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BSBTWK502 Assessment: Manage Team Effectiveness

Task 2
Manage team effectiveness
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not
cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title
Unit Code
Student name
Upalraj Prajapati
Student ID
Task Number
BSBTWK502 - Manage team effectiveness V3 2021
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
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------OFFICE USE ONLY----For Trainer and Assessor to complete:
◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment
Marking Sheet
Did the student satisfactorily:
Completed successfully
The student has satisfactorily completed and
submitted the following:
Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
Complete team table in Task 2.2A
Skills and knowledge table in Task 2.2B
Team goals, values and behaviours in Task
 Roles and responsibilities with KPIs in Task
 Action Plan in Task 2.3A
 Strategies to ensure team members have
input into planning, decision making and
operational aspects of the work team in
Task 2.3B
 Policies and procedures to ensure team
members take responsibility for their own
work and assist others to undertake
required roles and responsibilities in Task
 Processes to ensure that issues, concerns
and problems identified by team members
are recognised and addressed in Task 2.3D
 Evidence of team building activity x 3 in
Task 2.3E
 Screenshot of project website landing page
in Task 2.3F
 Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
 Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
 Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
 Email to Project Sponsor in Task 2.6
The student has actively participated in the
activities of:
 Developing the action plan as a team
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Marking Sheet
Did the student satisfactorily:
Completed successfully
Developing the website page as a team
The student has facilitated and led the activities
 Developing the action plan as a project
 Developing the website page as a project
The student has participated in all and lead at
least one of the four weekly meetings.
The student met with the team to follow-up on
the meeting with the Project Sponsor (Task
Demonstrated ability to:
 Identify team purpose, roles, and
responsibilities according to organisational
and task objectives
 Develop performance plans with expected
outcomes, key performance indicators
(KPIs) and goals for work team
This is evidenced by:
 Meeting minutes week 1, 2 in Task 2.1
 Complete team table in Task 2.2A
 Skills and knowledge table in Task 2.2B
 Team goals, values and behaviours in Task
 Roles and responsibilities with KPIs in Task
 Action Plan in Task 2.3A
Demonstrated ability to:
 Support team members in meeting
expected performance outcomes
This is evidenced by:
 Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
 Action Plan in Task 2.3A
 Strategies to ensure team members have
input into planning, decision making and
operational aspects of the work team in
Task 2.3B
 Policies and procedures to ensure team
members take responsibility for their own
work and assist others to undertake
required roles and responsibilities in Task
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Marking Sheet
Did the student satisfactorily:
Completed successfully
Processes to ensure that issues, concerns
and problems identified by team members
are recognised and addressed in Task 2.3D
Evidence of team building activity x 3 in
Task 2.3E
Screenshot of project website landing page
in Task 2.3F
Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
Email to Project Sponsor in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
 Develop strategies for facilitating team
member input into planning, decision
making and operational aspects of team
 Develop or modify policies and procedures
for promoting team member accountability
for personal work and team tasks
 Develop processes for identifying and
addressing issues, concerns and problems
identified by team members
This is evidenced by:
 Strategies to ensure team members have
input into planning, decision making and
operational aspects of the work team in
Task 2.3B
 Policies and procedures to ensure team
members take responsibility for their own
work and assist others to undertake
required roles and responsibilities in Task
 Processes to ensure that issues, concerns
and problems identified by team members
are recognised and addressed in Task 2.3D
Demonstrated ability to:
 Provide feedback to team members on
team effort and contributions
This is evidenced by:
 Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
 Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
 Email to Project Sponsor in Task 2.6
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Marking Sheet
Did the student satisfactorily:
Completed successfully
Demonstrated ability to:
 Encourage team members to participate in
and to take responsibility for team activities
This is evidenced by:
 Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
 Evidence of team building activity x 3 in
Task 2.3E
 Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
 Email to Project Sponsor in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
 Support the team in identifying and
resolving work performance problems
This is evidenced by:
 Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
 Processes to ensure that issues, concerns
and problems identified by team members
are recognised and addressed in Task 2.3D
 Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
 Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
 Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
 Email to Project Sponsor in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
 Promote work team collaboration through
individual behaviour
This is evidenced by:
 Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
 Team goals, values and behaviours in Task
 Evaluation of teamwork in Task 2.4
Demonstrated ability to:
 Establish and maintain open
communication processes with relevant
This is evidenced by:
 Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
 Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
 Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
 Email to Project Sponsor in Task 2.6
Demonstrated ability to:
 Communicate information from line
management to the team
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
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Marking Sheet
Did the student satisfactorily:
Completed successfully
Communicate and follow-up unresolved
issues, concerns and problems raised by
team members with line management
Address unresolved issues, concerns and
problems raised by stakeholders
This is evidenced by:
 Meeting minutes x 4 in Task 2.1
 Observation Checklist in Task 2.5
 Meeting Summary in Task 2.5
 Email to Project Sponsor in Task 2.6
When collaborating with the group, the student
has actively participated in group work with a
substantial contribution that can be assessed
individually for all the requirements of this task.
