Uploaded by Antor Das Antu

Loan Management Internship Report: Sonali Bank

Internship Report
“Loan and Advance Management System of Sonali Bank Limited”
(Bhorashar Bazar Branch, Cumilla)
Supervised By:
Dr. Mohammed Belal Uddin ACMA
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Comilla University, Cumilla-3506
Submitted By:
Antor Das Antu
BBA 10th Batch
Session: 2015-16
Examination Roll: 11606008
Registration No: 11606008
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Comilla University, Cumilla-3506
Date of Submission: 27th September, 2020
Letter of Transmittal
Date: 27.09.2020
Dr. Mohammed Belal Uddin ACMA
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Comilla University, Cumilla 3506.
Subject: Submission of Internship Report.
I am very much delighted that I am submitting my internship report on “Loan and Advance
Management System of Sonali Bank Limited” with your kind supervision and continuous
guideline throughout the period. I have collected as much information as I could able to collect
from SBL and other sources. This 3 months’ work in Sonali Bank Limited will be a valuable
experience for my entire career. I shall be highly grateful and elevated if you kindly accept my
work and evaluate it with your wise judgment. I believe that this internship program has enriched
both my knowledge and experience. If you have further queries regarding this report, please let me
I pray and hope that you would be kind enough to accept my internship report and oblige
Sincerely Yours,
(Antor Das Antu)
Roll No: 11606008
Registration No: 11606008
Session: 2015-2016
BBA 10th BatchDepartment of Accounting & Information Systems (AIS)
Comilla University, Cumilla-3506
First, I would like to express my gratitude to omnipotent & omniscient God to give me the strength
to complete the assignment within the stipulated time.
I am deeply indebted to my honorable teacher & internship supervisor Dr. Mohammed Belal
Uddin ACMA, Professor of Accounting & Information Systems Department for his wholehearted supervision during the period. His suggestions and comments were really great source of
spirit to make my report a good one.
This is high time to convey my heartfelt thanks to them who have helped me to make this report
in an effective and proper way. To prepare this report I have collected much information and
communicated with some talented employees of Sonali Bank Limited. I also would like to
specially thank to S. M. Sajjad Ali Khan (Manager) at Bhorashar Bazar Branch, Cumilla of Sonali
Bank Limited. Without his direction and suggestion, it would be difficult for me to prepare this
report. Then I would like to thank all other officers who gave me their valuable time within their
busy working hour and help me to make my report resourceful providing necessary information.
I am very grateful to these people who have always provided me with information and cooperated
with me to make this report successful.
Declaration Letter
I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this report entitled “Loan and Advance
Management System of Sonali Bank Limited” has been carried out by me and has not been
previously submitted to any other University for academic qualification degree.
The work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright and no portion of this report is
copied from any other work done earlier for a degree or otherwise.
I further undertake to indemnity the department against any loss or damage arising from breach
of foregoing obligations.
Yours sincerely,
(Antor Das Antu)
Roll No: 11606008
Registration No: 11606008
Session: 2015-2016
BBA 10th Batch
Department of Accounting & Information Systems (AIS)
Comilla University, Cumilla-3506.
Internship Letter
Acceptance Letter
This is to certify that the report presented here has been prepared by Antor Das Antu, Roll No:
11606008 Registration No: 11606008, Department of Accounting & Information Systems,
Comilla University, a candidate for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA),
Comilla University.
I also certify that under my supervision and guidance this report has been prepared. In preparing
this report he spared much time and effort. The report is approved and accepted in terms of quality
and norms.
I wish him every success in life.
Dr. Mohammed Belal Uddin (ACMA)
Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Comilla University, Cumilla-3506
Executive Summary
In order to provide a student with job exposure and an opportunity of the transition of theoretical
knowledge into real life experience, an internship is a must.
The main objective of this study is to gain practical knowledge and to reveal the conditions of
foreign exchange department of Sonali Bank Limited. This report is prepared with several
information and practical work experience. Documents & information is collected and organized
in a scheduled method for better understanding and fair presentation. Basically, this report has
been developed on the basis of primary data as well as secondary data. The sources of information
are direct survey to the customers, annual report of the bank. My experience also helps me to
prepare this report. I made a questionnaire on the basis of customer desired in case of management
of loans and advances. Then I collect primary data from the customers of this branch. Their
valuable response helps me to do this study effectively. The collected data has been analyzed by
using MS-word, MS-Excel Software or any required computer program used to process the data.
After analyzing data, I reveal the customer desired in case of management of loans and advances
of Sonali Bank Limited, Varashar Bazar Branch, Cumilla. This study will be very helpful for
government banking system. It will provide the result of efficiency at loans and advances
department and recommend what will be necessary for increasing the efficiency of this department.
This report contains total six chapters. First chapter deals with introduction, objective, scope,
methodology and limitation of the study. Second chapter exposes the organization profile. Third
chapter exposes about the theoretical framework. Fourth chapter contains Loan and Advance
Management System of SBL. Fifth chapter correlates Analysis and Findings of SBL. Finally,
Sixth chapter covers Discussions, recommendations and conclusions.
The report is an internship program with Sonali Bank Limited, Bhoarashar Bazar Branch,Cumilla.
I acknowledged different banking functions and day-to-day banking operations on my way to
complete internship. In this paper I have explained my best in respect of my real-life experience
gathered from loan and advance department.