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Session 1 Project Option

Linkage between
Chapters in Case study
Theme ;Objectives ; significance;
Chapter framework
In Ch 1
Literature review
Ch 2 to support framework;
minimum 12 Journal papers
Theoretical background
and study framework
to relate the case supported by
chapter 2 :
Data collection/Interview guide
Discussions on the findings;
link with chapter 2 literature
Case narrative :
(a) Timeline
(b) Narration linking to data and drivers
Ch 4
Conclusions ;
Case study questions
Linkage between
Chapters in Field Project
Project significance; methodology
Chapter framework
In Ch 1
Problem Description
& analysis
Ch 2
Theoretical background
and study framework
to solve the problem
Ch 3.minmum 12 Journal papers
Project : the solution to the problem
Project components:
(a) (ii) to (iiiv) project components
(c) solution development under each component
and link to study framework
(c) Budget : link to solutions ( actions/activities)
and resource allocation
(d) Projected outputs and outcomes
and link to budget and cost benefit
Ch 4
Discussions on the solutions; link with chapter 3 literature
( mainly focus on implementation)
Give 5W1 H for implementation under recommendations)
Ch 5
Linkage between
Chapters in Management
Skill Project
Project significance; methodology
Chapter framework
In Ch 1
Problem Description
and analysis
Ch 2
Theoretical background
and study framework
to solve the problem
Ch 3.minmum 12 Journal papers
Project Implementation
Ch 5
Project : project objectives
Project componeants
the solution to the problem
( Budget : link to solutions ( actions/activities)
and resource allocation
Projected outputs and outcomes
and link to budget and cost benefit
Ch 4
Outputs and outcome
Benefit Cost Analysis
Management of the project
Give 5W1 H for implementation
under recommendations)
Ch 6