Task Outcome:
Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
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Table of Content
Student Declaration ....................................................................................................................... 2
Task 2 – Manage Team and Develop Performance Plan ................................................ 9
Task 2.1 Team Meetings ............................................................................................................... 16
Task 2.2 Establish the team .......................................................................................................... 23
Task 2.3 Support Team Effectiveness .......................................................................................... 26
Task 2.4 Evaluation of teamwork ................................................................................................. 31
Task 2.5 Consultation with the Project Sponsor ......................................................................... 32
Task 2.6 Meeting and report regarding performance issues ...................................................... 34
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Task 2 – Manage Team and Develop Performance Plan
Task summary and instructions
What is this
assessment task
Refer to and read the documents saved in a separate folder:
MMI company profile and project task
Policies and Procedures
You have been recently engaged by XYZ Pty Ltd trading as MMI as a
Project Manager (PM) to develop and implement a project to open
a new campus in Sydney (refer to MMI strategic objectives).
The Board of Directors (BoD) has allocated 3 million dollars to the
Project duration: 1 year.
You can employe four new staff members to be part of the
project team for its duration. Source the rest of the project team
from existing MMI personnel (flexible work arrangements will be
The project includes:
Finding premises in Sydney CBD ( 800-1000 square metres, onsite
parking for staff, natural light)
Ideally, there will be enough room for 5-7 classes, one
meeting room, one computer lab, 1 x student kitchen, student
lounge, 1 x staff kitchen, three offices for staff, toilet facilities
Rent the premise
Obtain necessary permits
Source architect and building company
Source and buy furniture and equipment
Liaise with the architect and building company
The project steering committee is comprises:
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Task summary and instructions
Mr Eli Brown – Non-executive Director
Mr Leonard Black - CFO
Academic Manager (Jacob Graham)
The project sponsor is Taylor Varin (Client Service Manager),
played by the trainer and assessor.
You will have to:
Determine the project requirements
Work in collaboration with pertinent stakeholders
Scope the project
Cost and resource the project
Develop the project plan
Execute the project
Finalise the project
Each unit covered in your Diploma of Project Management will
address a part of the project:
Human Resources
Information system and communication
Project Integration
Communicate with influence
Facilitate continuous improvement in project work
Develop project workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
Lead and manage project team effectiveness
BSBTWK502 addresses managing team effectiveness.
Having a clear vision of the project and its structure will help you plan
and implement it in simulated work conditions.
Your trainer and assessor will provide support and mentorship in the
role of Project Sponsor (PS).
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Task summary and instructions
You will work in a project team of max four students. You will both
lead the team and be a part of it to experience different project roles
in the simulated work environment, project manager being the main
Take turns playing the role of PM when the task requires project team
collaboration. The trainer and assessor will observe project work and
provide feedback on the Marking Sheet.
Form or join a project team (3-4 students in the team).
Document the name of the students in the table below:
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Upalraj Prajapati
Akshay Rakonde
You will collaborate with the project team in a simulated work
environment to carry out the responsibility of your role as a PM
relevant to management and leading a team.
