Questions for Krystal Lemon 1. How did you end up at your current career? My current career started by simply, necessity. While finishing up my post secondary experience, I accepted an entry level position with the Company I work for now, as merely a way to ensure that once graduated, I would be able to support my family. 2. What major life choice influenced you the most? Next to having children, going back to University when I was in my mid 30’s. The experience taught me so much, both academically but also personally. 3. Have you ever thought of quitting? Why or why not? I often think of pursuing something independently, on my own – especially at times where I might be frustrated with a situation at work or my co-workers. Those moments don’t last long and while one day, I might venture off to do a side project, the security of a steady job and paycheck, in addition to the fact that overall I love my job, contribute to me having stayed here for nearly 6 years now. 4. Did the future ever scare you in your youth? Yes, and the future still scares me in adulthood. There is something about the unknown that can be scary for me – but over the years, I have learned how to manage my thoughts better as not to think or worry too far ahead. Practicing the concept of “Sphere of influence versus Sphere of Concern” has been a driving force in my ability to be “less scared” and more excited for what the future holds. 5. Did you ever expect to be where you are now 10 years ago? Absolutely not. In my youth, I expected I would take my Journalism Degree and travel the world reporting. In young adulthood, I expected I would take my Social Work Degree and make the world is a better place. 6. What do you love about what you do? For me, seeing people happy is the most rewarding and fulfilling part of my job. I also enjoy the opportunity to take an idea and turn into a reality, the creative freedom and the autonomy to bring my ideas to life. 7. What do you hate about what you do? Occasionally dealing with people can be exhausting and overwhelming, especially if they aren’t easy to work with or very nice. Current restrictions due to the worldwide situation also make it increasingly difficult to execute much of my work. 8. Do you have a plan (Plans) for the next 10 years? Ultimately, my plan is to just be happy and enjoy what I’m doing. The day it stops being enjoyable to me and the con’s far outweigh and pro’s is the day that I will dive into something else. 9. What advice would you give to someone who is unsure of the path they have ahead? That we are all unsure of the path we have ahead. Even the most thought out, laid out plans can take a turn. My best advice would be to ebb and flow with those turns and make the most of them. Just because a plan doesn’t work out or go as you thought, doesn’t mean that in the end – it’s a bad thing. 10. How do you handle major changes regarding work, or personal life? By trying to accept that changes are inevitable and recognizing what is and is not in my control. 11. Are you satisfied with your current position in life? Very satisfied, though it took me a great deal of time to be able to say that. I wouldn’t change anything in the past to be in a different position now. 12. Was the career you wanted the one you have now? How did you get there? If not, what didn’t you do to get there? I’ve wanted to do different things during various phases in my life. I pursued some of those careers but none were as gratifying to me as what I do now. The experience and education that I took from those past career experiences has been invaluable to my current success. 13. Would you change anything from the past? What I would change about the past, is doubting myself. The rest, I consider necessary experiences to have brought me to this point in my life. 14. Who influenced you the most? I would say there is not just one person who has influenced me the most and rather than it has been a combination of encounters and relationships over the years. My children, top that list. They influence me in ways that are almost imaginable. 15. What was the turning point in your life to better yourself? For me, it was leaving a toxic relationship and learning independence. It was around the same time that I began to recognize my strengths and embrace my weaknesses. Knowing those things about yourself can really help propel you in your career and business relationships.