Uploaded by Rahul Choudhary

Mars Innovation Launchpad: Phase-1 Submission

The Mars Innovation
Phase -1 Submission
Team Members
1) Nidhi Matlani (H21151)
2) Sunny Gupta (BJ21116)
3) Rahul Choudhary (BJ21102)
Situational Analysis
• Customer
✓ Generally, target audience of this sector do impulse purchases after a particular confectionary item
grab the person’s attention or else they see someone eating that particular product.
✓ Both grown-ups and kids buy chocolates irrespective of their economic situation and chocolates
are considered as alternatives to rewards creating a value in front of kids and in some cases adults
• Competition
✓ Extremely high competition in this industry from brands like Nestle, Cadbury etc.
✓ It is not only the cost which matters, but quality and innovation is also one of the factor which plays
a major role in securing a market share.
Niche Market-Suggestions
✓Since most of the youths are moving away from sugary chocolates, natural way of adding
sugars could be explored to capture the new generation which is fitness oriented.
✓Mars can look into new flavour combinations such as mixing exotic fruit flavour with dar
✓Healthy bars like one enriched with why protein could be another sector where mars
could focus on and come with extremely protein rich bars to capture age-group indulged
into fitness.
✓Mars can collaborate with e-commerce websites to show their products as
recommendations according to the type of other products in cart or else provide
chocolates instead of discounts.