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Exercise Game for Kids: Locomotor & Yoga Skills

Exercise Game
Set -up
1. Print and laminate cards.
2. Optional: punch holes and assemble on a ring.
3. Grab any props you may need, including a ball, yoga mat, bat and pull up bar.
Let’s Play
Each player takes turns. On your turn you pick a card and roll the dice. Then
everyone performs that exercise the number of times on the dice (i.e. Gallop in a
circle three times) or for that many seconds (i.e. Tree Pose for 5 seconds).
8 Basic Locomotor Skills for Kindergarten
1. Walk (forwards and backwards): One foot should always be on the ground,
walking from heel to toe. For backwards, students should turn to look where they
are going.
2. Run: Both feet are in the air at the same time and alternate moving forward.
3. Skip: Motion should alternate from the left side to the right side.
4. Gallop: Alternate which foot is in front. The front foot takes a large step while the
back foot stays in place. Then the back foot takes a step forward, but always stays
behind the front foot.
5. Hop: Alternate hopping on one foot at a time. Opposite foot should be bent at the
knee and be behind the student.
6. Jump: Jump with both feet together and use knees to absorb any shock.
7. Slide: Move side to side while leaning with your shoulder.
8. Leap: Use a small object to leap over. Leave the ground off of one foot and land on
the opposite foot. (Movement should be like over a hurdle in a race).
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16 Basic Non- Locomotor Skills
1. Bend: Lean forward at the waist, keep knees soft, reach for your toes.
2. Stretch: Stretch any part of your body such as arms or legs.
3. Flex: Bring both arms up and flex your arm muscles.
4. Extend: Bring your arms up wide and stretch them as far as you can.
5. Lift: Squat and pick up a ball or light weight and lift it over your head.
6. Raise: Lift your arms up above your head and see how high you can reach.
7. Twist: Rotate your body from side to side from your hips.
8. Turn: Slowly turn around in a circle.
9. Rotate: Spread your arms out wide and rotate your arms in a circle.
10. Swing: Swing your arms back and forth in front of you (flossing).
11. Sway: Rock from side to side.
12. Dodge: With a partner, take turns throwing and dodging a ball.
13. Shake: Shake your whole body from your head to your toes.
14. Wiggle: Make your whole body wiggle including fingers and toes.
15. Pull: Pull up (or hang) on a bar.
16. Push up: Start in a plank on the ground, lower yourself to the ground and push
up on your arms back to plank.
Basic Manipulative Movements - With a Ball
1. Throw: With a partner, take turns throwing and catching a ball.
2. Kick: With your leg, kick a ball.
3. Hit: Use a baseball bat or golf club to hit a ball.
4. Roll: With two hands roll a ball on the ground.
5. Bounce: With two hands bounce a ball on the ground.
6. Catch: With a partner, take turns catching and throwing a ball.
7. Volley: Throw a ball up in the air and hit it before it hits the ground.
8. Dribble: bounce the ball on the floor continuously with one hand.
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Basic Manipulative Movements - With a Ball
1. Squat: With your legs shoulder width apart, send your hips back. Lower your hips
down to the ground and then stand back up.
2. Lunge: Step forward with one leg and lower down so the front knee is bent and
the back leg is extended. Lower down, then raise up. Repeat on the other side.
3. Jumping Jack: Jump up and spread your feet beyond hip-width apart while
bringing your arms above your head, nearly touching or clapping. Jump again,
lowering your arms and bringing your legs together. Return to your starting position.
4. Plank: Lie facedown with elbows bent and under shoulders; palms flat on the
floor. Place feet and elbows hip-width apart. Tuck your toes and lift your body
(forearms remain on the ground; press the floor away from you with forearms). You
should form straight line from shoulders to heels.
5. Back Bridge: Start on your back with your arms by your side. Your knees should be
bent, and your feet should be flat on the floor. Slowly raise your hips off the floor,
6. Crunch: Lie down on your back. Plant your feet on the floor, hip-width apart. Bend
your knees and place your arms across your chest. Contract your abs and lift your
upper body, then return to the starting position.
7. Bicycle Kicks: Extend your legs into the air, like you are pedaling a bicycle
8. Sit Up: Lie on the floor facing the ceiling with a slight bend in your knees and
arms bent at the elbows. Engage your core and lift your upper body so your right
elbow touches your left knee. Return to the start position then lift your upper body
so your left elbow touches your right knee. Return to the start position.
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Basic Yoga Poses
1. Downward Dog: Tuck your toes under, and on an exhalation, engage your lower
belly drawing the navel back to the spine. Press through your hands and lift your
hips back and up.
2. Cat/Cow: Start on your hands and knees in a “tabletop position”. As you exhale,
round your spine toward the ceiling. As you inhale, lift your sitting bones and chest
toward the ceiling, allowing your belly to sink toward the floor. Lift your head to look
straight forward. Exhale, coming back to neutral “tabletop” position on your hands
and knees.
3. Forward Fold: Stand tall and roll your shoulders back. Inhale and let your arms
hang loose. As you exhale, bend forward and bend your knees enough to bring your
palms flat to the floor and your head pressed against your knees. Feel your spine
stretching as you pull your head down.
4. Upward Facing Dog: Lie on your stomach, with your hands next to the ribs, elbows
tucked into your sides. Press the tops of your feet into the floor and engage the
thighs and knees. On an inhalation press into your hands and feet, straighten your
arms and lift your chest and legs off the floor.
5. Frog Pose: Start in a wide squat and place your arms in the insides of your legs.
6. Warrior One: Start in a high lunge pose, make sure the right knee is directly over
the right ankle. Bring the hands to the hips and then inhale the arms over the head
in a H position.
7. Tree Pose: Stand on one leg and bend your right knee and place your right foot on
the inside of your left leg either above or below your knee joint. YPress your foot
against your inner thigh, and your inner thigh back into your foot. Bring your hands
in front of your heart.
8. Warrior Two: Stand in a wide position with your feet parallel. Extend your arms
straight out from your sides.Turn your left foot out 90 degrees, then bend your knee
into a lunge. Be sure to keep your knee above your ankle and pointing over your
toes. Turn your head to the left and look over your fingers.
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back and forth
in a figure 8
in a circle
up and down
as far as you can
to the left, to the right
over an object
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Basic Locomotor Skills
and touch your toes
your body
your muscles
your arms wide
a ball or weight
your arms up high
from side to side
around in a circle
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Basic Non-Locomotor Skills
your arms in a circle
your arms
back and forth
from side to side
a ball
your whole body
all over
up or hang on a bar
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Basic Non-Locomotor Skills
a ball
a ball
a ball with
a bat or club
a ball
a ball
a ball
a ball
a ball with one hand
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Basic Manipulative Movements
down and stand up
on the left and right
on all fours
your abs
touch elbows to knees
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Basic Body Weight Exercises
facing dog
one: arms up
two: arms out
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Yoga Poses
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