schools