As a Project Manager you will manage and lead the project team.
This assessment focuses on setting up the project team for
success. This includes:
Skills and knowledge assessment
Training needs assessment
Agreed goals, values and behaviours
Team building
Set-up a project management website (one page) to promote the
project within the organisation
Develop an action plan to establish the team
You will:
Write the meeting minutes for the weekly team meetings
Participate in four weekly meetings, one of which will be observed
by the assessor
Develop additional documents related to facilitating team cohesion
Develop an action plan to set up the team for project success and
develop the webpage
You will have to report on the work above every week during the
team meeting.
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
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Task summary and instructions
Although you will lead and collaborate with the project team, your
assessment's work must be individual, and it will be marked as such.
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
 Product-based ☒
 Direct observation of Role-Play ☒
 Case Study ☐
 Other (specify) ☐
It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:
Identify team purpose, roles, and responsibilities according to
organisational and task objectives
Develop performance plans with expected outcomes, key
performance indicators (KPIs) and goals for work team
Support team members in meeting expected performance
Develop strategies for facilitating team member input into
planning, decision making and operational aspects of team tasks
Develop or modify policies and procedures for promoting team
member accountability for personal work and team tasks
Provide feedback to team members on team effort and
Develop processes for identifying and addressing issues, concerns
and problems identified by team members
Encourage team members to participate in and to take
responsibility for team activities
Support the team in identifying and resolving work performance
Promote work team collaboration through individual behaviour
Establish and maintain open communication processes with
relevant stakeholders
Communicate information from line management to the team
Communicate and follow-up unresolved issues, concerns and
problems raised by team members with line management
Address unresolved issues, concerns and problems raised by
Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your
competency in the above.
You are required to address the following:
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
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Task summary and instructions
Task 2.1 Team Meetings
Task 2.2 Establish the team
Strategies and plan for team effectiveness using a variety of
management tools
Task 2.4 Evaluation of teamwork
o Evaluate teamwork
Task 2.5 Consultation with the Project Sponsor
Consult with the Project Sponsor about team performance
Task 2.6 Meeting and report regarding performance
o Resolve performance issues with the team as discussed with
the Project Sponsor
Set-up teamwork and identify
Task 2.3 Support team effectiveness
What do I need to do
to complete this task
Document the weekly team meetings.
Report to the Project Sponsor
Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a
work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will
be marked as such.
 submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
 complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a
professional manner,
 use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
 meet the word count where required,
 use the scenario provided,
 use the templates provided where required,
 for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this
assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the
assessment criteria,
 if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked
to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory
You must deliver/participate in:
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Task summary and instructions
Teamwork to complete the action plan and the project website as
Team building
Team meetings (4 weekly meetings)
You must submit to GOALS
Resources and
Meeting minutes
Complete team table
Skills and knowledge table
Team goals, values and behaviours
Roles and responsibilities with KPIs
Action Plan
Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning,
decision making and operational aspects of the work team
Policies and procedures to ensure team members take
responsibility for their own work and assist others to undertake
required roles and responsibilities
Processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified
by team members are recognised and addressed
Evidence of team building activity x 3
Screenshot of project website landing page
Evaluation of teamwork
Observation Checklist
Meeting Summary
Email to Project Sponsor
Computer with Internet access
Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
Learning material
Scenario for assessment as provided
Appendices as provided
Relevant policies and procedures as provided
Templates as provided
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor.
The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the
requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not
satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide
you written feedback along with guidance on what you must
undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment
attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the
right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that
you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds
for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior
to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task
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Task summary and instructions
or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when
attempting any part of the assessment.
Complete the following activities:
As a Project Manager you will manage and lead the project team. This assessment focuses on setting
up the project team for success. This includes:
Skills and knowledge assessment
Training needs assessment
Agreed goals, values and behaviours
Team building
Setting-up a project website (one page) to promote the project within the organisation
Develop an action plan to establish the team
You will participate in and document four (4) project team meetings.
