Galang, Renal T. SBAC2B * In what direction did the animals move? The directions where the animals move are from left and right. - * Did they change speed or direction? - Yes, they change the direction and speed from left to right going to north in the middle. Was the soil moist or dry? - The soil is moist because it has foot prints. In what type of rock were the prints made? - The type of rock is sedimentary rocks What is the size and nature of the organisms? - The size of the organism is small and the nature is animal that has two feet. Were the tracks made at the same time? - Yes, the tracks were made at the same time. How many animals were involved? - There are two animals that involved. Can you reconstruct the events that occurred? - There are two animals that has two feet and they are from different directions which are left and right and also they’re moving diagonal to north. The following summer some more digging revealed more of the track. What additional information have you gained that allows you to refine your answers? - The track of the animals are from different direction and moving to the same place at the middle north where they interact at each other. Were the tracks made at the same time? - Yes, the tracks were made at the same time How many animals were involved? - There were two animals that involved. Can you reconstruct the events that occurred? - They move from different directions and the move diagonally to north in the middle and eventually they met at the same directions. In what direction did the animals move? - They started from left and right then move diagonally to the north. Did they change speed or direction? - Yes, they change speed and direction from left to right they move to the center to north (diagonally) and they stop in the middle when they interact. In the final summer of the excavation one last part of the footprint trail was uncovered. Does this section provide additional information to refine your hypothesis? - Yes, it provides additional information to my hypothesis. From the footprint trail I conclude that the other footprint of the animal has gone only one footprint remain and it is going to the right side diagonally. I conclude that the other animal was eaten by the other animal. So what can you infer happened? - One animal has died because it was eaten by the other animal. What did you base your hypothesis on? - I based on the footprint of the animal on where they are going and what footprint remains.