Uploaded by Jeth Lubuguin


[U N K N O W N T I T L E]
The media is a very powerful tool that evolves every time. People all over
the world uses media for so many things such as source of information,
entertainment, news, etc. Media influences our everyday life, and its content
helps change our social value. It can change our belief system, attitudes toward
life, and personality in general that may change our way of thinking. Clearly,
media is already part of our life, and I don’t think we can never remove it as our
essential in life.
Our current type of media right now is really modernized and advanced,
but I still wonder how media works before and why did they evolve media the
way it is right now. Way back 90’s, the most used equipment for broadcasting
media is radio, television, and many more. People before listen to news through
radio and if that was me, I will be having a hard time analyzing the news due to its
lack of illustration, and maybe that also explains why media evolves drastically
over a short period of time. Media is catching up in modernization of this world
and gave us more convenient flatforms and devices.
Based on how media can basically evolve over a short period of time, it
might not be overwhelming for some of us to have a more advanced technologies
in media for the future. Due to continuous progress of modernization, media will
also continue to evolve, and people will experience more enhanced technologies
and much better way of how media is being delivered. The future of media is
continuing to turn to digital advances for entertainment, news, and business,
which results to major opportunities for businesses. Shopping will be more
common and creating or sharing media will become easier as wearable
technology, such as smart watch and smart phone becomes mainstream.
In media, one of the most used content is news and, in this generation,
most of the students like me, rarely watch news on television but instead, we
browse it through social media. While adding a social element to news, it
undoubtedly engaged more young people in current events, it also created
divisions, increased the spread of false information, and allowed people to avoid
opposing points of views by remaining inside a social circle of like-minded friends.
But social media as both a source of news and a creator of. It enabled more voices
to be heard, more stories to be told, and more exposure to significant events to
be shared.
RESOURCES: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/news-and-media-literacy/how-does-social-mediaaffect-news-and-vice-versa