You must:
Participate in four weekly meetings
Write the meeting minutes for each meeting (Template 1) and make sure they are submitted
with your assessment
Establish the team:
o Form the team
o Conduct a knowledge and skills assessment to identify training needs
o Determine team goals, KPIs, values and agreed behaviours
o Agree on roles and responsibilities
The above will be discussed and agreed on during the first meeting with the team (week 1).
Complete the following activities in collaboration with the team:
Develop an action plan to establish the team for project success (week 2)
Develop the project webpage in collaboration with the team (from week 2 to week 4)
Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and
operational aspects of work team (week 2)
Develop policies and procedures to ensure that project team members take responsibility for
own work and assist other to undertake required roles and responsibilities (week 3)
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Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members
are recognised and addressed (week 3)
Plan for and perform a team-building activity (planned in week 2 and delivered in week 3)
Finalise the project webpage and the action plan (by week 4)
The above will be discussed, agreed and worked on during the second, third and fourth
meeting with the team (week 2-4).
The trainer and assessor will observe your weekly work with the team and provide feedback in the
marking sheet.
The trainer and assessor will play the role of the Project Sponsor and may communicate key
information to the team leader to be passed to the team during the meeting.
Evaluate teamwork
Task 2.1 Team Meetings
You are required to attend and participate in a team meeting every week, for 4 weeks. Each
week one of your team members will be the designated project leader.
These meetings are designed to help you decide together what needs to be done, how it will be done,
and who is responsible for what. It will also be the opportunity to catch up on previous tasks, and it
should result in an action plan for the following week.
You will minute each meeting (Template 1). All meeting minutes must be submitted with your
The trainer and assessor will observe your weekly work with the team and provide feedback in the
marking sheet.
The trainer and assessor will play the role of the Project Sponsor and may communicate key
information to the team leader to be passed to the team during the meeting. The communication
must be recorded in the meeting minutes.
You must address the following:
Week 1
Determine team goals and how the team can achieve those goals. (Task 2.2C)
Determine team values and agreed on behaviours. (Task 2.2C)
Determine skills gaps and training needs. (Task 2.2B)
Determine outcomes, outputs and KPIs for each team member – for example, determine
agreed responsibilities, quality standards, and how performance quality or achievement of
tasks will be measured. (Task 2.2D)
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Discuss and document any issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance (it is
important that you document them as they will be used in assessment AssessmentTask 3)
Other items
Complete the Meeting Minutes week 1 – Template 1.
Week 2
Progress reports on work that has been completed.
Status of action items from previous week.
Start to develop the project webpage.
Develop an action plan to establish the team for project success. (Task 2.3A)
Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and
operational aspects of work team. (Task 2.3B)
Prepare a team building activity for the following week. Describe it and explain why you
chose it.
Discuss and document any issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance (it is
important that you document them as they will be used in Assessment Task 3).
Other items
Complete the Meeting Minutes week 2 – Template 1.
Week 3
Progress reports on work that has been completed.
Status of action items from previous week.
Develop policies and procedures to ensure that project team members take responsibility for
own work and assist other to undertake required roles and responsibilities. (Task 2.3C)
Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members
are recognised and addressed. (Task 2.3D)
Conduct the team building activity.
Provide evidence (3) of the team building activity. Evidence may include pictures/video of the
team undertaking the team building activity, or feedback from the team on the outcome of
the activity. (Task 2.3E)
Discuss and document any issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance (it is
important that you document them as they will be used in Assessment Task 3).
Other items.
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Complete the Meeting Minutes week 3 – Template 1.
Week 4
Progress reports on work that has been completed.
Status of action items from previous week.
Finalise the project webpage. (Task 2.3F)
Discuss and document any issues, concerns or problems regarding work performance (it is
important that you document them as they will be used in Assessment Task 3).
Lessons learned
Other items.
Complete the Meeting Minutes week 4 – Template 1.
