Uploaded by Asia Newman

Caregiver Support Group Article Annotation Template

Citation in APA format: (include database you retrieved citation from)
Annotation: (summary of the article [not the abstract] that discusses the content
as it pertains to our study)
Summarize the info so that when you write you can come back and be
reminded of the article and remember the core of the paper and its usefulness.
Look for articles that use caregiver support groups and highlight the aspects of
support groups for caregivers and stroke survivors. Great if they’re run by OTs,
but its okay if they’re run by nurses or social workers. Find articles that support
Virtual support programs too and the effects they may have on the survivors and
their caregivers. Program evaluation for support groups.
How OTs can help and what are the aspects that make it effective
Research Methods used: quantitative/qualitative
Sampling information: (sampling procedures, details of the sample)
The instruments they used (tools, interviews or screenings)
Data collection methods:
Importance of article for study: rate from 1-5
Not important
Other comments:
Really good!