Uploaded by Jason Toñacao

Research Proposal: Gender in Ads, Healthcare, Emergency Powers

Jason A. Toñacao
“Changes in Portrayal of Men and Women in Commercial Adventures in the Last five
 This research would bring issues to light among youthful moms about the benefit of
going to classes to master and build up their abilities.
 The results of this examination will raise youthful moms' comprehension of what
cooperation means for their prosperity during medical care the board rehearses.
 If youthful moms' medical care the executives exercises are affected by their
participation at wellbeing training programs, they can do as such consistently.
 This study will be focusing to the Healthcare of the young mothers.
 This research might be assigned of the association that gives healthcare instruction
“Changes in the portrayal of men and women in commercial
 This research either substantially changes or has little impact on the representation of
men and women in advertising.
 This studies will show that improvements in men's and women's portrayals offer effective
examples of action to imitate in the commercial industries.
 Knowing how men and women have been depicted in promotional ads over the last five
years would provide a framework and inspiration for them to do their part in representing
their role.
 This topic is stated clearly; what is being studied are developments in gender portrayal
in advertising advertisements. It is also claimed that the target audience consists of both
men and women.
 Since commercial advertisers can have anything about any improvements in the portrayal
of men and women, this research issue is feasible.
“Perceptions of college students on the granting of emergency powers to the president
in times of crisis”
 The result will show how college students feel about giving the president crisis powers in
the midst of emergency, just as whether they concur it is a savvy thought.
 According to the findings of this report, the student's arrangement is vital in conceding
the president crisis powers in the midst of emergency. With these, the president can
work effectively and help his kin in the midst of emergency.
 There will be no issue if students concur that allowing the president crisis powers in the
midst of emergency is a keen thought. Therefore, the public authority will actually want
to react to the emergency quickly and productively.
 The study would obviously focus on college students' view of the president's crisis
powers being given in the midst of emergency.
 This research topic would be incredibly useful to the country if the understudies imparted
their insight on conceding the president crisis powers in the midst of emergency.
Anthony Abaidoo (Author), 2018, Factors contributing to academic performance of students in a Junior
High School, Munich, GRIN Verlag,
Objective: To determine the factors that would help a student to improve school performance
H1: The learning method would have gigantically affect the school performance of the
H2: The dedication to an academic goal would give a big impact on the school
H3: The insufficiency of a student would directly affect its academic performance.
Research Methods:
An online survey was made to assemble information from understudies who exited an
online program to more readily clarify these causes. The calculated relapse examination was
utilized to analyze various factors between the individuals who remained in the program and the
individuals who exited.
Major Findings:
In the wake of dissecting the information and cautiously assessing the measurements, the
investigation shows that people's social qualities influence their learning style. Detachment,
disconnectedness, and specialized issues would all be able to influence an understudy's choice
to drop a course.
E-learning in the world turned into a central procedure of learning. It allows individuals to refresh
their insight, build up a comprehension of new things happening abroad, and become more
serious. There is still little appreciation of how it functions, the degree of trouble. The online course
climate's quality help is determinant to limit trouble that understudies confront and assess the
course quality..
Research Problem
Housing loans are granted to PAG-IBIG members at very low interest rates to help them build
and own their own homes. The loan is expected to be paid on a monthly basis within a certain
period of time. Despite the liberal repayment scheme, repayment rate has been constantly low.
Records show a delinquency rate of about 30%. Arrear average at Php80, 000 and many
properties has been foreclosed as documented by notices of foreclosure. PAG-IBIG member’s
failure to pay their obligations has been attributed to many factors, like lack of awareness
among borrowers of consequences of non-payment, a negative attitude towards government
loans, or shortage of cash because of other financial needs and others. Two local studies on
loan payment behaviors of credit cooperative members showed that social and economic
factors influence repayment.
What is the source of the low interest rates of Housing loans that are granted to PAGIBIG members?
Given the upsides of PAG-IBIG lodging advances, the installment rate was constantly
low. As per records, the wrongdoing rate is underneath 30%. The powerlessness of
PAG-IBIG individuals to pay their obligations has been related with an assortment of
PAG-IBIG members are required to assemble and purchase their own homes as a result
of the advantages of lodging credits offered to them.
Because of the reasons that add to it, the pace of wrongdoing will keep on developing.
Moreover, an absence of comprehension and discernments about credit reimbursement,
just as an absence of information on lodging advances, all fundamentally affected the
reimbursement rate.
The reimbursement rate was driven by an absence of schooling and perspectives about
advance reimbursement, just as an absence of comprehension of lodging advances.
Besides, two nearby overviews of advance reimbursement designs by credit agreeable
individuals uncovered that social and monetary conditions affect reimbursement.
Is the method utilized by PAG-IBIG to urge banks to reimburse their advances on time