Your assessor will observe your weekly meetings to ensure that you are participating in the
meeting and facilitating teamwork. This is an assessable task and the trainer and assessor will
observe and evaluate your performance during the meeting. Duration of the meeting: 30 – 40
minutes. If you are absent from class, liaise with your facilitator to make alternative
Use the templates below as a reference for your meeting agendas and to document the meeting
minutes each week. Add item’s title and add additional rows if needed.
Please note that you will have to write the meeting minutes each week and ensure they are
submitted with your assessment.
Template 1 -Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes – Week 1
Date and Meeting
Meeting 1
All team members
This week’s team
Akshay Rakonde
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Team goals, values and
Skills gaps and training
We're a team, and we work better together.
We push ourselves to be the best we can be.
With each project, we seek to improve and learn.
We are enthusiastic about what we do.
 Akshay wants to learn more about the real estate business.
Outcomes, outputs and
KPIs for each team
Improve strategic financial planning, says Akshay.
Issues and concerns
about work
Team members are informed of how to respond in the event that
problems arise during the project.
The team is on its way to achieving its goals.
Communication from
Project Sponsor
<Item >
<Item >
Action items
Action Item
Check and confirm completion of WBS
Prepare the budget cost plan
Meeting Minutes – Week 2
Date and Meeting
Meeting 2
All team members
This week’s team
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In Progress
Status of action items
Progress report
Issues and concerns
about work
Team Building Activity
for week 3 (planning)
Communication from
Project Sponsor
Strategies to ensure
team members have
input into planning,
decision making and
operational aspects of
work team
We concentrated this week on delivering documents to describe work flow
within the project's scope.
There are no concerns, and the members of the team are doing good.
Online discussion of other team members' issues or requirements.
The tasks that have been allocated are progressing well.
Follow up on WBS
Action Plan.
<Item >
<Item >
Action Item
Complete the WBS.
Action items
Meeting Minutes – Week 3
Date and Meeting
Meeting 3
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All team members
This week’s team
Verify that the financial accounts are accurate and within the budget.
Status of action items
Finance funding and completed financial reports.
Progress report
Issues and concerns
about work
There are no concerns among the team members.
To finish the financial forecasts, a brainstorming session was held.
Team Building Activity
Communication from
Project Sponsor
Policies and
procedures to ensure
that project team
members take
responsibility for own
work and assist other
to undertake required
roles and
Processes to ensure
that issues, concerns
and problems
identified by team
members are
recognised and
All of the tasks are in progress and on target to be completed.
Carry out the project in a safe and healthy manner, without putting yourself or
others in danger.
Use risk management and contingency planning.
Complete work on time by doing task activities in a timely manner.
1. Get a hold of WHS legislative documents.
2. Make a list of the work activities.
3. Adjust the activities to meet the safety criteria.
4. As needed, put on the required WHS personal protective equipment and
5. Inform others about the procedure.
1. Identifying contingencies is one of the requirements.
2. Examine the likelihood of a contingency or risk occurring.
3. Create a backup/contingency strategy.
4. Use it in situations where there is a chance of something going wrong.
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1. Create a time management strategy that is realistic.
2. Make a schedule.
3. Completing activities in accordance with the schedule
<Item >
<Item >
Action items
Action Item
Confirm financial projections built by
team are correct.
Meeting Minutes – Week 4
Date and Meeting
Meeting 4
All team members
This week’s team
Status of action items
The WBS has been completed.
The budgeting has been done.
85 percent of the WBS has been completed.
Progress report
Issues and concerns
about work
There were no concerns raised.
Finalisation activities
(Webpage and action
Make a WBS plan and an RBS stipulation.
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For a better project tracking, more team communication is required.
The WBS appears to be in good shape. All tasks in WBS must be completed.
Lessons Learned
Communication from
Project Sponsor
All tasks in WBS must be completed.
<Item 7>
Verifying that the final forecasts are accurate and current.
Last meeting follow-up
Action items
Action Item
Improve the WBS and the RBS to
include the important project work
Task 2.2 Establish the team
Address the following using the tables provided.
