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After Effects Animation Kit Script Installation Guide

Applying Presets
- Interface
- Pack presets
- Choose a preset
- Types animation
- Remove preset
- Control markers
How install?
Copy all files from folder - Animation Kit – Script, and paste in folder Scripts/ScriptUI inside After
for Windows:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects [VERSION]\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
for Mac:
/Applications/After Effects [VERSION]/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels
First start
Start script. Click tab Window -> Animation Kit.jsxbin
For quick later use. Put script in UI panel.
Important: Preview in script can used ~25Mb RAM (once the after loading script). Do not close
first window a script - GUI (else the when you again loading script - RAM again will be used).
Just put script panel anywhere, and when will be need - just click START and use!
Applying Presets
Click START in first window to open control window:
After click will be opened control window:
Preview a chosen presets
Choose pack preset for use
Count presets in current pack
Choose preset - Begin animation [IN]
Number current preset - Begin
animation [IN]
6) On/Off - Begin animation [IN]
7) Choose preset - Completion animation
8) Number current preset - Completion
animation [OUT]
9) On/Off - Completion animation [OUT]
10) Apply preset on selected text layer
11) Close script window
Pack presets
In start you should choose pack preset (automated if installed pack only one):
Additional packages with presets will be released separately, you can use them all.
Installing new packs: To install the new pack with presets, add it in the folder with the script and
reload a script.
When only one pack
When more than one pack
Choose a preset
Now you can choose a preset for IN/OUT animation.
Use slider/or enter number of preset, and look at animation preset via Preview window.
Exactly so same for OUT animation.
You also choose type of animation which will be used - IN, OUT, or both.
Detail about IN/OUT animation in chapter: Types animation.
After all changes and chosen presets, select text layer and click APPLY PRESET.
On selected earlier text layer will be the applied presets and markers control a duration.
Detail about markers in chapter: Control markers.
Types animation
Exist two main types of animation – IN (begin animation) and OUT (completion animation).
You can on/off - IN/OUT animation, just click on checkbox IN/OUT.
If IN, OUT or both active - will be added control markers of duration.
IN: Duration animation with beginning layer to marker [IN].
OUT: Duration animation with of marker [OUT] to end of layer.
Detail about markers in chapter: Control markers.
Remove preset
To delete all the presets [IN, OUT, or both] - just uncheck boxes with IN and OUT and click APPLY
Current presets and markers will be removed.
Control markers
When applied a presets will be added markers for control a duration animation.
When you change position the markers you control a duration animation [IN/OUT]
Detail about IN/OUT animation in chapter: Types animation.
If you found errors in the script "Animation Kit" please report about it.
VideoHive profile for feedback: http://videohive.net/user/aniom
E-mail for feedback: aftertarget@gmail.com
Support 24/7
With regards, Aniom.