A) Form a team of 3-4 students to collaborate with when working on the following work tasks:
1. development of an action plan to build the team for project success
2. development of one-page website – landing/home page using a free website design tool such
as Wix
and fill in the table below with your team name and the name of each team member:
Team member
Team member
Team member
Team member’s name
Upalraj Prajapati
Akshay Rakonde
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Team member
Team member’s name
B) In consultation with the team, determine what skills and knowledge each team member will
bring to the team to support project success and the development of the project website.
Discuss and action the work tasks below during your first meeting with the project team.
Note: your team will have to develop the website (just a home page/landing page for the purpose
of this assessment) using a free website platform such as wix.
The landing page must include the content for the following topics/sections:
About the project
Overview of the project team
Project milestones
Pages (visible in the website menu but inactive) must include:
About (subpages: The Project; The Team)
Project Progress
Contact the team
Please note that you will have to submit a screenshot of the landing page as evidence that the
team developed the webpage.
Identify training needs for each team member based on a gap analysis.
Skills and knowledge needed
to support project success and
the development of the
project website
(8-10 key skills and
Time management
Cost Analysis
Skills and knowledge gaps
(Training needs)
Understand how to better manage your
To accomplish accurate forecasting, you
must first understand why cost analysis is
vital and how to conduct it properly.
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Skills and knowledge needed
to support project success and
the development of the
project website
(8-10 key skills and
Real estate market knowledge
Skills and knowledge gaps
(Training needs)
Learn how to prepare legal documents for
a property lease.
I'd like to learn more about the various
laws and procedures that must be followed
Building and construction governance in order to obtain building construction
C) Document your team goals (3 goals with 1 KPI each), values (4-6) and agreed behaviours (5-8) as
discussed in Meeting 1 (Task 2.2).
Team goals with
Team values
All business needs are met after the
project is completed.
Follow the progress of the
Weekly project statistics with percentage
progress for each assignment are
delivered to all team members.
Boost the effectiveness of
Distribute workloads throughout the
your team
team and monitor progress against the
project's goals.
• We are a team, and we work better together.
• We push ourselves to be the best we can be.
• With each project, we seek to improve and learn.
• We are enthusiastic about what we do.
• Attendance at team meetings on time.
• Keeping the team informed about the tasks' progress.
Complete the project.
D) Document roles and responsibilities with associated KPIs for each team member (3 KPIs/each
team member) as discussed and agreed in Meeting 1 (Task 2.2)
Role and responsibilities
Create a work breakdown. Structure
and communicate allocated roles and
duties with the team.
Prepare the project's budget and
debate it with the rest of the team.
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The WBS must be filled. To keep track
of progress, a weekly meeting with the
team should be scheduled.
The expense strategy for the budget is
within control. Weekly progress
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Role and responsibilities
Identify real estate prospects and
maintain direct touch with all project
service providers.
The new campus has received building
and council clearances.
reports are sent to the project
sponsor. Keep track of any budget
changes or updates.
Stages of the project are finished on
time and on budget.
All council and building association
approvals are obtained ahead of time.
Task 2.3 Support Team Effectiveness
A. With your team, develop an action plan (Template 2) to establish and develop the team for
project success.
The plan must include all the following:
Resources required to implement the plan
Key Performance Indicators
Risk plans
Action plan for implementation
The plan may address, for example:
Team building activities
Initiatives for cross-functionality
Enhancing communication with the sponsoring organisation
Sustainability initiatives
Work-life balance
Emotional and cultural intelligence
Template 2 -Action Plan to establish and develop the team for project success
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Write the introduction to the action plan, including background information about the organisation and
an overview of the project.
(50-100 words)
In Sydney, MMI is establishing a new campus. Our goal is to create an effective strategic plan that ensures our
sponsors' objectives are realised. We need to make sure that we get the right furniture for the campus and
that the business needs are addressed according to the stakeholders' expectations. All functional and nonfunctional requirements must be met, and the project must be completed within the agreed-upon timescales.
Determine the resource requirements to implement the action plan to establish and develop the team
for project success .
Required Resources
Human resources
Physical resources and
Employees must adhere to the company's quality requirements. Shared
activities, roles, and responsibilities
Campus, buildings, transportation, storage, machineries, and equipment are
all included.
Overall budget
Capital and cash flow of shareholders.
Develop at least three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of the action.
(3 KPIs)
All team members receive weekly project data with percentage progress for
each assignment.
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Distribute work amongst the team and track progress against the project's
After the project is completed, all business requirements are met.
Identify two risks to the implementation of the action plan and develop a risk treatment plan for
each risk. Use the tables provided below.
Risks must include:
One risk due to employee underperformance.
One risk due to a breach of health and safety compliance responsibilities.
Risk Treatment Plan 1
Risk identified: Employee Underperformance
Risk Treatment strategy
By when
By whom
Need to conduct cross training sessions to do knowledge transfer.
Project Lead
Need to arrange a weekly status meeting to monitor the progress of 17/05/2021
the work assigned to the employee.
Project Manager
Risk Treatment Plan 2
Risk identified: Employee Sickness
Risk Treatment strategy
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By when
By whom
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Risk Treatment Plan 2
Ensure that work location is secure and safe to work in.
Determine the actions for the implementation of the action plan. Use the template provided below to
complete your answers.
In your plan include:
Three objectives
Two performance measures for each objective
Two tasks relevant to each objective
Action Plan
1 Employee
Performance measures
● Work
that has been
completed and the
number of hours that
have been worked
● Monitor
performance on a
monthly basis.
● Examine and sign timesheets.
2 Increase
● Control the output of the
● Encourage good work ethics,
knowledge gap sessions.
and identify and schedule
meetings to fill knowledge gaps.
3 Budgeting
● Purchased
item costs
should be kept under
control, not exceeded.
● Check with the supplier to
confirm the price.
● Keeping the budget table up to
date on a regular basis.
B. Develop strategies to ensure team members have input into planning, decision making and
operational aspects of the work team. Develop at least three strategies and document them in the
table below. (50 – 100 words per strategy)
Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning
Strategy 1
Collegiality and cooperation within the team
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Strategies to ensure team members have input into planning
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Working in accordance with company policies and procedures, as well as
effective team communication.
How to Deal with Workplace Issues
C. Develop policies and procedures to ensure team members take responsibility for their own work
and assist others to undertake required roles and responsibilities. Develop one high-level policy
and two procedures and write them in the table below.
(100-150 words in total)
Policies and Procedures
Procedure 1
Procedure 2
Follow all applicable laws, rules, codes of conduct, and procedures.
Use the sources to find legislative and regulatory instruments.
From the organisational code of conduct, you can access the code of conduct.
D. Develop processes to ensure that issues, concerns and problems identified by team members are
recognised and addressed. Develop at least two processes and write them in the table below.
(100 words in total)
Process 1
Create a reliable communication system. Meetings should be held on a
regular basis to define roles and responsibilities.
Process 2
Continually clarify policies and processes. Determine and offer the resources
required for project completion.
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E. Provide evidence (3) of the team building activity. Evidence may include pictures/video of the
team undertaking the team building activity, or feedback from the team on the outcome of the
Copy and paste the evidence in the space provided below:
We conducted a Zoom talk about how to manage our workflow, taking into account each team member's
strengths and how to assign tasks based on those strengths. Our philosophy is to always discuss with the
rest of the team before making individual judgments that may be hastened in the case of issues or concerts
by any one team member.
F. Provide a screenshot of the completed project website (home/landing page only for the purpose of
this assessment):
Task 2.4 Evaluation of teamwork
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Reflect on your work with the team, and document how you performed each of the
requirements specified in the table provided below (40-80 words/item), give a specific example for
each requirement:
How did you provide
feedback to team
members to encourage,
value and reward
individual and team
efforts and
How did you encourage
team members and
individuals to
participate in and to
take responsibility for
team activities,
Be specific, keep it private, and concentrate on the performance of your
employees and team members rather than their personalities. Weekly catchups were held to provide feedback, and regular brainstorming sessions were
held to encourage the team to come up with new ideas.
By asking for their feedback and suggestions on how to improve things. Ask
inquiries, pay attention to their responses, and, if possible, put their
suggestions into action. Employees that are happy are energetic and positive
members of the team, and their positive attitude rubs off on others.
How did you support
the team in identifying
and resolving work
To resolve the performance issue, you must first identify the source of the
issue. Providing assistance to the team on a variety of difficulties creates a
relaxing atmosphere and aids in the speedy resolution of problems.
How did you ensure
your contribution to
work team serves as a
role model for others
and enhances the
organisation’s image
for all stakeholders?
Be diplomatic, forthright, considerate, and respectful.
The Project Sponsor (played by your trainer) will observe team meetings and evaluate team’s
performance to ensure that each team member is meeting the above requirements.
Task 2.5 Consultation with the Project Sponsor
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This task is a Role-Play that requires you to:
Meet with the Project Sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor in a simulated work
environment) to discuss team performance issues and teamwork.
Follow these steps:
Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor (facilitator) to meet in week 5 of class.
The meeting will be a role-play in which your trainer will play the part of the Project Sponsor,
and you will consult with them about team performance
This is an assessable task, and the trainer and assessor will observe and evaluate your
performance during the meeting.
Duration of the meeting: 10-15 minutes.
If you are absent from class, liaise with your trainer to make alternative arrangements.
Discuss your solutions to improve team performance and achieve team goals. During your
Discuss the issues, concerns or problems regarding work performed in Task 2.1-2.3.
Suggest formal and informal learning opportunities to support the team and individual
team members
Note suggestions from the Project Sponsor (the assessor) to implement with team/individual
team members.
Note any information provided by the Project Sponsor to be given to team members.
Summarise the content of the meeting (100-150 words) in the space provided below:
Meeting Summary
During the team meeting, we agreed on team ideals as well
Issues, concerns or problems regarding
as teamwork behaviours.
work performed in Task 2.1-2.3.
We are quite proud of our team's cohesion and believe that
Recommended formal and informal
learning opportunities to support the team we work better together. Our team values are to push
ourselves to achieve greatness, to learn and grow with each
and individual team members
project, and to be passionate about what we do.
We decided on basic team behaviours in order to achieve
Advice from Project Sponsor
those team values. These are our team's rules of conduct.
Because we value each team member's time, punctuality is
one of our core beliefs.
We encourage team communication, so we have a team
Communication to team members (from
value of sharing and informing team members on our
Project Sponsor)
individual work so that everyone is up to date.
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Task 2.6 Meeting and report regarding performance issues
After your consultation with the Project Sponsor, meet with your team to resolve performance issues
as discussed with the Project Sponsor, and to communicate information from management to your
The trainer and assessor will validate that the meeting took place in Marking Sheet.
Write an email to the Project Sponsor (Template 3) about the resolution of team performance issues:
Describe how you maintained an open communication process between stakeholders (the
Project Sponsor, team).
Explain the solutions that were implemented regarding the issues, concerns or problems
discussed with the Project Sponsor and further discussed in your team meeting.
Report back to the Project Sponsor about any further issues or problems that have arisen or
any problems that remain unresolved.
The email text should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, businesslike) style.
(80-150 words)
Template 3 -Email
Email to Project Sponsor
To: Taylor Varin
Cc: Mr Leonard Black
Bcc: Mr Eli Brown
Subject:Resolution of team performance
Date email is sent: 20/05/21
Hi Taylor Varin,
Greetings for the day. I hope you are doing well.
I am writing this email in regards to dissucing about the resolution of team performance.
We were able to keep an open communication line during the meetings.
From the top down, we used a transparent information structure. The team leader would suggest meeting
times to the stakeholders, and they would all agree on a day and time for the meeting. The work from the
previous meeting was followed up on to ensure that we can maintain track of each team member's
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development. We also assisted team members by offering assistance when they encountered roadblocks
in any duties, which hampered the project's development.
At this point, the project has been satisfactorily handed to the project sponsor after the website
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